The Nerve Of Some People

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    "I wonder what Mary is doing right now." Greg said finally, beginning a sort of rough conversation with a grin on his face. Molly just slapped him; however she didn't seem all that worried about soiling Mary's memory. It was no secret that Mary had gone around to most every girl in the school the day John had broken up with her, looking for culprits, and so in doing so she not only lost her boyfriend but all of her friends as well. Maybe Molly was one of the many that left her after finding out what a crazed maniac she was.
"She's probably sulking somewhere in her room." John suggested.
"I heard she's already got a new boyfriend, someone from another school." Sarah pointed out, sitting with a bag of marshmallows on her lap and yet not bothering to toast them. She was just popping them in her mouth every couple of minutes, almost as if she was absentmindedly eating.
"That poor guy." Mike murmured. John nodded, sighing a breath of relief before staring thoughtfully into the flames.
"Ya, I don't know why you ever dated her John; she was a train wreck from the start." Greg pointed out.
"I dated her for you, you idiot! You were the one pushing for it!" John insisted with an exasperated laugh, as if he was surprised Greg would even say something so unintelligent. Sherlock didn't know Greg Lestrade very well, however he was confident enough to say that yes, Greg probably was that unintelligent.
"Well you shouldn't have listened to me." Greg said flatly.
"Ya right, as if I could ever not listen to you." John snapped. Sherlock sat quietly to the side, too afraid to join in on the conversation simply because he didn't know much about Mary. He knew that she was a little bit over dramatic when it came to break ups; however he felt a little bit too responsible for the break up itself. Obviously John had fallen in love with him just in time to break Mary's heart, and so he knew that the conversation would turn towards him eventually.
"Well it was worth it for me, now that I've got this lovely lady on my arm." Greg boasted, holding out his arm for Molly to smack, leaning off to the opposite side of her chair with a teasing smile on her face all the same.
"Who said you got me?" Molly challenged, to which Greg just grinned.
"I did, of course. You're realize it, eventually." Greg said confidently, to which Molly just growled and batted his hand away once more.
"Adorable." Mike muttered, making Sarah giggle at the idiocy of the two of them. Sherlock was smart enough to see that they were very obviously already a couple, however maybe the two of them just weren't prepared to admit it yet.
"And what about you two, a couple yet? Or just...friends?" Greg wondered, looking between Sherlock and John with a raise of his eyebrow, almost as if he was trying to worm some sort of love confession out of the two of them. Sherlock looked over at John to see him looking right back, the two of them gazing at each other and knowing that they both had the answer the group was hoping for.
"Somewhere in between." Sherlock muttered, to which John nodded.
"Victor is still in the picture." John agreed, making Sherlock take a nervous breath and duck his head, almost as if expecting Victor to come at the mention of his name, come and hover over the party, daring them to break any of the rules he had set into place for his boyfriend.
"Victor Trevor, oh ya you two were a thing for a while now?" Sarah agreed, thinking back to the times when Victor still went to their school. Sherlock nodded a bit timidly, not wanting to talk about Victor and yet it would seem he was the topic on everyone's minds tonight.
"Ya, two years now." Sherlock agreed. There was a bit of an uncomfortable silence, almost as if the group didn't know how to respond to such a thing. Surely they were all wondering, if Sherlock had been with Victor for so long, what he was doing here with John?
"I assume it's not exactly going your way?" Mike guessed. Sherlock shrugged, staring once more at the ground while his face lost whatever color he had before.
"I um..." Sherlock started, however his voice lost whatever momentum it was gaining and he settled back into silence.
"How do you think you did on that calc test yesterday?" John asked quickly, changing the subject so drastically that Sherlock blinked, almost as if John's daring had shocked him.
"Oh I failed, most certainly." Molly said positively.
"I'd be willing to bet a hundred bucks that you didn't fail. Maybe you got like, an eighty nine or something." Greg snapped.
"That's failing in my books!" Molly growled.
"Bloody genius she is, I'm still waiting for some sort of group test you know? Maybe she could get my legitimately failing grade up." Greg mumbled.
"You know if we do have a group test you'd be stuck with me?" John pointed out with a grin.
"No you wouldn't be with me; you'd go with Mr. Genius!" Greg insisted, gesturing over to Sherlock who immediately glowed red.
"Oh no, I always work alone." Sherlock assured with a timid little smile, sipping nervously at his soda while John just shrugged carelessly.
"Then you'll be with me." John said again, as if Sherlock's answer did nothing but prove his point. Greg sighed heavily; mumbling about his grade was going to plummet even more.
"That's my worst subject right now." Greg murmured.
"Oh really? What about that English test then? I thought you were telling me that you got..."
