Chapter 18

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I tapped my fingers impatiently, staring at Samantha and her partner across the table. They were scrutinizing me, playing good cop bad cop, a typical routine seen in movies. If it were anyone else they would have fallen for the charade and cracked under pressure, maybe even confess to a crime they didn't commit. Sadly for them, they have me to today and not Alicia or Jess.

I stretched my arms above my head and fake yawned, looking at my nails, puckering my lips as I whistled. They've been interrogating me for hours, firing questions left and right, like two boxers having a friendly sparring match. I found their feeble attempts comical, almost amusing.

Samantha cleared her throat and frowned, the wrinkles on her forehead visibly creasing, highlighting her anger and frustration. I wanted to laugh at how easy it was to push her buttons, but I kept quiet, knowing it wouldn't help my situation, so I kept quiet, sticking to making subtle silent jibes through my actions.

'Miss King, I don't think you understand the severity of the situation, you're being accused of murdering your boss, Andy Sharpe.'

'Oh, I understand perfectly, Officer...Hopkins was it? But l have nothing to say. I'm innocent. Nice try using the good cop bad cop routine, I must say I find it very amusing.' I grinned at Samantha's partner, winking and flashing my white pearly teeth at him. I could see his face flush a bright red and he coughed into his hand.

I leaned forwards in my seat, placing both hands on the table, a slight smirk planted on my lips. She frowned, angrily standing up and pushing her chair back. The chair with a loud thud to the floor as she slammed her hands on the table, roughly grabbing me by the collar of my shirt, inching her face closer to mine till our noses were touching. Her green eyes darkened as they bulged out her sockets, silently daring me to utter another word. I burst out laughing, tears falling out my eyes as she shook me, ripping the last couple of buttons from my blouse.

'Why Officer Sharpe, if you wanted to get me out these clothes all you had to do was so say, although, you'll have to take me to dinner first!'

'That's enough! Samantha, calm down!'

Officer Hopkins grabbed her by the arms, pushing her back. I laughed some more, clapping my hands in amusement as she struggled to get out of his grasp. This was just too entertaining. It was fun watching her lose her shit in front of her partner. I know she would get told off for this, for being unprofessional in front of a witness, maybe even get demoted or suspended.

'What's going on here?!' Officer Clarke, may I remind you that you are in no way supposed to harm my client, now I suggest you calm down before my client decided to press charges against you for attempting bodily harm.'

'Ellis? Please tell me you aren't her solicitor?'

I crossed my arms and looked between the two, raising my eyebrows in curiosity. So this was the famous Ellis Day. Carly's long lost love, the girl from the photo. A sudden flash of anger surged through my body at the thought of her and Carly being intimate. I detested it. Carly belongs to no one, not to Samantha and certainly not to some flashy solicitor who just waltzed in here like she owned the place.

I wasn't able to find much information on Ellis. She was like a ghost, an invisible annoying being that was an irritating sharp thorn digging into my side. She would have been my first victim, but I only knew about her after I killed Megan, after I saw that photo in Carly's caravan. Even then I knew this woman still meant a lot to Carly, she wouldn't have kept her photograph if she didn't have some sort of feelings towards her.

The tension was intense, permanently latching itself in every inch of the room as both women challenged the other silently, they're staring match a battle of silent words that hung in the air. I could tell one was waiting for the other to break the silence, to make the first move.

'Whether I am or not is non of your concern, Mrs King hired me to represent he daughter, and that's what I'm doing. I've been a close friend to the Kings for the last few years.'

Wait, what? Close friend? Did Scarlett know her, or was this Ellis spewing some random bullshit from her mouth? Endless questions began to swirl in my mind, endless questions appearing out of nowhere, seeking plausible answers. Did this mean Ellis was working for Scarlett when she and Carly first met?

'If you don't have any other evidence apart from an ID, you will have no choice but to release my client. Both my client and the victim worked together, it's not a shock that her ID just happened to end up amongst the victim's possessions at the time of his death.'

'Unless she was having an affair with the victim, I don't see any other reason why her ID should be in Mr Sharpe's possession in the first place.'

'Well, if you and your partner did your job properly, you would have found out that my client reported her ID missing and requested a new one. For all we know, Mr Sharpe could have found her ID before his tragic death. Now if you don't have anything else, you will release my client, am I making myself clear?'

Samantha clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white from the pressure of her nails against her skin. Smoke was coming out her ears and nostrils, her anger clearly evident. I had to hand it to Ellis. I may not like the woman but she was damn good at her job.

The burst open, and Chris walked in looking frantic and frazzled, his eyes wide with worry and concern. He whispered in Samantha's ear, then looked at me from the corner of his eye with sympathy. I raised an eyebrow, confused and curious by the hushed whispers and minute-long silence.

Samantha looked at me, body language visibly relaxing under my gaze, eyes expressing regret. In a calm tone, she looked at me, switching off the tape recorder. The red light blinked a few times before switching off and I could feel everyone in the room visibly relax as if their worries washed away with the touch of a button. Elli places her hand on my arms reassuringly, her posture relaxing slightly from the heated argument she had with Samantha moments before.

'Miss King, you were spotted on CCTV camera in Manchester during Mr Sharpe's death, you're free to go.'

'Thank you Chris, Miss King, right this way, I'd like to discuss a couple more things with you.' She placed her hand on my back, nudging me out of the interrogation room. I could feel Samantha's piercing gaze on me, watching as Ellis and I walked away. I know the guilt must be eating her alive. Carly won't be happy about this. Knowing her, she won't want anything to do with Samantha again.

As the door shut behind us, we immediately heard raised voices. I looked at the door, then glanced back at Ellis, who had a smile on her way, clutching her black briefcase in her right hand. I took the opportunity to properly look at her face, eyes drifting up and down her body. She looked different up close, alluring, sexier. I could see why Carly fell for her, like Samatha she was very pleasing to the eye, oozing confidence as she held her chin up high. She was the sort of woman that stood her ground, a lot like Scarlett.

'What happen's now?'

'Now? You're a free woman, you can do whatever you want, I'll see you around......Ivy.' She winked at me and sauntered off towards the exit, her hips swaying as she reached the doors. She sent one last cheeky wink my way and smiled, leaving me baffled and frozen to the spot.

She knows who I am.


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. What do you make of Ellis? Do you think she's going to help or is she up to no good?! Please let me know you're thoughts below, and if you read and enjoyed the chapter, please don't forget to vote! Happy weekend everyone and happy Easter in advance!

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