Chapter 3: Forging Forest Friendships

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Hello everyone! This chapter will be about episode 37 of the and you series. Now before we can continue this is a filler episode in the series.... if you want me to continue with the filler episodes then for sure let me know, but if no one is too upset by it if I see the episode doesn't contain to many important events I will probably just skip it to move the story along a bit faster. And just a quick heads up I do plan do update as often as possible but because I'm basically taking the scripts already planned out for the anime and putting them in the reverse dimension, I basically have to rewrite everything to accommodate the change in personality etcetera etcetera. So here it is!


We find our heroes taking a little break from their journey towards Shalour City and Ash's third Kalos League gym badge to work in some extra training.

"Froakie, use cut!" Ash shouted. The young here stood on the rocks at the edge of a river. Lush green forest surround him on either side of the river. On his right, a roaring waterfall was crashing down. The water fell from the cliff behind it. The cliff was made entirely of stone and rose roughly 30 feet high.

At his trainers command, Froakie leaped from the rock it was resting upon. In mid air, he reached towards his waist. Almost as though he was un-sheathing a sword, he moved his hand and a white blade made of energy was formed. He slashed roughly half way up the waterfall causing a ripple to cease the water for a few seconds before the water continued its previous free fall.

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu cheered on.

"Yea that was great!" Ash praised.

Mirror Bonnie, Mirror Clemont, and Mirror Serena stood behind him at the forest edge looking at the young trainers training.

"Behold how agitated they are!" Mirror Bonnie exclaimed.

"They are moving almost as fast as I would." Clemont said with a smile.

"He needs all the training he can get." Serena muttered.

"Whatever Serena, who won again?" Ash retorted.

"Yea yea yea. For now, just wait till I get a grass type..."

"I'm gunna beat Korrina for sure. I'm so excited!" Ash continued on. He decided not to test Serena's patience too badly just yet.

As Ash and the mirror gang exchanged words a log suddenly flew over the side of the waterfall... and headed straight for the rock Pikachu was perched on?!

As it fell closer and closer, Pikachu only looked on in shock and horror as the log got nearer and nearer. The only living form to react to the sudden movement of the log was Froakie. He leaped up and pulled out his white blade of energy, just like before, and slashed the log clean in two. The logs spread out just enough for each half to fall on either side of the rock Pikachu was sitting on. Pikachu let out a sigh of relief as Froakie landed next to him.

"Fennikin could've and would've done better." Serena mocked.

Ash glared at the girl. "Then why didn't she?" He questioned.

Serena couldn't think of a response and growled in response.

"Great job Froakie! You pretty much perfected cut!" Ash said excitedly turning his attention from the glaring girl.

Froakie blushed as he was patted on the back by Pikachu in thanks for saving him.

Ash proceeded to jump across the rocks to where his pokemon were sitting.

"That was great Froakie! Thanks so much!"

"Froakie!" It responded.

"Hey Ash, how about we have ourselves a battle? When pokemon work on moves it helps to do so in battle and if Pikachu is there, Froakie can help practice my helping on defense." Clemont recommended.

"Oh yeah of course. You wanna battle with me?" Ash said excitededly asked his pokemon. They both cried their names in approval.


Ash the two stood in the clearing on the rocks next to where Ash was training, Clemont was reaching into his jumpsuits pocket fumbling around for a poke ball.

"My first choice is...." He started before the grass type starter of the region came out of his pokeball giving his cry.

"I guess Chespin." Clemont said while sweat dropping. "Your partner is.."

He threw his second choice and revealed his Bunnelby. He two gave his cry and stood next to Chespin waiting for his opponents to appear.

Froakie was already on the field and awaited Ash's selection. "I choose you, Hawlucha!" He said while throwing his pokeball.

Hawlucha appeared and started doing his poses that he normally does before a battle.

"Hey Ash, control your pokemon would ya?" Serena yelled.

"Why he's just showing his excitement." Ash said quietly with Hawlucha nodding in agreement.

"Your Hawlucha is very much contrasting to our Ash's Hawlucha. I'd be intrigued to see how he performs." Mirror Bonnie said with stars in her eyes.

Hawlucha bowed to the young blonde in response to her compliment and turned his attention to his opponents once more.

"Kay guys, we're having a double battle so make sure you help each other out." Ash shouted to his pokemon.

Froakie nodded while Hawlucha looked at Froakie for a moment before extending his fist towards Froakie. He held it there waiting for his response. Froakie glanced back at Ash and after receiving a nod of approval he sighed and fist bumped his teammate.

