Family problems

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We founded what seems the biggest house in the noble part. This can be Eula's home. In fact I can see her through a window. She was having an argument with her fa-


Her father slapped her. I widened my eyes, not expecting that. Okay that's enough.

Y/N:"Rosaria wait for me here."

Rosaria:"We shouldn't intervene in family matters."

Y/N:"Fuck that. I'm getting her out of there."

I walked towards the main entrance and kicked the door down. Everyone was shocked and surprise. Eula and her father widened their eyes.

Eula's father:"What the-"

Eula:"Y/N?! What are you-"

Y/N:"Eula come over. We are out of here."

Eula's father:"You can't-"

One glance. One glance was all he needed from me in order to maintain silence. Eula was slightly intimidated but she maintained her composure.

Y/N:"I saw what he did. I won't tolerate this even if he's your father. Come with me or I'll drag you out."

Eula looked at me right in the eyes. She knew I was serious.

Eula:"They are still-"

Y/N:"Family are not the ones that share your own blood Eula but the ones that care for you. Now come, I'm getting tired of this."

In the end she gave in and went towards me.

Eula's father:"There will be consequencies!"

Y/N:"Oh you can be sure of that."

We walked out of the door. The nobles were everywhere looking at us with disgust.


Y/N:"I know. We're leaving. Let's go."

I did not want to cause a bigger ruckus that we already did. Eula was walking really close to me a little teary eyed. She was trying to resist the urge but I know she wants to cry.

Y/N:"Rosaria do you mind if we crash for a moment in Diluc's bar? Eula and I need to talk."

Rosaria:"You're the boss not me."


Just like I said the three of us walked towards Diluc's bar. Upon entering I noticed the lack of clients today. Diluc was behind the bar talking to a blond boy and a girl with green hair I never saw in my life. Diona was cleaning the floor.

We all sat in a more secluded table so no one could hear our conversations. After all, I'm sure Eula does not want everyone to know about her father's "funny family practics".

Y/N:"I'm going straight to the point Eula. I don't want you to see him anymore."

Eula:"Who are you to forbid me anything Y/N?"

Y/N:"You can do as you want. I'm only saying that I don't want you to do that. Why the fuck do you want to be with him anyways? What's the point."

Eula:"They... are still my family."

Y/N:"And? Eula, you want everyone to see you like a normal human being yet you chose to be around slavers. You can only do one of two things. Be with the actual demons or be with us."

Eula:*Sigh* "You're right... But it's not easy to turn your back to those that gave me a proper life."

Y/N:"True but I never said it would be easy to do so."

Rosaria:"I know I should stay out of this but... you should consider your family those that stand right next to you, not those that drag you to their side."

Eula:"What are you doing here by the way?"

Rosaria:"The chosen over here contracted me. I work for him and he buys my freedom."

The icy demon stared at me with her eybrows raised.


Eula:"It's been like 30 minutes without me and you are already looking for a replacement?"

Rosaria smirked.

Rosaria:"Chosen knows better."

The two females looked at each other with a cocky smile.

Ancestor:"A new found rivalry."

Y/N:"Hey let's do something, why don't we find a job or something? Being busy will get our minds out of the gutter."

Rosaria:"Yeah I'm getting bored of doing nothing."

Eula:"Fine. But I still plan on having vengance on him."

Y/N:"Weren't you gonna have vengance on me?"

Eula:"The vengance I planned for you is something I can't do with my father."

Y/N:"More exploring? Aren't you bored of that?"


Y/N:"Because that's what you meant right?"


Before I could get an answer Diona appeared.

Diona:"Greetings! What can I get ya nya?"

Y/N:"Actually we are looking for work. Have the Adventurers guild give you a contract?"

Diona:"Your lucky nya! Albedo and Sucrose are looking for adventurers!"

The cat girl pointed at the two teens talking to Diluc. I got up from my place and walked towards them.

Y/N:"I've heard you're looking for an adventurer."

Albedo turned around and looked at me. His partner was very shy so she only glanced at me and blushed.

Albedo:"Indeed I am. I need an experienced adventurer to get a thing for me in Dragonspine. Didn't know the Chosen would be interested in such a borung request."

Everyone knows me already...

Y/N:"I'll take it. I'm looking for something to keep me and my friends entertained."

The blond boy glanced at Eula and Rosaria.

