❤where the stars still shine❤

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"I feel so much stronger
than I have ever been before.
Iam putting the night behind me
So that I can open a new door"

~Elizabeth Murphy

......... (Please Do not read if you are uncomfortable, you can stop it on the middle and walk out... No bashing! I thought I had to write this so I did)

She opened her eyes slowly as she heard the noise of the horns. She was thrown in a corner of the huge highway. Of course not unnoticeable... Everyone could see her. He blurry vision didn't help her much.

Her dress was torn. Her bangles were broken making her hand bleed. The blood in her hands were of the same colour of the anger, shame and hurt in her eyes.

She tried to open her mouth, she wanted to cry but she couldn't, she wanted to ask the people to help her but she didn't have strength to do so.

She wanted to curse her fate but what shall she even get by cursing, what's done is done!

She tries to open her heavy eyelids again she saw a figure standing in front of her.

Man: Oh my God.. What has happened?

The voice of the man hit her ears. She tried to open her eyes again but she couldn't

Man 2: Someone take her to hospital, she is in a very bad state.

Man 1: Why? I don't want to get into any police case.. They would question me simply and pull me into all this.

Man 3: She should have been more careful.

The group of people just stood there looking at the lifeless soul in front of them. None wanted to get involved inro this.

'Oh excuse me, what for have all of you blocked the highway?'

A voice of a lady came. She got down from her car and moved out to look at what has happened.

She saw a girl lying on the road. The girl looked in a very terrible condition. The lady ran to the girl patted on her cheeks.

Lady: What happened? Dear.. Open your eyes

The lady looked at the people looking at them and glared.

Lady: How inhuman are you people? Can't you see someone is here struggling for their life and you people are watching this?

Person: What shall we do madam? We don't want to get into any problem because of this.

Person 2: Exactly! The police will question us, we have our own family... What will people and society think of us?

She looked at each person with disgust in her eyes.

She looked at the girl again, she removed her stoll and covered the girl with it.

The lady saw the phone of the girl which was broken. She tried to open it but nothing was visible. She signed and kept the phone in her bag.

She pulled the girl with her. She expected people to help her in taking the girl inside her car but none of them even cared to even look at what was happening. She made her sleep in the backseat of the car and started the car making way to the nearest hospital.

Lady: Don't worry we will reach there soon.

The girl smiled slightly and again whined in pain. Tears rolled down her eyes. How few hours changed her life upside down.

Just few hours back... She was having a perfect normal life like everyone does and now it had changed into hell.

___ few hours back____

'Arrey Wah... Today you are looking a lot very pretty Avni'

He looked at his wife who was admiring herself in the mirror looking at the Bangals which she was wearing. She smiled looking at her husband.

Yes, she is avni... A 25 year old, a executive Director working at a NGO.

Avni: Oh... So I don't look pretty everyday?

Avni raised her brows looking at him. He moved closer to her and encircled his arms around his neck while she hugged his torso.

'You are the prettiest in this world Mrs Neil khanna'

He rubbed his nose with hers making her giggle.

Avni: I know about my husband very well, but Avni Mehta is also pretty okay?

Neil: I know Avni Mehta is... That's what made me fall for her. (Winks)

Avni: Oh so you fell for me because I was pretty? (Fake anger)

Neil: No chance! She is pretty in and out!

Avni: Love you!

Neil: I love you more wifey.

Avni hugged him while he lifted her in the air pulling her more closer to him.

They broke the hug and smiled at eachother.

Neil: So you have to leave? (Signed)

Avni: Even you have to! (Chuckles)

Neil: I know... Anniversary ke din bhi Jaana pad Raha hai.

Avni: It is important for us to go right? Waise Mr Acp is looking so desperate today!

Neil: Ahaan correct!

He moved closer to her and hugged her again. While she smiled hugging him back.

Neil: I wish I stay like this with you forever. (Mumbles)

Avni: Even me... But only for 3 hours after that we would go on a perfect date and have a candle light dinner.

Neil: I will come near your NGO to pick you up... My duty will get over soon.

Avni: Oh lord! Don't tell me you are gonna finish your work earlier than me, you always turn on during your work. (Rolls her eyes)

Neil: Today I won't because something else turned me on! (Winks)

Avni: Chi... Single track mind like always

She smacked lightly on his arms while he chuckled.

