Chapter one

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"the clan was called IceClan... they lived in a leaf-bare forest, where it's winter for almost 9 moons... They say when the three clans traveled together they got separated and left to other parts of the land and never seen each other again... but they only heard of each other through other cats, like loners and kittypets that pass through our territory sometimes... one cat his name was Black he passed though IceClan's land and said they had completely disappeared from their territory, he was worried as he said that his kits's where in IceClan he looked for them, tried to followed their sent but it was just dead ends so he left and found us... our clan he told us about IceClan and we told him our story's to help him look for his Kin so he left and we never seen the tom again... but one day though as the old prophecy says we will come back together and become one clan..." Ashrain meowed her grey eyes shining with pride as she looked at the crowd that had gathered around her for the ancient story "What was the prophecy?" Wolfpaw meowed, his blue eyes bright with wonder "when night is at its darkest, freezing Ice, Rushing water, calming drizzle and roaring fire will rise and become one as the sharp eyed wolf gives into the darkness and defeats the darkened soul" Bluepelt meowed as he rolled his eyes "come on. It's just a story. It's not real"Bluepelt meowed as he study's to crowed. (But Rushpaw felt otherwise) "now move over Ashrain it's my turn to tell a story" the old blue grey tom meowed and sat down slowly "well... let's begin with fangstars time" Bluepelt meowed grinning as he seen Robinpaw standing on her toes meowing happily "Fangstar was just a tiny little kit when he was born. The runt of his litter, of course he was named Redkit at the time his fur was as red as a fox's fur and his eyes were as green as grass, he was the leader of his litter-mates, even if he was just a small kit he was a Brave one, the one to stand up for his family... when he was one moon away to being made an apprentice there was an accident the little kit followed a hunting patrol deep into the forest-"

——Fangstars Time——

Two green eyes watched as a group of warriors ducked out of the camp entrance and his tiny little tail twitched and he bolted after them. His paws touching to ground lightly. (He had practiced running quietly when he was alone in camp) he skidded to a stop and gasped as he got to the other side it's so... wonderful! The ginger tom thought as he trotted deeper into the forest smiling as the wind smoothed out his fur where did they go? He scented the air and followed the strong sent of his clan-mates deeper into the undergrowth "meet back here at sun-high" Redkit pricked his ears as he listened to the group as their paw steps grow fainter

"Redkit fallowed one of the toms his name was BlackBite he was a black tom with bright yellow eyes and a keen sent of smell and he also had sharp teeth. an excellent hunter that one... so he followed hoping he was down wind of the black tom. but suddenly he stoped... the end... and from that day on his name was Fangkit" Bluepelt smirked at the horrified look on Flowpaw and Icepaw faces " cut it out Bluepelt! Your scaring them" Ashrain meowed and rolled her eyes "ok now story times over! Time to go back to your dens" Grey padded over and looked at the cats of the clan. Some let out meows of disappointment, others said nothing "just one more story Grey. Please!" Flowpaw meowed her gaze hopeful "no off to your dens we have lots of training to do in the morning" with that the grey tuxedo tom padded away into the elders den along with Ashrain and Bluepelt. The clan parted and left to their dens... Rushpaw hesitated and looked at Whitepaw as she stoped to talk with Ashrain her black pelt stood out most when she was with the other apprentices and when ever Whitepaw had a problem she would often go to Ashrain or her fellow apprentices so Rushpaw knew all the apprentices would have a close bond to each other that could possibly turn into a danger to the clan...


End of chapter!

Oh my god I'm so happy I finally updated this book because at the moment this is the book that I'm most interested in to update because I actually planed out the plot in most parts but I'm just having trouble updating as I almost never have wifi anymore and I still have i life (apparently) but it is almost Christmas to two more days!! (I know what i'm getting from my mum... I didn't mean to!! I was just looking for some wool and I accidentally found what she got me it's just I like the surprise and then I like oh no.... I found what she got me for Christmas and I bet my dad got me the same thing 😂 you could just tell from the look on their faces to that they got me the thing i was needing since my birthday 😂) ok well bye! Hope you like the Chapter

Word count 919 words

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