Walk the Path

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"So, what now!?" I muttered to Aizawa in panic, as I began struggling to get out of Kamui Woods' vines.

"Let me try to—" Aizawa started saying, before Shigaraki's loud voice of fury cut him off.

"KUROGIRI, DO IT NOW!!!" Shigaraki screamed out.

I gasped in shock as I watched Bakugou start coughing up a big, black cloud of smoke.

Next thing I knew, Kurogiri's vortex enveloped me.

I watched Endeavor's eyes widen, as he realized he wasn't going to grab me in time.

He quickly sprinted towards me, trying to catch me before the vortex took me away.

I breathed out a sigh of relief when I disappeared, watching him try to dive for me at the last second.

That was way too close.

The next thing I knew, I was outside.

I shivered slightly from the chilly night air, not expecting such a quick change from the muggy indoor warehouse.

"Aizawa?......Aizawa, are you there?" I mumbled into my ear piece.

I was met with static.

Great, now I don't have any connection with him.

I immediately scanned my surroundings, trying to get a grip on this new situation. 

Bakugou was in front of me now, and surrounding him were the members of the league of villains....

Including me.

Shit. What am I supposed to do now?

"Alright, explosion boy. You're coming with us, whether you want to or not. Look around you. There's no way out." Shigaraki called out to Bakugou, chuckling defiantly.

Bakugou immediately looked over at me, his glaring crimson eyes asking me what to do.

I gave him a slight shrug, not having any ideas—

"Margo. Margo, can you hear me?" Eijirou's sweet voice crackled into my ear.

I didn't even know All Might was here until I heard him yell a few feet away.

Loud chaos began ensuing now, as I narrowed my eyes in All Might's direction. I was trying to see who he was fighting.

"It's All For One, in case you're wondering?" Dabi yelled out from next to me.

It was very loud...with the sound of yells, punches, and the breaking of buildings and patches of earth filling our ears.

So that's All For One.

I know about All Might's secret. This can't be good for him.

All Might kept looking over at Bakugou and I, before noticeably pulling his punches against All for One.

I grit my teeth in guilt, realizing he was trying to hold back in his fight, so he didn't hurt Bakugou and I.

I need to get Bakugou out of here. Immediately.

By doing so, I can hide so All Might doesn't see me. Then he can stop holding back in this fight.

Bakugou and Shigaraki were at a stalemate, yelling at each other instead of fighting right now.

Everyone's attention was on them.

This was my chance. It was loud. No one would hear me talking to Eijirou.

"Eijirou, I'm here." I said to him softly, quickly looking around to make sure no one was listening.

They weren't.

"Margo! Thank goodness you're okay! Listen, I see you and Bakugou. You guys look like you're in some trouble." Eijirou replied.

I heard the sound of Todoroki and Iida arguing in the background.

"W-Who else do you have with you?" I said, getting nervous about more people getting hurt.

"Todoroki, Iida, Midoriya, and Yaoyorozu. Don't worry, no one knows I'm talking to you. They're a few feet away from me, arguing about our plan." He reassured over the chaos of All Might and All for One.

"Plan? What plan—" I asked, before Shigaraki yelled in fury.

"Everyone try and grab him!! Now!!" Shigaraki screamed, charging at Bakugou.

My eyes widened in panic, as the rest of the group charged at Bakugou now.

No. No. No.

I have to move too, or I'll blow my cover!!

"Eijirou! What's the plan?! Everyone's charging at Bakugou. I can't do much more to protect him!!" I said to him in panic, hesitantly going into the mix of fighting between Bakugou and the league of villains.

Maybe if I just move around a little, no one will notice I'm not actually trying to get Bakugou.

"Sidekick!! Get him!! Use your combat skills!!" Shigaraki screamed at me.

Okay. Well fuck that plan, I guess.

"Margo, all I need you to do is create an opening for Bakugou to your left side! Can you do that when I give you the signal!?" Eijirou called out to me, panic starting to seep into his tone of voice.

I looked over at Shigaraki, seeing his eyes glare at me through the hand on his face.

"I-I don't think I can." I stuttered out, forcing myself to charge at Bakugou now.

Eijirou immediately responded, hearing the fear in my voice.

"Okay, okay. That's alright. We'll think of something else then." He coaxed softly, trying to help me calm down.

I cleared my throat, purposely making noise so Bakugou would know I'm behind him.

It worked, as he quickly turned around at the last second, blocking my right hook.

Think of something else.

Eijirou said 'we'll think of something else.'

But, what else could we possibly think about now? It sounded as if he already made a plan to rescue Bakugou.

A plan that could work.

So, why should I stand in the way of this rescue mission?

Why should I let my fear stand in the way of this rescue mission?

This was our last resort now. If we didn't go with Eijirou's plan, then Bakugou would get captured again.

This would have all been for nothing.

I continued fake fighting with Bakugou, purposely not dodging his next punch.

I heard him gasp slightly, as he realized he just punched me in the face.

He could tell I was holding back.

"Eijirou." I whispered out calmly.

"What is it, Margo?" He replied gently, his voice warm and soothing.

Just hearing his tone immediately calmed me down.

"Let's do this plan." I simply said, landing a kick to Bakugou's stomach.

I didn't use my full force.

"I don't want to make you afraid." Eijirou whispered out to me.

"It's okay. I'm not afraid." I smiled softly, even though he couldn't see my face.

Bakugou quickly body slammed me to the floor now, trying to grab my arm in a hold.

