Be Fine

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I stifled a yawn, as I walked down the hallway with the UA girls.

While, I may not have gotten much sleep last night...getting to spend that quality time with Eijirou was more than worth it.

I've been so wrapped up in this Eri and Overhaul case, that I haven't been able to think about much else.

Last night gave Eijirou and I the chance to reconnect a little bit, and just enjoy each other's company.

....and I guess it really was a night, straight out of a shitty romantic comedy.

Which made it even more perfect.

"Ochako, you can't say you're done with Midoriya and then continue to pine over him!" Mina exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration as the 1-A girls walked down the hallway.

Ochako groaned, throwing her head back.

"Well, it's not my fault he doesn't like me back! I can't control feelings! I need pointers." Ochako whined, shooting us a pouty look.

"Margo, that's a question for you." Mina remarked, lightly shoving me towards Ochako.

"Me?! Why me? I'm the worst at giving advice!" I chuckled, feeling Ochako sling her arm over my shoulder.

"Not true! You and Kirishima are adorable. How do you guys do it?" She asked, looking up at me eagerly.

"Ugh, it's true. Those two are so sweet, it gives me a cavity." Jirou sighed depressingly, looking at Kaminari longingly, as we passed him and Sero in the hallway.

"Guys, clearly Margo and Kirishima work because they are both mature enough to admit their feelings up front. Right, Margo?" Momo asked confidently, yet subtly curious as well.

"Hah, mature...?" I mumbled absentmindedly, thinking back to all of the stupid shit Eijirou and I do together.

"Have you guys done the deed yet?!" Toru asked, causing a bright red blush to immediately cover my cheeks.

"W-What?! Oh—uh, well...I—"

Mina's eyes widened in pure excitement now, as she jumped onto my shoulders.

"What!? Shut up!! Margo, you and Kirishima are having sex and you didn't tell me!?! Kirishima!?! Sex!? Who knew that pure little shark boy had it in him!" Mina cackled, screaming my personal life into the crowded hallway.

"Can we please talk about something else!?" I exclaimed, slapping my hands over my bright red cheeks to stop my blush from growing.

The girls laughed at my embarrassment, already moving on and starting to give Momo shit about her crush on Todoroki.

I laughed with them, finding it funny seeing Momo flustered, when...

My burner phone began ringing in my pocket.

My smile softly began fading away, as my conversation with the girls became white noise now.

I noticed how engrossed they were with their conversation, finding a good opportunity to subtly slip out of the group.

I quickly trailed around the corner of the hallway, seeing it was almost pretty much empty.

I pulled the phone out of my pocket, taking a deep breath before I answered it.

It could be anyone calling me at this point.

"Hello?" I whispered softly, eager to hear the voice of either Sir Nighteye or Aizawa.

"Hello, Margo Kimika." The person replied back smoothly into my ear.

I squeezed my eyes shut at the voice, swallowing thickly from my suddenly spiked nerves.

"Hello.....Overhaul." I uttered out as quietly as possible, seeing that the school hallway was empty now.

Overhaul hummed in approval for me using his name, speaking into the phone again.

"Listen, I've talked things over with Shigaraki already. He's decided to hand you over to me for the time being. I'd like you to come to me tomorrow. There are some....things I need you for." Overhaul commanded.

My eyes widened slightly at his words.

That quickly!? Shigaraki handed me over to Overhaul, that quickly?! Shigaraki still thinks I'm working for him, undercover as a UA student. Overhaul doesn't know that.

And I didn't really want him to.

"Are you there, Margo? This isn't going to be a problem, is it?" Overhaul uttered lowly.

What about the Eri rescue mission? What about the foresight future Eijirou and I are supposed to share?

I had a lot more questions running through my mind, seeing no way this could all possibly work.

But unfortunately, for my safety, and everyone else's, I said....

"No problem. I will be there."


I hadn't seen Sir Nighteye or Mr. Aizawa all day. I sent them countless calls and messages, explaining the time crunch I was on with Overhaul now.

No response.

It was currently 2 in the morning right now, and while the other UA students were sleeping soundly in their beds, I was strapping weapons to myself as I adjusted the final touches of my villain suit.

Overhaul was expecting me in two hours.


My head immediately whipped around to my nightstand, hearing the phone ring.

I grabbed it with my gloved hand, immediately answering it.

"Hello?!" I called out desperately, hoping for Nighteye or Aizawa.

"Margo." The voice said, causing me to start yelling.

"Sir Nighteye!!? Do you have any idea how long I've been trying to get ahold of you!? Do you know what's happening—" I began saying, before he cut me off.

"I understand. Come to the conference room now. Hide and cover up your villain suit, as I'm sure you're already wearing it." Sir Nighteye said, before hanging up.

I hung up the phone, not feeling the least bit better about this situation.


I simply threw on one of Eijirou's sweatshirts to cover my suit, as I hastily barged into the conference room.

"Hey. I've been trying to call you." Eijirou called out from behind me, looking just as stressed as myself.

He was suited up in his hero costume. Ready to go.

"Margo." Midoriya greeted seriously, coming over with Tsuyu and Ochako.

They were also dressed up in their suits.

I was beginning to understand now, as I noticed all of the pro heroes, including Aizawa, were gathered here in this room.

It must be time....

"Margo..." Mirio called out lowly from behind me, adjusting his cape slightly.

He looked tired from lack of sleep, yet that fierce fire burned brightly in his eyes. 

"Let's do this." He nodded, awaiting Sir Nighteye's instructions.


Sir Nighteye explained to all of the heroes what their positions and jobs would be, during the Eri rescue operation.

Everyone except me, of course.

