For a Girl

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"What was that for?"Charles yelled, grabbing his jaw and scrambbling backwards.
"What's wrong?" His friends came over and stood by his shoulder. They were huge, both at least 17 or 18 and 6' 5''.
"I was congratulating her and she...she punched me!" He stuttered.
"You didn't congratulate her! And you deserved it." Pinch came over to support me. Charles looked around for someone, presumably his father.

"All our parents are somewhere in the other room." His friend whispered into his ear.
"You sure Rich? Alright then." He said, stepping towards me. He swung and I easily ducked. I straightened up and was about to kick my foot at his leg when his friend muttered something.
"... fights like a girl." The guy said.
Yeah, you bet I fight like a girl! And you should be scared! I thought.
"Just a girl. Shouldn't be hard." He muttered again.
"Excuse me? I could beat you up!" I said, turning to him.
"Like you could even come close! You're a girl. Girls are weak. They can't do anything. They gave you that award because they felt bad for you. It wasn't yours." He smirked, so I punched him in the face. Hard.
"Good one sis." My brothers must have come up behind me and Pinch.

Charles and his friends widened their eyes at my brothers and quickly backtracked.
"Let's go Rich! Come on!" He called over his shoulder as he ran through the halls.
"Yeah, you better run!" Pinch laughed and highfived me.

"Alert! Alert! Breach in the west plain entrance! Category 9." A flashing red light blinded me in the eyes and a booming voice came over the loud speaker.
"All soldiers report to the west plains." I glanced at Pinch and raised my eyebrows as to say, let's go! I ripped off the awful dress, showing my more comfortable clothes. Pinch did the same. What can I say, great minds think alike.

We ran to the weaponry and grabbed our amo. I grabbed two small swords and a rifle. Pinch did the same but chose a bow instead. We sprinted out side and hurried over to our our dragons quickly.
"Where's the plains?" Pinch asked. I grabbed at my compass and pointed to the more rocky landscape.
"West is that way." I yelled over the chaos. We swiveled around and urged our dragons to the sky.

We took air quickly and by the time we reached the plains, I could see why it was a category 9. Thousands of red and black war dragons were swarmed around an army base, taking out all of their amo and defenses. Unluckily for the opposing country, they had attacked this island where thousands of great military officials were having dinner. Bad luck, I guess.

The war dragons were flying in formation, and it was clear their riders were transmitting messages to each other. They would all react at the same time, and it appeared one dragon and rider were commanding them all. I flew over to my dad.
"Dad, you see the one the the formation is revolving around? Let's take that one out, it'll stop their communication." My dad nodding, clearly pleased with my idea. We swooped down, and as we crossed the cloud line, I did a double take.

Hundreds, no thousands, of different colored dragons flew below us. Green, pink, blue, yellow, it looked like a moving rainbow. We all attacked with precision and force, striking at just the right moment. My dad ordered me, Pinch, and two other riders to spiral-dive straight to the middle dragon, in order to take out the leader. We dove, swords at the ready and sliced our way to the center. As I passed my brothers, I saw the determination in their faces. I felt proud. That was the feeling. But that proudness was soon interrupted by a ripping pain in my left side, I had been shot.

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