Chapter 6

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After three days of work, finally Siddharth was in his new cabin today. It took 2 days to finish the entire work in his cabin and whole one day to move his stuff to his floor.

In all this, Anu had to supervise the whole work and since there are important files and confidential stuff, Anu herself had to arrange his file cabinet. For that she had to move up and down the stairs many times carrying files.

To say she was exhausted is an understatement. She looked like a disaster who may collapse at any time. Neha and Raj were worried for her looking at her stumbling form.

They told her to take rest and not to do so much work but Anu shrugged it off by smiling at them and saying that it's her job.

They didn't like Siddharth making her to do so much of work and they also came to know from Shweta about the other day that she was purposely made to run the stairs up and down.

Raj got angry but Neha consoled him by saying that they should talk to Anu. Raj was always overprotective over Anu and today looking at her exhausted body is making his heart ache and angry.

Neha also got very much angry but she thought she should talk to Anu first to know why she is letting these all happen with her and why she is letting him to do all these with her.

Tommorow is the weekend so they both thought they should take Anu out and talk to her about this.



Siddharth came into the office and went to his cabin. It's 9:30 am exactly and there was a knock on the door. He smirked knowing who it is.

" Come in."

" Sir, your coffee." He heard.

He glanced at her and got stunned seeing her dishelved state with tired  pale face and red eyes.

She kept the coffee on the table and stood there waiting for his orders.

" Sir, do you want me to do anything else or shall I leave?" She asked looking at him blankly.

" I need you to type these letters for these companies listed on the first page and also email those to them." He said giving her the file.

She looked surprised at him. His tone was not cold and he is not giving her the work of running up and down the stairs today.

" Ok Sir." She took the file and left.

Her body looked so tired, her face lost it's glow and there is no shine in her eyes but just emptiness.

He felt bad and responsible for her condition. He shouldn't have made her to do so much work. He came to the glass window of his office through which he can look down at his whole staff.

He saw her doing her work calmly and went back to his work.

How can she still effect me so much when I hate her?


Siddharth worked continuously without getting distracted with unnecessary thoughts.

He is working on a deal and making a presentation for it. If he could grab this deal their company will reach heights.

He made a call on the phone.

" Hello?" He heard.

" Come to my cabin." He said and hung up.

Anu climbed the stairs to his floor and knocked on his door.

" Come in." She heard.

" Yes Sir?" She asked.

" I am working on a deal and for that I need financial, technical, creditors, debtors and past deals of this company." He said to her while looking into his laptop.

" Sir, those files are old so they might be in the store room." She said to him.

" Oh, ok go and get them." He said in monotone.

" Ok!" She said and left.


She went to the floor where she works and went to the reception to fetch the keys of the store room.

She smiles at the receptionist Madhuri and told her about the work she has got.

She took the keys from her and went to the secluded corner of the floor where store room is situated.

She unlocked the room and went inside only to be welcomed by large piles of files in the racks with full of dust.

She started searching the files one by one as it consists of a big list. She didn't find some files and so she went deep into the room to search the past history files.

She was sweating as the room has no ventilation and she doesn't know how long she has been here as she didn't even bring her phone.

She looked at all the files and thought that she will come again if she needed any other files. She collected all the files and started arranging them in a pile on a table near the door.

But what she doesn't know is that the door got locked by itself due to the wind and the keys to the door are in the keyhole of the door that is outside.

When she finished gathering all the files she went to the door and frowned at the closed door. She twisted the knob of the door but it doesn't open and she tries vigorously to open the door.

After sometime her eyes widened in  realization that she got locked inside the store room. She searches for the keys everywhere in the store room but couldn't find them.

She gets panicked and started shouting for help banging on the door but no one could hear her. She will be sweating profusely and her hands and legs will be shaking in panic.

She doesn't know what to do, she shouted loudly as much as she could do, banged the door, tried to break the lock but no use, no one could hear as it was in a secluded corner of the floor.

Her body stops reacting, her head goes dizzy, her throat got clogged, she tries to walk holding on to the walls and tables but no use she falls down. She tries to get up and before she could do anything darkness consumed her.


Siddharth wonders why Anu still didn't come as it was more than 2 hours since she is gone. He thought may be she couldn't find the files and so she is getting late.

On the other side Neha also wonders as she didn't saw Anu since the lunch. She gets worried thinking that Siddharth might be making her work like hell.

She dials a number on the phone.

" Hello, this is Shweta speaking. How may I help you?"

" Hey Shweta! This is Neha here. Can you please tell me, whether Anu is on your floor?" She asks worried.

" Ok! Hold on."

She waited.

" Hello Neha, she is not here. I saw her longtime back when she came here after lunch and after that she didn't come here." Shweta said and Neha hung up the phone.

She quickly got up and ran into the cafe to see whether she can find Anu. Then she went into the restrooms and checked but no she was not there.

She ran to Raj who was stunned to see her panic striken face. She explained about the situation and he looked for her on all the floors worried for her.

They went to the reception to enquire Madhuri whether she saw Anu exiting the office.

" Hey Madhuri! Did you happen to see Anu.....I mean Ananya, while going out or coming in." Neha asked panting.

" Calm down guys.......I have seen her more than 2 hours back." She informed them.

" When?" " Where?"

Both Neha and Raj asked hopefully.

" She came here and took the keys for the store room and left. She said that she needed some files." She replied to them.

" Did you see her coming back? or did she return the keys to you?" Raj asked her impatiently.

" No." She said widening her eyes.

"Oh No! " They said and ran towards store room.

They looked at closed door and tried to open the door. They called out her name, Raj started to break the door but stopped hearing Madhuri.

" Guys, these are the keys for the room." She said bending down to pick up the keys which were on the floor.

By this time some cleaning staff and some employees also reached there hearing their yelling.

They immediately unlocked the door and went inside yelling her name.

" ANU! "

Neha gasped loudly looking at the pale figure unconcious on the floor.

Neha kneeled and patted on her cheek to wake her up but she didn't move. Raj yelled for water at someone and crouched down at her with tears in his eyes.

Hearing all the chaos, Siddharth also came there to see what happened. He stood rooted in his place shocked looking at the scene in front of him.

Neha was crying while wiping the sweat on Anu's face which is on her lap and Raj was trying to wake her up wiping his tears. Siddharth quickly walked towards them and kneeled down.

" Ananya!" He gasped. "What happened ?" He asked them panicking seeing her like this.

Someone had brought water and Raj sprinkled some water on her face but she didn't budge which them even more panicked.

" You did this. Didn't you?" Neha asked in rage with tears in her eyes.

" What? No!" Siddharth yelled.

" You made her to do so much work, because of you this all had happened." Raj said equally angry.

" I just asked her to bring some past history files of the company. That's it! I don't know what happened to her and how she fainted." Siddharth said to them but also felt guilty.

" She is Claustrophobic. She can't stay in closed rooms and doors. That's why she don't use elevators." Neha said looking at him accusingly with anger.

Her words felt like slap on his face. Siddharth felt even more guilty now.

Tears welled up in his eyes looking at Anu in this condition while Raj lifted her up in his arms.

" We will take her to the doctor in my car.....come." Siddharth said turning around.

" No.....we can take care of her." Raj said looking pointedly at him.

Raj and Neha stormed out of the building carrying Anu praying that she should be alright.


To be Continued........

What do you say about this chapter guys?

Stay tuned........

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