some naughty thoughts and some comforting cuddles

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Steve was still asleep when Herobrine opened his eyes and they glowed softly when he looks at Steve's face and it looked like Herobrine had to leave Steve for a little bit to check on the mobs while it was night so he left a note inside a book and quill and left it open on the bookshelf nightstand next to the bed then gives Steve a soft kiss on the forehead before disappearing to which Steve clung to the pillow Herobrine's head was laying on trying to feel comfortable but it only seemed to make him wake up with a whine and turned over to face a picture he put up when he built the house while Herobrine kept an eye on the mobs from in the nether and it seemed like Herobrine left to do that again by what Steve saw from the note Herobrine left with just a glance "he'll be back later" Steve gets cut off from his own yawn "or in the morning... since he's doing his job as god and king of the mobs and the nether..." Steve finished saying after the yawn and tries to fall back asleep to which he was glad he was able to while having Herobrine's scent nearby calming his nerves but he flinched awake when he thought that "what the fuck is wrong with me...?" Steve asks himself but he shook his head "I know he's my Boyfriend and but damn that thought process sounded obsessive... geez..." Steve huffed as he looks outside "I guess that can't be helped..." Steve sighs only to blush madly when he fully remembers what they did hours ago "d-damn it... did we really get carried away...?" Steve asks himself but he shook his head again "common Steve... it's okay once in a while... not every single day... but damn who knew what was going to happen... wait..." Steve paused for a moment then had a thought "does this mean he claimed me...?" Steve says blushing insanely then hides his face in the pillows "what the fuck..." Steve says  but since he's still tired his brain was making all sorts of things either really funny and on occasion it gets annoying but he never had these naughty thoughts before and it was driving him nuts and he internally screams a lot then somehow managed to fall asleep once more only to be woken up in the morning by Herobrine opening the door downstairs but tries to just sleep more until he hadn't realized Herobrine was rather quiet and quick on his feet "explain why you were internally screaming last night hm?" Was all Herobrine said before Steve shot right out of bed blushing profusely and going downstairs into the kitchen with Herobrine following behind him as he tried not to think about it and even tried blocking those thoughts "y-you knew h-huh...?" Steve stutters as he gets some raw beef from his chest which was also full of ice that would be very difficult to melt and tossed the raw beef into the furnace  then soon realized he had cornered himself next the the furnace and the the chests full of food and Herobrine was quick to placed his hands against the wall and having Steve between them "Stevie..." Herobrine says then sighs then gave a soft chuckle "your thoughts got pretty naughty huh~?" Herobrine then said teasingly to which Steve stuttered madly and huffs "though I guess you can say I claimed you though~" Herobrine added which Steve's face turn dark red due to being flustered and it caused Steve to whine making Herobrine snort and use one of his hands to caress Steve's cheek to which Steve leans into shyly and Herobrine couldn't help but think Steve was so damn precious and he couldn't help giving Steve a kiss and Steve kissed back and Herobrine swore that he would protect his Stevie "Herobrine I'm m-making steak... and I need to check it..." Steve says to which Herobrine let's Steve do what he was originally doing but he could tell under all the flustered thoughts and all Steve had learned he could tell Steve was lost and full of grief and probably felt that way for years and Herobrine knew that Steve's mother ment a lot to Steve but she was gone and he felt lost to the world because of his own father which he thought loved him but learning that he didn't and Herobrine felt a tug on his heart because of it since Steve was suffering because of it and because of what happened at the hospital before his death which that alone made Herobrine feel the need to be loving and clingy to Steve but he has work to do and didn't want Steve to get hurt in the nether or anywhere then Herobrine snaps out of his thoughts when he heard Steve's humming and it left a smile on his face "Stevie... have you ever gotten to properly grieve for your mother...?" Herobrine says and it caused Steve to go silent for a moment "no... and I can't seem to ever let it go..." Steve replied before taking a bite out of the cooked steak and he seemed saddened by the thought though when Herobrine hugs Steve close he knew Herobrine was comforting him and he silently ate the steak as some tears fell so when he finished the steak and clung to Herobrine was when he couldn't keep it together and cried into Herobrine's shoulder as Herobrine rubs his back and doesn't seem to let go until he knew Steve was better and he made sure Steve felt all the love he has to offer.

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