Albedo:"I see you teamed up with Rosaria. I would warn you of her... aggresive nature but I suppose you already know about it."

Y/N:"Yeah... meeting her was quite the experience."

Albedo:"I can relate to that. In any case, I need you to find a special plant that grows nearby the red crystals around the mountain. It's very rare so it will take time to find one."

Y/N:"Why do you need it?"

Albedo:"My friend and I are trying to make a potion capable of "heating up" our bodies. That way we will avoid freezing to death when exploring the mountain."

Y/N:"I see."

Albedo:"If I manage to make it work I'll remember to spare a few. As a reward I'll give you 10.000 mora."

Y/N:"Sounds good to me. I'll take the job."

Albedo:"Great. I will patiently await here for your arrival. Besides I have stuff to do in Mondstat anyways."

Y/N:"Don't worry, give us a couple of hours and you'll have enough flowers to make an entire garden with them."

Albedo:"Your confidence is remarkable. I like that."

Y/N:"Thanks. Now if you don't mind I'll be on my way."

Albedo:"Of course."

I turned around and signaled my two friends to come with me. They nodded and walked with me to the exit.


Y/N:"We have to find a flower in Dragonspine."


Y/N:"Yes. The flower grows near the red crystal around the mountain. Or that's what Albedo said."

Eula:"The crystals that are extremely warm? I think I recall seeing a flower near the crystals."

Y/N:"So you know where to go?"

Eula:"Yeah. Follow me."

Now with Eula on the lead we went back at Dragonspine. Like last time I summoned my sword and ignited it giving warmth to myself since the two girls didn't care about the cold.

We started looking for the flowers while we chatted.

Eula:"Hey Y/N, you still have that bow?"

Y/N:"Of course. Why?"

Eula:"Why don't you use it instead of the sword? It's not like we're gonna die from the cold."

Ancestor:"Are you sure about that?"


I summoned my bow, putting the sword away. After looking around for a little more, we founded some of the flowers Albedo needs. While we were on it, we heard fightning noises nearby.

Y/N:"Eula, pick the flowers. Rosaria and I see what's going on."

Eula:"You want me to pick flowers while you guys have fun?"


Y/N:"Pretty much, yeah."

Eula:"Curse you two."

She groaned and crouched down near one of the red rocks around the area, colecting flowers. Meanwhile, Rosaria and I walked towards were we heard that ruckus.

When we reached some type of old ruins, we saw a couple of humans dressed up in snow clothes fighting what seems like a Knight of Favonius... or an Adventurer.

Ancestor:"The fatui... Aid the girl. She can be of great aid for our mission."

Got it.

Y/N:"Rosaria, we're helping her. Take care of the flaming guy with a sniper, the electro hammer guy and the fatty with the cryothrower are mine."

Rosaria:"Sure thing boss."

Rosaria summoned her spear and went on her own, sneaking up to the Fatui with a sniper rifle. I quickly took aim and fired an arrow to the guy with a hammer.

When the arrow hitted him, it slowed him down, making him move in slow-mo. The girl had enough time to dodge the attack and summon an electric bird that started firing at the other guy.

Summoning my spear, I rushed at the hammer guy now that his guard is open. I thrusted my spear in him and used my anemo energy to launch him into a wall. That should be enough.

The mysterious girl was firing arrows at the last remaining enemy, who was using his cryothrower to throw cryo flames at her. He chosed to ignore me. Fool.

I summoned my fire sword and made one single slice from afar. A fire wave crashed in his body, melting the armour. The girl took the chance to aim for the head and fired the arrow, scoring a headshot.

Now that she's safe, I turned around to look at the sniper's location, just to see him impaled on Rosaria's spear, who was leaning on it. I waved at her and she came towards me, retrieving the spear on her way.

???:"Ah, my most beloved saviour!"


I turned around, facing the girl we just helped. She's smiling like a little kid.

???:"In my darkest moments, when my heart's beat were going to reach 0, a valiant knight and his trusty maiden saved this princess from her grimm demise. How shall this noble woman call you, my friend?"

Y/N:"Uh... Y/N?"

Fischl:"What a pleasure Y/N! My name is Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung and I-"

Y/N:"Wait, you're a princess? Where are my manners! Excuse me your highness..."

I gently grabbed her hand and planted a kiss there, bowing a little as a way to show respect.

