Chapter 9

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I swayed my hips to the beat of the music, my midnight blue dress clinging to my body, a luscious sight amongst the ocean of bodies grinding and sweating against me. Their eyes were on me as I sensually ran my hands down my neck and shoulders, stopping just about the collarbone. My creamy skin glistening under the bright beaming lights, glistening as the heat in the club intensified. The men whistled and the women glared in envy at having lost the attentions of there boyfriends.

I smirked, loving the attention from the women on the dancefloor. I knew they were openly staring, their eyes on my every move. Some were burning holes t the back of my head whilst others were lost in a trance, captivated by alluringly sensual dance. I was sexy tonight and I knew it.

The song ended and the crowd went wild as the DJ played the next song, putting it on full blast. Everyone erupted in cheers, there drinks spilling to the floor as they jumped in the air and drunkenly bopped there heads to the upbeat music. It was packed tonight, full of first-year students and men and women in their mid-twenties looking to have a good time. At the far end of the room and hidden corners, couples and strangers were kissing, their hands greedily grabbing anything they could hold on to. The scene was everything I expected from a popular celebrity hot spot in the heart of London.

I moved through the crowd towards my table, my exposed skin brushing against several sweaty bodies. I needed this, needed the release of the music to subdue the pent up frustration I was feeling. Although it didn't quite feel the same as getting blood on my hands, it was enough to calm the intense burning desire to kill. The beast within me was agitated, constantly banging against its cage. It wanted to release, to hunt and prey on the weak that dared to defy it.

'Jesus Ivy! Are you trying to expose us?! All this attention is dangerous, what if someone notices us?!'

'Piss of Jess! No one will notice, they're all too fucking pissed, half of them in here can't even stand for god's sake!'

'Ivy, Jess is right, someone can notify you! We can't afford for that to happen!'

'Alicia, Jess, will you both get off my fucking back?! It's either this or me going on a killing spree, which would you prefer? I've toned it down for this plan to work, but I'm fuckin frustrated! You don't know how hard it is not to just kill Andy and Tom and be done with it! I silently hissed, feeling my anger beginning to take control of me. Every time spent working with them another was a day spent trying to control me. I was thirsty and hungry for blood, I wanted it, needed it, it's like an itch that needs to be scratched, one that won't go away.

I reached my table that was littered with shot glasses and cocktails. Carly's work colleagues were already passed out drunk with their faces pressed against the table. I rolled my eyes, scoffing, a bunch of lightweights! They clearly couldn't handle their drinks. When I got invited to celebrate a big win for the firm, I jumped at the chance, wanting to escape before all of hell broke loose and I let my murderous side go on a rampage.

It's been almost a year since we've been to a club. The last time was when I killed Sheila in her office that night. Ah Sheila, poor naïve Sheila. I remember her. I remember seeing the look on her when she realised it was me, how terrified she was that I would be the last face she ever sees. I missed the rush, the excitement, the adrenaline! It was like a hit from a drug, addicting and intense. A quiet laugh escaped my lips at the thought of her trembling like a lost little animal backed into a corner, frightened and fearing for its life.

I grabbed my drink that I had left on the table, swirling the alcoholic beverage in the glass, deep in thought. However before the glass could even reach my lips, a body collided against me, a hand quickly reaching out, knowing the drink from my hands. I jumped back as the glass shattered everywhere, my drink now on the floor at my feet.

'Someone spiked your drink when you weren't looking.' At the sound of a man's voice, I looked up, glaring at him in the process. I was more than capable of detecting whether someone had spiked my drink even before it reached my lips. The man before me gently grabbed my arms, then my face, checking for any sign of injuries.

I stepped back, swatting his hands away, hating that he interfered, it was none of his god damn business. 'Thanks, but I'm fine, I don't need your help, I was more than capable of knowing if my drink was spiked.' He stepped back, holding his hands out, mumbling an apology. I could tell he was shocked by my cold response, but I didn't give a damn.

'Sorry, I just wanted to help, you know, any normal person would just say thank you.'

'Well I'm not normal, so if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get myself another drink.' I barged past him, irritated and annoyed. I didn't need his help, I didn't need any man's help. They were all the same, the lot of them! They never just wanted to 'help'. It was always something more, and when they don't get it, they turn into disgusting vile beasts ready to stick there cock into any poor unsuspecting women who don't stand a chance against them. I hated them with a passion. They were all filth and the lot of them deserved to be buried in the ground to rot.

'My names Jason by the way, Jason Clarke!'


Uh oh! It's Jason Clarke! If you've read my first book, you would know who Jason Clark is! I know I haven't mentioned him in a while but I was building up to it! What do you guys think? Did you enjoy the chapter? I know it was shorter than the last few chapters, but I wanted to keep this one short and sweet!

Thank you for making it this far and give this a read, if you like the chapter please vote and give me your feedback, I would love to hear it! Stay say, everyone!

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