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I swallowed thickly, feeling slightly nervous at Sir Nighteye's tone.

"'s nice to meet you, Sir Nighteye—" I began saying, before he abruptly cut me off.

"—Please have a seat now." He said firmly, gesturing for me to sit at the conference table.

I nodded, hesitantly walking over to the conference table where Eijirou and Aizawa were already sitting.

"Don't worry, Margo. Despite Sir Nighteye's tone, you're not in any trouble." Aizawa reassured, rubbing his tired eyes.

I sighed, taking a seat next to Eijirou now.

I averted my gaze to the table nervously, feeling slightly uneasy about this whole situation.

Sir Nighteye was calling a meeting with me at 2 am. I assume this is something serious.

I lifted my gaze, upon feeling Eijirou grab my hand under the table, giving it a light squeeze as he intertwined it with his.

I squeezed it back, giving him a weak smile.

"I'm sure everything's fine." He reassured to me sweetly.

However, his face betrayed his it was obvious he seemed a little nervous about this whole thing.

"Alright, let's cut to the point here." Sir Nighteye started off, plopping down in his seat at the table.

Mirio happily took his seat next to him.

I looked over at Sir Nighteye, waiting for him to continue.

"I know who you are." He plainly said, shooting me a threatening glare.

I sat up in my chair now, taken aback by his words.


"I know you're in the league of villains...or were. From my foresight, I assumed you switched sides at some point, correct?" Sir Nighteye asked, folding his hands on top of each other.

Eijirou and I looked completely stunned by Sir Nighteye's words, both of our mouths completely ajar.

My eyes shot over to Mirio, realizing that he now knew my biggest, darkest secret. And I barely knew the guy.

Mirio chuckled now, waving his hand dismissively.

"Don't worry, Margo. Sir already explained this to me. I knew it before I even met you. Your secret is safe with me." He smiled reassuringly.

Well, damn. I've just been exposed by Sir Nighteye in two seconds.

"Uh....I don't know what you're talking about." I chuckled nervously, before Aizawa cut in.

"Save it, Margo. Sir Nighteye's quirk, foresight, allows him to see the future of whoever he touches. Just a bit of this future. Whatever he saw in your future, it clearly involves your past participation with the league of villains. That's the only way he would know you were there." Aizawa explained.

"And what exactly did you see in this future?!" I asked, starting to get annoyed with all of the confusion going on.

"I can't tell you that. I can see futures, but I don't like to mess with them, for fear that they won't come true. But just know....your future is very important." Sir Nighteye said, slapping a file on the table now.

Eijirou jumped in now, clearly just as confused as I was.

"Wait a minute....Mister Sir Nighteye, you said you have to touch someone in order to see their future. But, you and Margo have never met. How were you able to touch her?" He asked, running a hand through his unspiked locks.

Sir Nighteye rolled his eyes impatiently, irritated that he had to explain himself.

"At your silly little school dance, Margo clumsily ran into me. I was there looking for All Might, but when I ran into you, Margo....I got curious and decided to look into your future. That's how this all came about. Then, I told Mirio to scope you out a little, and now you're here." Sir Nighteye said, clearly wanting to switch topics now.

I turned to Mirio, who was shooting me a beaming smile.

"Scope me out!? You've been spying on me!?" I asked him in annoyance.

Mirio cringed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Hehe....yeahhh. For a couple weeks now. But, I really like you, Margo!" He exclaimed.

Eijirou raised his brow at Mirio, slightly irritated that he's been basically stalking me for three weeks.

"Hey man....can I just ask. Why are you here?" Eijirou asked curiously, still infatuated with Mirio's bubbly personality.

"Togata is my apprentice. He's basically my second in command. For this case especially, he will be present in everything that's going on." Sir Nighteye chimed in.

"Did you say case? What case?" I asked, feeling my intertwined hand starting to give off a cold sweat in Eijirou's.

"Finally. Enough with the stupid small talk. This case is why I've called you here." Sir Nighteye groaned, letting out an exasperated sigh.

