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"where did you leave your love?"

"K BOYS LETS START A FUCKING FIRE BITCHES!" Rosalyn yelled at the boys as it was finally dark, Very Dark, out in the Witches forest.

One hand held gasoline and one held a lighter, as she was about to cause chaos, but in a safe matter. "Ok, am I the only one that doesn't trust that trio?" Sam responded, referring to Rose and the gasoline plus the lighter, making Rose tilt her head slightly annoyed at Samuel's answer.

Rolling her eyes she responded, "I'm an arsonist bitch I'm a pro at starting fires." walking towards the 4 boys as they adjusted to their seats by the pot they were going to contain the fire in.

"Hear that folks? Rosalyn is a fucking criminal." everyone except Rosalyn laughed, as she nodded her head getting annoyed by the second of their laughing fits.

Her face turns cold but turns funnily as she looks back at Jake. "Hear that folks? Jake Webber's on fire." making a cheeky joke from Daniel Howell as she opens the cap and starts to walk towards Jake as he gets out of his chair to run away making Corey and them lose their minds from laughing so hard.

"That wasn't fucking funny Rosalyn!" Jake exclaimed, acting so serious until his small smile ruined it for him.

After Rosalyn set up the fire, they all sat in their little chairs, Rose wrapped around her blanket that she was cuddled up in the car with as thy discussed the supposed "ritual" that was suppose to take off the demons of spirits that kept on falling all of them. She had hoped that it would stray away Alex, though she still thought about it till this day that maybe she's just crazy or something, she felt like she and Alex has grown a sort of Father-Daughter bond between them.

"But what if this just make the spirits mad or something?" Corey curiously suspected, he was probably right at that moment, having a long history of spirits and ghost experiences in his life.

"Well.. they said that this ritual was suppose to cleanse ourselves from the spirits or ghost, and if we can do that today while the fire is still burning, then maybe it's our chance to finally be free of their ghostly grasp." Sam explained to all four of them.

Rosalyn wasn't so sure what to think about at the moment, if this were to make everything more worse or yet, make the spirits hate all of them even more than they should already, then this was a bad idea and a bad life in the making. But at the same time, she didn't want the boys to feel like they were being watched. They have told her countless times that sometimes they feel like someone following them, and if this ritual were to work, then maybe everything could back to normal, but at the end, nothing they did was ever normal.

"So when we went out to dinner, we went to the store and got things that reminded us of the things that could/might possibly following/haunting us." Sam explained to the camera as he pans it to everyone around the circling including a freezing Rosalyn.

Everyone grabbed their items. "I think I'll start, so if Corey could grab the camera from me." passing the camera to Corey as he points it to Sam as he reveals what he was going to burn in the fire for the ritual. "So what I'm going to burn today." he starts, only to pause mid way to bring out his item, before showing the camera what it really was. "The key to Biltmore Hotel suite." revealing to the camera.

"You still have that?!" Corey sputtered out, kind of shocked and kind of confused why he would still have that in his possession.

"—Yeah dude, I think this was one of the main reasons why we have been haunted and also, this is just perfect for this ritual because that's kind of when everything started to get in place." referring back to when the boy's stayed TWICE at the Biltmore Hotel, which is probably one of the most haunted places in Los Angeles.

Colby goes next. "Well I guess it's my turn to show what I'm gonna burn." He spoke up into the conversation as he picked up a cardboard cutout of himself from a picture he took like a few years ago, as everyone around the fire circle laughed in confusion on why he would put that into the fire.

"What the fuck? What the—why that?" Sam giggle at Colby's item as it was purely kind of dumb, but also inside kind of mad because he had bought those cut out boards for a prank on Colby.

"Well, for the past couple of months." the blue haired devil started. "This..has been haunting me, in my apartment 24-7 like everywhere I go I just see this and I slightly get mad because of my idiotic hair choices back in like 2014-2015." Colby goes on to give a more depth explanation.

"Dude, your going to waste paper, just freakin give it to Rosalyn and let her place it into her room." Jake suggested, only for a few seconds later, a towel flying to The Webber's face, certainly from Rosalyn's direction.

She scolds him. "Are you freakin crazy?! If I put that in my room, I'll probably get sleep paralysis and think that fucking thing is a demon with one big ass head." making Colby yelled out a "HEY!" at his denial.

"Don't make fun of my head ok!" Both Colby and Rosalyn stand up from their seats.Colby giving Rose a death glare as Rosalyn gives Colby a playful smile, seeing him serious was funny asf.

"dOnT mAkE fUn oF mY hEaD oK." imitating Colby as he breaks out into a fit of laughter making Rosalyn laugh even harder. "How the fuck is that going to do that anyways Colbs?" pointing to his cardboard cut of of himself.

"Well—I'll just have too.." ripping a piece of the board out, showing the camera that was still in Corey's hands. "Yeah." he smiled once more, giggling at himself a bit.

Sam looked at him weirdly. "Ok then." The blonde haired boy commented, his hands colliding with his owns as he faces towards Jake. "What are you planning to burn?" He questioned the boy with his trusty Shrek doll in hand.

"Well, I'm going to burn." Jake starts his sentence.

"—Shrek?" Colby questioned seeing it was already in the boys hand in the first place.

