Chapter 1: The Cave Of Mirrors

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As Ash, Bonnie, Clemont, and Serena made their way towards Shalour City for Ash's third gym badge, they came across a cave that would be burned in their memory's forever......

The group was walking along route 11 until they saw a small cave at the base of the mountain in front of them. Bonnie and Serena took of running to get a better view of the cave.

"Is this it?" Bonnie questioned.

"Uh huh! That's the cave!" Serena said enthusiastically.

Ash and Clement had finally caught up to the two girls and stopped next to them. Ash stood looking around at the environment while Clemont was bent over, hands on his knees trying to catch his breathe.

"That place?" Ash questioned.

Serena nodded. "What's so special about this place?" Clemont questioned in between his panting.

"I'm not saying a thing! You'll just have to find out yourselves!" Serena replied happily.

"Kaaaaaayyy!" Bonnie said brightly.

The two girls then proceeded to run towards the mouth of the cave again while giggling to themselves. Clemont and Ash sighed and slowly began to follow behind them.

Once they entered the cave the light levels instantly dimmed, the only light coming from a few rays of sunlight seeping through holes in the ceiling reflecting off of the large crystals the extruded out of the walls, floors, and ceilings. The crystals shone a bright blue color which contrasted greatly to the black color of the surrounding rock.

The group stared in awe at the extrusions of crystal all around them. "Isn't it cool? They call it reflection cave." Serena said.

"Reflection cave huh?" Ash said.

The group began to disperse and examine the crystals more closely. Bonnie and Serena had moved to a slab of crystal that was resting upon the wall.

"Wow it looks like a mirror!" Bonnie said enthusiastically. She stuck out her hand up to the reflection to feel the smooth surface, reflective surface.

"Incredible! These arent your run of the mill crystals. These surfaces really do act like a high quality mirror does." Clemont said while adjusting his glasses.

"Yea! They're the perfect way to make sure you're looking your very best! Like a full length mirror." Serena said while examining her reflection.

"Hmmmmm... how do I look?" Bonnie asked.

"Hey look! The cave keeps going!" Ash said. He was no longer near the group. He had wandered further down the tunnel and had found a branching off tunnel. He then began to run down the new path to explore.

"Ash where are you going?" Clemont questioned.

"Ash wait up!" Serena cried. They rest of the group began to try and follow Ash.

"Don't leave us here! Bonnie shouted to him.


Ash had wandered away from the group (apparently not hearing their cries of disapproval towards his exploring) and was happily wandering down the corridor maneuvering around the extruding crystals. He passed many slabs of crystal leaning against the walls. He occasionally stopped at all of them to check his appearance. Some made him look taller and thinner while others made him shorter and fatter. He chuckled while Pikachu squealed happily at the sights of the 'funhouse'. As he walked past one 'mirror' however a noise could be heard as a ripple appeared on the surface. The ripple split sideways to reveal another Ash! This Ash was similiar to our Ash we are all familiar with but his colors were more dull. As soon as the real Ash turned around to see what the noise was but could only see the ripple dissipating into nothing. Ash began to run back to the slab of crystal that was once rippling and stood in front of it.

"Hold on... I saw myself in the mirror but I....." Ash said to himself.

Pikachu said it's name in agreeance to Ash.

After a few moments of staring intently at his reflection waiting for something to happen, he heard some noises coming from his left. He turned to see the rest of the kalos group running towards him woth worried expressions.

"Ash why did you run away from us?" Bonnie questioned the confused boy.

"Yea Ash that wasn't very nice." Serena said with a pouty face.

"Sorry guys, I guess I got ahead of myself. I love exploring you know." He answered while scratching the back of his head while giving a nervous chuckle.

The others only sighed in response and began to walk along side him down the corridor. Bonnie and Clemont lead the way while Serena and Ash followed closely behind but before leaving Ash took one last glance at that slab he had seen the wierd version of himself....