Neil: Okay now close your eyes.

He said making her frown with a small smile. She closed her eyes smiling and her moved near the cupboard and took out a box. He moved near her and she was still smiling. He smiled looking at her smile.

Avni: Shall I open?

She opened one eye slowly and looked at him

Neil: Nah.. No cheating ha!

He closed her eyes with his hand making her giggle.

He moved closer to her again while she frowned she she felt his breath on her face.

Avni: Neil, what are you doing?

He doesn't reply and moves more closer and now their face was inches apart.

Neil: Shall I?

He questioned mischievously while she gasped.

She look deep breath trying to control herself and all of a sudden her moved away from her.

She opened her eyes and looked at find him laughing at her making her glare at him.

Neil: Now tell me who was desperate?

He raised his brows and she threw a pillow on his face.

Avni: You know what? Iam not even going to kiss you if you ask for one! I'm serious.

Neil: Aww... (Pouts) that's not fair.

Avni: It is (Smiles)

Neil moved to her and showed her the box and she smiled a little looking at him.

He opened the box and took out a red Saree while she smiled taking it in her hand. She loved the colour and even he knew that.

Avni: This won't melt me.

She said trying not to laugh looking at his face.

Neil: It should be melting me when you will be wearing this Saree. (Winked)

Avni: Neil!

Neil: I want you to change into this before coming for the date.

Avni: Ahem.... Oh Yasss! I would! I will change it in my NGO and then come meet you

Neil: I will pick you up from there no? (Pouting)

Avni: Mr ACP! You have a lot of work to do.

Neil: Even you do? What you doing today?

Avni: Today....we are getting that small kid to our NGO. He is so cute. He deserves all the happiness. (Signed)

Neil: Now who is the superwomen in my life... Of course you! My lady Don!

Avni: Iam your wife... Avni Neil khanna.. Atleast I should be having some of your qualities right?

Both burst out laughing.

Avni: Okay fine... It's already time we should be leaving.

Avni told glancing at the clock. Neil nodded and kissed on her cheeks.

Neil: Waise you never told how my gift is?

Avni: is this even a thing to ask? I love it... But not more than u.

Neil: Aww... Ab mera gift?

Avni: Tumhara? I will give you in the evening.

Neil: I have to wait till evening? (pouts)

Avni: Believe me. It is worth waiting, I will give u the most precious gift in the world.

Neil: well you are one of that.

Neil smiled at Avni and both left to their respective works.

Avni was struck in traffic so she decided to take a gully route. She drove her car slowly looking at the people around. She smiled looking at the kids playing there.

Suddenly she stopped the car when she heard someone cry. She stepped out of the car and looked around.

A man in his mid thirties was beating a girl of her age who was crying in pain. The girl was pleading to him to leave her buy he was not in any state to listen to her.

Avni: What's happening here?

She looked at one of the men who was standing there.

Man: Madam. .. You don't get involved into all these.

Avni: Arrey how will I not? She is crying because he is beating her. This is wrong!

Avni went near them and pushed the man away.

Avni: Stop!

The man looked at her glaring and then moved close to Avni while she closed her nose as the smell of alcohol hit her face.

Avni: You monster stop beating her will you? I will..

Man: Oh madam! Mind yo.ur o.. own business..!

The man was shaking because of not having balance.

She pulled the girl up slowly.

Avni: are you okay?

Girl: Y.. Yes! Please take me... Away.. From this hell... Please madam.

Avni hugged the girl.

Avni: Dont worry! You come with me... I work in NGO, I will take you

Avni takes the girl with her whole the man comes again and holds the girls hand.

Man: S.. She is my w..ife! M.. y. Property.

Avni have one tight slap across his face while he held his cheek glaring at her

Avni: Leave her hand! First of all your wife is not your property and if you come and talk a word again, I will call the police and lock you up in jail! (Glares)

Avni pulls the girl with her and leaves from there in the car. Heading towards her NGO.

Avni: what's your name?

Girl: p.. Payal.
Avni smiled looking at her and then looked at the man from her side view mirror.

Man: I will not leave you! You will get punishment for this!

They heard the man yell as they left the place.

*** (Flashback ends)

The lady takes Avni inside the hospital in the stretcher while the doctors came out of to check her pulse.

