Chapter 5: The Next Step

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Alice P.O.V

I wake up feeling my body hurt for the position I end up it. I try to get up but I feel two pairs of arms around me. I look up and saw WingDing sleeping face that is really close to me. I blush of how close we were. I look away and see that we were cover of a blanket. I could hear voices in the kitchen. I didn't dare to move much I didn't want Wing to wake up but his hold on me is really strong. I hear the voices coming out of the kitchen and saw Toriel and Asgore walking back with some foods. They saw me looking at them pleading to take me out of this embarrassing situation. They look at each other and smirk.

"Tori it's seem like they are not awake yet." Asgore said.

"Yes, you are right Gory. We should let them alone for now." Toriel said holding a giggles. They put a plate on the coffee table and went back to the kitchen. Traitor!!! I thought when they left. I crumble a bit under my breath until I flinch when I could feel WingDing stir at his sleep. He slowly open his eyes sockets. He look down and saw me blushing.

"H-hey..." I stutter. WingDing blink twice before he start blushing purple. He let me go and I get up quickly.

"S-s-sorry! I didn't know I end up hugging you in my sleep!" Ding-Ding said embarrassed too. I shook my head quickly and smile at him.

"It's OK Ding-Ding! I actually sleep good." I said. He was still blushing a little bit but he calm down. He saw plate of food on the coffee table.

"Did Toriel left it there?" He ask pointing the food.

"Yeah, they saw you still asleep and left it there once you wake up..." I said looking away. He blush a bit at that and then he took the plate.

"Do you want to share it with me?" He said. I quickly nod and we start digging the food.

"Damn Tori is amazing cooker!" I said between bite. WingDing chuckle a bit of my enthusiasm. I blush a bit but quickly make it disappear by eating more of the food.

"Don't eat to fast or you will choke" Asgore said chuckle a bit as he enter the living room with Toriel following behind.

"Hmpf!" I said turning my head away with my mouth full of food.

"Still mad at us about this morning?" Asgore said as he sit down on the armchair. I didn't respond to him. I was still mad at them for leaving me on this awkward position with Ding-Ding.

"What happen this morning?" WingDing said with a confuse expression.

"Oh nothing really, my friend. Alice just overreact to much." Asgore said still smirking. Toriel was giggle by his side and Ding-Ding was still confuse but didn't went further of the subject which I am thankful for. We spent the whole morning together for a while. It was so nice to be surround by people that care about me... it's being a while...

"Alice? Earth to Alice!" I hear Toriel said. I snap out of my dark thought and look at her.

"Sorry I space out hehe..." I said embarasse of myself. Toriel chuckle as she shake her head.

"It's alright my dear. You must have alot in your mind since coming there." She said reassuring me. I always like this part of her so considered about what other think. I could always trust Toriel when it's come to my feelings.

"Sorry again... What did you said?" I ask Toriel.

"Well... We wanted to talk about our plan now that you are there... However, we don't know about how you will finish your education and trying to switch you school can be tricky since we would have to do it without your guardian know about it..." I lift a hand in front of her and she stop talking as she look at me confuse.

"About school... I already take care of it weeks ago..." I said looking away.

"How so?" Asgore said looking more confuse. Wing didn't said nothing but I know he must be asking the same question like Asgore.

"I...*sigh* I already graduate..." I said looking down on my laps.

"Said what?!" The three of them said.

"The school I attend was impress of my grades and wanted to know how if I was interest to do the national exam they do for graduate student... I end up pass the exam and they decide I could graduate if I wanted to..." I said blushing as I try to explain. Then I get hugging up by two skeleton arms at the side.

"💣✡ ☝✋☼☹ ✋💧 💧⚐ 💧💣✌☼❄✏" Wing said with his langage. I was surprise about the sudden interaction that I squeals. It's being a while that I hear his font. I remember him showing me how to understand and talk his font. I was good at it and we use to exchange notes when we were little. I could feel that my cheeks get a shape of pink. I may be a little bit rusty with his font but I know some words... Did he just said "my girl"? I thought to myself. If I think about it... He call me sweetheart yesterday and when I call him 2 days ago... Don't get me wrong, some weirdo or classmates would use pets names and I never really get infect about those words... But when WingDing said those pets names... My heart would fluster a little bit.

"Did you caretackers know about this fact?" Asgore said. I shook my head as I was still held by WingDing.

"No... I know if I did tell them they would just use me to do more chores or make me work to "repay" them." I said looking down. Ding-Ding pat my head and held me closer to him.

"Like hell I would allow them to do that to you..." He said with a low voice. It's make me smile of how he care so much for me.

"What have you being doing for the last few weeks?" Asgore said getting curious.

"Well I would be like 'go to school' when they drop me off and as soon as they leave I would just go to the librairie near the school and would read... Also writting my letters to University that contact me the day I graduate from school. Then before school end I would rush back there and I wait for them to come fetch me." I said.

"You have being doing that for weeks?" Toriel said.

"Yeah... I was planning to lie about it until I am 18 so I could go away from the house... But I know they will found out sooner or later..." I said. We were silence for a while. Until Asgore clear his throat. We all look at him.

"Well did you ever try to be emancipate from your caretackers?" Asgore said. I look at him confuse.

"What's emancipate?" I said.

"It's mean that you will not be rule by your caretackers rules and be free to be independant." He said.

"I didn't know I could do that" surprise of this new discovery.

"Yes... I read about it once in the newspaper about how some teens leave their parents since they don't get their proper need from them and that most of them work to live. Also some of them are often into abusing environnement" Asgore said. I took over this informations and get my thought together.