"Look at that. A dead end." Ash said sadly.

"A dead end? How many times have we gone around?" Bonnie asked equally saddened by the realization.

"It's like a maze in here." Clement said.

"So I guess we should have taken that turn back there them huh." Serena said.

"Right, let's go back." Ash said. Pikachu said it's name in apporoval once more.

Serena nodded in approval as they took off running. After a few moments of running Ash soon began to put distance between himself and the rest of the group. As he rounded a corner, putting himself out of sight of the others, Serena called out to him.

"Ash wait up! Slow down!" Serena yelled to him as she rounded the same corner seconds later with Bonnie closely behind whole Clemont was far behind.

"I think it's this way!" Ash said while he began to climb up a steep wall of rock while the others gathered below to watch.

Ash had climbed up faster than the others could and because he had a headstart, when the others got to the top, Ash was no where to be seen.

"Ash where are you?" Clemont called out. They could her his voice echoing through the cavern.

"Over here!" They heard Ash's voice echoing through the cave.

"Where's over here?" Serena asked sarcastically.


"Another dead end?" Ash asked Pikachu. "I guess we better go back." Pikachu nodded I approval.

He took of running down the corridor he had just been following and soon found himself at an intersection that seemed unfamiliar.

"Hey! Serena! Bonnie! Clemont! Where are you?" Ash yelled out.

"Aaasssshhhhhh!" Serena yelled in response causing Ash to turn around.

"Just stay there Ash! We're coming!" Clemont yelled.

"Right!" Ash yelled back. He began to look around the intersection that he found himself in and found another slab of crystal almost identical in size to the one he had seen the rippling in before. He approached it to inspect himself and when he neared it rippled right in front of him this time. The ripple was much larger this time revealing a full sized Ash staring back at him. Again he noticed the color difference was much duller but also his eyes were different. They were... red? Almost bloodshot and he seemed to have tears welled up. He also didn't seem to have a Pikachu on his shoulder.

The other Ash seemed surprised to see another one of himself as well because he jumped back in surprise. When he saw the Pikachu on Ash's shoulder he smiled widely and reached out and grabbed him. Pikachu screamed in fear as the other Ash pulled him through the mirror and began to run away.

"Hey give me back my Pikachu!" Ash yelled as he ran into the portal and followed his counterpart thought the cave.

Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena had been running towards where they had last heard Ash. When they rounded a corner that saw him yelling at his reflection. And then even stranger, he jumped through it.

They all gasped as they got to the mirror and saw Ash running away. Then a rippling came through the mirror and closed the portal leaving the three Kalos natives looking at their reflections woth confused looks on their face.

"Impossble!" Clemont shouted.

"Ash dissapeared?" Bonnie questioned.

"But how could that happen?" Serena asked worriedly.


Ash was running as fast as he could but he wasn't gaining any on the other theiving Ash that stole Pikachu. He saw him run out of the cave but couldn't see where he went after that because the light of the outside world was blinding him the closer he got to the mouth of the cave. As he ran out of the cave he was momentarily blinded by the bright light. He put his hand up to cover his eyes while he adjusted to the light. He began to look around as his vision returned and saw the scenery was nothing like what he had experienced before entering the cave.

"Where am I?" Ash questioned himself as he looked around. He began to run off in the direction he thought the other Ash went all the mean while calling Pikachu's name.

"Hey Ash!" A voice called.

He turned around to see Serena standing there with her hands on her hips and a glare plastered on her face.

"Well well." She said with a smirk as she approached him.

"Oh Serena." Ash said happily.

"Where have you been? Just cause I called you a cry baby you ran away?" She questioned snoodily.

"Me? A cry baby? Why are you talking like that?" Ash questioned. This was not the Serena he knew. Why would she ever call him a cry baby?

"Look it's Ash!" Bonnie said happily as she ran up to the two. "Brother dearest I've located him!"