"Margo, what the fuck are we supposed to do?!" Bakugou hissed in my ear.

Hey, he called me by name actual name, instead of Flat Chest!-

Even though he wouldn't admit it, I could easily hear the fear in Bakugou's voice.

I heard Eijirou's shaky breathing on the other side of the line.

"M-Margo. I'm afraid for you. I don't want to do this plan anymore—" He uttered out lowly, before I stopped him.

"—no. Don't look back. I want to do this. I need to do this." I whispered to him, kicking Bakugou off of me...towards Toga accidentally.

"Toga, grab him!!" I yelled out, so Bakugou would know Toga's behind him.

Bakugou got the message and quickly used his explosions to back flip over Toga.

I heard Eijirou mutter profanities to himself, having a major internal conflict.

I knew this was hard for him.

He basically had to choose between his best friend and his girlfriend.

I know if I told him I didn't want to do this, he wouldn't go through with this plan.

Which is why I needed to convince him otherwise.

I decided to speak from the heart.

"Eijirou, all my life....I wanted to be a hero. I wanted to do something good. But, I've always been held back. I was locked up, I got in with the wrong crowd, I was told I could never be a hero...that I was made to be a villain." I started out, charging full force at Bakugou now.

"But now. Right now. I can do something truly good. I can save someone. Just like a hero would. Yes, Shigaraki might know I did it intentionally and kill me, but it will be worth it to me. Because for once, I did what I wanted to do. I followed my heart. That makes me free, doesn't it?" I chuckled softly, feeling tears begin to prick my eyes.

Stop crying, Margo. You've been through worse than this.

"M-Margo. Don't talk like that. Everything's going to be okay." Eijirou uttered out, taking a sharp breath to prepare himself for this decision. 

"Yes. It will be okay. No matter what. You know who taught me that? You did." I breathed out to him, sliding under Bakugou's kick.

I quickly turned towards him, foot sweeping him to the floor and grabbing him in a choke hold.

"Do it, Eijirou. Do it now while you still have time." I called out, talking close to Bakugou's ear so he could know Eijirou had a plan.

"Margo, you're the best person I know." Eijirou stated in my earpiece.

I'm sure he was just saying that because he thought I was going to die right now.

Surely, he didn't really mean that. Right?

"And you're the best person I know." I said honestly.

I definitely meant that. No matter what situation I was in, Eijirou was amazing.

I care about him so much.

I heard Iida yell in the background, signaling the UA students were getting ready to go through with their plan.

"Just a second longer." I whispered to Bakugou, feeling him fake struggle in my choke hold.

I heard a giant noise coming from my earpiece now, signaling that the plan was probably in full effect.

I saw Shigaraki start running towards me now, going to grab Bakugou from my hold.

Come on Eijirou. Come on UA. Hurry up.

I've decided I won't let Shigaraki take Bakugou, either way.

Bakugou either gets rescued here, or I blow my cover and we fight the league of villains together.

"Five seconds!!!" Eijirou yelled in my earpiece, the sound of whooshing wind in the background behind him.

Shigaraki was getting very close now, as I heard Bakugou start muttering profanities.

I looked up at the clear night sky, starting to see a giant block of ice coming into view.

They're here.

"Bakugou, you're going to be okay." I said to him calmly.

"Idiot. Just come with me." Bakugou growled out to me.

I smiled softly at his words. Maybe Bakugou and I were finally starting to get somewhere with an actual friendship.

Or mutual respect at least....

"I can't. I got myself into this mess. I need to reap my own consequences. This is the path I chose. Now, I need to walk it." I said to him, hearing Eijirou in my ear.

"NOW!!!" He screamed out to me.

Everyone looked up at the sky now.

I smiled through my mask, seeing Eijirou's red hair flowing through the wind....along with Iida and Midoriya.

Shigaraki began screaming profanities as he sprinted at Bakugou and I now, desperately trying to catch him.

I took a deep breath, as I met eyes with Shigaraki.

"Go now, Bakugou." I said to him clearly, releasing my hold on his body.

Bakugou hesitated slightly, not leaving me, before I harshly nudged him away.

Bakugou quickly started sprinting away now.

"COME ON!!!" I heard Eijirou call out from the sky.

I heard his actual voice this time, not the fuzzy connection from the earpiece.

I felt my heart immediately warm upon hearing his voice.

It was so nice hearing him speak. I was so close to him right now, but still so far away.

I missed him. I admired him. I really liked him.

I really cared about him.

Man, it almost sounds like I'm in love—

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?" Shigaraki screamed, yanking me up by my collar.

I heard a giant explosion, causing everyone to whip their head around at it.

Bakugou blasted himself through the air. His explosions lighting up the night sky.

I couldn't stop the smile spreading across my masked face, as I saw him and Eijirou lock hands.

He was safe now.

I saw Eijirou's eyes immediately scan the ground, quickly finding me in Shigaraki's arms.

His face quickly contorted into panicked fear, not being able to tear his gaze away from me.

"M-Margo—" he stuttered out in my ear, before I heard Iida interrupt him in the background.


"Turn around, Eijirou." I whispered to him.

He grit his teeth in frustration, as he looked at me for a few seconds longer, before literally tearing his gaze away to look straight ahead.

"Look at that. Not bad for a couple of UA students, huh? You really are a hero." I whispered to him, watching the Bakugou rescue group fly out of my sight now.

"And so are you." He immediately responded, helping me drown out the screams of a furious Shigaraki.

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