Eijirou leaned in close to me now, as Nighteye opened his file, starting to sort through some papers.

"Jeez, this guy isn't patient at all." Eijirou whispered to me in amusement.

"Hah. Clearly not. I mean, the guy called a meeting at 2 in the fucking morning." I retorted, just as irritated with Sir Nighteye as Eijirou was.

"I heard that." Sir Nighteye called out, before sliding a picture across the desk.

Eijirou and I leaned in close to each other, examining the picture.

"Have you ever seen this man before, Margo? I need the truth." Sir Nighteye asked, folding his hands together again.

I picked up the picture to get a look, furrowing my brows in concentration at the guy in it.

It was hard to see his face. He looked relatively young. His eyes were menacing. But, the feature that stood out to me the most was the giant beak-like mask that covered his mouth and his nose.

I've never seen this man before in my life. That, I know for sure.

"No. I don't recognize him." I shrugged, sliding the picture back to Sir Nighteye.

Sir Nighteye glared at me now.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked in an accusatory tone.

Aizawa jumped in, not liking where this was going.

"If Margo says she doesn't know him, then she doesn't know him. Get to the point, please." Aizawa defended, ushering Sir Nighteye to continue.

"The guy in the picture is Kai Chisaki, aka....Overhaul. If Margo really doesn't know him, then please explain why Kai Chisaki is going to pay the league of villains a visit next week. A visit that I know you're supposed to be there for, Margo." Sir Nighteye called out, getting irritated.

I felt Eijirou give my hand another comforting squeeze, trying to ease my building nerves due to Sir Nighteye's interrogation.

"I wasn't aware that I was meeting with this Kai Chisaki guy next week. All Shigaraki said, was that there were a few new guys who wanted to join the league of villains. I didn't actually know their names." I explained, seeing Sir Nighteye immediately about to reject my words.

Before he could speak, Eijirou quickly jumped in now.

"Excuse me, Sir Nighteye. I don't want to be disrespectful, but I wanna ask. You already saw Margo's future, right? Even if you can't tell us what she did....isn't it clear enough that she's on the right side? I mean, if you were able to tell just from that moment of foresight that she was a former members of the league of villains, then clearly her intentions wouldn't be to sabotage the heroes. Don't you think that's correct?" Eijirou asked, his crimson eyes full of determination and confidence as he defended me.

Sir Nighteye was silent, as he thought about Eijirou's words.

I didn't even realize how nervous and stressed I'd been during this meeting, until I felt a small drop of sweat slowly trail down the side of my temple.

Sir Nighteye really intimidated me for some reason.

"I guess that's an accurate assumption, Eijirou Kirishima." Sir Nighteye simply said, shrugging slightly.

Eijirou gasped now, just about completely fed up with all of this bullshit.

"What?! How do you know my name!!? You never even touched me—"

"Try again, kid. You ran right into me on your way in here. You tripped, because of those god awful shoes you're wearing. Remember?" Sir Nighteye retorted, pointing to Eijirou's crocs.

I bit my lip now, actually needing to stifle a laugh from Sir Nighteye's comment about Eijirou's crocs.

Eijirou really loved those crocs.

"Crocs are durable and convenient! They let your feet air out, and prevent stink!" Eijirou cried out, starting to get visibly offended by Sir Nighteye now.

I lightly rolled my eyes, squeezing his thigh.

"Just chill." I mumbled to him in amusement, trying to move forward with this conversation.

"Kirishima, I wanted to use my foresight on you anyways, because you were in Margo's future, as well. You play a very important role in this future, actually. I went to that same exact moment in your future, to see how it will coincide with Margo's." Sir said, before looking at Eijirou and I.

"What I'm trying to say, Margo and Kirishima, is that both of your futures depend on each other. In other words, one can't exist without the other. You will both play a very important role in this case that's to come." Sir explained, giving Eijirou and I a slight nod of respect for the first time tonight.

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