Starry Nights

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"So, what's your plan exactly?" I called out to Eijirou as we ran through the forest.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, for starters....have you seen my outfit?! What if we run into our classmates out here? They're gonna think you're working for the league of villains if they see us together. Plus, if we run into the league of villains out here, they're going to try and take you." I explained, realizing this idea was bad from the start.

"Good point. Do you want to split up?" Eijirou said, our heavy breaths and the crunching leaves filling our ears.

"No. I still think it's safer if we're together. We'll just have to play it as we go." I nodded, keeping my eyes open for anything suspicious.

The deeper Eijirou and I got into the forest, the more visible Dabi's blue flames became.

"Jeez, why did that asshole have to set the whole forest on fire!? Hasn't he ever heard of global warming?" Eijirou scoffed, coughing lightly from the smoke.

"That's what I'm saying!" I replied, throwing my hands up in agreement.

It was quiet, as Eijirou and I slowed our pace, trying to be cautious of falling debris from the fire.

"Dabi. That's his name, right?" He asked, after some time.

His voice sounded a little lower. A little more serious, compared to his usual happy go lucky self.

"Yeah." I simply uttered, sensing Eijirou's change in attitude.

He nodded, looking straight ahead into the blue, glowing forest.

"You realize he's got a thing for you?" He replied shortly, still keeping his gaze straight ahead.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

Where was this coming from?

After seeing Eijirou's serious attitude towards the matter, I didn't really want to say anything.

But still...I needed to be truthful to him. I couldn't lie to him. I didn't want to.

"Y-Yeah. I do know that. He tried to make a move on me, a few months after I joined the league." I uttered softly, peering over at Eijirou.

I saw his jaw tense slightly at my words.

"Didn't you say he was the one who recruited you into the league, too? So, basically....he had you join, in hopes that you'd date him? That's bullshit, if you ask me." He mumbled irritatedly, a sour glare on his face.

I sighed, as I listened to his words. Even if I wasn't on Dabi's side anymore, I didn't have it in my heart to fully bash him.

He did save my life, after all.

"Well....that's not exactly it. The way Dabi and I met was.....complicated." I started out softly, slowing down more as I began feeling the flashbacks coming back.

Eijirou slowed down with me, looking at me in concern now.

He remained quiet, studying my face.

Tell him, Margo. Tell Eijirou how you met Dabi.

Tell him what you did.

I felt my heartbeat picking up now, and my breathing start becoming erratic.

I inhaled sharply, as I remembered my first meeting with Dabi quickly:

"Stop!! Let me go! Somebody help me!!"

"I-I can't stop it!! I'm so sorry!!" I sobbed out to the person, trying to control my quirk with all my strength.

"You're powerful, you see." Dabi whispered in my ear—

"Hey, did you hear me Margo? Come back to me. It's okay, shhh." Eijirou whispered against my hair.

I realize now he was holding me in his arms tightly, rubbing soft circles on my back.

I let out a shaky breath, throwing my arms around his neck to get impossibly closer to him.

Right now, I couldn't bring myself to care if someone saw Eijirou and I.

I needed him. I needed his touch, his warmth. I craved it.

I closed my eyes, trailing my hands up to his head to run my fingers through his hair.

Eijirou pulled away slightly to look at me, those warm crimson orbs gently gazing into my eyes, the only visible part of my face that wasn't covered by my mask.

I couldn't tear my gaze away from him, feeling myself calming down.

"One day....I will tell you everything." I whispered to him, bringing my masked face closer to his.

Eijirou's eyes never left mine, as he gently lifted up the bottom of my mask.

He lifted it just above my mouth, trailing my bare lips with his fingers.

He softly caressed both sides of my face, before dipping his head down...pressing his lips to mine.

I felt my whole body warm as our lips began moving against one another's, feeling my fingers tangle deeper into Eijirou's spiky hair.

I sighed softly, as I felt his tongue slide across my bottom lip, before he deepened the kiss even more.

I gripped his shoulders tightly, just wanting him close to me.

"Margo. We have to stop. We can't be doing this here." Eijirou breathed out into the kiss, not being able to stop himself from smashing his lips against mine again.

I let out a soft sigh of longing, realizing he was right.

Both of our inhibitions were starting to get a little clouded, and it just wasn't the time for this.

Eijirou knew it too, and reluctantly pulled away a few moments later, breathless.

He smirked, quickly pulling my mask back down.

"Man, if we make it out of this and I really need to go on another date." He muttered, before releasing my body completely.

"Just remember, no sappy couple shit." I reminded him, smoothing out my costume.

"Oh, there will absolutely be sappy couple shit." Eijirou retorted smugly, before we began running through the forest again.