"Brother dearest?" Ash questioned. He turned to see where Bonnie had come from and he saw something that was even more stunning. It was Clemont. Running. Fast. Like faster than anything he had ever seen. He ran so fast he ran right by them. When he realized what he had done he stopped and turned around to look at them. "I've went to far!" He exclaimed and immediately ran backwards to them. "Ash! We've been searching everywhere for you."

Ash's face lit up upon hearing that. "Thats awesome!I can't believe how fast you've gotten Clemont."

"Now what do you mean? I've always been the fastest runner of the group because I'm awesome." He replied happily.

""Now never mind that. Now where's that Pikachu of yours?" Serena intruded rudely.

"Oh yea. Now get this. Another me jumped out from inside a mirror and grabbed Pikachu and ran off!"

Serena laughed at what he said. "Now what are you talking about?" She questioned.

Before he could respond Bonnie also had a comment to say. "Was it a dream per chance?" She questioned him as well.

"I was awake! So I jumped into the mirror and chased after the Ash who grabbed Pikachu and that's how I ended up here." He told them.

The three mirror characters stood in front of him with glares, Inspecting him for any indication of deceit. Serena stepped forward and leaned in to inspect him closer.

"You are different then the normal cry baby Ash I know." She told him while holding her glare.

"Who me? Cry baby?" Ash questioned.

"Well that must mean the culprit is our cry baby Ash!" Bonnie declared. "He's the one who must've taken your Pikachu."

"Come to think of it... there is a legend..." Mirror Clemont said.

"A legend?" Ash questioned.

"Correct. There's a famous legend that involves the cave that lies up ahead! You see, the legend says that for every crystal mirror in the cave, there exists an alternate world. There's also one more important point... but I can't remember it." He told them.

They all thought about the information they were just told.

"Sounds stupid." Mirror Serena said interrupting all the thoughts happening.

"Regardless of stupidity, the Ash standing in front of us is not the one we know." Clemont said.

"As wierd as this will sound, you guys aren't the Serena, Bonnie, and Clemont that I know either." Ash said while crossing his arms.

"Hold on!" Serena interjected. "I'm the only me and anyone who isn't me is not me. Now what in the world did I just say?" She continued as she threw her arms up in frustration. "Here's the deal if you can beat me in a battle then I have to believe you!" She shouted.

Ash smiled at her and nodded.

"Now that's something I can agree on." He said in response.

"Ha! I like the kind of Ash who would agree to a battle with Serena." Bonnie said happily.

(I don't really feel it necessary to depict the battle that takes place here. It is between Fenniken and Foakie if you didn't know but of course Ash obliterates that Fenniken but I feel it will take to much space in the chapter which is already going to be kinda long so.... yea.... it's gone lol.)

"Serena, now will you believe me?" Ash asked her while walking across the battlefield to her.

"Hmpf. I would never loose to our cry baby Ash so I guess you're really an Ash from another world." Serena responded while crossing her arms.

(Up until this point I've been mostly following the episode word for word in fact but now I will be abandoning that and going off of the plot I have in mind.)

"Now that that's settled where is the cry baby Ash that we all know?" Clemont asked the group.

"Here... here I am." A nervous voice said. They all turned to see mirror Ash standing behind a tree. He was holding Pikachu in his arms and he was looking towards the ground. Once he was in the open Pikachu excitedly yelled it's name and wiggled it's way out of mirror Ash's grip and ran onto the real Ash's shoulder and nuzzled his cheek affectionately.

"Hey Ash, can you tell us what happened?" Clemont asked the mirror Ash. He nodded and proceeded to examine how he was embarrassed after loosing to Serena yet again and ran off. Pikachu had eventually run away inside the cave and Ash was trying to find him. When he looked into the mirror and saw Pikachu on the real Ash's shoulder he reached out and grabbed it to find he actually had a Pikachu and he happily returned to the campsite.

"So you haven't found your Pikachu then?" The real Ash asked the mirror Ash. He nodded no in reply.

