Chapter 5

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Author's Note

Hope you all enjoy the chapter, took a while to write as I wanted this to be exciting enough for you guys to come back hungry for more. Please be aware that this is a mature book, so for those that are under 18, read at your own risk. To those that haven't yet read the first book, this will have spoilers so please be aware of that!                                                                                       


Sunlight flooded through the very spacious office windows, basking the room in its warmth. My eyes glanced towards the desk where stacks of paperwork lay scattered and a photograph was perched on the very edge. From the looks of it, he no doubts left in a hurry, most likely to a meeting.

With curious eyes I picked it up, staring at the two women in the photograph. An older woman with light grey hair and a warm friendly smile adorning her face stood straight, smiling at the camera with her hand perched on top of a younger woman's shoulder. The younger woman was  Taylor, with her long dark curly hair flowing past her shoulders and her dark chocolate eyes staring at the camera. She was dressed in her graduation gown with her degree in her hand, her smile wide enough to light up the whole room. It reminded me so much of Scarlett's identical looking smile that day we met again. Even her eyes look exactly like Scarlett's, or should I say look exactly like our eyes. The resemblance was obvious up close, but from afar it was hard to tell we were twins.

I placed the photograph back on the edge of the desk, scowling at the two men that stood in the photograph with them, the men I detest. It infuriated me that they were able to stand there, looking so happy without a care in the world, knowing exactly what they did. I clenched my fists, nostrils flaring in anger as I turned towards the windows overlooking the city. If I stared at the photograph any longer I know I would lose my temper, and I couldn't let that happen, not yet.

Watching the city below was enough to calm my anger, to reign the beast within me back in its cage. I watched as the people all went about their day and cars and trucks honked there horns impatiently whilst stuck in traffic. It wasn't a surprise that the city was roaring to life, hustling and bustling below, after all, it was London. The city was known to be busy all the time, with people all over the world flying across the country just to be here.

I stared at my reflection, unclenching my fists as I saw my own image staring back at me, my red lipstick and bare long legs from under my skirt is the first thing that stood out. I smirked at my reflection, admiring my subtly sexy office attire and appearance. My hair was now shoulder length, strawberry blonde, and my eyes a dark shade of green thanks to the contact lenses.

I was a completely different person on the outside, but on the inside, I was still the same, I was still Ivy, known to the world as the cold-blooded killer that escaped authorities. The news of my escape spread like wildfire, with my photography being plastered on Sky news. I had no choice but to change my appearance and forge a whole new identity from scratch. It wasn't easy, but with the right connections, and help from Samantha and Scarlett, I got it done. I was now Jess Elizabeth King the only child and daughter to wealthy parents Peter King and Elizabeth Cheryl King.

Sky News and social media did me a favour by posting my photograph everywhere. Everyone, including the authorities, was too busy trying to find Carly Sinclaire. They wouldn't think to look here, this was the very last place they would think to look. Besides, who would think to look at an all-around good girl that graduated with honours from Oxford University? It was a perfect identity, the perfect lie. No one would expect this innocent looking face to be a killer.

The door burst open and I swiftly turned around to look at the figure occupying the doorway with his face buried in a piece of paper, most likely my CV. I immediately knew who he was. I knew everything about him, where he lived. Where he had his......secret affairs, his favourite places to eat out, what he was allergic to, I knew everything and everything about him, including his scumbag of a brother, Carly's uncle.

'Sorry for the wait Miss King, I had an urgent meeting that I had to attend, I hope you weren't waiting here long' he said, closing the door with the back of his foot. He finally glanced up at me, firmly rooted to where he stood the moment he landed on me. He was frozen, his blue eyes darkening, tongue darting out to lick his bottom like as his gaze firmly fixed themselves on my legs, devouring me from head to toe like a hungry wolf about to pounce on its prey.

The bulge in his pants was enough to make me want to vomit, but I controlled my anger and the urge to slit his throat open. For someone in his mid to late forties, he looked really young, with broad shoulders, muscular legs and playful blue eyes that he undoubtedly used to charm women into bed with him. It was easy to see why women threw their knickers off for him, but I'm not just any woman, far from it.

I coughed the moment his eyes landed on my cleavage a little longer than necessary, catching his attention. With a smirk, he finally looked at my eyes through my fake glasses. It was obvious from the smirk on his face that he had no shame in ogling a woman his own daughter's age. There was an air of arrogance around him, clinging onto his body like a leach. I could tell he was a man that liked to assert his power and authority over women, the exact type that wanted everyone to know that in here, he was at the top of the food chain.

We stood, both staring at one another for what felt like hours, until his smirk fell off his face and he scowled, scrunching his eyebrows. The disappointed look on his face was priceless, confusion etched his face, wondering why I wasn't blushing like a schoolgirl at his failed attempt to charm me.

