Make Up For It

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"Margo, I heard you got injured during your work study patrol. Are you alright!?" Midoriya said, catching up to me in the hallway.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's just a small gunshot wound. First day on the job, and I already got injured. That's pretty clumsy, right?" I chuckled sheepishly, continuing to make my way to the UA conference room.

Sir Nighteye had called a meeting immediately.

"Don't say "small gunshot wound," like it's not a big deal, Margo." Ochako called out from behind Midoriya and I, quickly catching up to us. I also noticed Tsuyu was behind her.

I furrowed my brows in slight confusion, wondering why this trio was walking in the same direction as the conference room.

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind, feeling Eijirou hum lightly against my body.

"Yeah, babe. I'm still pretty worried about you, too. Just take it easy today, okay?" He mumbled softly in my ear, planting a chaste kiss on my temple as we all walked down the hallway together now.

I absentmindedly intertwined our hands together, as Eijirou walked next to me now.

"You got the call for the meeting, too?" I asked quietly, trying not to let the UA trio hear our conversation.

"Yep. Fat Gum made it sound pretty important on the phone. I wonder what this is all about. Think they got something new?" Eijirou whispered to me, before Ochako turned her attention to us.

"You guys are talking about the meeting, right!? Are you going there, too? That's where we're all headed. We got invited." She exclaimed, looking at us in excitement.

I felt my heart flutter in stress, upon hearing her words.

If Ochako and the others were invited to this meeting....

That means Sir Nighteye has finally made the call to include them in this case.

To get them involved in this deadly mission.

After meeting Overhaul, I can safely say I don't want Eijirou, or any of the other UA students anywhere near him.

I swallowed thickly, shooting her a forced smile, as I tried to hide my worry. 

"T-That's great, guys. Hopefully this meeting isn't about anything too dangerous." I said quietly, already knowing those were empty words.


It's just like I thought, as soon as I walked into the conference room.

More heroes were involved now. The conference room was filled with them. I had no idea how Sir Nighteye was going to talk about the Overhaul case without blowing my cover.

"M-Margo...." I heard someone utter so quietly, I almost didn't hear them.

I quickly turned around seeing...

"Tamaki! Are you okay? How are you feeling?" I asked in concern for my anxious friend.

He averted his gaze to the ground sadly, not being able to meet my eyes.

"What you did for me....taking that bullet, you shouldn't have put yourself in harm's way. P-Please tell me, your quirk at least came back, too?" He whispered, his lip quivering slightly.

I grabbed his shoulder comfortingly, trying to make him feel better.

"Hey, I'm glad I did it! And my quirk came back this morning. No harm done. I'm just glad you're okay." I smiled, giving him a reassuring pat.

His face relaxed slightly upon hearing my words, yet he still kept his gaze to the ground.

"Wow, you and Kirishima are really meant for each other. You both shine so bright, like the sun. Like Mirio." He said softly.

I raised my eyebrows in slight surprise at his words.

This dude must have some really serious social anxiety if he thinks I shine bright like the sun.

I'm a literal walking cloud of doom.

I chuckled nervously, not knowing what to say, before Eijirou came over.

"Of course she shines bright like the sun! I've been telling her stuff like that for awhile. But she never believes me." Eijirou grinned proudly, slinging his arm over my shoulder.

I shook my head in disbelief, leaning into Eijirou's body.

"Both of you have it so twisted." I laughed, looking from Tamaki to Eijirou.

Sir Nighteye cleared his throat loudly, calling everyone to the conference table now.

Eijirou and I sat next to each other, leaning back tiredly in our chairs.

Suddenly, I felt hands being placed over my eyes.

"Yoo-hoo! Guess who?" Mirio chimed out from behind me, before permeating his hands so I could see.

"Hmm, I'm guessing....Eraserhead?" I teased, hearing Mirio chuckle heartily.

"Man, someone's got the jokes today!" He laughed, plopping down in the other empty seat next to me.

"Yeah, I know I'm pretty hilarious." I shrugged, causing Eijirou to roll his eyes in amusement.

"How did it go at your work study patrol yesterday?" I asked Mirio, seeing that bright smile instantly fall from his face.

Eijirou and I looked at him in concern now, not understanding.

"Um...f-fine." He simply mumbled, avoiding my gaze.


"You mean to say that the bullets, that were shot into Tamaki and I, have the ability to erase quirks?" I asked in clarification.

"Yes. Here is a picture of the bullet from last night." Sir Nighteye said, before looking directly at me.

", everyone. I'd like you to notice the design of the bullet. Just in case this design pops up again.....somewhere else." Sir Nighteye said cautiously, raising his brows at me.

Clearly, he was trying to tell me something without blowing my cover in front of everyone.

Eijirou and I gasped quietly, upon seeing the design of the bullet that was used last night against Tamaki and I.

It was the same design as the bullet from the attack at the dance, and the one that Overhaul shot into me, during the league of villains meeting.