"Attention all! It's a double battle!" Mirror Bonnie shouted indicating the battle had started.

"Chespin use tackle and Bunnelby double slap." Clemont commanded.

"Dodge both of you!" Ash commanded in response.

Chespin charged towards Froakie who only jumped over him in response as Bunnelby was busy slapping Hawlucha with his glowing white ears.

"Why is Hawlucha just standing there?" Serena questioned.

"Hawlucha is a proud pokemon. He wants to test his opponent by simply not dodging. Froakie looked back and growled in frustration at Hawlucha's antics.

"Okay Froakie use bubble, and Hawlucha rapid fire karate chop!" Ash told his pokemon.

Froakie jumped and launched his bubbles out of his mouth towards Chespin who was standing below him. Hawlucha began to charge Bunnelby with glowing while hands.

"Chespin vine whip while Bunnelby use double slap to fight back!" Clemont countered.

Chespin releases two vines from its neck and began to knock all of the bubbles out of the sky before they could reach him while Bunnelby and Hawlucha were in the middle of hand to.... ear?... combat.

After a hard hit Bunnelby was sent back flying when Hawlucha did yet another pose.

Froakie sighed and started to look down."What's up with you Froakie?" Serena asked rudely. "You don't like the showoff do you?"

Bunnelby took the opportunity and gave Hawlucha a double slap and knocked him to the ground.

"Great now use mud shot!" Clemont commanded his rabbit pokemon.

Bunnelby jumped into the air and began to charge up some mud balls in between.

"Counter with water pulse Froakie!" Ash countered. Froakie put both his hands together and started to form an orb of water between his hands. Before Bunnelby could release the mud he was struck with the liquid causing a small explosion in the air. Bunnelby fell to the ground obviously knocked out.

Hawlucha ran up to Froakie and began to scold him.

"What's wrong with you two? Come on!" Ash shouted but the pokemon continued to bicker.

"I think Froakie doesn't like show offs." Serena said bluntly. This cause Hawlucha to stop arguing and glare at the girl.

"Chespin now is our chance, use pin missle." Clemont shouted. Chespin releases the attacks from his neck. They were rapidly approaching Ash's pokemon.

"Froakie use dodge!" Ash commanded.

Froakie jumped out of the way at the last second and started to run. The pin missile turned after missing it's target it turned mid air and followed it's intended target. Froakie continued to run and leaped over Bunnelby who was now recovering only to be hit by its teammates attack.

Ash praised his pokemon only causing Hawlucha to get mad and reprimand his partner once again. Froakie growled I response. He turned his attention back to Chespin to continue the battle and was struck by a high jump kick from none other than Hawlucha.

Froakie got up and used a cut attack on his 'friend' and knocked him back.

"Hey you too knock it off! We're a team here!" Ash scolded them. The two pokemon disregarded all scolds and continued the brawl. Hawlucha jumped into the sky and charged up his signature flying press only to look down to see dozens of Froakies. Hawlucha gasped before colliding into the ground. The two stared each other down and finally jumped toward each other to initiate another battle. Ash jumped between the two and put his hands up. At seeing their trainer jump between them they both adjusted mid air and landed roughly on the ground.

"You're on the same team here. You're supposed to help each other out!" Ash yelled at them. The two looked down in shame before looking at each other before running towards each other and butting heads together.

Serena had finally had enough and came in between the two. She but her hands on both the pokemon's heads and shoved them into the dirt.

"That's enough! You're both being srupid." Serena shouted.

"I think this battle is over..." Clemont said slightly nervous.

"I think it's time for some special training. I'll think of something special for the two of you.." Ash said glaring at the two.


"Now we're working on covering each other's weak points, and complimenting each other's strong points...." Ash told the two pokemon in front of him. Hawlucha stood with its wings crossed in front of him while Froakie stared off into the distance. "Because you're partners." He continued.

Hawlucha held its hand out to show it was willing to work with its 'partner' only to have Froakie knock his hand away. Hawlucha jumped into Froakie face and started yelling.

Ash sighed. "So we're going to start with a combo move. We'll start with Hawlucha's flying press and add Froakie cut. Here's how it will go..."

Ash proceeded to hold up papers with crudely drawn images of Froakie and Hawlucha. The first drawing showed Hawlucha flying, getting ready to perform his signature flying press while Froakie jumped onto his back.

"After Hawlucha has started to fall, Froakie will jump off and use cut on the target, and that's when Hawlucha uses flying press. I think I'll call it the super flying cut." Ash said excitedly.

