Chapter 68

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She sat on the bench staring off into the distance in the park.

She smiled at how her life changed in just few days. She came back to this city with a huge fear in her heart of how she is going to face her past and how would she accept it.

But it wasn't hard once you start accepting it.

Yes, it was difficult for her in the start and also it was very confusing for her. But she got through it when she was ready to embrace and accept it.

Mostly, people try to avoid and run away from the situation instead of facing and accepting the truth which makes life more miserable than already it is because they will be stuck in between the past and future.

They wouldn't be able to move on.

But once they start accepting the truth of their life and start to amend it then a path will be shown automatically which will not only help you to move on but also gives a hope for the future.

Things started to get better when she started accepting the reality of her life that she had memory loss and doesn't remember anything.

A hope arose in her life when she accepted her parents and got to know their love for her.

She got her smile back when she embraced her friends back whom she avoided for months.

She came to know that she has a heart and it beats for someone when she met Siddharth.

She got back her love because she started accepting her feelings for him and hasn't avoided them but instead she acted upon it.

She didn't know that she can feel jealousy until Siddharth came into her life.

She didn't know that there is an  unknown side of her until a hot, sexy, and handsome man barged into her life.

She didn't know her mother can be so outspoken, naughty and jovial until she saw her mother with Siddharth.

Even though she craves to get her memory back, she is happy and content with her life as long as her Siddu is with her.

But in all this, she is also scared.

Scared of losing him or something happening to him.

She doesn't want anything to go wrong this time as she can't even imagine her life without him.

She sighed and thought of going back to her house as it's getting dark. While going out she saw watchman sitting on a stone and smiling at her.

" Uncle....." She called smiling at him

" Ji beti." He asked standing up.

" From past few months, I have started coming here and everyday you smile at me. Do you know me?" She asked hesitantly.

He looked surprised at her.

" Few months? Beti you come here from years." He said frowning.

" Years?" She questioned surprised.

" Yes! You didn't come for a while and the last time I saw you before you started coming again was when you came here at night and cried." He said.

" What?" She whispered.

" Yes beti, you were crying terribly falling on your knees and I was so scared looking at you like that. I thought something must have happened between you both and I made you stand asking what happened but you didn't said anything and just left. After that I didn't see you both." He said.

" Both?" She asked.

" Yes, you and baba always used to come here. Sometimes you come together, sometimes you both come here alone but you both used to visit atleast once a weak." He said.

" About whom you are talking uncle?" She asked and her heart thumped loudly in her chest.

He looked at her puzzled as why is she asking him about everything as if she doesn't know but didn't probe her for answers.

" The one with whom you came here a few days back." He said.

She stood puzzled as she came here with Siddharth only and it clicked her  that they maybe used to go to the park before also.

" Is this the one you are talking about?" She asked showing him a photo in her phone.

" Ha, he is the one. He came here few months back all sad and alone. He was miserable beti I thought maybe because of you weren't there with him but he looks happy now because you are with him now. He sits on that bench and used to cry daily." He said showing her a bench.

She was stunned to know this as now she understood that person is none other than Siddharth whom she saw at the park in the start and how she felt an instant connection with him without even seeing him.

Though she was happy knowing that this park was also a beautiful memory of their past, somewhere she loathed herself for the misery and pain she caused Siddharth.

" Thank you Uncle." She said painfully and he looked at her in pity.

Something big must have happened in their lives for the situation they are in today and he didn't ask her anything as it's their private matter.

She went from there with many thoughts in her mind. She thought that still how many things are there that she doesn't remember, that she doesn't know and that are hidden from her.

She shook away the thoughts when she remembered that she would not let her past bother her present but again she is helpless as she wants to know each and every thing happened between her and Siddharth.

Only one person knows everything and that person wouldn't open his mouth.

She sighed and walked towards her house when suddenly a car stopped in front of her with a jerk. She yelped and looked angrily at the culprit who was getting out of the car now.

" How many times do I have to tell you that stop walking alone on the road especially at nights?" He growled at her furiously.

" How many times do I have to tell to stop driving so harshly?" She asked him angrily.

" How many times I have to tell you to stop anwering my question with a question?" He said coming near her.

" How many times I have to tell you that you ask too many questions?" She said rolling her eyes.

