Chapter 9: Extra Training

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Testimony POV ,

As I explained, the entire hall went quiet. Others listened with rapid attention, but it all sounded different. Like I was a professional, giving them a deeper orientation on business management and administration.

“Good evening, class.”

“Good evening.” They chorused.

“At this training, I learned a lot about business management. Running a cafeteria efficiently involves five essential steps, which include planning, setup, service, cleanup, and breakdown.” I explained with a clear voice. “Planning encompasses menu creation, supply ordering, and space preparation. During our restaurant setup, we should organise the serving area, prepare the utensils, and ensure cleanliness in the kitchen.

Mr. Easton took his phone and took shots of me and the others while I gave my presentation. My imagination grew wild, but I explained convincingly, as if the other trainees were my customers. They all watched me with a tilted head and furrowed brows. I guess my lecture came out of the blue. The confusion on their faces was evident.

“Service involves taking orders, serving food, and processing payments.” While explaining, my arms spread out with my arms forward. I never felt so confident in my entire life. “Cleanup tasks include dish clearing, table wiping, and floor sweeping. In conclusion, breakdown entails storing leftovers, kitchen cleaning, and closing operations. For smoother management, these are important ideas I urge us to know and implement properly before going into the restaurant business. Thank you.”

“Wow, what an outstanding presentation!” Mr. Easton was commended. “Though, you need more composure and to learn more business terms.” He corrected, and I just nodded.


Delan, who seemed overwhelmed, stepped out. I hope to do a better job.

He was in the second paragraph when Mr. Easton frowned. “You wrote the same thing with Atlas, didn’t you?”

“You asked us to give a brief overview of what you taught us since yesterday, sir. The goal is for us to produce similar, if not identical, written content.”

“Go to your seat." Easton speculated, watching each participant. “So, who wrote an uncommon thing from what I taught?”

Each student looked around. No one stood up.

“Does that mean Tes is the only creative business-minded person here?” His authoritative voice demanded. “Even if I gave the same question, how can you repeat the same thing?”

“So... sorry, sir,” Atlas apologised on behalf of the class. “It won’t repeat itself.”

“Gosh! I can’t believe this. After giving you enough time to reason for yourselves, What was the need? Anyway? Let’s call it a day! We will continue from where we stopped tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.”

Checking on my phone, it’s screen reads 12:05 a.m. I scrolled through my Discord account for the unread messages. My fingers scrolled through until my eyes squinted at a particular message from Easton. I tapped on it, and it read.

‘Stay behind.’

A chill froze me to the chair when I read it. He sent the text just a while ago. I turned to Mr. Easton and realised that I was being watched. The smirk on his lip deepened. I just looked away.

“Aren’t you coming along?” Mabel muttered in a sleepy tone. Her deep-set eyes zipped to her lashes. One would think she was tipsy.

“Don’t worry, I’ll join you soon.” I told her, and she, along with the other ladies, walked out.

“Are you sleeping here?” Ilyas asked out of concern.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” I told him, watching Mr. Easton work on his laptop. Yet, I was avoiding eye contact with him. Once everyone stepped out, he shut down his computer system. The hall, as usual, was dark. Only two lights at the centre of the hall remained on.

“I guess you read my message,” he asked. And an awkward silence reigned between us.

“Yes, sir.” I took in a sharp inhale.

“So, why are you still single?” he asked.

“I don’t know.” I told him, gulping down another drop of saliva. My throat hurt. I was really thirsty, but I kept my needs to myself.

“What do your parents think about you getting married? I can tell how timid you are, but do they stop you from meeting guys?”

Glancing around the empty hall, I puttered. “I don’t know. I really don't know.”

“Give me a different reply,” he demanded.

“What do you want me to say? That the guys I’ve met have been jerks? That they cheated on me despite the trust?”

An awkward silence reigned in the room. It was a loud and heated kind of silence. The night was chilly, and I felt sweat dripping from my forehead to my belly.

“That’s because you didn’t give them enough.” Easton explained as he stood up from his chair and ventured towards me. “Men love women who are loyal and dedicated to them. It depends on how loyal you are to your partner.”