"Yo Ash!" Serena called to him. Ash looked over and raised an eyebrow to her. "That name sucks!" She yelled. She then laughed at her own joke while the siblings sat there in silence. Ash sighed and turned his attention back to the pokemon.


"Lunch is ready guys." Serena said excitedly. Her mother had always wanted her to know how to cook so she decided to be the 'chef' of the group. She had just finished making some fresh tea and soup. Clemont had just left to feed the pokemon their food while Serena set places for everyone. But Ash was no where to he seen...


"Alright let's try the super flying cut once more!" Ash commanded.

Hawlucha jumped up while Froakie jumped onto his back. Instead of jumping onto his back, he landed on his head covering Hawlucha's eyes I the process. Hawlucha panicked and began to fall to the ground.

"Again?" Ash questioned his pokemon. The two got up and began to argue with each other again. "Try to be a little friendlier." Ash commented. The two pokemon quit arguing to give way to the quiet that followed. During this quiet both pokemon's stomachs began to growl. Ash pulled out two oran berries and handed them to each of the battlers. The nodded in approval and thanks to their trainer.

"Now let's try again." He told them. "Now use.." but before he could continue some vines shot out of the forest and grabbed Ash by his arms and carried him into the forest. The pokemon quickly reacted and followed Ash into the forest, the entire way dodging vines and roots from the trees.

The mirror XY group excluding Ash now came running into the forest after hearing all the noise. As soon as they stepped in, the saw Pikachu being held mid air by the vines.

"Look what we have here." Serena taunted.

"Pika pika!" He shouted back. Suddenly vines shot out from no where and began to charge the group.

"Chespin use pin missile." Clemont shouted. He shot them out and cancelled out the vines.

Serena sighed and released her Fennikin. Fennikin appeared and crouched in a battle position. "Use scratch." She commanded. Fennikin jumped up and slashed at the vines holding Pikachu in the air releasing him to the ground.


"Alright who did this anyway?" Ash questioned while he was being dragged. As soon as he questioned the unknown assailant, the vines released and a pokemon stepped out.

"Trevenant." It moaned. It began to form some orbs that circled around the tree pokemon. As they began to spin faster and faster, Ash's two troubled 'teammates' came into the clearing Ash and Trevenant where once in. They could see Trevenant walking away with a sleeping Ash in its arms. The two pokemon ran into the middle of the clearing and found Ash's hat on the ground....

As they inspected the area two vines came out of no where and grabbed one leg of both the pokemon pulling them into the air upside down while the screamed in protest.

As the two looked around they made eyes contact and glared at each other. Froakie broke the contact and began to swing back and forth from the vine to try and free itself. Hawlucha seeing it as a good idea, started to do so as well. Soon they both were swinging wildly from the trees before bonking heads and growling at each other. As they began to argue again the vines broke and they fell to the ground. Froakie landed on Hawlucha and they began to bicker... yet again. The both got up and inspected Ash's hat again. Froakie picked it up and held it up in the air.

"We're going to work on covering each other's weaknesses and complimenting each other's strengths. Because we're teammates." Ash's voice echoed in the pokemon's heads.

They gave each other a meaningful look towards each other before Froakie handed the hat to Hawlucha who put it on his head before nodding to Froakie. With that they both set off into the woods in search of their trainer.


Ash was beginning to stir. He looked around and began to notice that he was moving. After a moment of confusion he saw what looked like a tree caring him!

He pulled out his pokedex and listened to the entry.

"What!?" He exclaimed. "I would never hurt the forest. You've gotta let me go, I've got to get back to my pokemon!"

Froakie and Hawlucha were jumping tree to tree and noticed their trainers distress calls.

The two pokemon acted quickly and jumped towards the Trevenant. Hawlucha charged up a high jump kick but passed right through the ghost-grass type and crashed into a tree.

"Hawlucha, it's a ghost type! Your fighting type moves won't work!" Ash informed.

Hawlucha was slow to get up and Trevenant had walked up towards the fighting type. He had a shadow claw charged up and was about to swing.

"Froakie cover Hawlucha and use bubble!" Ash commanded quickly. Froakie shot the bubbles and hit Trevenant in the back. This cause the pokemon to release his grip on Ash, causing him to fall, and also causing him to lose focus and lose the shadow claw he was about to use.

Hawlucha shouted his thanks to the frog and Ash complimented him as well.

"Okay let's try a super flying cut." Ash commanded. The pokemon nodded and Hawlucha jumped, getting ready to use his flying press. Froakie jumped onto Hawlucha again, landing on his face. Ash sighed in disapproval.