" Can't you just answer my question for once?" He asked huffing at her.

" Can't you just stop asking questions for once?" She said rolling her eyes.

" Did you just rolled your eyes at me?" He hissed at her.

" Did you just got that out of my whole  sentence?" She huffed at him.

They both stared at each other angrily .

Siddharth huffed and turned away angrily while Anu rolled her eyes and turned away from him.

They both looked at each other again and again turned their backs against each other.

A small smile started to play on his lips while Anu was puzzled at her own argument with him.

He smiled at the thought that they always fight with each other like this while she was thinking that did she even made sense in being angry with him as there was no reason at all for her to be angry on him.

He turned to look at her who is looking lost thinking as to why did she even argued with him in the first place and why did she say those things to him.

His smile disappeared when he got reminded that she doesn't remember their past and looked at her sadly but he was happy even though she doesn't remember somewhere her subconscious reminds her something about the past as she argued with him exactly the way she used to do before.

He heard her gasp and looked at her who is looking around with hand on her mouth. He frowned and looked around to see they have audience who are looking at them as if they had escaped from a mental asylum.

" Who are they?"

" They were shouting like mad people a while before."

" Is there some movie shooting going on here or what?"

" Yes, it might be."

He heard people speaking about them.

He held her hand and dragged her to his car. He made her sit and he also got into the car. He started the car and made their way to her house. He saw her lost in her thoughts and he knows exactly what she is thinking.

He is helpless in this matter.

They both silently walked into the house.

"You both fought?" Anu's mother asked Anu who looked at Siddharth.

Siddharth just sat on the sofa as if he didn't hear her.

" No." She said and started walking to her room.

" Then what happened? Why are you both so silent?" She asked them sternly.

" Ask Siddu." She said sadly and disappeared into her room.

Anu's mom looked at him who sighed loudly.

Although everything was alright between them, there is something missing and Anu was getting disturbed by it while Siddharth doesn't want it to effect their relationship.

She doesn't say but he can understand her inner turmoil.

She knows that he knows what is she going through and he is always with her standing by her side which makes her feel even more terrible.

She wants to know him like he knows her.

He always knows what she does and how she does everything. He reads her mind like a book and he was never wrong. He always knows what she wants even before she knows about it. He always did things for her even before she asks him and these all made her feel like she is such a bad girlfriend.

All these are possible only when there is a strong bond and understanding between them which they have but only Siddharth was familiar about it, she isn't. It's not that she doesn't know him, she knows about him and also tried to get to know more about him in the past few weeks.

But the time they spend with each other is very less and in that time she just gets to know about him a little like his favourite food, colour, sports, his hobbies..... that's it.

She cannot know him like he knows her. As for her it was only a relationship which started a few weeks back but for him it was from years. Although, she remembers some things and got to some things but they all are not equal to knowing him completely.

She also wants to understand him and want to read his mind as he reads her but she can't as it will take more time for her to reach that stage.

Siddharth opened the door of her room and saw her reading her diary. He just stood there staring at her for sometime and wanted to say something to her but doesn't know what.

" I am sorry."

He heard her and snapped out of his trance.

" I am Sorry." He heard her again and saw her who was looking down.

" What? Why?" He asked her softly.

She looked up and saw tears in her eyes.

" Anu! What happened? Why are you crying?" He asked going swiftly towards her.

" I am such a bad girlfriend." She said.

" Who said that?" He asked frowning.

" Nobody. I myself know that. You are an amazing life partner anyone would ever get but me.....I always make you feel sad and terrible. I don't know how to make you happy and I don't know what to do to make you happy." She wailed like a baby and he just looked at her.

She heard a loud laugh boomed in the room and looked at him who is laughing like a maniac.

He stopped his laugh when he got hit by a pillow straight at his face and he glared at her. It was her turn now to laugh at him and he also threw a pillow at her.

They both did this childish pillow fight for sometime until they both got tired and fell on the bed relaxing. He took her hand in his and kissed it.

" You make me happy." He said and she looked at him who was closing his eyes with a smile on his lips.

He opened his eyes to see her looking at him curiously like a kid.

