Underlying Darkness

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"Hey, Margo!" Mina called, catching up to me in the hallway.

"Hey, Mina. What's up?" I asked her.

"Oh not much. I just wanted to let you know that us girls are having a get together tonight. You know...gossip, talk about boys, eat some awesome snacks. That sort of thing. You in?" Mina asked eagerly.

"That's sounds really fun. I actually can't tonight. I'm...well...I'm hanging out with Eijirou." I told her reluctantly, already knowing she was gonna make a big deal out of nothing.

As soon as I saw the look on her face, I knew I was right.

Mina abruptly stopped me in the hallway, shaking my shoulders aggressively.

"WHAT!?! YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE WITH KIRISHIMA!?" Mina screamed in the hallway, causing my cheeks to turn fire engine red.

"I-It's not a date!!—"

"Oh, Kiri and Margo are finally going on a date?! It's about damn time!!" Kaminari smirked, walking past us.

"That shitty haired bastard is more blind than I thought, going out with someone like you." Bakugou chimed in smugly, walking next to Kaminari.

I rolled my eyes, as I playfully shoved him forward, hearing him continue snickering with Kaminari as they walked off.

I turned to Mina, taking a deep breath as I lightly glared at her.

"Mina..." I started off sweetly, causing her to cringe and laugh at the same time.

"Maybe say that a little louder next time. I don't think all of Japan heard you say Kirishima and I are going on a date!!" I groaned out, causing her to chuckle now.

"Well Kiri didn't hear and that's all that matters! So come on, details. Details. Where are you guys going? What are you wearing?" Mina asked desperately.

"Hmm. I don't know where were going yet. I was just gonna wear...this." I shrugged, gesturing to my UA uniform.

Mina dramatically cringed in disgust as she looked at my UA outfit.

"Um. No. You're not wearing that. How about you come over to my place after school, before the girls get there? I'll help you get ready!" She suggested.

I thought about Mina's offer. Come to think of it...I really didn't have any cute clothes.

I mean, ten years of my life were spent.....in a certain place I don't want to recall. There was definitely no need for cute clothes, back then. Once I got to the league of villains, all I gained was a villain costume, a bunch of weapons, and mostly all black casual clothes.

"Sure! Thanks, Mina." I smiled at her.


"It's perfect!" Mina smirked, shoving me in front of her full length mirror.

I scoffed as I looked at the shirt she gave me.

"Mina...this shirt is so booby, my nipples are practically out." I chuckled at her.

"Duh yeah! That's the point. Kirishima's a guy. He'll love it." She grinned, going in her closet to find something else to wear.

"How many times do I have to tell you this is a friend thing?" I chuckled to her, removing the booby shirt.

"Fine. How about this?" Mina grinned, holding up a sundress.

"That's pretty!" I exclaimed, catching the dress as she tossed it to me.

I threw on the sundress, smoothing it out.

It was such a pretty blue.

"Oh, it buttons in the back. Here allow me." Mina replied, coming over to button the back of the dress.

I was fine with it, until I felt her button the area around my neck.

I gasped, as flashbacks played in my head:

I felt a new hospital gown being placed on my body.

"Alright, Margo. This is the last test." The familiar scientist said, buttoning the gown around my neck way too tightly.

"You've said that for the past few hours." I seethed out lowly, feeling my arm bleeding again.

"I know. But, the boss man just called. He wants more samples of your cells. It's out of my control, at this point. Grin and bear it, little one. Grin and bear it." The scientist said, gently wrapping a bandage around my bleeding arm—

"Hey??! Margo, I said are you alright?!" Mina exclaimed, as I was brought back to reality.

I realized now I was hyperventilating, squeezing Mina's arm for comfort.

I immediately loosened my grip on her arm. "I'm so sorry!!" I breathed out, backing away from her.

She looked at me in pure concern now. "Hey, it's alright—are you nervous for the date? Is that it?" She questioned curiously.

I silently thanked her for giving me that opening.

"Y-Yeah, that's it. I've never been out with anyone before." I whispered, causing Mina to chuckle.

"Look. There's nothing to be worried about. Kirishima is an amazing guy. I've actually known him since we've been kids. He's a total sweetheart, Margo. It's very easy to see he really likes you." Mina smiled, applying makeup to my face now.

Thank goodness my bruises from Kirishima and Midnight healed.

Although, I do still have a small scar from Kirishima, right under my eye.

"Thanks Mina. You're....a really good...friend." I whispered out, just wanting to say the words once.

Even though Mina might hate 'villain me', I couldn't help but want her presence anyways.

"Of course." She smiled, as my phone dinged.

"He's here." I grinned, causing Mina to squeal with excitement.

Man, I've never been more excited to see anyone in my life. That's not even an understatement.


"H-Hey!" I called, walking out of Mina's house to meet Eijirou.

He lazily looked up from his phone, his eyes widened when he saw me.

"W-Woah..." he breathed out, his eyes trailing down my body.

I felt my face heating up, as Eijirou's eyes never left me.

"I hope that's a good thing." I chuckled, running a hand through my hair.

His eyes shot back up to my face. "Oh yeah!!! It's definitely a good thing. You look beautiful—IN THE FRIENDLIEST WAY POSSIBLE, OF COURSE!!" He stuttered out, nervously waving his hands around.

"Thanks. You look beautiful, too." I teased, trying to lighten the mood a little.

He did look really cute tonight. He was out of his school clothes, wearing some jeans, sneakers, and a causal button down shirt.

His red locks were still spiked up in his usual style. It suited him nicely.

Eijirou chuckled as we began walking down the lightly sunned sidewalk. Early evening was my favorite time of day. So peaceful.

"So, what do you want to do today?" I asked him curiously, noticing our bodies hovering closer to each other.

"Well, I was thinking we hit up the amusement park! Unless you'd rather do something else?" He suggested, his eyes studying every inch of my face.

"What's an amusement park?" I asked honestly, causing Eijirou to bust out laughing, thinking I was joking.

He looked back over to me now, his brow raising in amusement.

"Wait, seriously!? You've never been to an amusement park?" Eijirou called out in excitement.

Growing up the way I did, didn't leave much room for fun stuff. Up until a few months ago...I was practically hidden from the world.

It's almost like I'm finally seeing it for the first time.

I laughed at his bubbly happiness. It made me happy, too.

"No, I haven't! What do you do there?" I asked again, suddenly feeling Eijirou drag me with him.

"Let's go. I'll show you!!" He exclaimed, as we headed towards the amusement park.

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