Wake Up

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3 weeks later:

"Shigaraki look at this." I called him over, crouched on a ceiling beam.

Shigaraki casually walked over to see what my fuss was about.

"See what I made here? It's a trap. If someone we don't like walks here, they get tased immediately." I told him, gesturing to the trap I set.

We were currently in our new league of villains headquarters, hero proofing it.

Shigaraki inspected my trap, before nodding in approval.

"I like it. But, instead of getting tased, let's make them die instead." He grinned evilly.

I restrained myself from rolling my eyes, as I climbed down the ceiling.

"Sure. I'll get right on it." I said to him dismissively.

Lies. I definitely wouldn't get right on it. Ever.

It had been three weeks, since the fight with All Might and All for One. It was no secret that All Might was now powerless.

I also saw on the news that the UA students moved into dorms on the campus, to further ensure their safety.

Surprisingly, Shigaraki gave me permission to move into the dorms, so I fit in. He just requires me to check in with him daily.

Which is great, because I was more than ready to get back to UA high.

After the argument Shigaraki and I got into, I had no choice but to agree to this long hiatus from school. I'm just lucky I survived this whole thing.

But, being in the dorms means I get to spend more time with Eijirou when I get back.

Speaking of Eijirou, I haven't been able to contact him in three weeks.

For all he knows, I could be dead.

Same with Aizawa, I haven't been able to get ahold of him.

I don't think he cares though. I know he never really trusted me anyways.

"Margo? Did you hear me?" Shigaraki asked, steeping himself some tea from the kettle.

"No. What is it?" I asked him casually.

"Dabi, Toga, and I are going into Tokyo for a few days to try and find more recruits. Your stupid school left a message, saying you'll be withdrawn if you're not back tomorrow, so you're free to head back in the morning. Alright?" He said casually, going to his room to pack for the Tokyo trip.

"Sure. I'll pack up in a little while." I shrugged nonchalantly, heading back to my room.

YES!! I can finally go back to UA.


I rolled over in my bed to check the time.


I groaned softly, lying wide awake in my bed.

This is how it's been every day for the past three weeks.

All I could think about was Eijirou. How much I missed him. His touch. His smile. His warmth.

Come on, Margo. Just a few more hours until you can see him again.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to force myself to go to sleep, before opening them a few moments later. It was useless.

Come to think of it, everyone in the league of villains headquarters was gone. It was just me here.

I really wanted to see Eijirou, and no one would know if I left a few hours early to go visit him.

I knew he was at the UA dorms.

But maybe he was sleeping....

I lie awake in bed for a few more moments, before I couldn't take it anymore.

I quickly threw the sheets off my body, grabbing my packed up backpack, and heading out the door to UA.

If Eijirou's asleep, I'll just go. No big deal.


After sneaking into the school once, and getting caught, I definitely learned my lesson....

In other words, now I was more mindful of cameras and alarms that littered the school hallways, so no one would catch me.

I mean, it's not like I was doing anything bad. I just wanted to see my boyfriend. Is that such a crime?

But it was now 1:15am, so I'm sure Aizawa would not find my visiting hours acceptable.

This was the only way.

I stealthily moved silently down the dark, empty hallway...trying to find Eijirou's room.

Damn, these dorms are really nice. I'm definitely looking forward to moving in here tomorrow.

"Come on." I groaned softly to myself, not being able to find his dorm room.


I gasped in small excitement when I saw the next room label:


I placed my hand on the doorknob, suddenly feeling nervous to open it.

What if he was sleeping? He wouldn't want me to wake him up, right? What if he was mad at me for ditching for three weeks?

I cringed in hesitation for a moment, before forcing the thoughts away from my mind.

I quietly opened the door to Eijirou's dorm room, his familiar, wonderful scent immediately hitting my nostrils.

It was dark in here, the only light coming from the shining moonlight, outside.

Even so, I was able to dimly see his dorm room, taking it in for the first time.

I didn't feel right snooping around too much, so I just quietly walked around.

I couldn't help but chuckle softly, shaking my head as I looked around. Workout equipment and posters of Crimson Riot littered the room.

It all looked very manly. Definitely Eijirou.

I felt so comfortable here already. So at ease.

I followed the sound of Eijirou's soft steady breaths, seeing his sleeping figure on his bed.

So he was asleep. I'd feel bad for waking him up. I'll leave in a minute.

I smiled gently, feeling my heart fluttering slightly at the sight of him.

My whole body instantly relaxed and released all of the stress I've been holding for the past three weeks.

I couldn't help but walk over to him, sitting at the edge of his bed.

He looked so peaceful and cozy while he slept.

His soft, unspiked, red locks were falling into his gentle face.

He was gripping another pillow in his arms, holding it close to him.

His breathing was soft and steady.

Ugh. I really want to wake him up.

I sighed in longing, as I realized I should just let him sleep and return tomorrow.

But first, I couldn't stop myself from lightly brushing a piece of hair away from his tired eyes—

Eijirou's eyes immediately flew open in panic at the extremely light contact, causing him to shoot up in the bed and harshly grab my arms.

