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After spending some quality time with Mina, it was time for the UA formal.

"Alrighty! And you're....just about...done!" Mina exclaimed, putting the finishing touches on my lip gloss.

I smiled in anticipation, as she dragged me out of the vanity chair and over to the mirror, so I could fully look at myself now.

"Ta-da! What do you think?" She smiled, clapping her hands together as she took in my primped self.

My eyes lit up, upon seeing myself in the mirror.

Mina had done a fantastic job on my hair, makeup, and dress.

I've never been dressed up like this in my entire life. It was really nice.

"Wow, Mina! You did a really nice job. Thank you." I called out in awe, studying all the glitz and glam that was intricately placed on my body.

"Well, it wasn't hard to primp you up a little. Naturally, you're gorgeous. Plus, Kirishima is gonna love you in that dress." She smiled, before smoothing out her own dress.

I quickly averted my gaze to the ground at her words, feeling shy now.

"T-Thanks. You look really great, too!" I told her, as a knock was heard on her door.

The clan of UA girls came barging through Mina's dorm room, grinning from ear to ear.

"We're here!" Toru exclaimed, the only thing visible being her pretty dress.

"Wow! You guys look great!" I exclaimed, taking everyone in.

All of the girls looked seriously fantastic in their dresses.

"Damn, what's your secret to getting....those." Jirou asked me quietly, looking at my cleavage in awe.

I couldn't hold back my laughter at her words.

"I really couldn't tell you." I chuckled, as Uraraka came over and slung her arm around my shoulder.

"Let's go already, guys! I want to party!" She cheered, checking her makeup one more time in the mirror.

"Tonight's the night, right Ochako!?" Mina exclaimed, ushering everyone to the door.

"Absolutely!! No turning back now!!" Ochako yelled a little too eagerly.

"Tonight's the night for what?" I asked, amused by her determination.

"Tonight's the night I'm going to kiss Deku." Ochako said dreamily, a blush tinting her, already rosy, cheeks.

I nodded in encouragement, slightly impressed by her vigor.

"Wow, Ochako! That's really great. I hope it goes well." I told her, as we walked out into the slightly chilled, night air.

"Me too. I've been acting it out in my head for weeks! First, I'm gonna ask him to dance—cause you know Deku. He'll probably be too afraid to ask me first. So, I'll ask him to dance, confess my feelings, and BAM! Plant a hot kiss right on his little cinnamon roll lips." Ochako explained, smirking in pride at her plan.

"Just make sure to keep your classiness, Ochako." Momo warned quietly.

"Right, right." Ochako mumbled dismissively.

"Well, I think it's great. Let's go have some fun!" I exclaimed, ready to enjoy the evening.

This would be my very first dance, and I planned to enjoy every minute of it.


We walked into the venue, getting lost in the sea of people.

I was feeling slightly nervous now, as I'm sure I'd see Eijirou soon.

He's never seen me done up like this. What if he didn't like it?

"Ladies, ladies, ladies. Might I look rather dashing." Kaminari smirked, trying to be charming as he strolled over to us.

"Thanks, Kaminari! You look pretty great yourself." I smiled, checking out his white and gold suit.

"Thanks, Margo." Kaminari cheered, before turning his attention to Ochako.

"Alrighty, Uraraka. Last chance to make this a night with me. I'm gutted you didn't like my bouquet of lilies. I spent sooo much time and effort, trying to pick the best bunch for you." Kaminari whined, basically begging Ochako to date him.

"Lilies? You have me a bouquet of roses, not lilies." Ochako retorted to Kaminari.

"Uh.....Right! That's what I meant to say." Kaminari quickly called out, trying to back track.

I lightly rolled my eyes, walking off as I remembered where Kaminari really got that bouquet of roses.

I knew Ochako wouldn't be so easily fooled. Plus, she was on a mission to woo Midoriya.

I began scanning the room, trying to find Eijirou now, when I ran smack into someone's back.

"Whoops! Sorry about that." I called out, looking up at the giant man I ran into.

He quickly turned around, shooting me a blank scowl through his glasses.

His hair was dark green, with yellow streaks coming through it.

I was taken aback by this man's incredibly strong glare.

What the hell was his problem?

I waited for him to speak....but he never did.

I began feeling very uncomfortable now, as I awkwardly cleared my throat.

"U-Uh. Excuse me." I mumbled, quickly walking away from him.

Weird. I wonder who that was.


"SAY THAT AGAIN TAPE FACE, SO I CAN BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!" Bakugou screamed out a few feet away from me.

I immediately followed the sound of Bakugou's bitching, since I knew Eijirou would probably be there, too.

I stumbled upon Sero, Bakugou, and Eijirou.

Eijirou had his back turned to me, trying to stop Bakugou from repeatedly smacking Sero on the head.

"Bakugou! Calm down, man!" Eijirou groaned.

Sero was cracking up at Bakugou's anger, before his eyes stumbled on me.

"Woahhhh Margo! Damn, you look really hot!" Sero called out, causing Bakugou and Eijirou to whip their heads around at me.

Bakugou's brows raised up, looking slightly impressed by my appearance.

I turned my attention to Eijirou, pleasantly surprised by his reaction.

His mouth was ajar, as his wide eyes trailed over every inch of my face and body.

His cheeks were beet red, and he appeared to be at a loss for words.

