Expect the Worst

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"A-Are you sure.....this will do the trick?" I asked Mr. Aizawa unsurely, looking at the measly costume he gave me.

It wasn't really even a costume. Aizawa had me wear regular civilian clothes to start with. All he gave me was a pair of glasses and a baseball cap.

"Yes. I know it doesn't seem like much, but these glasses are special. They were my very first erasure glasses, so they completely cover your eyes. You'll notice they look a lot like my current ones, but they are bigger and more clunky. They cover a wider range of your face, which is a perfect way for you to remain unrecognizable." He explained, helping me put on the special goggles.

"Woah....these are really cool! Everything looks so hyper focused." I said in awe, reveling in the fact that Aizawa was letting me wear his very first pair of erasure goggles.

I quickly placed the baseball cap on my head, before Aizawa stopped me.

"Tie your hair up or something, to help with the disguise."

"Right." I mumbled, tying my hair into a low, messy bun, before placing the baseball cap back on my head.

Aizawa looked at my disguise, narrowing his eyes as he wasn't quite pleased yet.

"Hmm....try this." He muttered, going to his desk drawer to grab something else.

I shrugged, checking myself out in the mirror as I waited for him to come back.

I guess I did look a little unrecognizable. I didn't necessarily look like a hero in training, so hopefully Fat Gum wouldn't question it. I simply threw on a flannel and some black jeans, along with some sneakers. Then, added Aizawa's erasure goggles and a hat.

Basically, I just looked like a civilian, who stole Eraser Head's goggles. Oh well.

"Here." Aizawa said, placing some type of material over my head.

I felt the material rest around my neck now, covering my mouth as well.

I turned around, looking in the mirror to see what was around my neck.

"Your scarf!!" I exclaimed in excitement, touching the familiar white scarf that was now around my neck.

"My old scarf." He corrected me, before continuing.

"It's perfect because it covers your mouth, along with most of your upper body. Now, you're completely unrecognizable." He said, assessing my look a final time in the mirror.

"I don't know how to use it though." I mumbled sheepishly, fiddling with the scarf around my neck.

"It's fine. It's just for accessory, not for you to use as a weapon. If I were you, I'd take some of your own weapons in case you need to use them." He suggested.

I chuckled in excitement now, as I reveled in my new look.

This outfit was a hell of a lot better than my league of villains uniform.

"Check it out! I'm like a little, mini you!" I laughed in amusement.

I quickly turned towards him, mimicking his signature glare.

He crossed his arms at my antics, lightly rolling his eyes.

"That's not how I smile." He countered.

I couldn't stop myself from cracking up now.

"I wasn't mimicking your smile. I was mimicking your glare. This is your smile." I replied, before flashing that familiar, creepy Aizawa grin.

He groaned in annoyance now, shooting me a displeased look.

"That's about enough out of you. Head off now, so you're not late to Fat Gum's agency." He said dismissively, ushering me towards the door.

"Alright, I'm going, I'm going." I called out, making my way towards his door.

"And besides....you opened your eyes too wide." He quickly said on my way out.

"What?" I asked in confusion, not understanding what he was talking about.

"My smile. You opened your eyes too wide. If you want to do it right, you need to keep them dazed and half lidded. Like this." He instructed, before flashing me his best smile.

I slapped a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing, as I nodded in affirmation.

"R-Right. Guess I'll work on it more." I chuckled, before heading out the door.


"Thanks again for allowing me to tag along, Fat Gum!" I exclaimed, lightly brushing up against Eijirou's shoulder as we walked through the busy city.

"Oh yeah! Of course! The Fat agency could always use more helpers. I'm a little curious about your hero costume though. Did Eraser Head lend you that stuff?" Fat Gum asked, looking at my costume in curiosity.

"O-Oh yeah! I...still haven't picked a costume yet, and he felt I needed something since I'm out in the public now. It's just temporary." I quickly said, adjusting Aizawa's scarf tighter around my neck.

"You look pretty cool though! You're like the girl version of Mr. Aizawa." Eijirou grinned, adjusting his face gear slightly.

"Margo, I forgot to ask! What's your hero name, so we know what to call you?" Fat Gum asked, causing Eijirou to look at me in slight panic.

Luckily, Eijirou and I were walking behind Fat Gum and Tamaki, so they couldn't see our reactions.

"U-Uh....my hero name?" I asked again, trying to stall time.

Eijirou cringed in slight stress, trying to help me come up with something on the spot.

I guess I'll just use my first name, as my fake hero name. The same way Todoroki did.

"Actually, my hero name is just—"

"—Ooo! I know! Manipulation Sensation!" Eijirou called out in excitement, grinning from ear to ear.

Eijirou, I love you.

But, are you kidding me?

I quickly shot Eijirou a light glare, trying to tell him hell no on that stupid name, before—

"Heh...M-Manipulation Sensation, huh? Wow! It's....really great!" Fat Gum cheered weakly, clearly also thinking the name was dumb.

