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"Yes! Yes! Yes! I got principal Nezu as the teacher I'm supposed to fight!" Mina cheered, hugging me and practically body slamming me to the floor.

"Oh, that's right. He's who you wanted for your final exam! Think you'll have an easy win?" I asked her.

"Oh, hell yeah! What do you think Kaminari?" Mina exclaimed, dragging Kaminari over to us.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Totally, totally. I mean have you seen the little dude? Nothing vicious about him." Kaminari scoffed, taking a bite of his sandwich.

I chuckled slightly at Mina and Kaminari's nonchalantness.

"Okay. Well, just don't underestimate your opponent." I replied, feeling a little unsure they would pass.

"Margo, you can't underestimate something you've already won." Kaminari explained matter of factly, waving a finger at me.

" haven't won yet..." I reminded him, raising an eyebrow.

"Exactly." He retorted, stuffing the rest of his sandwich in his mouth.


I looked over at Mina, silently asking her to interpret what Kaminari just said.

She simply rolled her eyes at him, shrugging in confusion.

".....right. Well, good luck then!" I chimed out, seeing Eijirou stretching nervously in the corner.

He was the first one up in the physical final exams, along with Sato.

It was exam week, and the entire class had just finished up their written exams.

Now, it was time for the physical exams. Of course, I wouldn't be allowed to participate. Considering....the whole 'league of villains' circumstances.

"Nervous?" I asked Eijirou, walking over to him.

"Huh? No—well....I guess, maybe a little bit. I mean, Cementoss seems like a cool guy. But, I've never really seen him in action. I don't know how powerful he really is." He said unsurely, stretching his arms over his head now.

"True. But, it's just cement. Your quirk is way stronger than that. You just have to be smart about it." I reassured him, leaning back against the brick wall.

"Hopefully. I'm just bummed I don't get to see you out there, today. I bet you would have kicked some serious ass!" Eijirou exclaimed, grinning widely at the thought.

Before I could respond, a certain blonde explosion bitch came over to chime in.

"Yeah. About that. Why the hell aren't you participating in this? You're not that special, that you can just skip it." Bakugou sneered at me, putting his hand on his hip.

"Uh—It's like Mr. Aizawa said....the number of students is now odd with me here. I wouldn't have a partner to do it with. He said I can take a makeup exam over the summer." I reasoned, using the excuse Aizawa told me to tell the class, in case they asked why I wasn't participating.

Bakugou simply narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're full of shit. That makes no sense." He simply retorted, causing my heart beat to pick up.

Oh shit. Is he catching on?

Suddenly, I felt Eijirou sling a friendly arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer.

"Hey man, she's not lying! I was there when Mr. Aizawa said that to her." Eijirou lied, trying to cover for me.

Bakugou was quiet again, glaring at Eijirou.

"You were now?" Bakugou questioned suspiciously.

"Yep! Sure was." Eijirou replied confidently.

Bakugou remained silent, trying to piece this situation together on his own.

His crimson glare went from Eijirou, to me, to Eijirou's hand around my shoulder, to me again.

I noticed Bakugou's eyes, quickly shrugging Eijirou's arm off my shoulder.

"Hmph." Bakugou simply retorted, walking inbetween Eijirou and I, as he left to prepare for his exam.

"Phew. That was close. Thanks for covering for me." I said softly, when Bakugou was out of sight.

"Yeah, anytime. Buttt....I don't know—I think it's alright to at least tell people we're dating. I get why you want to keep it a secret, but we would only tell our classmates. No big deal right?" Eijirou asked, grabbing his face gear and placing it around his head.

I thought back to last night, with the league of villains.

Shigaraki was interested in Eijirou now, thanks to me.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

I looked around, making sure none of the other students were too close.

"Normally, I'd agree with you. But...the thing is....I had a conversation with the league of villains, last night. The last thing we need is for you to be associated with me that way." I mumbled quietly, seeing Eijirou's eyes widened slightly.

"What did they say?!" He whispered, pulling me a little further away from the group.

"Unfortunately, it was me doing most of the talking. They wanted to know about the quirks of certain UA students. I was vague, but I had to tell them something so they wouldn't get suspicious." I started out, hesitating slightly at my next words.

"Um....and your name....came up in their mix." I sighed, running an anxious hand through my hair.

"Shit, why?!" Eijirou asked, seeing Sato wave him over for their exam.

"Because you placed well in the sports festival. Look, I'm gonna talk to Aizawa about it. Don't worry about anything. I'll take care of it." I smiled at him weakly, not wanting him to know how stressed I actually was.

Eijirou studied my face, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Hey....I might not be at the league of villains every night the way you are, but I'm in this with you." Eijirou started off softly, coming a little closer to me.

I looked up at him, allowing him continue speaking.

"I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me about this stuff, because it will scare me or any other crap like that. I can handle it. I'm a man." He grinned, touching my shoulder reassuringly.

He's so cute.

He continued a moment later. "Besides...I want to be there for you. I want to support you through all of this. You don't have to shut me out." He said gently, reaching out to grab my hand, before he remembered we were only a few feet away from the class.

I smiled at him, realizing I felt a little better. "You're right. Thanks." I said, seeing Sato start to get annoyed that Eijirou hadn't come over yet.

"Alright. Go on. Kick that teacher's ass!" I exclaimed, trying to pump him up a little bit.

Eijirou's crimson orbs immediately lit up with determination. "Oh hell yeah! Cementoss isn't even gonna know what hit him, by the time I'm finished." He grinned, punching his fists together.

"And even though we haven't gotten our scores back for the written exam, I'm sure you passed that too, right!?" I exclaimed, trying to assess how Eijirou did on the finals.

His face contorted into unsure panic at my words. " exactly qualifies as passing, you know—" he stuttered, trying to bullshit his way through it.

"—that's the spirit! Now go!" I cheered, pushing him towards Sato.

I watched Eijirou walk over to the test arena with Sato, when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I have half an hour before my fight with Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. We need to talk. Now." Aizawa muttered, nodding for me to follow him.

I swallowed thickly, already knowing what it was about.

The league of villains.

I walked into the building with Aizawa, just hearing the starting bell of Eijirou and Sato's exam.

Damn it. I really wanted to watch.

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