After Story: The Day She Wore The Pin

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A/N: This chapter takes place in the future. It's what Sir Nighteye saw, and what caused him to give Margo the pin.

~ Six Years Later ~

"PSYCHO SHOCK!! GROUND ZERO!! OVER HERE GUYS!!" The reporters yelled, as Katsuki and I emerged from the rubbled building.

"God damn it! Stubborn ass villains just don't know when to call it quits. Doesn't matter though. Looks like they got their asses kicked, anyway." Katsuki smirked, before turning to me.

"You good?" He asked casually, assessing my body for injuries.

I cradled the crying baby in my arms, clutching him tightly to my chest as we walked over to the hysteric group of civilians.

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for dropping by today. Looks like we needed your help, number two hero." I smirked at Katsuki, turning my attention towards the crying baby in my arms.

"Shh. It's okay, little one. You're safe now. Let's just relax." I cooed softly to the scared baby, placing my hand on his forehead to calm his mind.

No more than a few seconds later, the baby had calmed down drastically....shutting his eyes peacefully from my quirk.

"There you go." I smiled to him, walking over to the sobbing mother who was currently collapsed on the floor from fear.

"Ma'am, your child is safe! See? He's right here." I said to her soothingly, carefully placing the unharmed baby back into her arms.

The mother looked up at me in pure awe, giving that familiar look that always warms my heart.

"You...are my hero!!" She cried out to me, sobbing as she held on tightly to her baby.

Civilians began crowding me and Katsuki now, starting to get a little too excited.

I heard the news broadcasters talking, just a few feet away:

"Twenty-two year old Pro heroes, Red Riot and Psycho Shock, saved the day again today, taking out another deadly villain group. Their friend, and number two pro hero, Ground Zero, stopped by to get in on the the enemies a final good kick in the pants!"

"Oh yeah. Speaking of my boyfriend....where is he?" I called out to Katsuki over the cheers of the civilians.

He quickly looked down at his watch, rolling his eyes slightly at the time.

"I don't know. The sun is already setting though. That dumbass was supposed to be back here five minutes ago. This isn't part of his plan-"

Plan? What plan?

He didn't have time to finish his sentence, as the crowd of civilians immediately erupted in loud roars of excitement.




"DATE ME, RED RIOT!!" I yelled out to him jokingly, trying to get in on the fun.

He laughed upon hearing my words, quickly making his way through the crowd of civilians, to get to Katsuki and I.

"Date you, you say? Don't ya think that's a little desperate?" Eijirou replied to me teasingly, wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me around in the air.




"ENOUGH WITH THAT STUPID LOVE SHIT! I'VE SEEN IT EVERYDAY FOR SIX YEARS AND IT'S STILL FUCKING DISGUSTING!" Katsuki retorted to Eijirou and I, cringing in disgust at our actions.

I giggled slightly in Eijirou's arms, feeling him gently set me on the ground now.

"Good job out there today, babe. You kicked some serious ass." He said, planting a quick peck on my lips.

Eijirou and I had decided to take a stroll in the city today. Well, it was more his idea...something he was very adamant about, actually.

He's not a planner, so I was surprised to find out that he ended up planning the entire day out for us, from start to finish: breakfast at my favorite place, a walk down to all of my favorite shops, taking the train to the beach to watch the sunset....oh! That last part...watching the sunset on the beach...he was very interested in that part.

Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the effort from him. I mean...we are long overdue for a day to ourselves. We've been in the hero business for five years, we're in the process of starting our own hero agency together, we don't get a lot of free time.

But, I would have honestly rather just lounged around in our shared apartment all day, ordering some take out.

I even suggested that, but Eijirou passionately demanded that we needed to go out today and do something fun. So, how could I say no?

Oh, and did I forget to mention that about two seconds into our date...some crazy villains attacked the city?

Good thing we always bring our hero costumes!

"Kirishima..." Katsuki mumbled to Eijirou, gesturing to the setting sun.

Eijirou quickly whipped his eyes around at the sunset, groaning in total frustration.

"What?!?? Noooo come on! Are you kidding me?! That's the third time this has happened!" He whined out in annoyance, running a hand through his long red hair.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, not understanding the big deal with this sunset.

"Looks like fighting those villains took longer than we thought, huh? Hey, no big deal! We can just watch the sunset on the beach another time." I reassured him, not understanding why he was so upset about this.

Katsuki chuckled slightly, turning to me in amusement.

"Man, Margo. I don't know how you haven't figured out what's going on, yet. I guess you and this dumbass over here, really are meant for each other." He said smugly, nudging Eijirou in the side.

"Dude, shut up!" Eijirou hissed at him, shoving his shoulder.

I looked at them both in confusion, still not understanding.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" I asked, crossing my arms in annoyance for their secrecy.

Eijirou looked at me, as if debating something.

It was quiet for awhile...even the crowd of civilians had quieted down, not quite understanding what was going on.

Kirishima chuckled softly now, shaking his head as he grabbed my hand in his.

"Margo....I've been trying to do something for three weeks straight, and it's been ruined every single time." He said in amusement, giving me a soft smile.

I was so lost in this conversation right now, looking at Eijirou like he had two heads.

"You have? What have you been trying to do? Are you okay?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"You're an idiot." Katsuki called out to me, crossing his arms as he watched this entire mess unfold.

"What?! Oh—yeah, I'm fine. But...uh—do you know why I wanted to go out today? And do all of your favorite things? And then...end the night, watching the sunset on the beach?" He asked nervously, seriously beating around the bush now.

I shrugged, simply caressing his knuckle with my thumb, as I watched the sun finally set behind the big city buildings.

"Not really. I figured you just wanted to go into the city." I said, giving him a casual smile.

Eijirou looked at me blankly, before he began chuckling nervously now.

