Chapter 2

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Author's note

Here it is everyone! Chapter two. I hope you all enjoy it. Just a bit of a warning. It does contain sexual and violent graphic scenes! If you are under 18 please read this at your own risk! This chapter is mature and might be hard for some to read, but if you feel uncomfortable please don't read ahead.

To all of those who have read this book so far, thank you and enjoy! I hope you like the chapter and can give me your thoughts afterwards! ❤

I rolled down the window of my car, the ice cold breeze hitting my face. About ten feet away a was walking towards me, his eyes cast downwards with his hands shoved in his pockets. It was a chilly night, the moon shon from above, the cloud parting like curtains, showcasing it's beauty for the world to see. It was a marvellous site to see, but also deadly. It's beauty reminded me of diamond, beautiful in the right hands, but deadly in the wrong ones.

The care door opened and the man got in the far, blood evident on his hands and shirt. I smiled and nodded, pulling out a large envelope of money. No words needed to be said, I knew the work was done. For a moment he stared at me, his eyes cold, dead, showing no remorse or emotion for what he was just doing only moments before. He was he right man for the job, perfect in every sense. He did everything and anything without question, without fail. I knew I could rely on him to be discreet about this, especially since the situation was a delicate matter.

He grabbed the envelope roughly in his hand, counting the money before getting out the car, slamming the door. It wasn't my first time doing a transaction like this, but it had to be done. I couldn't' risk my reputation being exposed. The media would have been treacherous if they knew, like a pack of ravenous dogs fighting over a juicy steak. This would have been the scandal of the century, sex, lies, murder, everything they needed to come up with a detailed piece.

I had to stop. I knew I had to, this was a close call and I let my temper get the best of me, got caught up in the heat of the moment. My wife and daughter would never forgive me if they found out, I would be disowned and they would happily let me rot in prison. I couldn't let that happen. I sighed, closing my eyes at the thought.

'Sir, sir, you're phone is ringing.'

I shook my head, clearing the horrible thoughts from my head. I was stuck in my own thoughts that I didn't realise my phone had been ringing for some time. Grabbing my phone, I pressed it against my hear, clearing my throat. 'Hello?' Silence, I didn't hear anything apart from someone breathing down the phone. I checked the screen, unknown caller.

'Hello? Who is this?'

'Hello Andy.'

'Hello? Who is this? How did you get my number?'

'After all these forgot the sound of my voice? Hard to believe.'

'Who the hell are you!?' I yelled, annoyed at the vague response. She laughed, it was soft, almost melodic. It was clear she was a female. Probably one of the many women my brother raped and harassed.

'You'll find out soon enough.'

12 hours earlier

I grabbed her by the hair, shoving my cock in her mouth to release all the lent up frustration from the office. She was a swanky little tart, always wearing these short skirts around me, purposely brushing her body against mine in the elevator after every meeting.

I knew what she wanted, she was just like the rest of them, trying to entice an older man into bed. I could remember the first time I fucked her, bending her over my desk I roughly took her from behind, remembering her pussy squeezed and milked my cock. She begged, she fucking begged like the whole she was, and the second time, she sucked me dry under my desk and rode my cock afterwards.

No, it wasn't the first time we fucked, and I hope itwouldn't be the last! I knew it was wrong, very wrong! I was a married man, an older married with a loving daughter and a very loving wife. So why would I fuck other women? Why? It was simple, it was just too damn good.

I thought I could change when I married Abigail, I really did. I thought I could change and live my life as a happy husband who doted on his wife and daughter, but I couldn't. The sex was too damn good, too addicting, almost like the first time taking your first sniff of good quality drugs. I just couldn't give it up, it was too good, too fucking good.

Her long manicured red painter Reed nails gripped my hips, making my cock go further down her throat. 'Fuck, that feels so good' I moaned, watching her head bob up and down, my mouth opening wider with each passing second as my breathing intensifies. Her soft lips felt amazing wrapped around my cock.

She began to tease me now, eyes looking up at me with a devilish hungry look as she releases my cock and ran the tip of her tongue up and down my shaft. I could feel her teeth lightly graze the skin and I groaned in pleasure. I grabbed two fists full of her jet black hair and pushed my cock into her mouth again, pounding furiously.

My cock twitches and jerked in her mouth, her head bobbing faster. I was so close, so fucking close. With one loud final moan, I marched my back on the bed, eyes closing as my legs began to shake. Unable to control me any longer, I cum into her mouth hard. She eagerly swallows before unwrapping her sweet little lips around my cock, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

'Babe, I've got something to tell you, I think it could be quite good for both of us.'

'Oh really, and what would that be sweetheart?' I said, as I got up off the bed and began to button my trousers. She walks over to me, grabbing my left hand and placing it on her stomach. My eyes widened, no, it can't be, I make sure we're always careful, I always do!

'I'm pregnant.'

I removed my hand, eyes drifting from her face to her stomach. This can't be. I grabbed her by the throat and pushed her back, slamming her against the wall. I heard her cry out in pain as I squeezed my hand around her neck, watching her struggle for air. I bent down towards her ear.

'I don't want a fucking baby, least of all with a skanky blonde tart like you, abort it.' I harshly whispered, letting go of her neck. I turned away, and buttoned my trousers, grabbing my black briefcase which was laying on the floor.

'Fine, go, I'll just go and tell your wife, shall I? Or how about that daughter of yours? A chief inspector right? I'm sure she will love to hear all about her daddy's dirty little affairs.'

'You're not telling my wife and daughter anything!'

'Watch me.' With determined steps she took three big strides towards the bedside table and grabbed her mobile phone, her fingers rapidly typing a number. I ran towards her and roughly snatched the phone from her hand, smashing it against the wall. The screen cracked, tiny pieces of glass falling on the floor as I smashed it a few more times and dropped it on the floor. The bitch could have exposed me!

'That was my phone!'

'You could have exposed me you cow! Do you know how many scandals that would cause in the media, you stupid stupid cow!' I stood in front of her, furious. She could have exposed me, all hell would have broken loose if this got out. Fuck! She laughed at my outburst, lightly slapping my cheek twice with her hand and pinched my cheek.

'Well, you should have thought of that before you started fucking me! As if I care about what the media think or what your precious little family might think, kiss your family and politic career goodbye!' With one final laugh, she turned around, grabbing her red leather handbag from the coffee table.

'I don't think so!' Before she could walk out the door I grabbed the side of her head with my right hand, smashing the side of her head against the wall. I could hear her neck snap to the side as it collided with the wall, and I watched as her body slumped to the floor, her body twisting at an awkward angle.

An evil smile appeared on my face as I kneeled down to rub her bottom lip with my thumb, slightly smudging her red lipstick. She was so beautiful, even as she lay dead on the floor in such a state, arms and legs bent to the side, eyes wide open, lifeless. It was such a shame that she had to go to waste. Looks like I need a new woman to fuck again, but this time I had to be more careful. I couldn't afford for.......another slip up like this again.


I've been on a roll recently with writing and editing my chapters! So I thought, why not post this! I hope you all enjoyed it. It is a bit more sexual and a lot more graphic than the previous to chapters, but I hope you all enjoyed it none the less.

I want to know what you think! Who do you think killed her?! I think it's pretty obvious who it is. But comment down below, I would love to hear your thoughts! 😁

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