Doctor: We have to take her under examination but before that you have to get a notice from police, then we will take her inside.

The lady looked at the doctor with disgust.

Lady: I will file a case against you and this hospital! How can you be so heartless, she is suffering between her life and death.

Doctor: Sorry mam but this is a police case.

Lady: I will get the notice, you please start it.

She signed with a pleading eyes while the doctor agreed atlast and then took Avni in the ICU

(This happened in one of the hospital in Bangalore...which I got to know through my friend who studies there! Still there r so many hospital where this happens which we don't know)

The lady took out Avni's phone and started to tap on it so that she can see the display properly. The phones screen was broken and she could barely see something.

She went to the speed dial and clicked on the first number which was saved in Avni's phone and again cursed as it didn't connect to that person.


Neil was wandering to and fro in his room with his phone restlessly. He looked at his phone again and tried calling avni and again it was not reachable.

He had asked DD to find the location of avni's phone, each passing second was increasing his heart rate.

He cursed under his breath

Neil: where are you avni? Iam so tensed right now!

Swetha entered his room and gave him some water.

Swetha: don't worry may be she went because of some urgency in the NGO.

Neil shook his head

Neil: Even if she does she would at least message me mom! She... I was waiting in the restaurant and I tried calling her also, she didn't come there.

Swetha: In NGO? Did you ask someone?

Neil: yes, I actually went to her NGO and they told she left from there 4 hours ago. Iam really scared. I also called madhavi Thai.. She didn't even go to her house.

Avni's father passed away when she was young and her mother Neela left to America for treatment as she was not really well , from then madhavi Thai their maid is taking care of their house and Avni would visit there frequently.

Swetha: wait.. I will go and ask prakash ji to also search.

Swetha left from there, while Neil looked at his phone again, his eyes were red in frustration.

What if she was in a problem? His heart could feel the uneasiness and restlessness which scared him more.

He was about to throw the phone while his phone rang suddenly stopping him.

He looked at it and his face lit up.

Neil: hello... Avni? Kahan Ho tum? Iam trying to call you from past 3 hours! Why didn't you pick the call huh?

In says in a go

Person: hello!?

The person in the sense the lady spoke on the other side which made him frown

Neil: Avni? Aap kaun hai?

Person: Hu.. Iam sorry, but she is in hospital right now. Can you please come. She has been admitted in city hospital.

A lone tear escaped Neil's eyes while his hands trembled, he put his phone down and made his way to the hospital.


City hospital

Neil reached the hospital and went near the reception.

Neil: A... Avni?

Receptionist: you mean the girl who was brought now?

Neil nodded his head vigorously, he was sweating. All he wanted was his Avni to be fine.

Ofcourse she would be fine.. He is here... And afterall Avni is such a strong girl, he thought.

Receptionist: she is in the operation theatre! You can go, there is a lady who is lady waiting there, she is the one who got the girl here.

The word operation theatre made Neil tremble. Avni even hated the word pain! His head spun while he composed himself.

He took his steps towards the operation theatre and stopped right in front of it. The lady turned to look at him

Lady: Are you the person, with whom I spoke on the call?

Neil nodded slowly looking at the door of the OT. He again looked at the lady.

Lady: Iam Diksha. I tried to call you and at last the call was connected. Is she your wife?

Neil: y.. Yes..! W.. What happened to her?

Diksha (signs): she was in a very bad condition fallen on the road.. I...

Neil: what happened?

He drunk back his tears as he can't even imagine her being hurt or in pain.

The door clicked open and the doctor walked out. Neil ran to the doctor.

Neil: she is fine no doctor? How is my Avni... What had happened to her?

Doctor: she is fine.. She... Iam sorry to say... But..she has been brutally raped.

The doctor shook his head helplessly.

Neil moved back a Little as he lost his balance. This was enough to make his heart clench. Tears flowed down his cheeks. Now he can't even control it if he wanted to.

How much pain, she would have bared? How can this happen? How did this happen? How is she going to reach to this? He is going to kill the person who did this to her

All the questions were twirling around his head like a boomerang playing again and again.

Diksha looked at the doctor with a sad expression. Even she had a young daughter, she can never imagine her daughter in that place... She squeezed her eyes shut as tears made their way from her eyes.

