Chapter 46

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Siddharth was now always cautious around Anu.

He didn't go to the office also from 3 days as he didn't want to leave her from his sight even for a minute also.

He knows he had to leave her here for one week and go to Germany, but he is hesitant now seeing her behavior.

He saw her how anxious she is nowadays especially regarding his matters. He saw fear in her eyes for the first time. Although her health was not good, she always stayed brave and faced the situation.

But now she is always scared and cautious. He felt a stab in his heart every time he saw fear in her eyes. He wants to do anything that can take fear and pain away from her and that's why he is going to Germany for her even if he had to stay away from her.

But the most dreadful thing is to tell her that he will be away from her for a while. He doesn't know how will she react but he has to make her understand.

He looked at her whose grin didn't falter even for a second also. Him not going to the office and spending that time with her made her extremely happy.

That's what he wants.....her to be happy.

She should not stress in her condition. But he fears that she will start stressing when he will have to go to Germany.

" Siddharth?"

Her voice brought him out of his thoughts.

" What are you thinking?" She asked him.

" Nothing.....just some office matters." He said.

" Do you need to go to the office?" Her face fell.

" No! I said na I am not going to office today also." He said smiling at her and she grinned widely at him.

" Come, lunch is ready." She said excited.

" Why are you so happy?" He asked her raising his brows.

" I don't know, I am just happy." She said shrugging.

" Yeah just happy, that's why you made so many dishes." Her mom said coming to the dining table.

She stayed silent.

" You made them?" He asked surprised and she nodded her head in yes.

" They are looking good, I hope they taste good too." He mumbled opening the lid of each and every dish.

Anu glared at him while her mother chuckled at them.

" Hey! I can cook you know. I did so much of hard work and cooked all these dishes for you and you are making fun of me." She pouted.

" You made all this for me?" He asked.

She just stared at him.

" I mean I made these for all of you." She said looking down and he sighed.

" Arey Waah! So many dishes? What is  special today?" Her dad asked sitting on the dining table beside Siddharth.

" The special is that your daughter cooked all these delicious dishes today." Her mom said proudly making Anu smile.

" Really? You know Siddharth beta, Anu cooks very nicely." Her dad said and started eating.

Siddharth stared at Anu who blushed looking down and served food for her and her mom also.

"'s yummy." Siddharth moaned licking his fingers.

Anu grinned and served him more. They all enjoyed their food happily while talking and laughing.

Siddharth wished that time would stop here as they all looked like a happy family. He looked at her who is laughing loudly with her father.

He wished he could see her happy like this forever.


" You should tell her."

He heard and turned around to see Anu's mother.

" I know..... I just don't know how." He sighed.

" I am not only talking about Germany Siddharth, I am also talking about that you should tell her the truth why you are here." She said with a distant look on her face.

" No! I can't, she will push me away." Siddharth said quickly.

" No she won't, she will not let you go because she herself is unable to stay without you." She said.

" But....."

" It's better you tell her the truth. If she finds out by herself, she will be broken." She said looking at him.

Siddharth gulped.

He doesn't know how many tests life will take from him. It's already very hard for him to undergo all this and now if he says truth to her.....he doesn't even know how she will react.

He doesn't want to stress her by telling the truth as it will only worsen her condition.

For now he decides not to tell her anything. He will think about it after coming from Germany.


Next day morning, he went downstairs after getting ready.

He saw Anu outside watering the plants.

" Anu?"

She turned towards him and frowned.

" Are you going anywhere?" She asked him.

" Yeah and you are also coming with me." He said.

" Where?" She asked.

" Some where..... Go and get ready." He said and walked inside.

She sighed and followed him inside.

She got ready and came out of her room to see Siddharth talking on the phone and her mother looking at him anxiously.

" Ma?"

Her mom looked at her and smiled.

" Go, he was waiting for you only." She said to Anu.

Siddharth turned and looked at her.

" Come." He said and went outside.

They both sat in the car and Siddharth started driving the car.

He was driving aimlessly thinking about how to tell her while she frowned at him.

" Siddharth, where are we going?" She asked him annoyed.

" I don't know, I just wanted to take you out." He said looking ahead.

She looked at him stunned.

" Why?" She asked.

" Just wanted to talk to you." He said.

She looked away.

" Suggest some place." He said while driving.

She shook her head at him and looked outside the window.

" Siddharth stop!" She said loudly making him stop the car abruptly.

" What?" He asked her wide eyed.

"  We will go there." She pointed a place to him.

" To temple? " He frowned.

" Yes." She said and got down the car without giving him a chance to deny.

" You wait here, I will go and park the car." He said and she smiled widely at him.

She nodded and he went to park his car.

After he came, they went to buy the incredients like coconut and flowers to offer them for God.

They went into the temple and prayed to the God. While Anu was praying closing her eyes, Siddharth just stood there staring at her.

He looked at the God and her. He joined his hands and pleaded God to save Anu. Tears formed in his eyes while praying but he wiped them away quickly before Anu notices.

Pandit ji came and gave some flowers and prasadam to them. He blessed them to be together forever with good health and happiness thinking them as a couple.

