Unfamiliar Familiarity

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I groaned in annoyance, looking down at the homework question with distaste:

#47) If you were to encounter a frightened child during a mass attack, how would you console them?

I don't know how the hell I would console anybody. Wouldn't I be too concerned with fighting in a moment like that?

Although, I did save that little boy, back in Hosu.

But then again...it was kind of my fault I even had to save him in the first place. Endeavor was chasing me, and I guess I indirectly put everyone else in danger.

UA was buckling down my homework and training loads lately, in order to prepare for the provisional license exam.

Not that it matters to me. I'm still not allowed to take the license exam. I understand, since technically I'm not a real student here.

But....I'm still a little disappointed.

Anyways, it had been about a month since everyone began working on their ultimate moves, and we were all up to our eyeballs in work.

Eijirou and I have been trying to spend as much time as we can with each other, studying and hanging out in each other's rooms.

I know he's getting stressed about the license exam that's coming up, but I believe in him. I know he can pass.

Now me on the other hand....I'm not so sure I would pass the license exam, since I can't even complete the homework I'm currently working on.

I shuffled around on my bed, starting to write down an answer for this question—


I jumped in shock, upon hearing the burner phone on my desk start ringing loudly.

The burner phone was from Shigaraki. He only gave it to me to make sure I could still check in daily with him, since I live at the dorms now.

He said it was a "present" for me. A truce for destroying my old iphone. How thoughtful.

I forced myself to get off my bed, and grab the shitty phone.

"Hello?" I mumbled, already expecting to hear Shigaraki's pissy voice.

Instead, I heard....nothing.

I patiently waited for Shigaraki to start talking, but he never did.

I raised my brows in slight irritation, starting to lose my patience with him.

If this was another one of his stupid games, I'd be annoyed.

"Hello? Hello?" I called out a little louder, hearing soft breathing coming from the other side of the line now.

It was quiet for a moment longer.

I was about to hang up the phone, when the voice on the other line finally spoke.

"So it is you." The voice from the other line said clearly.

My face contorted into confusion, not recognizing the voice.

This definitely wasn't Shigaraki.

But, he was the only person who had this number.

...or he was supposed to be the only one.

I was slightly taken aback by this change of events, not quite knowing where to go from here.

"...and who do you think this is?" I uttered cautiously, feeling my heartbeat pick up slightly.

The voice on the other line hummed slightly, his voice coming out smooth as butter.

I could definitely tell it was a man talking now.

"Someone who was supposed to be very useful to me. Someone who could have changed the future, changed the world." The man replied.

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Even though his voice held a blank tone to it, I couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated by this guy's voice.

He sounded young. But, he also sounded dangerous.

"I-I think you have the wrong number." I breathed out, trying to control my nerves.

The silent response from him screamed in my ears, making my heart feel like it was going to pound out of my chest from anticipation.

"Heh. You really have no idea what I'm talking about. Do you?" The man responded after some time, his voice coming off slightly relaxed now.

I let out a silent breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Now, it seems the man just has the wrong number. Right?

But, if that's the case....why am I still so uneasy...

I chuckled nervously, calming down just a little bit.

"Yeah. I-I really don't know what you're talking about. I'm sorry. Have a good day." I quickly said dismissively, trying to end this creepy conversation.

I was about to hang up the phone, before the man spoke again....his voice, suspicious and captivating enough to keep me on the line a little longer.

"You, too. I'll see you soon........Margo." The man called out lowly, before the phone line abruptly cut.

My eyes widened at his last sentence.

He knows....my name?

Which means...

Whoever that was, they didn't have the wrong number.

No. They meant to call me.

But who?

And why—


I jumped for a second time that day, hearing the knock on my dorm room door.

I blankly set the burner phone back down on my plain desk, anxiously running my hands through my hair.

"Come in." I called out absentmindedly, lost in thought about what just happened.

My door opened to reveal Eijirou, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey!" He beamed, strutting in with his arm behind his back.

I felt myself instantly relax upon seeing him. How could I not? He was a literal, walking ball of sunshine.

I laughed, as I watched him walk over to me stiffly.

He clearly had something behind his back, that he didn't want me to see.

"Could you look anymore suspicious? Seriously. You need to work on your poker face." I smirked, taking a seat on my bed.

He simply shrugged, leaning against my wall to continue hiding the item behind his back.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." he said casually, trying to lie.

I was about to play along with this lie, until Eijirou quickly interrupted.

"—okay, okay! I can't take this anymore! Since you want to know so bad, I'll tell you....or I guess I'll show you, instead." He said eagerly, standing up straight and walking towards me now.

Oh Kirishima, you can't keep a lie going to save your life. You're so pure. Another reason why I love you.

Eijirou cleared his throat, shooting me a cheeky smile now.

"Margo Kimika..." he announced dramatically.

"Eijirou Kirishima." I retorted back playfully, matching his tone.

He seemed a little nervous, so I was trying to lighten the mood.

He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, biting his lip in anticipation.