" Look Anu, what happened in our lives and how it happened.....these all thoughts are complicating your brain. I never spoke about this to you because I didn't want you to go through that pain again and that's why I always avoided the topic." He said sitting straight looking into her eyes.

"But now looking at you like this.....I think the time has come for me speak. So I will tell you what all had happened in our past." He sighed closing his eyes and when he opened them again he saw those warm brown eyes which are his both strength and weakness.

" We met, we fell in love and we were happy. We even started planning to tell about us to our parents but one day you just left me saying that you didn't love me. You sacrificed your love for my well being as you thought that me knowing about your illness will destroy me. I was devastated but got through it but never stopped thinking about you and never stopped loving you. I always had this hope in me that you would come back to me because our love was that pure and precious. We met again one day with me being your new boss and you being my employee. I used to take my grudge on you for leaving me and used to torment and torture you but you took everything with a smile and never opposed me." He said guiltily looking down while Anu squeezed his hand saying him to continue.

" It was that time, I was having doubts that you wouldn't betray me and there must be a strong reason for you to behave like that with me. Then one day you suddenly left everything again and disappeared which made me enquire deep about you. That's when I got to know about your illness." His voice cracked at the end.

It was always hard for him to speak about her illness.

" I was broken and devastated. I wasn't able to breathe also and all the guilt came like a slap to my face." He said with tears.

" It wasn't your fault." She whispered looking at him and he shook his head at her.

He would always blame himself for that as if only he had tried to know the truth earlier things would have not gone out of his hand.

" If it wasn't for Raj, Neha and Karthik then I wouldn't have ever come out of the trauma as I was drowned in tears and locked up myself in my room. They helped me a lot to track you and to know your whereabouts. One fine day, I finally found you in Karolbagh and from that day onwards I didn't leave you even you tried to get rid of me. Eventually we tried to get through that situation together with the help of our family and friends. We called a famous doctor from Germany to treat you and he is a very good doctor who helped us a lot in that situation along with Dr. Ramesh." He explained with tears in his eyes remembering those days.

" We know success rate was low but we didn't want to lose that 1% chance also at that time to save you and we could only hope that you will be alright. But everything fell apart when you slipped into coma after the surgery and doctors said that no one knows when you will wake up. I was happy for sometime atleast you were alive and in front of me but looking at you daily sleeping on the bed lifeless without any movement became a torture to me. I was so lost at that time that everyone started worrying for me more than they do for you and I used to get angry whenever they asked me to give up on you and move on." He cried looking down and she cried hugging him.

" Please stop Siddu, don't say anything..........I am sorry, I am making you to go through all this again." She sobbed onto his shoulder.

" No, I had to say. I had to let it out. It's now or never. It will clear off the things for both of us. I didn't speak about it with anyone as I had shut down everyone after your memory loss." He said looking at her wiping her tears and she nodded her head.

" I was angry at everyone as they all used to say that I can't spoil my life waiting for you and should move on in my life. One day, in that anger only I drove out of the hospital in pain that everyone had lost hope on you. I was driving rashly and didn't see where I was going. To avoid hitting a truck, I drove the car into the woods which made my car crash into a tree." He said gulping looking at her reaction.

She sat shocked and tears were flowing out of her eyes continuously. He had an accident and that too because of her. Her heart ached so much with that thought and pain reflected in her eyes along with tears.

" Dare you blame yourself for that! I was driving recklessly." He said looking at her condition and this made her cry even more as he knew what she was thinking.

He always does!

It took a lot of time for him to pacify her as she wasn't able to bear the news of his accident and he regretted saying this to her. He should have known it. She couldn't even bear a small cut on him and here he said he got into an accident.

" Anu, I was was a small accident and nothing happened to me. Do you want me to continue or not?" He asked her seriously and she nodded her head in yes wiping her tears.

" After I woke up, I got the news that you came out of your coma but again came a devastating news with it ending my happiness that you lost your memory. Dr. Ramesh said that it was at the time of my accident only you woke up from coma. I wanted to see you, meet you and hug you but everyone said to me that you were not  recognising anyone and you were against meeting anyone. But I wanted to see you to see myself if you will recognise me or not. I was on a wheel chair with all the bandages on my body when I came to see you. I sat afar from you watching you looking lost in your thoughts. You saw me through the window and I was waiting to see if you will recognise me but you stared at me and fainted holding your head in pain." He said clenching his jaw to control himself.