This was definitely Overhaul's doing.

But how?

The bullet used last night in the city attack, was very similar to the bullet that Overhaul used on me, during the meeting with the league of villains.

While the one from last night took away my quirk, the one used against me, during the meeting with Overhaul, elevated my made my quirk too extreme for me to handle.

It was the same type of elevation I felt when Scientist A injected me with the syringe, that allowed me to escape Nyushin.

Scientist A told me that the drug in the syringe was combined with my genetic material, in order to create its power.

Assuming Overhaul used the same drug on me, it's safe to say that my genetic material was also in that bullet.

....and if that's his style of work, what does this mean in terms of the bullet that was used last night? The one that erases quirks instead of enhancing them?

How....was that power created—

"Overhaul has a daughter? Who the hell would want to sleep with that psycho bastard?" Rock Lock scoffed in disbelief, looking at Sir Nighteye.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, now focusing back on the conversation.

Overhaul has a daughter?

"The point is....this child is in danger. In more ways than one." Sir Nighteye sighed, hesitating slightly before continuing. 

"It is safe to assume that Kai Chisaki is taking his daughter's DNA and genetic material, in order to create the bullets that hit Tamaki and Margo last night. The evidence is there." Sir Nighteye explained, before preparing to display a picture of Overhaul with a young child.

Creating chemicals from DNA and genetic material?

Well, I know how that works very well—

My eyes popped out of my head, as I looked at the picture Sir Nighteye now displayed. It was of Overhaul and his daughter.

I was not prepared.

This little girl....

The bandages.

The hospital gown.

The long, tangled hair.

The frightened, hopeless look.

But, most of all.....the way the bullets were created from her body.

Wait a minute...

This little girl is living my exact life. The life I lived for ten years. The life of being a living, eternal science experiment.

"No...." I whispered my face paling in realization.

This child. This innocent little child.

She's probably being put through the same hell I went through. Maybe even worse.

Does this mean...

That if I never ran away from Nyushin Labs, this girl wouldn't be suffering right now? Would she be living a normal, happy life if it weren't for my actions?

Was she simply filling my place, because I had left?

Would she end up like me? Get caught up in the wrong crowd?

I felt my heart breaking, as these thoughts continued swirling around inside my head.

I felt Eijirou grab my hand from under the table.

I looked over at him, seeing his somber look directed at the table in front, as he gave my hand a light squeeze.

Eijirou knew my full story now. He knew what I went through. So, surely...he might be thinking the same thing I was thinking.

I swallowed thickly, feeling my mind zone away from this conversation.

Everything simply became white noise. Guilt...frustration...anger...conflict. I felt horrible for this little girl.

Especially, if it was my fault.


The sound of my burner phone ringing in my pocket was so loud, it caused Eijirou, Mirio, and I to jump in surprise....pulling us out of our somber, intense trances.

They both gave me a blank look, knowing exactly who it was.

Mr. Aizawa was the only other person who had this number, and he was sitting right in front of my face. Overhaul had it too, I guess. But I highly doubt it was him calling me.

Which means....

Shigaraki is calling me.

Everyone in the room was quiet, staring at me as I let the phone continue ringing.

I looked over at Sir Nighteye now, clearing my throat awkwardly.

"Um....c-can I be excused—"

"Go now." He quickly said, knowing it was Shigaraki.

I nodded, ducking out of my seat, and excusing myself to the hallway.

I seriously debated not answering the phone, throwing it into the garbage in front of me, and leaving my entire life and responsibilities behind forever.

But obviously...I didn't.

"Hello." I mumbled blankly, pacing the quiet empty hallway.

"Why did you make me wait so long for you to answer? I'm a busy man, you know. I should be a priority. Make time for me." Shigaraki scoffed on the other side of the line.

"Sorry. I the bathroom." I simply lied.

"Taking some laxatives, I hope? You know, so you can lose those extra ten pounds you're packing." He retorted, causing me to aggressively roll my eyes.

What an asshole.

"Did you call me to insult me? Or is there a point to all of this?" I muttered, leaning against the wall now.

"You'll be back at the league in two days. He's been asking for you, so you and I are going to meet him." Shigaraki simply said, making my heart beat faster.

I already knew the "he" Shigaraki was talking about.

"Gonna pawn me off that easily?" I croaked out, trying to sound nonchalant about this whole situation.

"No. You're too valuable to me. Especially, now that I know that beaked bastard finds you valuable, as well. I'm bringing you to taunt him. To let him know you're mine. If you're there, he might think he has a chance at getting you. He might be willing to negotiate with me." Shigaraki mumbled lowly.

I closed my eyes tiredly, leaning my head back against the wall.

I saw her, in my head. I saw the little girl Overhaul is torturing.

It should be me. It shouldn't be her.

I need to make this right.

"I'll be there, Shigaraki."

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