Doctor: sorry.. But she has suffered a miscarriage, we couldn't save the baby, she was thrown on the road.

The doctors word hit Neil's ears and he snapped his head at his direction. He moved closer to the doctor .

Neil: W.. What? (Shutters)

Doctor: Yes, she was pregnant... 1 month.

'Believe me. It is worth waiting, I will give u the most precious gift in the world.'

Each and every letter she told him in the morning which made him smile now, pierced his heart making it bleed.

He lost his child.


3 days later

Avni opened her eyes slightly and looked around. She slowly lifted her head up and winced in pain. She looked around and she got to know that she was in the hospital. She slowly lifted herself and sat on the bed resting her head on the wall. She closed her eyes slowly and again opened it when she heard some voice.

'What will society tell about her ? Cant you understand? I can't face all this... She will be hurt, you both leave this place.. You go to US'

It was Swethas voice which made her frown again. She tried to get down from the bed and again whined lightly in pain

Swetha: You are not making this an issue! already many of the society members have come to know about this. I don't want any problem to be created in Avni's life.. Take her with you! However Neela is undergoing treatment over there.

Avni stayed quite looking down at her hands.

Neil: Mom! Enough!

She heard Neil raise his temper

Swetha: All we have to do now is keep Avni in safety and not tell anyone about this! She has to be careful.... Oh God, Please keep my children happy. I can't see her face all this Neil!

Neil: Mom... Nothing will happen! Avni will be totally fine, you don't worry okay?

Swetha: It's already been 3 days... She hasn't got consciousness yet.

Neil: she will don't worry! You go and take rest, I will be here with Avni.

Neil signed hard and entered the room.

Neil: Avni?

His face lit up as tears made their way. He ran to her in pulled her into a tight hug while she didn't react.

Neil: Oh sorry sorry! It must be paining no? You take rest..

He broke the hug and turned the other side to wipe his tears. He turned back towards her with a smile.

Neil: why aren't you talking anything?

Avni didn't reply and he shook her lightly to get her out of her trance. She jerked suddenly and looked at him.

She pushed him away from her and moves away.

Avni: Don't touch me!

She says shaking her head while he was shocked at her behavior.

Neil: Avni...

He moved close to her and she pushed his hand away again.

Avni: Iam dirty! That's what Iam! Please don't touch me... Don't! J... Just go! Leave from here

She starts to rub her hands while he pulls her arms and holds her hands again

Avni: Don't..

Neil: Avni!!

Neil shouted in a high pitched voice which made her flinch. Then he pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back.

Neil: calm down Avu (In tears)

She hugged him back and squeezed her eyes shut tightly.

Avni: please go.... I..

Neil: Avni.. Shhh... Don't talk anything right now.

He just remained in the same position till she herself broke the hug after she composed herself.

Avni: Neil..he... I.. It's paining.

Tears made their way out of her eyes again and he wiped it with his thumb controlling himself.

Avni: I.. I don't deserve you now.. You go away.. Iam just a dirty human now..thats what the society will call me and if you be with me, even you will have to face all this.. (Sobs)

Neil glares at her

Neil: I have taken vow with you that whatever problem it may be.. We will always face it together and how can you say that! I love you Avni... And love comes first for me.you come first for me.. . You are not dirty..! Dirty is the person who did all this and I thought you were my strong Avni.. ! Where is she? Wouldnt she have stood for a girl if she was in your place right now? Shouldnt we be punishing that bloody dog? And how can you think that I will leave you an go for this stupid society? (hurt)

Avni nodded suppressing her tears while Neil held her hands

Neil: whatever may come.. You will always be my avni.. Never say that you want to leave me again.

Avni hugged him tightly

Avni: I love you... Neil hai toh avni hai!

Tears make their way in his eyes. He slowly pulls her apart.

Neil: fight karogi na?

Avni looked on.

Neil cupped her face and planted a kiss on her forehead.

Neil: Batao Kya hua?

Avni shook her head as all the incident flushed inside her head. She closed her eyes painfully while he couldn't witness her in that state.

'please I beg you! Leave me.. I won't.. I won't even try to come in your way. Please understand'

Neil: Avni.. Try...

Avni: Neil... Woh... (Sobs)

Neil (rubbed her back): it's okay take your time.. Iam here only.