Damn, he looked really hot when he did that—

My thoughts were interrupted when Eijirou pulled out a single rose from behind his back, handing it to me.

"Will you go to the UA formal with me?" He asked, his nerves immediately leaving him when he saw my face light up.

I took the rose, a giant smile already gracing my face.

I mentally cursed myself for giggling like a school girl idiot, before hopping off the bed and throwing my arms around Eijirou's neck.

He hugged me back tightly, planting a kiss on my temple.

I heard him sigh in contentment, as he held me for awhile, before he finally spoke again.

"So, is that a yes then?" He mumbled in amusement against my temple.

I pulled away slightly to look at him now, realizing I never actually gave him an answer.

I smirked at him, gently running a hand through his hair.

"Eh. I'll have to think about it." I joked, shrugging and casually starting to walk away from him.

Eijirou raised his brows at me challengingly, before grabbing my hips and yanking me back in his grasp.

I gasped in surprise, not expecting something like that from him.

But damn, I definitely liked it.

Eijirou held me in his arms now, resting his forehead to mine.

"Hmm....playing hard to get, are we?" He uttered huskily, barely grazing his lips against mine.

I smiled playfully, leaning in just a little closer to him.

"And what if I am?" I whispered, feeling his hands sliding lower down my hips now.

"Well...then I'll have to punish you somehow, right?" He said, gliding his tongue across my lower lip.

Eijirou Kirishima wants to punish me? Maybe he's not as innocent as I thought...

Even so, my whole body warmed up upon hearing his words and tone of voice.

"O-Oh yeah? And how are you gonna do that?" I whispered, the anticipation completely present in my voice.

Eijirou smirked as he saw me starting to become undone, trailing his fingers back up my waist.

"I'm gonna...." he whispered, trailing off at the end.

I closed my eyes, feeling my breathing starting to pick up now, as dirty thoughts began slowly creeping into my imagination.

What's he gonna do? Kiss me? Take his shirt off? Are we finally gonna go a little further—

my eyes shot wide open, as I felt Eijirou press his fingers into my sides, starting to tickle me vigorously now.

Not what I was expecting....

But I love it.

I hunched over in his arms, involuntarily thrashing around as Eijirou tickled me.

"AHH!! STOP! HAH! STOOAAHHP" I laughed out, gripping his arms tightly.

Eijirou laughed with me, as he stopped his tickling now, picking me up and collapsing onto my bed.

I let out an exasperated sigh of relief, feeling exhausted from his tickling.

Eijirou spooned me now, throwing the blanket over both of us.

He nuzzled into my neck, placing chaste kisses on it.
I leaned back into his chest, proudly holding up my rose.

"Of course I'll go to the formal with you." I mumbled contently, looking out in front of me, to my open window.

The sun was soft today, as small clouds gathered in front of it. The air was perfect, slightly crisp, as it came in through the window.

Eijirou hummed softly in response, lazily sliding his hand under my shirt to rest it on my bare waist.

It wasn't in a lustful way. Just a way for him to be closer to me.

"Thank you for my rose. I really like it." I said to him softly, my heart warming every time I looked at it.

Eijirou pushed the messy hairs away from my face, looking at my rose with me.

"Hah. If I'm being honest....I actually got you a whole bouquet of roses to begin with. But, then I remembered you're not into super mushy, romantic stuff. So, I thought you would like the one rose better. I really hope I was right about that." He mumbled softly.

I couldn't help but smile at Eijirou's efforts.

Truth be told, he could have given me anything and I would have loved it, simply because it was from

Hell, I wouldn't have even cared if he didn't get me anything at all.

But, the fact that he pays attention to what I like and don't like...the fact that he always tries to put effort into making sure I'm comfortable and happy....

Are all just more reasons why I love him.

"I don't care what you get me—I mean, I appreciate it very much, and I'm happy you gave me this rose. But....as long as it's from you....I love it." I whispered, turning around in his arms to face him.

He looked down at me, lost in thought.

He was studying my face, gazing at me warmly.

Only, the way he was looking at me now seems to be much stronger than how he's looked at me in the past.

He's done it before. This unfamiliar, yet familiar, look of emotion towards me. Yet, I can't place my finger on what it means.

No one has ever looked at me like that before, except Eijirou.

"That makes me really happy." He whispered, not daring to look away from my face.

I smiled softly, leaning in and placing a chaste kiss on his soft lips.

He kissed me back, caressing the side of my face gently.

I pulled away slightly after a few moments, feeling ready for a nap, before a sudden thought crossed my mind.

"Wait, you said you bought a whole bouquet of roses? I hope you didn't throw the rest away." I said sheepishly, feeling really guilty if he ended up doing that.

Eijirou chuckled now, shaking his head.

"Nah. I gave the rest to Kaminari. He's gonna use them to ask Uraraka to the formal." Eijirou said, not being able to stop himself from full on laughing.

I cracked up with him, at the thought of Kaminari asking Uraraka.

"Oh man. Do you think she'll say yes?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Definitely not." Eijirou laughed, cringing in pity for Kaminari.

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