Ancestor:"I'm proud of ya kid. Nice tactics."

When I looked at Fischl, her left eye a heart on it. She was blushing and smiling like a kid in their birthday.

Fischl:"W-Why thank you b-but no need to do such honorable and kind acts for I not deserve them! Y-You're the one who shall be praised for all eternity after today's actions."

Eula:"Hey! I'm from a noble lineague yet you never acted like that to me!"

Eula appeared with some flowers on her hands. She was looking very angrily at me. I looked at her, confused.

Y/N:"Thought you didn't want to be treated like that. You want me to address you like a Lawrence? I can do it."

Eula:"Hmph! It's too late now!"

Y/N:"Are you sure, 'my lady'? Is no trouble for me."

Eula:"...o-on the other hand, 'my lady' sounds nice..."

Y/N:"Anyways, what were you doing here Princess Fischl? Why were the Fatui attacking you?"

Fischl:"All of this was caused by my infinite generosity. One of my minions begged for my assistance to find a magic flower that will help them in their endeavours. Unfortunately, these buffoons stole all the flowers around the eternal white mountain."

Rosaria:"In other words, this mission now turns into an assassination mission. If we want to get enough flowers, we must retrieve them."

Rosaria appeared next to me, looking a little more excited for what we're about to do.

Fischl:"In that case, allow me to express my gratitude by aiding you in your glorious adventure. We will battle together and show no mercy to the depraved fiends that dared to face me!"

Y/N:"Does she always talk like that?"

Eula:"Y-You'll get used to it."

Rosaria:"It's kind of adorable if you ask me."

Y/N:"In any case, we should go towards those Fatui and get the flowers back. The sooner we do it, the better."

Eula:"Agreed. So, what are we waiting for? Lead the way."

Y/N:"Fischl, where did the Fatui go!"

The princess smirked and guided us through the mountain while she gave a speech about glory and whatnot. I was not paying attention to be honest.

We entered a cave filled with crystals and obviously, ice. It was beautiful.

Below us is a camp with Fatui all around. There's bouquets all around filled with flowers. These are our targets.

Eula:"I have a good idea. One that you may enjoy, Rosaria."

Rosaria:"We are on the same page I see."

Wings appeared from their- wait, what?

Ancestor:"Ah, yes, the wing gliders. Really common in Teyvat. Many adventurer's use it to reach places they couldn't before."

I see... I don't need that.

Well, as I was saying, wings appeared from their backs. They glided towards the camp, not making any sound. One of them looked to the skies, feeling that something was wrong and spotted the two girls. Immediatly, Eula grabbed her greatsword and imbued it in cryo, the sword turning into a light blue color. She made the wings disappear and crashed on the campment, making a cryo explosion.

A guy with a batton was channeling geo energy, aiming it at Eula. Rosaria wasn't gonna let that happen however. She crashed on top of the dude and thrusted her spear in his head, killing him.

I saw a couple of Fatui rushing at us from the entrance we just came in. Fischl summoned her bird and got ready to fire.

Y/N:"Your highness, provide me cover fire."

Fischl:"Why, of course."

I summoned my blade, making Fischl really curious about it. I rushed at the group, making a fire tornado in the way. Three Fatui got trapped by the tornado, the flames burning them to death. One guy with a hammer tried to smash me with it's electric hammer. I dodged to the side and made a quick slash, just for him to dodge backwards.

Some type of assassin tried to backstab me with his twin blades. I turned around in time and opened my hand aiming it at him, a huge fireball coming from it, crashing into him. The hammer guy attacked me again just for me to make a fire wall in between him and I. He made the bad decision to cross it, his elemental shield completely destroyed. Fischl fired a barrage of arrows through the wall, killing him.

The assassin got on his feet one last time. Before he could do anything, I grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. I was choking him, but I do not want to kill him. Yet.

Y/N:"Talk and you may live. Who do you work for? What are you doing here?"

Assassin:"T-The eighth Harbringer salutes you, Chosen One."

What? What is a Harbringer?

Ancestor:*Sigh* "The news of your awakening already reached Snezhnaya I see."

Y/N:"Harbringer? What is that? Who are they?"

Assassin:"Y-You're not getting anything else from me. Glory to Snezhnaya."

Y/N:"As you wish."

I cracked his neck, killing him. Now, I have more questions than answers. Harbringers? Snezhnaya? What does this 'eighth Harbringer' wants from me?