"So you mean I could leave them and they wouldn't be able to take me back?" I said having a hopeful expression. Asgore scratch his chin.

"You will need a lawyer tho..." He said looking down.

"Which cost money that I don't have" I said looking down again.

"You gain nothing when your grand-father pass away?" Asgore said. I shook my head.

"Yes and no... I can only have it all once I am 18 until then it's close of to me and no one can touch it not even my caretackers..." i said.

"And you are only 15 so you cannot use it for another 3 years..." Toriel said. We all sigh for a while and stay silence until WingDing start talking.

"You said earlier that some University wanted to enroll you to their school... Did you accept or apply?" He said.

"Well they did but the apply date is like in a month and I have to write a essay to get a full schoolarship." I said.

"What's the matter?" Asgore said.

"It's just... I don't even know what do as a career... I thought I wanted like grandpa but now... It's like foggy for me right now..." I said looking at them.

"Hmm if I remember your grandpa was a scientist right?" Wing said.

"Yes, he was a biologiste to be precise." I said.

I always loved to be at his study and his bookshelf full of books about plants and the SOUL. I always being amaze of the plants grandpa would create and grown. I smile a bit of those memories I have of him.

"Why don't become one?" Toriel said.

"Well... It's just I wanted to do something more meaningful... Like a doctor or lawyer or something like that." I blush a bit of that.

"That is a nice way to think of your future, Alice" WingDing said. I smile at him.

"Do you think you can enter the University?" Asgore said.

"Not this years since I wanted to work and gather money... I don't want them to be involve with my life anymore." I said.

"It's would be hard to find something since we are still 15 years old..." Toriel said trying to be rational.

"I did some work but it's like work like help the neighbor launding their truck or loan the moan. It's small pay but it's help..." I said.

"Hmm you will need more than just doing that, my friend." Asgore said.

"I know..." I sigh. I really need the money. Even if I have a scholarship, I still need the money for my living expence. Then WingDing pat my head and I look up at him. He smile at me before he look at the other.

"Well we should call for the day and I know we want to talk more about Alice new situation but for now shall we talk about something else?" He said. Toriel and Asgore both look at each other before they nod and smile.

"Of course! Shall we play some games?" Toriel suggest. I beam at her suggestion.

We spend the rest of the day playing games and having fun. It's being a while I haven't have the chance to just enjoy something simple like playing games with friends. Toriel and Asgore left the appartment since they have told their parents they would be back today. Both WingDing and me hug them before saying goodbye to them.

"We will see you after school tomorrow! I am so happy to see you back Alice." Toriel said as she hug tightly to me.

"I am happy to be back." I said hugging her back. Asgore pat my head before they both leave. It was just me and WingDing in his appartement. For some reason, I suddenly get nervous being all alone with him. I hate to said it but I do have a crush over him when we were little but I didn't want our friendship to be broken because I wanted something more... I shake my head and sit down in the couch. WingDing look at me before he sit down right next to me.

"Are you okay?" He said.

"Hmm? Yes! Yes... I just have alot in my mind you know?" I said laughing nervously. He stare at me for a while now before he lay more closer to my face.

"What are you thinking of ?" He said. I  try so hard to not blush of how close we were.

"I was just thinking how amazing I am here now and I am not there with them..." I said feeling hypnotise by his white dots of his eyesockets. We stare at each other eyes before he lay back and smile.

"Glad you think that way but know that everything is real and you are going to stay there with us." He said patting my head. I smile at him as the feeling of happiness start to glow in my SOUL.

"Now do you want to shower? I will pass you down some cloths to wear." He said. I nod and get up.

"Gladly." I said and left toward the bathroom. Once I get inside the bathroom, I put the water on for a bath. I was waiting to fill in when I hear the door knock.

"Alice I have some cloths for you and you can leave your cloths to the laundry bag." He said as he pass me the cloths.

"Thank you Ding-Ding." I said. He nod and left the room. I put the cloths on the toilet seat and take off my cloths. My body was full of bandages around my arms, legs and torso. WingDing barely saw a glimpse of my injuries. I sigh when I was them in the mirror. I took them off and thank God the wounds didn't open up. I put myself in the water and sigh in delight of the contact of the warm water. I clean up the dry blood and the dust around my wounds until my skin was clean. Once I was done cleanning, I get off of the tube and took the towel. I dry myself and look at the mirror before putting the cloths. My hair was white with some black tips, my skin is rosy but close to pale one and I have odds eyes. Right Blue eye and left red eye. I usually cover my red eye since it's make people unsettle when they saw them. My body start to become more like a woman especially with the curves and my breast that is developped. I would love my body if it wasn't all those injuries I have on it. I sigh trying to take away my dark thought and start to put some clean cloths. Ding-Ding give me one of his turtleneck sweater and sweatpants. They were really big on me but they are confortable so I don't really complain.

I went out of the bathroom and went back to the living room. WingDing was there sitting in the couch when he glance at me. I could see a tint of purple blush on his cheekbones before he turn his head quickly.

"A-ah! Y-you are done with the bathroom?" He said.

"Yes, I did. Thank you to land me some cloths." I said as I sit down next to him. He smile at me before putting his arm around me. I end up snuggle him.

"Wanna watch a movie before going to bed?" He said. I nod and get closer to him. Enjoying this moment.

(A/N) sorry being a while I haven't publish anything lately... I have being busy with work and trying to write was a challenge thèse pass few weeks... But I made it and hope you like this chapter!

Inugami 🐺 out~

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