"I feel like we've been running for ages. How haven't we seen anyone!?" I scoffed, feeling completely stressed now.

Eijirou and I have been running through the forest, trying to find Bakugou, to no avail.

We hadn't been able to find any of our other classmates, either.

The only good thing is that we also haven't run into anyone from the league of villains.

"I don't know. Either everyone who was out here got captured, or they're all hiding. I just don't think Bakugou is the type to hide—" Eijirou started saying, before a chilling scream ran throughout the forest.

"KACCHAN!!!!" Midoriya screamed.

"We won't let you take him!" Todoroki called out in anger.

Eijirou and I looked at each other in panic, before we began sprinting towards the sound of chaos.

My eyes widened, as I saw Toga a few feet away from Eijirou and I, distracted by the chaos from Bakugou and the others.

I immediately yanked his shirt back, stopping him from running.

He looked over at me in question, before his eyes trailed to where I was looking.

He cringed upon seeing Toga, quickly dragging me with him into the nearest bush so we stayed hidden.

I quietly pulled the leaves back to see what was happening.

A few feet in front of us stood Midoriya, Todoroki, Shoji, And Tokoyami....along with Bakugou who was in the clutches of Dabi.

Damn it! How did Dabi get all the way back here!? He must have ran straight to Bakugou after the classroom incident with me and Eijirou. That means, he already had Bakugou's location from the start.

I watched Eijirou's eyes widen in panic, upon seeing Bakugou.

"Shit. This can't be happening." I whispered, anxiously running my hands through my hair.

"I need to help him." Eijirou whispered, already looking around to see how he could help.

"No. The league of villains are trying to catch you, too. If you go out there, you'll get captured. Two students getting kidnapped is much worse than one." I quickly said to him, grabbing his arm to make sure he didn't go anywhere.

He grit his teeth in frustration, before turning to look at me.

"Margo. Bakugou's my friend. I need to help him!" He hissed out in annoyance.

"Look around you! Do you see all of those members of the league of villains?! If you go out there and start fighting, Bakugou and the others could die. The league of villains won't just scuff you up a little, because you're UA students. If anything, it's all the more reason to kill you." I explained, giving him an apologetic look.

"So, what do you want to do?" He muttered, his eyes locked on Bakugou.

I thought for a moment, watching the interaction between the students and the villains.

Bakugou was clearly scared, yet trying to put on a brave face.

Even if he was annoying most of the time, I couldn't just leave him hanging like this.

I closed my eyes to calm my senses, before turning my attention to Dabi.

Eijirou looked over at me now.

"What are you doing?" He whispered.

"I'm going to try and manipulate Dabi into letting Bakugou go." I explained, trying to think of what sense I should manipulate.

"Won't he recognize you?" Eijirou asked.

"Maybe. But, if I manipulate a sense subtly to where it looks natural, he might not even realize it was me who did it. The problem is, whatever I manipulate on him, I involuntarily manipulate on myself, too. I need something I can handle." I mumbled, lost in thought.

Eijirou and I began looking around the atmosphere of the starry, moonlit forest...quickly trying to get ideas on how to manipulate Dabi.

Eijirou's eyes narrowed, watching Bakugou start struggling against Dabi.

"I got it!" He quickly whispered, looking over to me.

"Look at Bakugou. He's starting to struggle against that Dabi guy. Can you make Dabi feel extreme weakness, so Bakugou can get free? He'll just think Bakugou is really strong." Eijirou said.

That's a pretty good idea. I needed to act quick while Bakugou was struggling so it could be as realistic as possible.

"Yeah. I can do that. The only problem is, once the weakness hits me...I'll probably fall out of this bush, and into the sight of everyone." I explained.

"Ah, good point. Let's think of something else." Eijirou said, already concentrating on the next idea.

I looked over at Bakugou, lost in thought.

If I can make Dabi weak enough, I can save him. Who cares about a little weakness?

"No. I'm going to do it. I'm going to create weakness." I stated to Eijirou, trying to brace myself for the manipulation I would feel, too.

"Margo. You don't have to do this. We can think of something else. We're smart." Eijirou reassured, about to throw out another idea.

I quickly shook my head. "No. This is our chance, while Bakugou is still struggling. I need to do this. I want to help. I just hope I don't fall." I smiled, giving a nervous chuckle.

Eijirou's eyes softened, as he got closer to me now.

I felt him press his body close to mine, before his strong arms wrapped around me securely.

"So, I'll hold you. I won't let you fall." He whispered in my ear.

I trusted him. Just being in his arms gave me the strength I needed to do this.

I can save him. I can save Bakugou.

I just hope I can save myself, too.

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