Crap, I startled him.

"W-Wait!! Wait! It's just me!! It's Margo!!" I called out to him, placing my hands on his bare chest, as I felt his grip getting tighter on me.

He was inches away from my face, looking at me in wild panic, before his eyes registered who I was.

Eijirou's crimson orbs widened in pure shock now, as he took in my presence.

"O-Oh my gosh—Margo!!!" He breathed out in relief, pulling me into a hug now.

I immediately threw my arms around his neck, feeling his warmth envelope my entire body, as I returned his hug.

"You're alive." He whispered into the crook of my neck, hugging me tighter now.

"I missed you so much." I uttered out weakly, never wanting to let him go.

Eijirou pulled me into his lap now, planting a soft kiss on my temple.

We sat there in happy, comfortable silence for awhile, never ceasing our hug.

We just enjoyed being in each other's arms, especially since it's something we don't get to do very often.

Eijirou caressed my hair, burying his head deeper into my neck.

After a few moments, he pulled away from the hug slightly to look at me now.

His crimson orbs gazed into me so warmly, so gently.

I ran my fingertips up his bare shoulders, to the soft hairs on the nape of his neck.

He looked so perfect.

I couldn't stop myself from leaning forward, as I crashed my lips against his in desire, wanting to take in everything about this kiss.

Second thoughts began ringing through my head now.....thinking that maybe I kissed him too hard.

Eijirou quickly made those thoughts dissipate, as he returned my kiss hungrily, tangling his fingers deep into my hair.

His lips were so soft and warm, as they effortlessly molded against mine.

Eijirou let out a small sigh of contentment, closing his eyes.

"Man, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, Margo. I've been wanting to kiss you, since the last time I saw you." He whispered against my lips, not even thinking about pulling away.

"Mmm. Me either. I was so worried about you and the others. I wanted to reach out to you, but I couldn't. I lost my earpiece. I didn't betray you. I promise. Please believe me." I mumbled softly, pressing my forehead to his.

He let out a small, breathy chuckle, gently brushing the messy hairs away from my face.

Eijirou pulled away slightly to meet my eyes.

"I know you didn't. That thought never crossed my mind. If anything, I was starting to think that Shigaraki had kidnapped you. Or even.....k-killed you. I was in the midst of making a plan to go and save you. See?" He said, nodding to his desk in the corner.

The moonlight dimly illuminated Eijirou's desk, displaying a giant cork board filled with information about the league of villains.

It contained all of the possible whereabouts the new league of villains headquarters could be, along with other information that could be used to track me down.

"Did you research all of that information on your own? This must have taken you hours." I breathed out in awe.

He gave a small smile, as he shrugged lightly.

"Heh. Not too long. It only took a couple of weeks—" he started off, causing me to whip my head around at him in shock.

"—weeks!?" I called out.

"Yeah. That's just the top of the desk. There's a lot more information in the desk drawer. I-I mean of course, I wasn't gonna just leave you there. I was planning to come rescue you. I just needed a solid plan first. It's not a big deal, Margo. Seriously." Eijirou mumbled, starting to become a little embarrassed.

Wow. Eijirou spent these three weeks trying to track me down, so he could save me.

He was going to save me.

Just like a true hero.

No one in my entire life has ever done something like that for me, before.

"Eijirou..." I whispered, turning my attention back to him.

He looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

I had the urge to tell him something. In my heart, there was something I needed to tell him.

But, I couldn't figure out what it was.

What did I want to say to him?

I really didn't know.

Instead of speaking, I grabbed both sides of his face, quickly kissing him again.

He hummed softly in desire at my neediness, wrapping his arms tighter around my body now.

"You're amazing." I uttered out to him, feeling my throat tightening slightly.

Shit. Why do I feel like crying?! Get ahold of yourself, Margo.

My voice was too quiet for Eijirou to notice it crack, as he smiled against my lips, sliding down the bed with me in his arms.

Eijirou was now lying on his back, with me on top of him, as he began deepening our kiss.

It felt so good.

Goosebumps raised on my skin, as I felt his fingertips slide under my shirt, running along my bare lower back.

Our tongues explored each other's mouths, as my heart began pounding out of my chest.

But it wasn't pounding from the kiss.

What were these feelings I wanted to say to Eijirou.

Why couldn't I say them.

I contained my inner conflict from him, as he broke away from my lips to start kissing my neck.

I felt him grip my hips, as he rolled us over.

Now, he was on top of me, starting to run his hands higher up my sides.

"Ahh, Margo." He sighed into my ear sweetly, causing me to shiver from his tone...and my building emotions.

My eyes closed, as I suddenly felt overcome with a  sense of emotion, hugging him tightly against me, as he kissed my neck.

I couldn't help the words that began falling out of my mouth, as his warm breath fanned my cold skin.

"Eijirou, I—" started saying, before abruptly stopping myself.

Love you.

Eijirou, I love you.


So, That is what I wanted to say. Those are the feelings I wanted to tell him.

This is why I'm experiencing this overwhelming sense of emotion.

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