Once, the heroes and UA students cleared out of the room to prepare for the mission, Sir Nighteye called Eijirou and I over to him and Aizawa.

Aizawa looked at me, immediately sighing in irritation.

"Calm down." He simply uttered to me, causing me to look at him in disbelief.

"Seriously!? You're telling me to calm down right now!? When I'm expected back at the yakuza house in an hour!? If the heroes are storming the place, how is no one going to recognize me and take me out!?" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in frustration.

Eijirou let out a stressful sigh, running a hand through his hair anxiously at my words.

"Everything's going to be fine. Because you're not even going to make contact with the pro heroes." Sir Nighteye explained, causing Eijirou to jump in.

"What!? But what about the future Margo and I are supposed to create?! The one from your foresight?" He asked in confusion.

Sir Nighteye sighed, looking at both of us in annoyance.

"I said Margo wouldn't be making contact with the pro heroes. She can still make contact with you.....once she has Eri in her grasp." Sir Nighteye said, looking at me now.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"The reason Overhaul called you, when he did because he knows the heroes are closing in on him. My guess, is that he wants you, right now, as extra back up to defend him against the heroes. This means that he trusts your alliance to the league of villains, somewhat. This means he trusts you enough to let you somewhere near Eri. If he let you wander the halls of the yakuza house to find the restroom a few days ago, he must trust you to an extent. He doesn't really know your combat skills, since you don't have a dirty record with the league of villains. He just knows you have a strong quirk, but probably doesn't think you're capable of using it too well. He's just looking for an extra body to defend him against us. This works to our advantage." Nighteye explained, before Aizawa stepped in.

"So, here's how it's going to work. Margo, you stay near Overhaul until you're able to get close to Eri. Once you get close to Eri, send me a signal through your earpiece, and I'll track your location. Once I'm at your location, I'll use my erasure on Overhaul—" Aizawa started.

"—while Kirishima jumps in and uses his hardening, to protect you and Eri from any incoming quirk bullets, that Overhaul's henchmen will shoot. Then, Margo can debilitate these henchmen, before debilitating Overhaul himself, and we can all escape...unnoticed by the heroes." Sir Nighteye finished.

Eijirou and I were quiet for a moment, taking it all in.

"Is this plan part of the foresight you saw?" I asked him curiously.

"No. This is not the foresight I saw. Like I said, I don't know how you two will get to the moment of time with my foresight. I just know that it will happen. This plan is just a stepping stone....a possible puzzle piece, that I designed to try and make this foresight future happen. Now, I've never been wrong about the future, but maybe I could be. For now, our priority is rescuing Eri. That's the way it's going to stay, foresight or not." Sir Nighteye explained, giving us a nod.

"Wait a minute....does that mean I'll be with you, instead of Fat Gum, Mr. Aizawa?" Eijirou asked in confusion.

"No. Well, not right away. Assuming this all goes smoothly and according to plan, you'll stay with Team Fat Gum for a time, until I make an excuse to bring you with me, instead. This way, Margo won't be seen and taken out by our own forces, but you two can still be with each other to make Sir Nighteye's foresight come true." Aizawa explained.

I felt my heartbeat picking up as my phone dinged with a text message:

From: Unknown

I look forward to seeing you soon. This will be a beautiful partnership.

I groaned slightly, as I read the message from Overhaul...feeling Eijirou grab the phone out of my hands to read it for himself.

I saw his jaw tense, as he scanned over Overhaul's message.

"How long will it take us to reach Eri and Margo, once we're inside the yakuza house?" Eijirou asked lowly.

"As long as it takes Margo to locate Eri. Hopefully, that will be sooner rather than later. The premise of this plan rides on the fact that Overhaul trusts Margo enough to let her that close to his most prized possession. I know it's a risky plan. But, it's about all we've got right now." Sir Nighteye said, sounding slightly worried for the first time since I've met him.

"Anyways, the time for talking has finally come to a close. We've spent a long time preparing this. Now, it's time to make it happen. Margo, you need to get going now. It's time." Aizawa said, giving me a slight nod.

I let out a shaky sigh, as the realizations finally hit me.

This is it. This is the last plan of attack.

This is also my last mission as a villain. Once this is all said and done...I can finally cut my ties with the league of villains forever.

I can finally be who I want to be.

I was slightly surprised, as I felt Eijirou grab my arm, and lead me away from Nighteye and Aizawa.

He was so stressed, he didn't even bother to excuse himself from his superiors like he always does.

He dragged me into the hallway, grabbing both of my shoulders.

"Margo..." he breathed out, his eyes full of worry and concern. His red orbs clouded over softly with tears that threatened to spill out.

I grabbed both sides of his face, feeling like I wanted to cry, too.

No. Stay strong, Margo. For Eijirou. For Eri.

"Hey, it's going to be fine. We're going to get through this. You and I. Together." I reassured, the crack in my voice betraying the meaning of my words.

Eijirou threw his arms around my body desperately, holding me against him tightly.

I felt his heart completely pounding out of his chest, his breathing becoming slightly choked up.

"M-Margo. I need be fine. I need you to be. I can't be without you. You can't die on me. Do you much I-I love you?" He cried out, sniffling softly against my neck.

I took in his words, taking in their meaning.

I felt his hug around me, feeling the love he was pouring into it.

I heard his breaths, full of nerves and concern for my well being.

I remembered the very first day I met Eijirou Kirishima, never once imagining that I would open my heart to him, fully and honestly....and that he would accept me for all of my flaws and mistakes.

But he did.

So, the only answer to give him now....

"I-I do, Eijirou. I do understand how much you love me, because I love you just as much. And it's because of your love, that I feel like I am able to do anything. I love you. I love you...too."

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