'please Samjne ki koshish Karo... Iam pregnant'

Avni frowned suddenly and looked at Neil.

Avni: Neil..? Our baby is okay na?

She touched her stomach and looked at him hopefully. He didn't look at her while she was restless .

Neil: Av.ni..woh.. I.. (shutters)

Avni: No.. You tell me? Teek hai na Hamara baby? Neil Iam asking u something !

She raises her voice and looks at him who shook his head slowly as tears flowed down his cheeks. She shook her head in between her sobs.

She was scared about this! How much did she even try to protect herself and her baby.. Which had not even seen what the world is and everything just changed into a worst nightmare in just few hours?

She yelled, she yelled as all the anger and frustration came out as a loud cry. Neil just stayed beside her caressing her hairs. She cried her heart out. She wanted to kill the person who did this to her, she knew who he was, she knew how he looked. But she herself couldn't face herself. She felt disgusted at the thought that she lost her baby.

How could she stop all this? She had to raise her voice, this shouldn't happen with another girl! Another girl should never be in her place.. She didn't want any one to suffer the way she is doing now. She finally spoke up after composing herself.

Avni: I was about to leave from the NGO...

Neil looked at her and nodded slowly asking her to continue

__*(flashback continued)* __

Avni was about to leave her office while she mentally slapped herself when she looked at the red Saree which Neil had gifted her. She changed her dress and moved out of the NGO smiling, she was excited to meet him.. To give him the great news which would make him fly. She was pregnant! She moved towards her car and stated the car.

She made her way towards a shop where she bought a small greeting card for him with a rose.

Avni: Iam sure, my gift is the best Mr khanna!

She smiled and started walking towards her car while suddenly she gasped when she was pulled into a moving car. She dropped the card and the rose on the road while the door of the car was closed.
She looked at the person inside and was shocked to see it was the same man whom she met earlier.

Avni: what the hell! Ate you mad?! Stop the car!

She tried to open the door while she gave a tight slap on her face which made her wince in pain.

Man: you tried to act like a hero no? Now you will get the punishment for that!

He pulled her hairs making her wince in pain again.

Avni: Driver... Please stop the car !

Avni tries looking at the driver while the driver had didn't even bother to look at her.

Man: what do you think? He will listen to you? (laughs)

He pulls her sleeves tearing it. She cried looking at him, there was violence in his eyes and she moved behind holding her arm until she hit the door of the car.

She screamed loudly crying while he closed her mouth with his hands making her cry. She joined her hands together and looked at him with pleading eyes

Avni: P.. Please I..am sorry, leave me! Iam pregnant... Iam sorry I wa.. Won't do it againn..n

She sobbed pleading to him while he smirked.

____*( End of flashback)* __

Avni hugged Neil as he pulled her closer to himself. She dumped her face in his chest crying her heart hard soaking his shirt. He made her sleep and promised that he would stay beside her. He kept caressing her hairs until she slept but she would get up in the middle and again tears would make their way out of her eyes.

After few days
In the court

Neil stood beside avni assuring her while she was nervous, scared... She didn't want to face the person again, who spoiled her life in such a way which she can't even imagine.

Swetha came there and hugged avni and nodded.

Swetha: Iam with you beta! You have to not only fight for yourself.. But for all the girls out there who are not able to tell all this out!

Avni nodded and signed when she was called by the judge. She climbed on the stand. She didn't have to courage to look up.

'I.. I didn't do anything they are trapping me'

She hears the monsters voice, she snapped her head in his direction. He was right in front of her. Tears pricked her eyes as all the incidents flushed again. She took a deep breath. She didn't want to cry today.

She opened up, she told each and everything that happened with her, from the judge to the jury. Everyone stayed silent as they had tears in their eyes. Swetha kept her hand on Neils shoulder nodding at him while he nodded back.

Man: this is lie!

The man shouted shuttering.

'No it's not!' everyone looked at payal who walked into the witness box. She told the incident which happened with her and how Avni saved her.

Payal: Stop lying! You have abused me for 4 years, and I never told this to anyone, Avni came into my life as an angel and saved me and when this happens to her... I won't stay quite from... It was all my mistake. If I would have raised my voice when this happened to me, she wouldn't have become the prey right now (sobs)

Man: they are trying to trap me!