“Or maybe they’re never satisfied. Don’t take it personally, but men are wicked. Nothing satisfies them. Men are basically wild animals. They just take what they want and move on when they’re tired of it. I’ve only dated three times, and they were online dating. I still felt the love and the pain. I felt the rejection and loneliness. That was real.”

Watching him up close, I shook my head lightly and nibbled my front tooth on my lower lip. Then I turned away.

Easton smirked and moved up close to me. Sitting right before me. “Will you marry me, Tes?”

I don't know why, but my ear sang to his question. “What? Aren’t you in a relationship?”

“Yes, I’m single.” He heaved out a heavy breath. “I’m very single.”

“Why?” My brows furrowed as I gazed up at him.

“My wife died years ago.” His face contorted, and his shoulder fell into a slumped posture. “I married once. It was just a month after our wedding when she died, and that has been a really long time now.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I gasped with a single hand over my mouth. “I wasn’t expecting to hear such, I mean. Everything is at your disposal. I guess you were young lovers.” I said, judging from his looks.

But Easton didn’t look touched. He just stared at me. He just gazed down at me with a focused stare. My eyes narrowed, watching him in almost the same manner. His stare confused me.

“It’s late and quiet. Let’s go to my office.” Easton suggested.

“Why? It’s already past midnight.” I reminded him.

“I need to show you something. It’s related to the special training.”

“Why not tomorrow morning? I mean, it’s past midnight.” I objected. “I don’t enter guys’ rooms or offices alone.”

“Are you scared of me now?” Easton asked, and I almost laughed out loud. “I told you, you're safe with me. Now, let's go.”

When my silence met his, I understood his seriousness.

Easton offered me a hand. After much thought, I accepted it. It was a hard handshake, but his hand was icy and soft. As his chilled hand closed around mine, Easton stared at me for a minute.

His thumb flickered away, the heat off the back of my sweaty hand. His stare was intense. It mesmerised me.

“Follow me.” He looked into my eyes and ordered. His thick eyebrows rose to his last words.

Easton stood up from where he sat before me. And I did. Walking behind him, we stepped out of the lecture hall. My hand snapped off his grip, but he only smirked. It surprised me that no one was there. Everyone must have gone to bed. Even the security guards. We took an elevator and walked along a path. Once Easton walked through a door, I slid the door and stepped in after him, and he slammed the door shut once I entered. The room was dim. My vision hazed as I tried to scream, but his right hand pressed against my lips.

“What’s happening?” My heart raced as I caught a breath. “Are you going to kill me now?”

“Wait. Just wait.” His muscular arms pinned me in the dark corner against the wall. “Relax, will you?”

“If you dare hurt me?” I gulped down the threatening breath.

Gently, he let go of my arm and slowly brushed a strand of my hair out of my face. Easton traced his thumb along my jawline. His azure blue eyes turned dark. As if filled with admiration for me.

Or was it the hate or the hunger that was eating me up? I had no idea.

Then, Easton's lips met mine; slowly, he brushed his lips against mine. It was soft, warm, and light. As if he were tipsy. Or was it sleep in his eyes? I knew I was in trouble.

“We shouldn’t be doing this, Mr. Easton.” I apologetically mentioned him by his name for the first time. “I mean, I shouldn’t be doing this. I don’t even know you.”

“Don’t you want to know me? We’re getting to know each other, Tes.” Easton whispered hoarsely beside my ear.

His hot breath against my face lit my body on fire. Dripping in my own sweat, I barely held onto my breath. Yet that honey and woodsy fragrance came up again. The scent was impossible to ignore. My eyes shut as he leaned closely, capturing my lips in his. He went a little faster and then became aggressive. But he was gentle at the same time. It's the first I've tasted. Soft moans escaped my breath as I finally gave in to Easton’s wordless request. His lips met and parted with mine, taking perfect clicks and bites.

Slowly, Easton broke into another kiss. His tongue tasted cooler than mine. Refreshing and appealing. I felt a desire and a need for him as he spellbound me.

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