"Hey." I smiled to him shyly, awkwardly tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Eijirou swallowed thickly, as he spoke now.

"W-Wow. You look.....seriously amazing." He breathed out, slowly walking over to me now.

He rubbed the back of his neck, appearing a little flustered.

It was adorable.

I grinned from ear to ear now, taking in his own appearance.

He looked pretty great himself.

He still donned his signature red, spiky hair. But, he was wearing a nice suit and tie

His clothes were still fitted enough, to where I could see his muscular build...making him look that much sexier.

"You look really good, too." I smiled, grabbing his hand.

"Guys, come on!" Mina called to Kirishima and I, dragging Iida on the dance floor.

I jumped upon feeling Eijirou's hot breath in my ear now.

"Wanna dance?" He said in my ear, needing to be close because of the loud music.

I cringed slightly, already imagining my horrific dancing skills.

The real question was...did I want to make a fool out of myself....

"I've never danced before. I'm sure I'm horrible at it." I warned sheepishly, looking up at Eijirou's smiley self.

His grin only got wider upon hearing my words.

He grabbed my wrist, dragging me over to the dance floor.

"I'll show you how!" He called out over the music.

He led us through the sea of people crowding the dance floor, before finding a space for us to move around.

I looked around, noticing people moving their hips and shrugging their shoulders.

Not wanting to look too out of place, I began stiffly mimicking the dance moves of others, trying my best to look natural.

Eijirou's eyes widened slightly as he watched my terrible dancing, before I saw him bite his lip to stifle a laugh.

I lightly rolled my eyes at him, playfully hitting his shoulder.

He busted out laughing now, not being able to hold it in anymore.

"I told you I was bad!" I called out, slapping my hands over my blushing cheeks.

"What?! It wasn't bad! Your dancing is great. I was laughing at something else!" Eijirou lied, smirking slightly as he knew the lie was full of shit.

I laughed with him, feeling myself actually loosening up a little now.

"You're a terrible liar, you know." I retorted teasingly.

Eijirou calmed down his laughing slightly, grabbing my wrists and pulling me closer to him.

"Hah! Whatever. Lying isn't manly at all, anyways." He pointed out, as he slid his arm around my waist....grabbing my free hand in his.

He pressed my body against his, clearing his throat slightly.

"Put your other hand on my shoulder." He gently instructed, turning his hot crimson gaze to my eyes now.

I did as he said, placing my hand on his shoulder.

I couldn't help but feel his shoulder muscles underneath my fingertips, feeling them strain as we began swaying slightly to the music.

"Just follow my lead, okay? We'll go to the beat of the music." He said, giving me a small nod of reassurance.

I nodded, looking down at the ground to watch my feet.

I wanted to make sure I didn't fall.

Eijirou chuckled softly, as we began shuffling around the dance floor now.

"Yeah....there you go!" He encouraged, keeping his steps slow and steady to make sure I could keep up.

After a few moments, I began getting the rhythm down, starting to move a little more confidently now.

"Hey, I think I might be getting the hang of this." I smirked proudly, starting to pick up our dance pace now.

"Yeah, you are. Too bad. I was really enjoying the way you were dancing earlier." He teased, sliding his hand a little lower down my waist now.

I laughed now, as I continued looking down at my feet, about to speak.

I stopped when I suddenly felt Eijirou's rough fingertips graze under my chin, before gently lifting my head up.

"Look at me. I want to see that beautiful face of yours." He mumbled, gazing at me softly.

I shot him a cheeky smile, wrapping my arms around his neck now to get closer to him.

His hands slid down my waist more, resting dangerously low on my hips now.

"Wow. Smooth with your dance moves and your words, huh?" I replied, playing with the soft hairs at the nape of his neck.

Eijirou shrugged slightly, smirking at my words.

"Eh, I'm trying to be. Why, is it working?" He asked playfully, raising his brow challengingly.

I inwardly cringed at the stupid giggle that came out of my mouth, trailing my eyes to Eijirou's lips now.

"Maybe." I whispered, looking at his lips with desire.

Eijirou watched me, knowing exactly what I wanted, as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

He leaned in close now, barely brushing his lips against mine.

I let out a hot breath against his lips, closing my eyes.

Eijirou hummed in want now, pressing his forehead against mine.

"Hmm, it sure seems like it's working." He whispered huskily, before finally connecting his lips to mine.

Normally, I'm not big on PDA such as this. I know Eijirou isn't either.

But, right now....neither of us gave a shit who saw.

Luckily, it was hard to notice Eijirou and I, with the dim lighting, and all of the bodies on the dance floor.

Eijirou gripped my waist tighter, slipping his tongue into my mouth, as he kissed me harder.

I lazily ran my hands in his hair, loving the way those red locks felt against my fingertips—

"—AH! Young Kirishima, Young Margo! You mustn't." All Might exclaimed, yanking Kirishima away from me.

Eijirou and I dazedly opened our eyes, simultaneously looking over at All Might.

Both of our cheeks immediately turned red from embarrassment, as we averted our gazes to the floor.

"Heh. Sorry you had to see that, All Might." Eijirou said sheepishly, wiping his lips slightly.

"We won't do it again!" I called out apologetically, running a hand through my hair.

Here. We won't do it

That's what I meant to say.

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