Chapter Fifty-Five - Cat

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Chapter Fifty-Five


"Are you sure it looks okay?" I asked for the fourth time.

"Dear god, yes, it looks great," Travis replied rolling his eyes at me. "It looks so amazing that I'm wondering when you even found the time for this."

I tugged at the birthday banner, trying to straighten it more than it was already straightened. "Oh, well, I finished my final piece yesterday and I've posted the whole of my submission portfolio to the art programs committee."

His brows lifted slightly in surprise. "Oh wow, okay, that's really great."

I nodded and stepped back from the banner, tilting my head to the side as I scrutinised it. "Yep, all done. I guess I can chill out now."

"That seems doubtful." He eyed me warily. "You seem a bit... on edge."

"I'm fine," I muttered. I wasn't fine, I was nervous as heck. Addie would be here soon, and I still hadn't worked out what I was going to say to her.

It was warm today, I'd borrowed another of Alice's dresses for the occasion, short and just a little bit revealing, I could feel the fabric sticking to me as I began to sweat. "Is it really hot today, or is it just me?" I asked, tugging the dress away from my skin.

Travis gave me a slow, purposeful up and down look like he was giving me a full evaluation. "Yeah, you do look hot today." He waved his hand around in the air. "But it's also a little warm."

I playfully smacked him across the head. "Shut up." Then, looking down at myself, "Do I really look okay?"

"Sure. She's going to love it."

I glanced around, making sure nobody was listening. "Why am I so nervous, this is ridiculous," I sighed.

"Probably cause she's really hot too."

"Travis, I was being serious."

He shrugged. "So was I."

It was a little while before he broke the silence again. "Cat..."


"Do you mind if I leave you alone? I mean... I know it's your birthday and everything, but I was kind of hoping I could find someone to hook up with tonight."

I gave him an incredulous look. "I thought you didn't want to even come to this party?"

"I didn't. I don't," he replied with a shrug. "But I really need to get the taste of Cat out of my mouth."

"Travis!" I exclaimed, reaching to swipe at him again. He moved out of the way, smirking. "Fine, just go." I feigned sadness and then laughed.

"Good luck dork, you'll be fine," he said, shooting me a smile before he wandered into the crowd.

I stood there alone for a moment, uncertain what to do with myself before I finally decided that I should probably make the effort and mingle too. It was supposed to be mine and Alice's party after all.

Music filled the air, people were dancing and drinking, the spray off the ocean left a heady scent of salt in the air and the whole place was buzzing. People I didn't usually talk to were wishing me happy birthday as I walked through, some even insisted I have a drink with them. Most of which I casually tipped over my shoulder, which they were too drunk to notice.

"Hey, you." Addie snuck up behind me and nudged me in the ribs.

"Hi," I said, feeling my cheeks warm up. My eyes trailed down her, she was wearing a black lace dress and her braids were twisted up in a chignon with just a couple of strands loose around her face. Her lips were stained blood red and honestly, she looked sexy as hell. "Hi," I repeated, thrown by her sudden appearance.

She smiled back at me, a genuine smile that made her eyes twinkle and my heart somersault. "Happy birthday!" she chirped happily at me, holding out a small package. "It's nothing amazing, as somebody only told me it was your birthday last night."

"You didn't have to get me anything," I said. Though I had to admit, I felt blissfully happy that she had. I tore open the packaging. It was silver bracelet with a single charm of a little mug with little paintbrushes and pencils inside it. I gazed at it, a smile growing on my face. "I love it," I whispered and attempted to put it on, fumbling with the clasp.

"Here, let me help..." Addie's hands brushed over mine and fixed the bracelet around my wrist. Her fingertips tickled my skin, and for some reason I trembled. I tried to shake it off, there was something I needed to say to her, whilst I had the nerve to do it.

"Flawless," Addie said, her eyes catching hold of mine, she ran a hand across her collarbone. "I saw it and thought girl she'd look real cute in that, so I had to get it."

I laughed nervously, swinging my wrist so the charm jangled. "So, erm..." I cleared my throat and squeezed my eyes shut for a second. This was it; this was the moment. "Addie, I-"

"I got something for your sister too," said Addie, speaking at the same time as me. "Sorry, what were you going to say?" She shot me an apologetic smile.

I laughed, trying to cover up my awkwardness. "No, it's alright, you go first." I'd have to build up my courage before I could start that again.

"I got a little something for your sister too, it's just chocolate as I don't know her well yet, but it's the good kind from that specialist shop in town," she said cheerily and then looked around the crowd of people. "Is she about, I want to meet her."

"Yeah, sure." I bit my lip and tugged at the fabric of my dress again, she'd not mentioned anything about it. Travis said I looked hot, but she didn't seem to have noticed how I looked, barely giving me a second look. Dejectedly, I wondered if that was a bad sign. "I'll go find her and bring her over."

"Sure thing," said Addie, eyeing up the drinks table. "I'm going to grab a drink, meet you there in a minute?"

I tried not to let my disappointment show on my face, plastering a smile there instead. "Absolutely, back in a sec," I said, and left her in a daze in search of my twin, fighting the urge to bury my head in my hands.

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