"A fifty two...ya I take it back. English is my worst." Greg admitted finally.
"I think all of your classes are your worst." Sarah offered, which Greg just scowled. He was obviously in no position to argue, of course, for his mouth remained shut.
"I wonder who's smarter, Molly or Sherlock?" Mike wondered, looking between the two as if almost expecting them to jump into a spontaneous game of Jeopardy to prove their worth.
"Sherlock." Molly said confidently.
"Me." Sherlock muttered a little bit less confidently. He didn't like to boast of course, especially when it came to grades, however he was the top of the class with one hundreds in just about every test and homework assignment. Molly may be smart, yes, but she was nothing compared to his intellectual superiority.
"Well there you have it." John said proudly, looking over to Sherlock as if he was proud to have such an intelligent boyfriend...friend. Something.
"There you have it." Mike agreed, sounding as though he was disappointed in the lack of argument. It was quiet for a while, and rather uneventful. Sherlock wasn't sure if all parties were this boring or if it was just his presence that made everything unbearably awkward, however soon the conversation had dwindled and the couples had all taken to talking amongst themselves. Greg had Molly giggling madly off in their little corner, and Mike and Sarah were looking about ready to get up from their chairs and disappear from the firelight, as if to get some much needed privacy. John and Sherlock sat quietly.
"I sort of fancy a swim." John decided finally, looking about the kids clustered around the fire and getting to his feet with a huff. Sherlock looked at him fearfully, realizing that he meant to abandon Sherlock just when it was all getting very awkward.
"What, you're just leaving me here?" Sherlock asked in a whisper, looking at the couples and shivering nervously.
"Well you're welcome to join me, if you really want to." John offered with a teasing smile, almost as if this was his plan for alienating Sherlock from the rest of the group. Of course he knew that throwing Sherlock out of his comfort zone would be enough to scare him into following, and of course he was right, once again. Sherlock got to his feet nervously, looking back to the others before following John rather timidly to the pool. It was chilly tonight, certainly not the type of night where swimming in cold water would feel good, however John seemed settled on the idea for one reason or another. That reason finally became apparent, of course, when John pulled his makeshift tank top over his head and let it drop to the concrete, winking at Sherlock as the poor boy made an effort to look away. Without hesitation John leapt into the pool, creating a gigantic splash that just barely missed Sherlock's nice leather shoes. He emerged not five seconds later, shivering and giving a great whoop of triumph before beginning to swim laps, his arms and face emerging every once and a while to breath or to stroke, his muscles flexing as he pulled himself through the water. Sherlock sighed heavily, knowing that this whole swimming idea really was just an excuse for John to show off shirtless, and yet of course Sherlock didn't mind. He took off his shoes and placed them very far away, out of the danger of the water, before creeping towards the edge of the pool and sitting on one of the towels that Mrs. Watson had presumably set out before the party. It was a dry, comfortable place to sit, and he had to admit that watching John do laps in the pool was much preferable to watching the couples over by the fire giggle and flirt endlessly. Sherlock very timidly stuck one of his feet into the water, just to test the temperature, and with a shiver of horror he withdrew it. How John was able to stay in that water for so long he had no idea, however maybe he was working up enough heat doing those obnoxious laps that the cold didn't matter any longer. Sherlock sat cross legged on the towel and waited for John to finish, feeling like something of a loser as no one was really paying attention to him. Of course he was never the center of the party, in fact he was a last minute invite, however it still felt kind of sad for him to just sit here quietly. John finished doing laps a couple of minutes later, breathing heavily and looking as if he was finally enjoying the water, floating on his back and looking over at where Sherlock sat.
"Aren't you cold?" Sherlock asked him immediately, trying to strike up some sort of conversation before John went back to ignoring him.
"Not anymore." John admitted with a shrug. "You're not getting in?"
"No of course not, you said that swim suits were unnecessary." Sherlock pointed out. John nodded, looking as if he didn't remember that but just going along with it none the less. Certainly he didn't want to contradict his past self, and so he remained quiet.
"You know who isn't going to come get you, right?" John clarified. Sherlock looked at him with a very confused expression, trying to figure out why on earth Voldemort would come and get him. And then of course he remembered that John probably wasn't even literate, and the idea that he might put aside some time to read those books was simply laughable and so he must be talking about their real life villain.
"No, Victor's at his house still. His dad has him under house arrest for some reason." Sherlock admitted with a shrug. John nodded, paddling his feet just a little bit so as to move himself about the top of the water.