"Well what do you say we all go find him?" Ash asked the group.

Mirror Clemont, mirror Bonnie, and mirror Ash all nodded happily in agreeance while mirror Serena only sighed.

The group had walked back to the entrance of the cave and was about to enter it to begin the search for mirror Pikachu when Clemont had stopped them all.

"Do you guys think we should split up?" He questioned. "We would be able to cover more ground that way." They all nodded and split up into groups. Mirror Bonnie, mirror Clemont, and mirror Serena all went down the first left path while mirror Ash and the real Ash went down the path on the right.

"So what is your world like?" The mirror Ash questioned.

"I don't know I guess. I never knew there was anything different so I don't know how to describe it." Ash said while scratching the back of his head with a smile.

"Oh..." Mirror Ash said saidly. "Well can I ask how you and Serena are?"

"What do you mean me and Serena?" Ash asked his doppelganger.

"Well since you are confident enough to express your feelings you must have some sort of relationship with her yes?" The clone asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ash said nervously.

'If I live in a world where I have a crush on Serena but she has no idea, he must come from a world where Serena has a crush on him and he has no idea.... how lucky can he get? He's confident and Serena likes him? That's not fair' Mirror Ash thought to himself. Then he began to hatch a plan of a way to even the playing field between the two Ash's.....


Mirror Ash managed to sneak away from the real Ash while he was looking for mirror Pikachu. Mirror Ash had an idea where his Pikachu was. Mirror Pikachu was very aggressive and was probably trying to find the biggest crystal in the cave and break it just to test it's strength. Mirror Ash had passed by one in his earlier exploration that had caught Pikachu's eye and knew he'd be there. He found his way to that crystal and found Pikachu slamming iron tail after iron tail into the side of the Crystal and not leaving a dent. Pikachu gave a growl of frustration while mirror Ash only sighed. He pulled out Pikachu's pokeball and returned him. He would have to explain later or risk being electrocuted. He then walked up to the crystal (the same one Pikachu had been hitting happened to be the one he had found the real Ash's world through) and put his hands up to it. If he could figure out how to open the portal maybe he could live in the world where Serena liked him.....

As he continued to look he couldn't find a way to open the portal. He sat down and began to think about his life. He never thought anything was fair and now he finds an Ash where everything goes right? This thought made mirror Ash uneasy and he began to cry. After all he was cry baby Ash.

He began to wish to anyone who could hear for a chance to make something of himself in a new world. As he continued to cry, he heard the rippling noise that he had heard when he found the real Ash. He turned to see the back of Serena, Clemont and Bonnie who were all walking away with their heads down.

'This is my chance! I can try and become Ash and have my chance with her!' Mirror Ash thought to himself. He quickly jumped through the portal and gathered his bearings. Everything in this world was much more clearer and high resolution so to say. The colors were sharper and details were much more defined in this world. He looked up to see the xy gang turning a corner. He had to act quickly.

"Hey guys! I'm over here!" Mirror Ash shouted. They all quickly tuned their heads in shock and saw Ash standing there with his arms open.

"Ash!" Serena happily yelled as she ran towards him and wrapped him in a hug.

'I could get used to this' Mirror Ash thought to himself. He smiled and happily hugged Serena back while Bonnie and Clemont stood by with smiles on their faces.

Authors Notes:

What's up everyone? New story! That's what. What did you guys think? I've had this idea floating around for a while and plan on doing a chapter for every episode except that it will have the mirror persona's so there will be a substantial difference. Also in the anime episode team rocket is there and their opposite is the crime fighting group that I can't remember the name of. Let me know if you guys would like for me to include the groups in this story or not because I didn't plan to but if you want I can add them. I also want to thank XxWhiteYvonnexX for all the help with brainstorming for this idea and helping me with the over all plot for this story. I hope you all enjoyed and let me know what you think! Happy reading! :)

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