With a smirk of my own, I confidently walked towards him and shook his hand in my own. Shocked by my confidence and sudden bold move, he shook back and gestured with his other hand for me to take a seat opposite him from across the desk.

'Pleasure to meet you sir, and not at all! I've only been here for five minutes, just admiring the view! I must say, you've got a gorgeous office' I said out loud, in a sickly sweet but over-excited fake London accent. He flinched at my loud booming voice and folded his hands on top of the desk, plastering a fake smile on his own. From his body language and the way he was tapping his fingers, I could tell he was more than annoyed that his usual charming tactics failed to work on me. I was probably the first woman in a very long time who's rejected him, the first to bruise his ego.

'Yes, it's quite marvellous, I agree' he said in an annoyed tone. 'Tell me, Miss King. Why should I hire you as my new......personal assistant. What makes you different from the rest that has applied for this position.'

'To destroy you, your reputation, your image and your reputation, I will bury you' I silently thought to myself.

I leaned back in my chair, unaffected by his tone and his question. I knew exactly what he was trying to do, he was trying to catch me off guard, trying to see if I would break under his gaze. I smiled confidently, crossing my legs and places my hands on my lap. The move was enough to cause him to look down, before quickly glancing back up at me. I smirked, letting him know that he had been caught staring.

'Do you want the long bullshit answer, or a very blunt one?'

His eyes widened, back straightening as he leaned forwards, even more, surprised at my bold but confident answer. He shifted in his seat, nodding his head for me to continue. I knew I had this interview in the bag, that I was already hired judging from the smile on his face.

'I'm not going to beat around the bush, so I'll just come out and say it. I'm EXACTLY what you need.'

He laughed out loud, banging the table with his left hand before looking at me once more, the annoyance now gone and replaced by excitement. I laughed back, but not for the reason he was thinking, I was laughing because I had him right where I want him, right in the palm of my hand, and pretty soon I would bury him.

'I must say, Miss King, I didn't expect this from someone like you. I normally interview the shy quiet type, but I've never had someone as bold and confident as you. It's definitely caught me off guard, but it's a great chance for once, your attitude reminds me of my daughter, she's got the same fiery attitude as you, can't say I'm not surprised she ended up being a police officer.'

'Thank you for the compliment! I say what's on my mind Mr Sharpe, I don't beat around the bush, that's no way to get up in the world, especially in a field that is dominated by men. I don't see the point in giving you an answer that's a complete lie just to get a job. If I want something I go for it, and I'll be very blunt and honest if I have to.'

The door burst open before he could reply and a man's loud booming voice filled the room. I felt the anger burn within me once more at the intruding voice, remembering Scarlett's stories as she told me how he raped her, how he and Andy both raped her that night. I faked a look of surprise, before standing up, watching as Andy greeted his brother, giving him a one-armed hug before pulling him in my direction. As expected, he had the same reaction Andy did.

'Tom, I want you to meet my new personal assistant, Miss Jess Elizabeth King.'

'The pleasure is all mine, I know you? You look familiar.'

'No, I don't believe we've met Sir.'

He looked at me for a few seconds before smiling and taking my hand in his own, bringing it up to his lips. I snatched my hand away, folding them back behind my back as I plastered a fake smile on my face. Like Andy, he scowled, and Andy laughed, slapping him on the back.

'Better save your lips for your wife brother.'

'Ex-wife! We are officially divorced dear brother, so I'm free.....SINGLE man.' He emphasised the word single, hoping it would catch my attention, but I remained cool, calm and collected, undeterred by his advances. I don't know who I wanted to kill more, him or Andy.

'Are you sure we haven't met, there is something familiar about you?'

'I can honestly say we've never met sir, this is my first time back in London in years.'

'Hmmm, your right I don't think we have, besides.....I definitely would have remembered you if we had met.' He smirked. I clenched my teeth and smiled, nodding at his answer. I wanted to wipe that smug smile off his face, but I couldn't, not yet. Scarlett's words echoed in my head. I couldn't do anything to reveal my identity, at least not yet. That day will come, I just had to wait a little longer.

'Remember Ivy, you cannot do anything to jeopardize your identity, I want to make them both pay as much as you do, but I want to do this right, I can't risk losing Carly.....or Taylor. I can't lose my girls again, please be patient.'

'I won't, I promise, I'll do this for you, and Carly.'

'Well! I guess congratulations are in order then Miss King, welcome to our law firm!'

'No, believe me....thank you, Andy, you won't regret this. I can promise you that.'


Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed the very latest chapter of the boo? What are you're thoughts on the chapter as a whole, what do you think Ivy is planning?! Hope you all enjoyed the latest chapter, if there are any spelling mistakes, please do point them out and I'll try and change this as soon as possible! 

Please vote if you enjoyed the chapter, and if you've got any feedback that might help, then please do comment, any feedback is very much appreciated, stay safe everyone! 

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