"Well that's not all that much of a loss." John admitted. Sherlock nodded, too afraid to admit his dislike of Victor out loud. Just like of his love of John, his disgust of Victor was something he kept very far in his own head. To say it out loud was to confirm it to himself, and despite how sure he was he still wasn't yet prepared to admit such a thing. This secret was too hefty to admit to someone without firm proof, and so far all Sherlock had was speculations about his inner feelings, no real proof. What if Victor suddenly took a turn for the better, and then Sherlock would have John asking him why he would go back to him if he had hated him before. Well maybe Sherlock didn't actually hate him. Contradiction was far worse than secrets that were kept internal for a touch too long. There was something of a silence, an awkward one at that, in which John rowed himself over to where Sherlock sat, finally just treading water while smiling up at Sherlock with droplets of pool water dripping down his skin. Sherlock smiled back at him, unsure of John's intentions.

    "Are you going to break up with Victor?" John wondered suddenly. Sherlock blinked, unsure of how to answer that, unsure what he meant to say and what he was supposed to say.
"Well the moment it seems rather likely, why do you ask?" Sherlock wondered.
"Oh I just wonder because he's the only thing in our way. You said earlier that we were something in the middle of friendship and relationship, and if he's the only one holding you back I just wanted to know just how long I have to wait." John admitted.
"Well John, you still don't know if I like you yet." Sherlock pointed out with a smug little smile. John hummed, looking a bit ridiculous as his arms flapped back and forth beneath the water, visible but blurry all the same.
"Oh yes, sorry I didn't think about that." John admitted.
"That's right." Sherlock agreed, holding his head up at little bit higher, proud for standing up for himself, as sarcastic as it was meant to be.
"So do you like me?" John wondered excitedly. Sherlock sighed heavily, giggling a little bit and glancing down at his toes awkwardly.
"Do I like you...what a daring question to ask." Sherlock admitted.
"Oh stop if, we both knew the answer." John insisted.
"We do? You do? Really?" Sherlock wondered with a raise of his eyebrow. John looked like he meant to cross his arms, however he suddenly realized that he was using his arms to float and if he crossed them he would sink, and so he just donned the expression that went along with crossing your arms and continued to flail.
"Yes I do." John insisted. Sherlock nodded, looking mockingly impressed.
"So then you know why it won't work out then." Sherlock teased.
"Oh stop it, stop it you're so dramatic. You like me, I know you do. You know it too." John snapped.
"I know nothing." Sherlock hummed. John groaned, treading water a bit closer and holding out one of his wet hands for Sherlock to take. To be honest it wasn't the least bit tempting, in fact Sherlock would rather not take it at all, however John seemed insistent. Maybe it was his way of trying to get Sherlock to feel for him, through physical contact.
"Oh come on Sherlock, need I remind you of your undying love for me?" John insisted. Sherlock groaned, finally taking John's wet hand in his own and grimacing. It was very cold.
"As long as I'm with Victor I'm really not at liberty to disclose that information." Sherlock insisted.
"Do you have your phone on you?" John wondered thoughtfully. Sherlock frowned, finding that a bit of an awkward way to carry on whatever conversation they were having.
"No, why?" Sherlock wondered apprehensively.
"I want to know the time. You got a watch? Any sort of electronic device?" John wondered. Sherlock looked at him very curiously, wondering why the time would matter at all in this sort of situation.
"No, nothing like that." Sherlock muttered. John just smiled mischievously.
"Good." He laughed, and with that he pulled Sherlock's arm, pulling with such force that Sherlock was thrown from his nice dry towel and into the pool. He screamed like a banshee, not only because of the surprise but of the sheer dislike, and of course the temperature was exactly like he had expected. Sherlock's clothes were drenched as he plunged towards the bottom of the pool, screaming all while he sunk and allowing his mouth to fill up with water. Sherlock shot up to the surface and almost went towards John so as to drown him; however the boy was nowhere to be seen. Had he really gotten out, just as Sherlock had fallen in? Suddenly John appeared from the water, emerging right next to Sherlock and making the boy scream even more.
"How dare you throw me into this ice water, honestly John the answer is officially no!" Sherlock growled, splashing water as efficiently as he could at John, who just giggled and splashed him right back.
"It's not that bad, you're just being dramatic." John insisted.
"It is bad, it's freezing! hair." Sherlock muttered horrifically, patting down his curls and feeling nothing but wet soggy locks of hair falling in tangles around his face. Oh how tragically disappointing.
"Well I see now where your priorities lie." John teased.
"Yes, around my hair. Everyone knows that John." Sherlock snapped.