"Heh...uh—well, no. Not exactly..." he trailed off, looking into my eyes now.

I was taken aback by this sudden intense gaze from him, watching him have some type of life realization.

I raised my brows in question, watching him have this weird silent revelation, as he continued looking at me.

"Are you having a moment?" I laughed, nudging him lightly to bring him back to reality.

He quickly snapped his gaze back to normal, shaking his head softly.

"Oh...yeah, actually. I think I am. I mean, I'm just having a realization is all." He breathed out softly, before shooting me a soft smile.

Eijirou pulled me closer to him now, wrapping his arms around my waist.

He looked into my eyes, taking a slow, deep breath, before speaking clearly.

" know, I had this all planned out. This whole idea. Go to all of your favorite places, have a nice date. I imagined it happening on the beach, with the sun setting behind us. You know...I was gonna do it in that beach cave, we love so much. The place we've been going to since high school. I thought that would be perfect, because it's sentimental and intimate to us. It's something special, and you are special, and I just wanted everything to go the way I planned." He started off, giving my hands a light squeeze.

"But, you know what? I love you, Margo Kimika. And while I've had this idea in my head for months—no, years, actually....I realize....I can't wait anymore. I don't want to wait anymore. Because I want you to be mine. Forever. Always. Mine."

"You are the most special person in the world to me. You are the one who makes me feel like I can do anything. You're the one who makes me feel most comfortable. You are my home...and I can't imagine my life without you. I really can't...." Eijirou said, before he shakily got on one knee.

My eyes practically popped out of my head now, upon seeing Eijirou get on his knee in front of everyone.

The crowd of civilians, and the news reporters immediately gasped....watching the scene play out with anticipation.

I slapped my hands over my mouth, feeling tears already starting to cloud my eyes.

"Margo are my light. My love. My life. I still can't believe I managed to land someone as amazing as you, but here you are. My life changed for the better, when I met you six years ago. I haven't looked back since, and I don't plan on ever doing so. I want to take on the world with you. I want to grow old with you, so I can see that beautiful smile of yours, everyday. Will you do me the honor, of making me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me, Margo?" He stated confidently.

His voice was calm, and sincere. I could tell he was nervous, but I could also see how much he meant every word he said. I could see how much he loved me.

And I loved him.

I wanted nothing more than to grow old with this man, kneeling right in front of me.

I felt tears streaming down my face, as I let out a soft chuckle, yanking Eijirou back up to standing.

"YES!! YES!! I'LL MARRY YOU!" I cried out, jumping into his arms.

The crowd began going wild now, cheering and jeering at the proposal they just witnessed. The fact that it was a hero proposal, definitely made it an even bigger deal.

I squeezed Eijirou tightly, feeling his heart beating out of his chest quickly.

He held me just as tight, quickly bringing my face to his.

"I love you." He whispered to me passionately.

"I love you, t-" I started saying, not being able to finish my sentence, as Eijirou's lips already slammed into mine desperately.

I kissed him back immediately, not being able to stop the happy tears from flowing down my face.

"Oi—hello!??" Katsuki nagged, stomping his foot at us like a little bitch.

Eijirou and I quickly pulled away, looking over at Katsuki in annoyance.

"Forgetting something important, are we?" He scoffed, pointing to his ring finger.

Eijirou's eyes widen, as he quickly set me down, shuffling around in his pockets.

"Oh shit!! The ring!" He exclaimed, his cheeks flushing red from embarrassment.

"You won't find it in your pockets, Kirishima." Katsuki called out, holding a small box between his fingers.

Eijirou looked at the box in pure confusion, quickly catching it as Katsuki tossed it to him.

"Huh?? How did you get that??" He asked.

"When you were fighting the villain, you dropped it. I grabbed it, so it didn't get lost. I really needed to make sure you proposed to Margo, shitty's not like any other girl is gonna love you." Katsuki joked, giving Eijirou and I a very subtle wink.

Eijirou and I laughed, giving Katsuki a grateful nod.

"Well...may I?" Eijirou asked me softly, opening the box to reveal the shiny big ring.

I don't think I've ever smiled bigger in my entire life, when I said...


Eijirou slipped the engagement ring on my finger, immediately pulling me in for another passionate kiss.

I tuned out the cheers of the crowd, and the announcements from the news broadcasters, just enjoying this moment of pure, wonderful bliss with my new fiancée.

"Red Riot, Psycho Shock! Can we get a picture?!" A news reporter suddenly asked, forcing Eijirou and I to pull away from our kiss.

Eijirou sighed to me in slight annoyance for the reporter, before we both turned to him.

"Sure." We said simultaneously, wanting to get a quick picture so we could head home.

I flipped my hair off my shoulder, revealing the golden shiny pin of the Nighteye agency. I wore it everyday. It was part of my hero costume.

While pictures were being taken of Eijirou and I's new engagement...something caught my eye. It was the billboard, behind the photographer.

It was an advertisement for the Nighteye agency. Sir Nighteye's picture was plastered on the billboard. The agency was still being run by Bubble Girl, even though Sir Nighteye passed on.

But still...

I hadn't seen an advertisement for the Nighteye agency...ever.

"Wow..." I mumbled, looking at the billboard in awe.

My words caught Eijirou's attention, as he quickly followed my gaze to see what I was looking at.

"Woah..." he whispered out, seeing the billboard.

We stared at the billboard for a moment, admiring our fallen friend, Sir Nighteye.

I turned to Eijirou now, having a thought on my mind.

"What a weird coincidence, seeing a Nighteye agency billboard. You know....I have to wonder if this is one of my futures that Sir Nighteye saw. What do you think?" I asked Eijirou.

He smiled softly at the thought, pulling me closer to him so he could admire the ring on my finger.

"I think there's a good chance that's possible."

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