Before they could recover, Hawlucha had began to attack the tree but because flying press is a part fighting type moves, he phased right through him causing Froakie to face plant into the bark of the pokemon. The tree pomemon shook him off to where Hawlucha was. The Trevenant began to charge up a few red orbs and launched them towards the pokemon.

"Look out that's a will-o-whisp attack!" Ash informed but the pokemon could not dodge in time. The orb shot struck them causing a small explosion. After the smoke cleared, the two were slow to get up but not out of this fight. The Trevenant then started to charge up another will-o-whisp but Ash's pokemon were not ready to battle. Ash seeing this ran past them and stood in front of them protectively. The orb shot came rushing towards Ash striking him and causing another explosion. After the smoke cleared, Ash was standing with his arms crossed, burn marks everywhere, with smoke coming off of his clothes. His pokemon got up and questioned Ash's actions. Of course being human he couldn't understand.

"If that's how it's gunna be you'll just have to battle me because you won't hurt my friends!" Ash shouted still in a defensive stand.

The Trevenant heard what he said and began to think about his actions. After a moment, the Trevenant backed down.

"So you finally understand?" Ash questioned. The tree nodded in response. "So why did you take me away?"

The Trevenant put its hand up and gestured for him to follow. Ash understood and followed the pokemon through the forest. After a few minutes of walking the came upon a dirt path with a net hanging from a tree. Inside the net was two pokemon. A Sudowoodo and a Bonsly.

"So you wanted me to help?" Ash questioned. The Trevenant nodded and Ash smiled. "Of course! Leave it to me."

He then started to climb the tree by wrapping his arms and legs around the trunk. When he finally got to the net he reached out to pull it down and was instantly shocked. He fell to the ground muttering about having taken enough electricity for a life time.

As Ash lay there recovering, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

"Pikapi!" The voice said. Ash sat up and looked around. "Pikachu?" He questioned.

He turned and finally saw the yellow mouse running towards him with the mirror XY Gang following close behind. Pikachu jumped onto Ash's should and nuzzle his trainer affectionately.

"You guys came just in time." Ash said excitedly. "Trevenant wanted me to help these pokemon." He told the group while pointing to the electrified net.

"You don't think that it couldn't have gotten a more competent trainer?" Serena joked. Ash glared at her while she laughed at her own joke.

"So that's why this altercation began?" Bonnie questioned.

Ash nodded indicating she was correct. "Okay Pikachu use iron tail." Ash commanded. Pikachu jumped up while his tail began to glow a metallic silver color. Once he charged enough, he did a flip and used his tail to cut the net from the top, obviously immune to the electricity.

As they fell, the Trevenant stood below to catch the pokemon once trapped.

"Thanks Pikachu!" Ash showed his gratitude. The Trevenant, Sudowoodo, and Bonsly all cried in approval as well.

(This is the part in the anime where team rocket attacks but I really don't like them so they are out of this story unless you all want to see them lol.)


"So how about trying out another super flying cut?" Ash asked his team.

They were now back at the waterfall where they once trained. They had just finished recovering from the Trevenant incident with a nice lunch (because Ash didn't get to partake in the previously made lunch). The two pokemon in choice nodded in approval.

"Okay let's do it!" Ash commanded.

Hawlucha nodded and jumped from the top of the cliff and began to glide towards the ground while getting ready to use his flying press.

Ash nodded to his next pokemon and Froakie too jumped from the top of the waterfall and this time successfully landing on Hawlucha's back!

After taking a moment to regain his balance, Froakie leaped from his flying mount and began to charge up a cut attack. Because they had glided far enough, they were now across the river and at the edge of the forest. Froakie charged a nearby tree and began to use cut on it. In a matter of a second, there were scratches in the bark and most of the limbs had been cut leaving mostly just the truck left.

Hawlucha then gave a cry and slammed into the remaining tree and demolished it in one blow causing splinters and dust to go everywhere.

After landing the two pokemon took a moment to admire their work at the no non existent tree.

"A moment of silence for that tree please..." Serena said sarcastically with her head down low. Ash ignored her comment and walked up to his pokemon.

"That was great you guys! Awesome work!" Ash praised.

The two pokemon fist bumped showing that they were now friends and Ash smiled knowing that he had finally gotten his team back together once again.

"It's still a stupid name for an attack." Serena said.


Bam! Done! How you all like? I really like thinking of quotes for Serena to say because these are the kind of things I say in just about any situation so it comes easy to me! Anyways happy reading!

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