He rapidly shakes his head as he says, "Nooooo!" Jake responded protecting his precious but not really at the same Shrek doll figure. He grabs his item, "I'm burning, the Shrek DVD." revealing his item to the group as they all look at each other confused again on why he would burn that.

"The precious Shrek DVD How the fuck dare you!" Rosalyn shrieked at him, slightly mad that he's going to burn such a possession of his.

"Wait wait, do you guys wanna know why I'm really burning this?" The Webber child asked the group themselves. "Because the first time I got an eviction notice, was when Colby threw this on the ground at my apartment really loudly, and told on me to the security, and ever since then, I keep getting eviction notices." Jake concluded his explanation.

Colby frowned. "Oh shit I'm sorry dude." The blue haired dude apologized to the Webber child once more about what he had done.

"Damn it Colby, you freakin made my boy have eviction notices now." The Fray commented madly towards Colby who only looked at her annoyingly after hearing those words come out of her mouth.

"What the hell did you bring to the fire?" Colby himself rambled to Rosalyn Fray herself.

Rosalyn grabbed a piece of paper from her bag and showed it to the camera. The paper had the name Alexander written all over it. "This was in mid-February when I had a crisis about the fact that the name Alexander was stuck in my head all the time, and to me, I think that there is a guy name Alexander following me and I certainly hope he can stop fucking following me." explaining herself to the group.

ROSALYN IN HER MIND: But no hate bro,.
ALEX IN HER MIND: none taken young one, I know you don't hate me.
ROSALYN IN HER MIND: yeah no duh dude.

"Makes a lot of sense." Sam concludes her statement, before grabbing something for Corey to put in the fire for the ritual.

"I'll give you this too burn." Sam hands to Corey as he read it to himself, seeing that the paper says Shadowman.

Immediately, he goes, "Dude nooo" stuttering his words not wanting this to be the thing that he was gonna burn, though he still didn't believe that this ritual was going to "Cleanse" themselves of the spirits that were currently still haunting them.

"No, this is perfect Corey, you can finally be free of the Shadowman." Sam tried to talk him into the idea of freeing him from his lifelong ghost follower.

"Don't say his name what if he's here!" Corey dictated to the group as they were already, ready to put there beloved items into the pit of fire.

Rosalyn grew annoyed and just blurted out, "Let's just throw them inside the fire and lets see what happens, if we get possessed and die then we fucking die, but we don't know unless we try ok!" arguing to both men as they sort of bickered to each other, before giving Corey a slight look of reassurance to let him at least try the ritual.

"One." Colby counts.
"Two." Sam counts.
"Three." Rosalyn counts lastly.

They all throw their possessions in the big fire, as they watch it slowly burn in the flame of the fire. Rosalyn's eyes looks towards at her writing slowly turning into pure ash, but her trail of thought was ruined as she heard Colby scream. Her body turns to his direction as he did a 180 around the back of his chair as he points to a direction behind Rosalyn.

"DUDE I SWEAR TO GOD I SAW A FUCKING SHADOW!" Colby yelled as the group stands up from their seats, starting to get terrified.

At that moment though, Rosalyn wasn't as scared as they were because she felt an oddly familiar sense of presence close to them. She looked at the direction he was pointing to, and coming out of the shadows was no other than ALEXANDER GREYSON.

"Corey turn off the camera." the girl demanded the man holding the camera to stop recording. "Alex!" She yelled out to the spirit slightly mad that he had scared her friends away.

"Wait! This is Alex?!" Sam exclaimed as the other start to calm down finally seeing the spirit that Rosalyn has told stories about.

Rosalyn Fray looked at the spirit infront of her dumbfoldly, as the met a certain distance away from each other, a more comfortable distance. "Young one I'm sorry but I have to do this here." Alex spoke up, his head looking down.

All of the group members didn't know exactly what he meant by that, including Rosalyn herself. "Have to do what?—Your scaring me." slightly afraid of what the angel might do to her.

"This is for your own good, I wouldn't be doing this if it didn't meant to save you and others around you." Alex adding one last time to his sentence. He reached for his pocket, and grabbed a knife, in which Rosalyn saw before he sliced her throat, making a big slash on her neck, blood coming out, as she passed out on the ground.

"Rosalyn!" Colby roared loudly out of his chest seeing the love of his life dead on the ground. But before he could even try to run to her aid, the guardian angel himself, used his magic to stop him and the group from going to her. "You killed her! NO! Let us go!" trying to get out of his magical grip.

"I know you hate me at this moment Colby, but this needed to be done, you'll understand why." Alex advised the men as they were still yelling out to their friend. But little did they know, the slash on her neck started to heal unbelievable fast. The men themselves looked at each other not knowing if they were going insane but looked back to see the slash on her neck fully healed.

The next second was complete chaos. A big explosion came out of Rosalyn's body, like a big blue transparent force, which caused Alex, and the group of boys to fly in the air and land roughly on the ground. But as the boys stood up, slightly hurt and in pain from the landing, they all looked at the girl, as she was slowly sitting up, her eyes opened, and they were bright purple

Now you make think this is the end,
but this truly just the start,
of the madness that is ROSALYN FRAY.
or should I say? ROSALYN FAIRCHILD.


𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚? | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤

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