Chapter 2 - Another Holmes

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Once we arrived I felt a little anxious, not many people could just make a phone ring. I got out and so did Athea. "This way." She said, setting off at a brisk walk down the dingy hallway. We were in a run down factory of sorts, I wondered what kind.

After what seemed like a hundred hallways we reached a large room, it had rows upon rows of canned food. I followed Athea into a large area that had been cleared, I could see scrape marks in the dust as I walked towards a man carrying an umbrella, he was wearing a pinstriped suit. "I don't want to sound cliche but I've been expecting you. You visited Sherlock earlier, and you mentioned aliens and disappearances. Why?" He said motioning for me to come closer.
I walked over and tilted my head. "Because aliens are causing people to disappear, but you already know that because you listened in. And you know they are real because you are Mycroft Holmes, the man who basically runs the government. I've been keeping tabs on you, and though you didn't know it I've been watching you a lot longer than you think." I replied knowing it would surprise him but he wouldn't show it on his face.

"There have been 2 other women with your name Gemma in the past 100 years, and one of them who was 46 at the time vanished here and magically appeared in 1964 and she killed herself in 1973, her corpse was never found, most likely because she blew herself up. Neither was the first women's who was killed by a gunshot in 1898, but she managed to get home instead of getting help. Where she then vanished never to be seen again." Mycroft said, I mentally slapped myself,
I had been shot and regenerated in the bungalow of a house and left quickly as possible. I returned 80 years later and stayed out of the radar until present day, I learnt that Sherlock and Mycroft were geniuses and memorized as much as I could about them in case I needed their help later on.
Strange I know, but a feeling made me think I should make precautions I started hunting the angels as soon as I learned about them and got cornered and sent to 1964, to pass the time till Mycroft was born I was a detective like the in the Sherlock Holmes books. In 1973 I tangled with the wrong villain, he caught me and I couldn't escape in time and I got blown up, more charred and then regenerated into what I am today and basically made sure the Holmes brothers didn't get themselves killed until I could ask for their help.

"I know about the women and their deaths, now Mycroft what is the reason you brought me here?" I asked know he would explain enough, or not explain and expect me to do as he says. "I need you to tell me the truth about yourself and these alien angels." Mycroft said, I was surprised he mustn't know what was really going on.

The Doctor's POV

I tried not to grimace as I took Rose back to Earth, I didn't exactly want to be slapped by Jackie for not bringing back Rose on Christmas eve instead of Boxing day. "Doctor, what's that?" Rose asked looking at the screen, I went over next to her and looked at the screen. "Rose?" I said not taking my eyes away from the screen. "Yes Doctor?" She asked. "Grab hold of something, we're about to hit turbulence." I said and grabbed hold of the console and braced myself as Rose did the same. We were about to go on a bumpy ride through the universe, or more accurately through this universe and into the next.

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