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"I-I-I..." he breathed out, at a loss for words.

I watched as his face slowly began turning to hurt, betrayal, anger, confusion, and many other emotions all at once.

"M-Margo?" He breathed out again in disbelief, his voice coming out in pure sadness.

It broke my heart.

"I-I was trying to tell you." I choked out, immediately beginning to cry, as soon as I started speaking.

He continued looking at me, his breaths coming out shaky.

"You..." he started saying, not being able to find the words.

I bit my lip, closing my eyes in shame.

"Y-You had plenty of chances to tell me!!! Why didn't you!!?!? How could you do this!?!??" Eijirou cried out in pain, as this whole situation finally started to hit him.

I felt Aizawa release me from the scarf restraints, as he got off me now.

He could see how broken I was. He knew I wasn't going to try and run anymore.

"Eijirou, I-I'm sorry—" I choked out, starting to cry even more now, before he interrupted me.

"—NO!! JUST—Stop it!! Get away from me!!!" He yelled out, holding his head in his hands.

There it is. My worst nightmare.

Aizawa sighed, as he grabbed me by my arm, yanking me up to standing now.

Eijirou grit his teeth, as he watched Mr. Aizawa handcuff my wrists in quirk handcuffs.

"Margo. It's time to go. Kirishima, I'm sorry you had to be apart of this. You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Report back to Fourth Kind. I'll be back to talk with you in a little while." He sighed.

Eijirou continued blankly staring at me, not moving an inch.

Aizawa patiently waited for him to compose himself, giving him the time that he needed.

My heart broke into literal pieces, when I watched Eijirou's face change into the same look of hatred he gives 'villain me.'

Except, this time he wasn't looking at 'villain me' that way. He was looking at 'regular me.'

But, then again...I guess 'regular me' is 'villain me,' right?

I have to reap the consequences of the mistakes I've made. This is just one of the many.

"Kirishima. Go on. I've already contacted Fourth Kind. He's waiting for you around the corner. Don't make him go looking for you and find all of this." Aizawa said to him softly, gesturing to me and my villain costume.

Why would Aizawa care if another pro hero saw this? Isn't that the point...

Eijirou balled his fists together, as he nodded.

After a moment, he forced himself to turn around and start walking.

I couldn't help but call out to him sadly, as the tears threatened to fall again.

"I-I'm so sorry, Eijirou!! I never wanted to hurt you!" I cried out, watching him continue walking out of the alleyway, not even turning around at my words.

I sighed in absolute defeat when I watched his fleeting figure disappear from my sight, never looking back.

I averted my gaze to the ground now, staring down at it blankly, as I awaited the next thing to happen to me.

I looked over at Aizawa, who was casually sending a message on his phone.

"I'm going to jail, I assume?" I called out to him coldly, leaning against the icy wall.

These stupid handcuffs were squeezing my wrists way too tightly.

Aizawa ignored my question, pulling out a sack and a long trench coat.

I gasped when he placed the sack over my head, and pulled the trench coat over my body.

"What the hell are you doing!?!" I called out, my voice muffled by the sack.

"Getting you out of here unnoticed." Aizawa muttered, roughly yanking me forward by my arm.

"Why? You just caught a member of the league of villains. Only a moron would keep this a secret." I scoffed, feeling a little relieved that I don't have to keep up an inferior alter ego to Aizawa anymore.

I was surprised when he chuckled slightly in response, yanking me a little rougher as we continued walking.

"I knew you weren't as sweet, as you pretended to be. Just keep walking, Margo." He mumbled out, as we began secretly descending the alleyway.


After a few hours we arrived at, what I assumed to be, prison.

I had a sack over my head the entire trip back. I had no idea how Aizawa got me out of Hosu, but I was very confused as to why he wanted me unnoticed.

Without a word, I felt Aizawa grab my arm, leading me into a building.

Once I heard the door close, He finally removed the sack and trench coat from me

I gasped for fresh air, bracing myself for the bleak and dreary walls of a prison, or solitary confinement.

What I saw instead, definitely threw me through a loop.

I saw the school insignia plastered on the wall next to me.

"W-What? Why....why am I back at UA?" I muttered quietly, studying the unfamiliar hallway curiously.

This was a part of the school I had never seen before. I didn't even know it existed.

"Let's go." Aizawa called out, leading me by my arm down the hallway.

I still had my handcuffs on.

We began passing a few people in the hallway now—people I had never seen before.

They simply looked over at me, nodding casually, before continuing on their way.

I looked at them completely dumbfounded.

I was clearly in a villain costume. I had the league of villains insignia on my shoulder. Why were people being normal with me? They should be looking at me with disgust.

"In here." Aizawa replied, opening a door for me, and shoving me in the room.

