Chapter 6

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"Doctor?" I said, laying on the floor of the TARDIS in the console room. I was in a weird mood, I was super hyper and stuff, like I was just really happy. It was weird cause I'm not happy very often.

"Yes, Olive?"

"Do you have other friends? Ones I can meet? It would be fun to meet new people other than the ones we see once while on an adventure." I asked, staring at the ceiling.

"Yes, when do you want to meet them?"

"Well, why not now?" I asked, and so he started flying the TARDIS, I held onto the railing that was beside my head. The TARDIS shook like it always did, and once it stopped I hopped up and ran to the door.

"Here we go!" I said and walked out into a cute little village.

A man ran outside coming from a cute, light blue house. He was skinny, had light brown hair, and a big ish nose.

"Doctor?" He said running over to the Time Lord behind me, not even looking at me.

"That's me!" The Doctor answered and hugged the dude that I already wasn't sure about.

"Oh, sorry, what's your name?" He asked, looking at me.

"Olive." I said quietly.

"You're Olive? Is she the Olive you were talking to us about?" He asked the Doctor. But why was he talking to him about me?

"Yes, it's that Olive."

"But I thought you said she was eight!" He said and looked back at me.

"I was, then he left me and came back eight years later, he didn't even know that I would be there, I guess I'm just lucky. But we're good now, no hard feelings." I said and smiled at the Doctor.

"Oh, well, I'm Rory. Um, would you like to meet Amy?" He asked me, I nodded and he lead us into his house. He had us sit on the couch while he called Amy downstairs.

A girl with bright, red hair came running down the stairs and into the living room, stopping abruptly.

"Who are you?" She asked with a little bit of sass, I just smiled at her.

"I'm Olive, I assume you're Amy?"

"yeah, I'm Amy, Rory's wife. Nice to meet you." She said and sat next to the Doctor.

"Wait, is she the Olive? I thought she was eight?" She said, I sighed and explained again.

"Yes, I'm the Olive, he left me when I was eight, then came back eight years later on accident and I guess he decided to keep me. But it's all good now, I'm not angry, most of the time." I said, the a smile spread across her face.

"Same! He left me when I was little and came back twelve years later and I hit him with a cricket bat, but it's okay. He's just not good with times. Which, now that I think about it, is weird. I mean you are called Time Lords!" I laughed and he glared at her.

"The TARDIS just doesn't alway cooperate. That's all." I giggled again.

"Sure sure!" Amy said, winking at me.

"Why did I bring you here again?" He asked me, I smiled at him.

"Because I wanted to talk to someone else about how annoying you are." I said and stuck my tongue out at him playfully, he glared a little.

"Would you guys like to stay for dinner?" Rory asked, I looked at the Doctor hopefully.

"I was thinking more along the lines of an adventure." He said with a smile, we all smiled too and ran to the TARDIS.

"Where do you want to go? Anywhere you want!"

"Somewhere pretty!" I said, he laughed and nodded, running around doing his own thing.

"So, how long have you been traveling with him?" Rory asked me.

"Since this morning!" I said and the TARDIS started shaking a lot.

Once it quit, I ran to the doors pausing before opening them. I took a deep breath and pushed them open, in awe straight away.

Outside was a waterfall, we were parked on the top of it, to the right side. The water was blue-purple, and purple grass was surrounding the entire place. There was a pink sky, a moon starting to be visible with stars shunning all around.
It was amazing.

I walked out a little further, the Ponds following, then the Doctor behind them.

"I-it's-it's." I whispered, stuttering.

"Amazing." Amy finished for me.

"Yeah, amazing." I breathed, eventually breaking my gaze and looking at the Doctor, who was looking at me and smiling.

"Glad you like it." I smiled slightly, then looked back at the scene before me. It was the prettiest thing I have ever seen.

I then felt the ground smack into my side, I had fallen and didn't even notice until I had hit the floor. I sat up quickly to see the three of them giggling at me, I started laughing too as I stood up.

"You okay, there?" The Doctor asked me.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just a clumsy person." I laughed.

I looked back at the pretty water when I saw the light of the sky reflecting off of something in the grass, I looked down, the Doctor doing the same, and saw my watch on the ground. He must have noticed the reflection at the same time as me. He knelt down and picked up the fob watch, flipping it over in his hand and then looking like he might throw up when he saw the circles on the back. But what's wrong with my watch? It's broken and crap. I don't even know why I still have it, I guess I just felt that I needed to keep it.

"Is this yours?" He asked, but I could hear the time of fear in his voice, but why was it there?

"Yeah, why?" I asked, grabbing it out of his hand and shoving it into my pocket.

"It's just, um... Nothing, it's nothing. Sorry I thought it was something else." He said and then smiled at me, I smiled back, but couldn't help but think about the watch. I guess it was weird that I had had this fob watch my whole life, or at least as long as I can remember, and kept it, especially since it won't even open.

But wait, I hadn't even tried to open it, had I? I couldn't remember trying, but somehow I knew it wouldn't work.

We had walked around the pretty planet, it was all beautiful but I liked the waterfall best, though more than half the time I wasn't even paying attention to the scenery, just thinking about my watch.

Sometimes I could sense the Doctor looking at me, almost every time with a worried face. I would just smile at him and then return to my thoughts, but he wasn't convinced, I wasn't either.

We were walking up the hill to where the TARDIS was parked when I felt something stick into my back, it was only a few seconds before I realized what had happened. I felt the blood seep into my clothes, I felt the hole the gun bad just put into my back and stomach. Then the pain hit me like a ton of bricks, it was so painful, I never felt anything like this. It was a different kind of pain, it spread all across my body.

"Doct-" was all I could say before I felt someone catch me. I didn't know I had collapsed until I felt arms wrap around my body. I looked up and saw the Doctor holding me, looking more worried than I had ever seen anyone.

"It's okay, you're okay. You'll be fine, just calm down." He said, that's when I realized I was hyperventilating, though it was getting harder and harder to breathe at all by the second.

The world was starting to fade a little around the edges, so I knew I had to hurry up before it was too late.

"Doc- Doctor, m-my poc-ket." I said, fighting to say each word. He looked confused, but then realized what I meant. He put his hand in my pants pocket and grabbed the watch. He slid it in my hand, closing my fingers around it for me.

"Open it." He whispered, I nodded but then let out a scream, my whole body feeling like it was on fire and someone was stabbing every inch of me.

I felt him move me, then I realized he carried me into the TARDIS. Almost everything was black, just a little bit in the middle was light enough to see.

I was trying to press the button to open the watch, but I couldn't. It wouldn't open but it needed to open. If it didn't open, I would die. I struggled to even keep a hold of the watch, let alone press the button.

I felt fingers wrap around mine and press my fingers to the button, pressing it down and opening the metal circle.


Hey guys, sorry if this is awful, I was at my friend's house for her birthday yesterday and spent the night. We watched all of our recital DVDs last night and didn't go to sleep until 5:12am, then we got up at 8;45. 😂😂
So I'm really tired, if this doesn't make sense tell me and I'll fix the chapter, but not until tomorrow. :D

Sorry again! Love ya'll!!!

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