Eijirou flashed me a sheepish smile, causing me to chuckle softly.

Well, it's already been said. I had to run with it now.

"Uh....yep! That's it. Manipulation Sensation is my name. Luckily, it's a temporary name." I emphasized, quickly shooting my glance at Eijirou.

He bit his lip, clearing his throat lightly to keep himself from laughing, as he now realized how stupid the name sounded.

"Wow, what a wonderful name you've chosen, Margo. I-I could have never come up with something that catchy and creative." Tamaki mumbled out sadly, quickly pulling his hood over his face.

Eijirou looked over at Tamaki with pure admiration, quickly slinging a friendly, protective arm around him.

"Tamaki Senpai!! I think you could definitely come up with something just as amazing!" Eijirou exclaimed, shooting him a beaming smile.

I giggled softly, finding it amusing how much Eijirou admired Tamaki. Tamaki had absolutely no idea how to handle him, but at the same time...I could tell he really enjoyed Eijirou's company.

"And besides, Tamaki...you already did. I think Suneater is a great name—" I started saying, before Tamaki viciously shook his head back and forth.

"—Mirio came up with my name. I didn't even play a part in creating it. Oh my...does that mean I stole Mirio's idea, by using the name Suneater? Am I simply coasting off his accomplishments? Trying to use them for my own benefit—" Tamaki began saying, starting to have a full blown mid life crisis at the age of seventeen.

"Hah! That's enough now, Suneater! Man, we really gotta work on that mental toughness of yours!" Fat Gum chuckled, stuffing more takoyaki into his mouth.

I felt my mouth watering at the smell of the fried food. I've been craving it for awhile now.

I felt Eijirou nudge me softly, causing me to turn towards him.

I opened my mouth to ask him what he needed, when I felt something delicious suddenly pop onto my tastebuds.

I felt my mouth warm from the delicious food, as I realized it was...

"Takoyaki." I muffled out dreamily, savoring the taste in my mouth.

He laughed softly, taking a Takoyaki into his own mouth.

"You've been eyeing Fat's food all night, so I figured I'd get you some." He smiled, quickly brushing his hand on my back, before removing it.

We were on assignment, after all. We needed to appear professional.

"Thanks." I smiled, about to take another one, when I hesitated slightly.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing. Shigaraki just said I put on some weight. But, he's an asshole, so who cares." I shrugged grabbing more food.

Eijirou nodded in sudden remembrance, as he continued stuffing his face.

"That's right. I remember him telling you that. I was listening from Sir Nighteye's office. I don't know what the guy is talking about, Margo. You look amazing in anything. Your body is sexy as hell." Eijirou called out cluelessly, shoving the takoyaki plate into my hands.

I laughed at his pure, happy go lucky self, quickly finishing up the rest of our shared snack.

"Well, I don't know about that. I mean, I doubt I'd be able to pull off your daring, little number." I teased, gesturing to his revealing hero costume.

He smirked now, walking a little closer to me so he could talk quietly.

"Heh...oh, you definitely could. But, only when we're alone. You're only allowed to be shirtless in front of me, baby. I want you all to myself, you know." He mumbled playfully into my ear, causing me to giggle softly.

"Cool it, shark boy. We're on a mission." I muttered lightly, shooting him a wink.

He groaned softly in desire, before we quickly caught up with Tamaki and Fat.

I noticed both of their moods had changed drastically, from just a few moments ago. They were now very serious.

"What's going on?" Eijirou said, getting serious now.

"I don't know. Something feels off—" Fat Gum started saying, before escalated yells could be heard a few feet away.

"Thieves!! Stop them!!" Someone screamed.

"Thieves?!" I asked whipping my head in the direction of the yelling.

My eyes widened in shock, as Tamaki activated his quirk with lightning speed, wrapping the thieves up in his tentacles.

"Woah!" Eijirou yelled in awe, as we both stood there in shock, watching Tamaki and Fat Gum work.

Not even ten seconds later, the criminals were expertly detained.

"Tamaki! Fat! That was amazing!" I cheered out, clapping my hands.

I felt my heart warm, hearing the crowd cheer for "Suneater."

Tamaki let his guard down slightly, at the new found attention that was placed on him.

"Oh my..." he mumbled shakily, averting his gaze to the ground.

Eijirou was focused on Fat Gum, not paying much attention to anything else.

For some reason, I felt a little off.

My heart beat had picked up involuntarily, as the sounds of the loud cheering crowd were starting to fade from my ears.

I walked away from Eijirou, looking out at the big crowd of people, in lost thought.

Stop expecting the worst, Margo.

You're not at Nyūshin anymore.

This was just a good ole', ordinary hero save. Nothing bad was going to happen.

I nonchalantly walked up next to Tamaki, trying to give him a familiar face, so he wouldn't feel so much anxiety from the cheering crowd.

I didn't acknowledge him though, as I absentmindedly continued scanning the crowd—


And there it was.

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