"And how did no one know about your sexuality until two years ago?" John wondered. Sherlock splashed him again, bitterly this time. In an effort to warm up Sherlock began to swim around, however he had never been taught to swim formally and so he just doggy paddled as efficiently as he could manage. John just laughed, leaning up against the edge of the pool and watching as Sherlock made his way very slowly around the pool. Sherlock frowned at him, finally leaning up against the wall at the other end of the pool. In all reality it wasn't too cold, so maybe he had been a little bit dramatic, and yet he was still rather angry. Every time he moved his shirt filled up with water, undoubtedly stretching out the fabric, and it made him look much more overweight than he really was. John was giggling off to the side, and yet Sherlock bitterly attempted to ignore him. 

    "What so you're mad at me?" John wondered. Sherlock looked at him in exasperation, wondering if John was honestly that oblivious.
"Yes of course I'm mad at you, you got me all wet. My hair is drooping." Sherlock snapped.
"Oh what a tragedy." John sighed.
"It is." Sherlock agreed flatly, looking off towards the fire longingly. The heat was tempting of course, however he saw that one couple was very much absent from their chairs and the other two were now sitting in the same chair...very closely. Sherlock looked away finally, deciding it really wasn't his place to spectate. John hummed in agreement, swimming very slowly over, as if he thought that by not moving very quickly Sherlock wouldn't notice his progress around the pool. Okay, so obviously Sherlock noticed, however for the sake of John's getting closer he pretended like he was still very much focused on watching the smoke from the fire as it rose into the night air.
"So when am I allowed to kiss you?" John wondered finally, appearing very close to Sherlock as he treaded water and made something of a current around the two of them. Sherlock gasped, pretending like the very idea of kissing John was appalling to him. It wasn't, of course.
"The nerve you have!" Sherlock breathed.
"Oh stop it. The last time I kissed you turned out to be a very big deal, and the time before that, was a very special day." John said with a smile, touching his hand to his chest as if their mock wedding how many years ago really mattered to him.
"Special indeed, yes." Sherlock muttered. John nodded, watching Sherlock expectantly for an answer that was really going to take a little longer than just a few moments' silence. Of course Sherlock wanted to kiss him; it really would be lovely, however he still felt like that would something of a betrayal to Victor since they were still officially together. That little drawback wasn't going to make Sherlock stop John; however it may just be enough to prevent him from initiating anything.
"So when? Is now good?" John wondered hopefully. Sherlock skirted away from him, shimmying along the wall while John simply swam along with him. It wasn't a very good escape plan.
"Now isn't good." Sherlock decided flatly.
"And why not?" John wondered with a frown, looking genuinely disappointed. John's asking beforehand wasn't really making the kiss very romantic, the kiss that wasn't going to come right now because Sherlock was too stubborn, however it was a good gesture. Maybe it wasn't romantic, but it certainly showed that John was polite enough to take into consideration Sherlock's feelings.
"Because I'm mad at you." Sherlock said flatly. John sighed heavily, frowning a little bit as if he thought that might help his case.
"If I apologized would it..."
"No." Sherlock said firmly.
"How about I get you a towel and you can climb out of the pool and get all warm, and..."
"Nope." Sherlock said once more. John sighed again.
"What if..."
"What if you just shut up?" Sherlock suggested.
"Will that help my case?" John asked hopefully.
"No it will not." Sherlock decided again.
"Well then I won't shut up. I'll just keep talking, and I'll talk about all this really boring stuff football. And basketball, and baseball, and soccer, and rugby, and you can hear all about stuff like..." John was interrupted by Sherlock basically jumping at him, abandoning all self-control and all morals. So what if Victor was still in the picture, there was only one boy that Sherlock really loved, and at the moment Sherlock was sure that the only thing that would shut him up was the exact thing they were waiting on doing. And so Sherlock took him by the sides of his face with fingers that were cold and wrinkled from the chlorine, nearly drowning himself in the process of pressing the quickest of kisses onto the boy's lips, just to stop him talking. Sherlock found that kissing in a pool was romantic and all, however it was nearly impossible to keep yourself afloat all while your hands were occupied, and coupled with the loss of breath it was nearly impossible to survive. So Sherlock rushed back to the edge of the pool in a huff, grabbing the concreate and holding himself above the water so as to breathe easier. John just sunk. He was being dramatic, certainly, for he resurfaced a little bit later with a look of pure amazement on his face, swimming over to the side of the pool, leaning against the edge, and heaving in breaths as if air was by far the most precious thing. Sherlock watched him nervously, regretting that kiss for just a moment before reminding himself that it was by far the most magical thing that has happened to him thus far. Of course Victor's kisses were nice, and the first time they kissed Sherlock had thought that he would never feel as alive. Well he was wrong, of course. Tonight Sherlock felt virtually immortal, and whatever this feeling was, whatever this beating heart was chanting, well he didn't want it to stop.

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