Avni couldn't take it anymore! She moved towards him and slapped him n number of times. Everyone remained quite. They knew this was all less for what he had done to her.

Avni: you killed my child!

Avni slapped him again and again and then burst out crying. Neil held her while she hugged him crying more.

The court declared imprisonment for life for the man and Avni signed in relief. But the scars which this incident left in her life was difficult to be erased.

Payal: Avni Iam sorry.

payal came to Avni while they were standing outside the court. Avni shook her head at her and held her hands..

Avni: don't be... This is a lesson to all the girls who don't tell anything or take action. Our society always points out the girls, where they are not at all aware of how cruel this world is! This is why some if them are scared! They are scared to give birth to a girl child? And why? Because they will get raped!

Neil: A six year old child, a teenager, and even an old women is raped!? People think rape is about nudity and sexuality, no it's not! It's about control and power. I think these kind of mens are insecure! Afraid of being rejected! They continue doing it and why? Because the criminal is either roaming around freely or get only 5 years of so called punishment in prison!

By the time people had surrounded them, the media was there. Avni looked at everyone and held her head high looking at Neil while he looked at her with a proud expression.

Avni: Rape is not a women's Issue! It's men's issue who start behaving worser than animals! (Takes a deep breath) instead of teaching women not to dress up boldly, don't be outgoing, don't be dominant, don't invite attention, be careful, watch when you walk.... Carry a mobile phone with you always? I mean like seriously? Why don't you people teach the bastards to not rape? We live in a society which teaches women to be careful and not to get raped instead of teaching men not to rape!

Avni looked at everyone present there with disgust. She then looked at Neil and her eyes softened, she held his hand tightly while he nodded to her assuringly with a small smile, A sign if relief.

Avni: The victims will be broken after this incident, who wouldn't be, we will be needing a lot of support so that we speak up, we will crave for love, we will crave for someone to be right there beside us to tell us that we weren't wrong! And that's what my Neil did... Howmuch ever I tried to push him away... He was their right beside me till my recovery and Iam proud that I have this person in my life... You know what? When someone has a person like this in their life whose love is unconditional for you... You will not even give a fuck about what society will think about you!

Neil had tears in his eyes while Avni smiled at him whole heartedly. She knew her Neil would never leave her at any cost.

Neil: And Iam proud to have the world's strongest girl in my life. Love you a lot Avni!

Avni: love you more! (chuckles)

He pecked on her knuckles while she giggled slightly looking at him through her tears.

Neil: I hope atleast the family members of the victim support them.. So that any other girl doesn't become the prey next. Running away from the problems will not solve them... But haunt you everyday and evrynight!

Neil took Avni with him holding her hands

Avni: hope you people change your mind before its too late!

Avni looked at everyone once again before leaving from there.



I thought I had to write this because of the incident that I witnessed in my college hospital today... It hit me so hard that I thought I had to write this.

A 20 year old... She hadn't even finished her studies, she has been abused and raped in her college from past 3 months by? By her friend.. Who was blackmailing her only because she liked him? I mean like seriously? Today she was bought to our hospital.. She fainted in her house and was brought to the hospital today..! After her parents got to know about this.. They are like we will leave this place.. We can't face the society and my daughter should be safe... Why do u want to run away?

My teacher tells us about this and asks us to be careful. I tell my mother about this and she asks me to be careful and tell her as soon as possible if I feel something is not right, my grandma asks me to be careful, my uncle whose wife is pregnant doesn't even want a girl child as she is scared of all this ! Why the heck should I be careful? Are the people who are committing all this crime being careful? They themselves are roaming freely why should we?

There was a case here in Bangalore... My house maid, she was actually working 3 years ago in our house, her daughter was just of my age... 3 years back she was 15. I was in tenth, the girl was raped and burnt to death with petrol in her own house.... I still remember she used to come to my house and play with me, the case is still going on from past 3 years, all the witnesses are backing out.. The accust is still roaming freely! What the society tells? It's her mistake! She used to play a lot with guys... I mean are u fucking kidding me right now? What if she was alive now? They themselves would have killed her with these criticism! Get a life people she was just 15!

Sorry I couldn't control it anymore, I thought it was necessary to know what and all is going on in this so called developing country.. There Really still so many cases which are unknown to us and I just want all this to stop!

Much love

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