She looked at him painfully understanding how he must have felt at that time and she remembered clearly how she saw a man looking at her through window. Tears weren't stopping knowing how much she had hurted him and how he bore everything silently.

" After that I never came before you but I took care of each and every thing of you indirectly. Some days flew like that and I completely isolated myself. I didn't spoke to anyone, I didn't met anyone and I didn't even come to see you. After few days, I got to know that you want to move somewhere alone to sort out things for yourself and Dr. Ramesh took you to Mumbai for treatment. But that news didn't go well with me. I guess it's because you thought of leaving your past behind and move on. I was angry on you for not trying to know about your past, I was angry at everyone for letting you go and I was angry on myself more that I was angry on you."

He said the whole thing with so much pain in his eyes that it became difficult for her to even look at him but she can't help to admire him. He looked at her who is looking at him with a newfound respect and admiration.

" And the rest of it you know. Do you have any doubts?" He asked her avoiding her eyes.

" Why didn't you tell me about us when we met again at the mall?" She asked him.

" Because, when you first saw me at the hospital, it triggered your brain which made you stress which was not good for you as you had a brain surgery at that time. You need time to recover and Dr. Ramesh requested me to stay away from you. So when I saw you that day at the mall, it was very hard for me to control myself. I wanted to hug you, I wanted to make sure you were alright but I couldn't." He said gulping the lump forming in his throat.

" Why did you listened to them?" She asked him.

" I had to. I can't risk your life. I can't see you lying on the bed lifeless again. It was more painful than any death to me." He said and tears fell from his eyes.

" Idiot! Until you are with me nothing could have happened to me. You are my breath, you are my life and you are my heartbeat. I always thought that there was something missing in me and I used to search for it. I stopped searching for the missing part of me when I met you. I started to smile when you came into my life. I came to know about the happiness only because of you. I am alive only because of you. Then how can you even think that you will be the risk for my life? How did you even think that you could be harmful to me? How can you even stay away from me?" She cried smacking him with her hands on his chest.

He just looked at her and tears were continuously flowing from their eyes.

" Please don't do that ever again Siddu. I can't even breathe without you. Please don't leave me again. Don't listen to anyone in this matter.....Even if God says or even if I say to stay away from me then also you should not stay away from me." She cried keeping her head on his lap.

" Please stop crying, I cannot see you like this and that's why I avoided this topic because it's like living through all the pain again and I didn't want you to go through it......again." He said caressing her hair.

She sat up and wiped her tears. Their eyes were red and swollen due to the all crying they had done.

" Promise me." She said helding out her hand.

"What?" He frowned.

"That you will never leave it any situation or any risk or any problem, we will always be together." She asked.

" I promise." He said smiling keeping his hand on hers.

" You are that part of my soul that nothing can seperate you from me even if it is memory loss or brain haemorrhage or coma or even death." She said leaning her forehead with his and he nodded his head with tears.

" I love you Anu. I love you for who you are. Even if you have memory loss or even if you can't remember anything forever also it's okay because I love you and I love your whole being. You might have had memory loss but you didn't change. You are the same Anu that I had fallen in love with years ago and now you are that same Anu that I am falling with you again and again. Most important thing is you make me happy and just being with you makes me the most happiest person in the world." He said with his forehead still against her forehead by cupping her cheeks and she smiles with tears looking into his eyes.

" So promise me, you will not worry about not remembering your past, about not knowing me completely and about all the insecurities you have in this little brain of yours." He said pointing at her head and she pouted at him.

" Promise me." He asked.

" I promise." She said sincerely.

They sealed their promise with a kiss.


To be Continued..........

Ah! This was the longest chapter that I have ever written.

So guys! What do you think about the chapter?

Many of you may think why it is so hard for them to move on with life and make new memories forgetting about their past. To say it's easy but for sensitive people like Siddharth and Ananya, it's too hard. Their past was very dear to them because they used to breathe and live with those memories when they were separated. Their memories holds very importance in their life because there was a time when they thought only that is what they were left with.....memories. That's why they couldn't leave their past behind easily and move on as they keep holding onto it in some or the other way.

Stay Tuned............

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