Chapter 1: Y/N Vs All for one

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( I couldn't think of a better title for the chapter )


I had finally made it to Sally castle in Knothole with me passing Antione.

Antione: Y/N, whatz brings you here?

Y/N: It's a long story I need to talk to Sally

Antione: Right this way then.

He took me too Sally with her on a throne with Nicole next to her.

Sally: Oh hi Y/N its been awhile.

Y/N: It has been Sal, but listen something strange just happened.

Nicole: Are you talking about the cracks in the sky?

Y/N: Yeah it's quite a story but to put it simply, I fought Eggman's newest machine, it exploded, then the grounds shook, and then the sky cracked a bit.

Sally: I see, you have any ideas what caused it?

Y/N: I wish I did, but I do remember Sage saying when Eggman's robot exploded it was caused of a chain reaction cause of the paradox energy, maybe that caused it.

Sally: Maybe, I'll check in with Tails and Nine to see if they have any clue what happened, meanwhile I want you to look around to see if anything else is happening out there.

Y/N: Got it.

I ran out of the castle at blinding speeds as I ran around the world to see if anything strange is happening.


The next stop on the list was station square with it looking good so far.

Y/N: Ok so far so good, nothing strange happening.

As I said that I heard what sounded like an explosion.

Y/N: Ok I hope this isn't going to be a thing with me saying something bad isn't happening then something bad does happen.

I made my way over to the explosion and saw what was going on with me seeing a werid guy wearing sometype of helmet

Y/N: Hey who are you?

He then turned to me with his face hidden behind the helmet.

???: I am All for one.

Y/N: All for one? Like all in one package or something.

All for one: Exactly

All for one then launched a powerful attack at me but I was able to dodge out of the but I saw it did hit a building when I turned to see what it was.

Y/N: Oh no.

I saw it was the Hog's Dog with Irish the hedgehog coming outside

Irish: My restaurant!

I then looked at All for one with me now mad with me spinning up my legs into a figure eight.

Y/N: Don't mess with the Hog's Dog!

I blasted at him at high speed and punched All for one so hard with the both of us being sent into the Chaos Realm.

All for One: Where are we?

Y/N: Let's just say this place has many names, the special zone, Chaos Realm, extra but this is the place I take you down buddy.

All for One: I see, well I'll be sure to take your power and destroy you.

I soon. Saw something started to happen to him

Y/N: Man you just turned yourself into a total monster.

He then tried to hit me but I was able to dodge out of the way of his attack.

Y/N: If you're going to power up why shouldn't I.

I then summoned the seven chaos emeralds with them circling around me. As I started to change into my super form the Realm around us started to shake.

After the transformation I glowed a bright gold as I flew above All for one giving a look of superiority.

All for One: This power, I could feel it just in the wind alone! I'll enjoy taking that power from you.

Y/N: You will try.


The two charged at each other with All for One's hit being powerful but doing nothing to Y/N with Y/N throwing a punch at All for one that sent him flying with Y/N flying after him.

Y/N soon got ahead of All for one with Y/N grabbing him by the head and slamming him into the ground with Y/N then charging a spin dash with him slamming into All for one with him breaking through multiple floating islands with Y/N hitting All for one with multiple powerful strikes with him kicking All for one sending him flying into another island with Y/N teleporting there to look for him.

Y/N: Where did he go?

All For One soon appeared right behind Y/N with him trying to attack Y/N from behind but Y/N was able to react to it in time.


Time stops for a second with Y/N going behind All for One and starts to spin with him throwing him into a floating island again. Y/N then started to spin again with him slamming into All for one Multiple times and then did a spike attack then sent All for one through an island which caused it to split in half with All for one falling through.

As All for one fell through the Chaos Realm he fired a tentacle out while Y/N tried to block it it went behind him and stung him which took a small bit of his power with Y/N landing on the ground and turning back to his normal form with him a bit tired.

All for one: So much power! Now I want it more!

Y/N pulled out one of the Chaos emeralds and channel the powered of the master emerald to turn the chaos emerald into a super emerald and when Y/N used it he turned into his Ultra form

Y/N then blasted at All for one with him firing another tentacle with Y/N turning invisible.

All for one: Where he go

Y/N then appeared behind All for one and grabbed All for one by the head and started blasting through multiple islands with him dragging All for one around before throwing him into an island with Y/N landing on it.

All for one charged at Y/N but he had turned the ground into ice with All for one slipping and Y/N threw a ring which made a gateway.

As Y/N yawned a portal opened with All for one falling out with Sonic soon punching a stream of fire from his hand that went for All for one.

Suddenly a stream of lightning came down and All for tried to attack Y/N from behind but Y/N turned intangible and as All for one went right through him Y/N kicked him in the back of the head with Y/N punching him in the back

Y/N: I'll just be taking this back

Y/N then took back the power All for one took with Y/N snapping his fingers and All for one was stuck in chains.

All for one: You think these can hold me.

Y/N: Nope but I can tell you this, I have master fate and with these words I wish you gone forever!

Y/N soon had a green orb in his hand but at that time All for One's chains broke and he tried to go for Y/N

Chaos Control!

With that All for one saw his body was breaking apart with him slowly being erased from existence.


Soon All for one was reduced to nothing with All for gone forever with Y/N floating in the Chaos Relam

Y/N: At least I got everything back, I think I might've taken a little extra too.

Y/N soon teleported out of the Chaos Realm with him seeing the Hog's Dog still destoryed but with a snap of Y/N fingers it was fixed with Irish looking up at Y/N.

Irish: Thanks mate, the payments would've been impossible to pay off, how could I pay you back.

Y/N: How about two glizzes and a medium chaos cola.

Irish: Sure thing mate.


After a bit of waiting Irish came back out with the food and drink with me taking it.

Y/N: Thanks how much is it?

Irish: On the house since you just saved me from going out of business.

Y/N: Anytime, later Irish.

I soon teleported out of there to somewhere to rest with me changing back to normal and resting in a hammock in the shade.

Y/N: Man nothing is better then some glizzes after a good fight

I started snacking away as I relaxes in the hammock as I put some shades on and listen to some music on my phone

And that is it I want to give a shout-out to my friend 0BSIDIAINK for giving me some ideas for this chapter please show him your support he's working really hard on his story Brother's till the end so show him some love and tell him Dr. Sonic sent you and as always if you have any suggestions for who also should be in the harem or what forms I should add let me know and I might put them in and as always I see you guys later

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