Siddharth smiled wishing for the same while Anu stayed quiet.

She took him to other side of the temple which was peaceful and calm.

" Now talk." She said.

Siddharth looked at her and sighed.

" I need to go to Germany." He said directly looking into her eyes.

Her face paled instantly and he saw fear in her eyes.

" Why?" She asked in a whisper.

" Office work..... I have to finalize a deal there." He said cautiously.

" For how many days?" She asked him.

" Maybe for one week." He said.

She went quiet and looked down thinking deeply making Siddharth scare.

Anu is sad.

She didn't know how much time is left for her and she wants to live every moment of her life with Siddharth.
Call her selfish or anything, she didn't want him to leave.

One Week.

Till that time I will be alive or not?

What if......

" Stop thinking."

She heard him saying and turned towards him to see him clenching his jaw.

" It's important Anu otherwise I wouldn't go." He said sighing.

" Look I promise to call you daily and talk to you." He said seriously and she looked surprised at him.

" When you should be going?" She asked.

" In 2 days." He said.

" Okay." She said sadly looking down.

He was about to say something but she cut him off.

" But I have some conditions." She said sternly.

" Conditions?" He raised his brows.

" Yes." She said helding her head high.

" And what they might be." He asked amused at her face expressions.

" You would be going in 2 days right, so you should spend these whole 2 days with me only."

" Okay, next." He bit his lip to stop himself from smiling.

" After going there, you should not call me....." She was saying and he cut her off.

" What? Anu....." He frowned at her.

" Let me continue Siddharth! " She said exasperated and he nodded.

" You should not just call me but video call me so that I will know that you are okay." She said looking into his eyes.

" Okay, I will also know that you are fine." He said smiling at her.

" You should not skip your meals and should sleep in time. I know you forget everything when you work." She said glaring at him.

" Okay Madam...... Anything else?" He asked saluting her making her chuckle.

" If I remember anything else I will ask you before you go." She said smiling at him.

" Okay I also need you to promise me that you will take care of yourself too." He said sternly.

She looked at him nodding her head and stared at his features. He is so handsome and his care for her melted her heart. She wondered how lucky she is to have him in her life.

She wished she could stay with him forever but whom she is kidding she doesn't even know that if she will be alive until he comes back.

She just want to look at him and absorb every single feature of him.

Siddharth also observed her face which has different emotions. Her eyes held fear and sadness but mostly they held love for him. He could just stare at her his whole life.


In the next two days, they both spent their time together. She is afraid to let go of him but she knows she cannot bind him forever as he owns a company for God's sake and he has to care care of his work.

She sighed sadly but she is happy at least she got enough time to spend time with him.

She looked at him who is packing his bags. Earlier, today he went to his home to bring some clothes, bags and other utilities that will be needed for him to go to Germany. He is going tommorrow and she wants to see him as much as she wants.

She stared at him. The way he talks, the way he laughs, the way he smiles, the way he walks.....everything. She is trying to grasp each and every movement of him as she is not sure if she could see him again.

Tears welled up in her eyes but she blinked back them as she didn't want to worry him as he already was worried since morning looking at her behavior.

Siddharth understood the turmoil going inside her brain. He can understand what she is thinking and he prayed to God that nothing should happen to her in his absence.

He sighed and looked at her crest fallen face.

" Anu, I will try to come back as soon as the work is over." He said holding her hands and she nodded her head.

" Now smile." He said smiling at her.

She smiled back with tears.

He took his clothes and went to take shower. She walked towards balcony and stood there staring at the night sky.

She heard some noise and went inside to see Siddharth picking the broken glass pieces.

" What happened?" She asked kneeling down beside him.

" I broke the glass." He sighed as his mind is disturbed with various thoughts.

" I will clean them.... You go and dress up. " She said shyly as he was just in his towel.

He looked at her who is blushing and  looking down. Looking at her flushed face made him want to kiss her so badly but he had to control himself.

She picked up the glass pieces and threw them in the dust bin. She turned and got bumped to Siddharth who just took his clothes out.

He held her close to him preventing her from falling. She kept her hands on his bare chest and shoulders for support.

Her smell, the softness of her body against his body, her red face, her eyes everything are making him crazy.

His flexing muscles under her hands, his smell, his hot breath, his hold on her, his desire filled eyes are creating havoc in her body.

He leaned to claim her lips and she closed her eyes in anticipation but he got reminded that he shouldn't be doing that and leaned back.

He cleared his throat and turned away putting on his shirt. She stared at his back and his clenching fists.

She knows what he wants and she knows what she wants too.

" Siddu." She called him softly.

" Hmm." He didn't turn towards her.

" I said I will ask you something if I remember before you go right?" She asked him softly.

" Yes, what do you want?" He asked her buttoning up his shirt.

" Will you give it to me? " She asked.

" Yes, anything." He said and turned towards her.

" I. I....want you to kiss me." She whispered looking down.

Hearing nothing from him, she looked up at him to see him rooted in his place.

" Forget, I even asked....." She said dejected walking towards the door.

And before she could step forward, she was grabbed and pinned to the wall.

And before she can say anything his mouth was on hers.


To be Continued...........

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Stay Tuned..........

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