I grit my teeth in pure anxiety when I entered a conference room.......filled with my teachers.

Present Mic, Midnight, All Might, and Aizawa were all here. None of them looked surprised to see me in the slightest.

The room was silent, as all the attention was on me.

I watched as my teachers trailed their eyes down my league of villains uniform and my handcuffs, then back up to my face.

Midnight was the one to break the tension.

"Hmm. Did you always have those? I could have sworn you didn't always have those?" Midnight questioned curiously, gesturing to the piercings in my face and ears.

I was quiet, looking at her dumbfounded.

She wasn't mad?

"I actually like the piercings, young Margo. They compliment you and make you look very tough." All Might smiled widely, shooting me a heroic thumbs up.

"A little heavy on the eyeshadow though, don't ya think?" Present Mic commented, gesturing to my eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at everyone, not understanding.

" going on?" I breathed out blankly.

Aizawa took a seat next to me, kicking his feet up on the desk.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions, Margo. But we do, too." Aizawa said, taking out a file and sliding it towards me.

I inhaled sharply, as he flipped open the first page, displaying a picture of little me. I was about 6 or 7.

My eyes widened, as I studied the picture.

I was in a hospital gown, the very familiar hospital gown I basically sported for ten years. I was holding a torn up little teddy bear in my hand. My hair was long and tangled, clearly unkept. I looked absolutely depressed.

My eyes narrowed, as I looked at the background of the picture. There was a mirror behind me, giving a perfect view of the picture taker.

It was the young scientist from all of my flashbacks. The scientist I spent ten years straight with. His name....was Scientist A. This was the first time I saw his face in months.

He never told me his real name. I called him Scientist A for ten years.

Now that I studied his face....he looked about as miserable in the picture, as I did. That's something I never noticed before.

But the thing that stood out to me the most, were the bandages that completely covered my arms and legs. Those bandages. All of that pain. All of those years of torturous—

I felt myself begin shaking in fury, as my eyes angrily glared at the picture. My breathing was picking up now, as I was not able to take my eyes off of it. I began gritting my teeth so hard, I felt them grinding against each other.

"Where...did you get this?" I growled out lowly, blind fury coating my voice.

Midnight looked at me worriedly now, as she turned to Aizawa.

"Uh...Shota, maybe we're not going about this the right way. This seems to be a very sensitive topic for her—" she began saying, before Aizawa looked to me.

"We hacked this picture from Nyūshin Research Lab. Do you remember it?" Aizawa asked calmly, studying my behavior.

A cold sweat began forming on the back of my neck, as flashbacks from my past began flooding my memories all at once.

I was overwhelmed.

I felt my whole body trembling, and my breathing become noticeably ragged.

My eyebrows were furrowed together in anger, as I slammed my handcuffs harshly on the table, causing everyone to jump.

"Get that picture out of my" I seethed lowly.

"Margo, I've been studying you for a while—" Aizawa started saying, before I lost it.

'Study', as in researching me!?!

He triggered me now.

"GET THAT PICTURE AWAY FROM ME!!!" I screamed, popping up from my seat and kicking the table.

Everyone immediately backed away from the table, as it came crashing down.

Aizawa's face remained unchanged.

He was studying me, he said.

"Study!? That's just what those scientists said to me. I see now. I see what you're all trying to do!!" I yelled out, feeling my muscles tensing in anger.

"Young Margo, it's okay—" All Might cooed softly, before I cut him off.

"No! Enough! I get it now. You're just like them. All of you. Just like those stupid scientists. Y-You're trying to bring me back to them, aren't you? You're trying to bring me back to Nyūshin labs..." I breathed out shakily, starting to become afraid now.

My eyes became half lidded, as I felt myself losing control. I really needed to calm down. I knew that.

I felt my quirk involuntarily start fighting the quirk handcuffs now, threatening to activate on someone.

It was harder for me to control my quirk, when I was in emotional distress.

Aizawa sensed my quirk coming out and quickly erased it.

Thank you.

My heart dropped, as I began taking in the situation. I felt completely powerless, as I averted my gaze to the ground.

I was probably going back to Nyūshin. This was probably it for me.

"Just...get me out of here. Please." I called out shakily, closing my eyes to focus my emotions.

"Margo, I didn't mean to—" Aizawa started saying, before I cut him off.

"Please. Just get me out of here. Put me in jail. I don't care. I'm not talking to any of you." I replied, feeling my heartbeat pounding out of my chest. I continued trying to fight the panic attack, that was threatening to come on.

Everyone was quiet for a moment, looking at each other in concern.

"Alright. That was clearly not the best way to approach things. We'll try again tomorrow." Aizawa mumbled, taking me out of the room.

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