Ancestor:"I can't answer all of your questions what know this. None of the Harbringers will try to harm you, for they require your help. The same cannot be applied to your friends or the rest of Teyvat."

Noted. They sound like bad people, honestly.

Ancestor:"We all have our reasons to do what we do, Y/N. Even the gods have sinned thousends of times, young one. You can only trust in you and your loved ones."


I turned around to see Fischl walking towards me. Behind her was the corpse of a magician. That one evaded me. Crap. Still, she took care of her.

Fischl:"The battle has ended and we rise victorius my fellow knight! Now, we shall return the flowers to my minion and get praised from all eternity by him!"

Y/N:"Yeah, let's do just that."

Eula and Rosaria returned with the bouquets of flowers. They looked happy per some reason.

Y/N:"All good?"

Rosaria:"Fantastic. We just had a chat, that's all."

Y/N:"Good. Are those all the flowers we need?"

Eula:"Yeah, there's enough for us to either poison or heal the entirety of Mond."

Y/N:"That could be the reason these Fatuis had the flowers to begin with. Anyways, let's return with Albedo."

Timeskip brought to us by a tall, blond woman, looking at Y/N from afar, smiling.

When we returned to Diluc's tabern, Rosaria went to get our rewards instead of me. I was fine with that. There, I saw a peculiar man with robes I haven't seen before. He looks friendly tho.

Fischl was with Rosaria, taking her own reward so that leave us Eula and I alone. I was staring at this man, who was signaling me to sit down with him. Before that, Diluc whispered something to me:

Diluc:"Be careful. I've never seen him before, yet he has a weird aura around him. I can't put it with words, but he's dangerous."

I nodded, appreciating his words, but I still think I should go and see what he wants. Eula and I walked towards him and sat down with him.

Nobile:"Hello there my friend. I am Nobile. I have something to talk with you, but I believe your beautiful girl should not be present."

Y/N:"She's my squire. Go to straight to the point."

Nobile:"Ah, perceptive. You have an idea of who I am, right?"

Y/N:"You're not a local nor a Knight of Favonius. You have a vision with you and your clothes are similar to a couple of people I killed already. Yeah, I know you're bad news."

Nobile laughed, as if I just said the funniest joke.

Nobile:"I must say, you have guts. Makes sense, you're the Chosen One, after all. I came here to offer you a deal. An alliance of sorts."


Nobile:"As the Chosen, I'm sure you're gonna travel around the world to try and get the Archon's blessing, am I right? I don't have to convince you to come with us. You will do, eventually. Whether you like it, or not."

Those last words weren't an affirmation, but a threat.

Nobile:"So, why can't we be friends? In the meantime, we can help each other. We don't mess with your things and you help us whenever we need assistance from The Chosen. If you accept, we will grant you access to our forces and information too."

Ancestor:"We must consider this. From a strategic point of view, accepting this will make our life easier. Also, we will know what are they up to at all times."

Yes, but that will force me to work for them. I'm sure they will make me do things I will disagree with.

Eula:"Tch. Terrorist scum. Your people works with the Abyss order. You should be negotiating a reason to not get decapitated right now."

Nobile:"Sweetie, we are not like your family. The only one who should think of reasons to not get executed is you. You have committed enough sins to walk into hell with a V.I.P pass."

Y/N:"Silence creature, or you will have to save some spots for us down there. She's not to blame for what their ancestors did."

Eula:"Chosen, even if I know that we will have to go to Snezhnaya eventually, working with them is against our ideals. They work for the enemy, for the abyss order. Your natural enemy. I don't think-"

I putted my hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down. She sighed and nodded, believing in me.

Y/N:"Why do you need me?"

Nobile:" The Tsaritsa needs your help to make her wish come true, global peace across Teyvat. Isn't that a noble cause?"

Y/N:"It ain't that noble when you send people to poison an entire country."

Nobile:"Sacrifices must be made to achieve our goals."

Y/N:"Indeed. I reject the offer."

Nobile:*Sigh* "An outcome we did predict. No matter, eventually, you'll help us. Know this, Chosen. The Tsaritsa is a patient woman, but she always gets what she wants. She has her eyes on you, Y/N. She will get to you."

The man walked to Diluc, paid for his drink and left. I never said my name in front of him.

I have the feeling, something wrong is about to happen...

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