Well.....What Now?

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Andy's P.O.V.

Well.... I kissed her. I really like her. I wish that she liked me too. I've never felt this way about anyone else before. She does things to me. Things I've never experienced before..... I think I'm falling for her..... I wish I could help her..... Save her from her demons.... If only......

I hear my phone go off and I'm back in reality. I look at the notification. It's Twitter. I unlock my phone and see what it says. @Ashlynn_Rose has followed me on Twitter. I decide to look through her profile. I see one tweet that catches my eye. Ashlynn_Rose: God guys, I'm sorry. I let all of you down. I'm so messed up and can't do anything right. It just took my father going to far and me ending up in the hospital for me to realize. I'm really sorry guys..... I didn't mean to get your hopes up..... I'm fucked the hell up. I can't be fixed... Goodbye everyone.... I'm sorry.......

What has her father done to her to make her end up in the hospital. I'm going to fucking kill him! He hurt my Ashlynn way too many times. I'm going to get him if it's the last thing I do...

As I'm fuming in my thoughts I hear C.C. talking to someone in the kitchen. I get up and put my pants on. I stroll out to see him hugging Ashlynn who's crying on his shoulder.

"What happened, bro? What did you do to her?" I ask C.C. while I get a little mad.

"I heard her crying this morning in the kitchen and I came out to see what was wrong. She's been like this ever since I came out. Why?"

"I just thought... Never mind. Ashlynn, wanna talk?"

"Sure. I guess. As long as you promise not to hate me..." She says with a shy look in her eyes.

"Me? Hate you? I could never Ashy."

"Okay. You promised, remember."

"I did, you're right. But me hating you could never happen. Sorry darling."

She blushes when I call her darling and I take note of this. God I hope she didn't hurt herself again. We'll just have to wait and see...... I hope it's not too bad....

A/N: Well guys, sorry it's another short one. I tried my best to make it interesting. Comment what you think of the story so far. I know I'm a terrible writer... but at least I try. Bye, my lovelies!

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