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I watched in awe as the scientists that chased me were incinerated into ash, so fast, they didn't even have time to scream.

I slowly turned my head towards the alleyway entrance, hearing the sound of the slow footsteps coming towards me.

I looked up, seeing a black haired man with stitches across his face and hands.

"You alright?" He simply uttered, looking down at me curiously.

I couldn't even bring myself to answer, as I simply stared at him in shock.

He chuckled softly upon seeing my reaction, leaning against the wall of the alleyway now.

"Oh, give me a break. Don't give me that scared, doe eyed little look. I saw what you did to those men right there. You're a real monster, huh?" The man chuckled softly, gesturing to the two scientists on the floor.

Monster. There's that word again.

I whipped my head around to look at Scientist A.

His eyes had finally closed for the last time, as he lay lifeless on the floor now.

I sighed in sorrow for the murders I unintentionally committed.

"Hey, don't look so down. You know how amazing it looked, watching you destroy those fuckers?" The guy replied in amusement, walking closer to me now.

I looked up at him blankly, not understanding.

"W-What?" I asked in disbelief.

The stitched man kneeled in front of me now, studying my appearance.

"You look pretty tore up, you know. You're in a ratty hospital gown, your arms and legs are wrapped in bandages, and you look a little sickly. You're gonna tell me those assholes, right there, don't have something to do with it?" The man replied, pointing to the dead scientists on the floor.

"But I didn't mean to—"

"Okay, so you didn't mean to. Great. But, you still did it, did you not? And guess what...they deserved it. They deserved every last bit of it..." the man whispered to me, shrugging off his jacket now.

I jumped slightly when I felt him drape it over my shaking body, not understanding such kindness.

"Your quirk is powerful. Feared. It's out of control, and I love it. Perfect for a villain, you know." The man said, his icy blue gaze piercing my own eyes.

A villain's quirk.

A monster.

I let out a shaky breath, slowly looking down at the ground now.

"A....villain's quirk...?" I breathed out blankly, remembering the times my mother told me the same thing. Remembering the countless times people looked at me in fear.

"Absolutely. You know, if you don't have anywhere to go—and I'm gonna bet that you don't, I've got the perfect place for you. The perfect place where I know you'll belong." The stitched man suggested, looking at me in question.


I could...belong somewhere?

I slowly looked up at the man in dazed curiosity, still reeling from everything that's happened.

He studied me for a moment longer, before laughing softly.

"I've gotta head out. If you want to take me up on my offer, go to this address. If not, whatever." The man casually said, tossing me a piece of paper with an address.

He quickly got up to leave the alleyway, causing me to shrug his jacket off and give it back to him.

He immediately held his hand up, stopping me.

"Keep it. Return it to me, the next time I see you." He simply replied, walking out of the alleyway without a word.


I was never able to belong in a hero society, the way I always dreamed of.

Maybe, this address the stitched man gave me, could finally be a place where I belonged.

~Present Day~

I studied Eijirou's face, as I finally finished telling him my story.

He was silent, not daring to speak a word as he took it all in.

But, one thing was certain...

He looked absolutely mortified by what he'd just heard.

I sighed sadly, averting my gaze to his bed sheets, as I suddenly felt like I couldn't face him.

What did he think of me now? Was he done with me? Afraid of me? Did he think I was a psychopath?

We both sat there in silence for a little longer, as I tried to patiently wait for him to process all of the information I just told him.

I subtly peered up at him, seeing the moonlight shining on his face.

He let out a shaky breath, running a hand through his hair.

I swallowed thickly, not understanding his reaction, as I grit my teeth in sorrow.

"D-Do......Do you think I'm a monster, too?" I croaked out sadly, feeling my throat tighten up.

Eijirou's eyes immediately snapped to me now, as he came back to reality.

"What?! No, no, no! Margo, of course I don't think you're a monster. I'm—I'm just processing it all." Eijirou quickly said, his voice cracking slightly at the end.

I nodded softly, laying on his bed now, and curling up in the fetal position.

My body was tired. I just needed to lay down.

Not a moment later, I felt arms wrap around me, as Eijirou's warmth settled against my back.

We lay there in silence for a moment as he spooned me, hearing nothing but the soft night breeze that was coming in through his window.

"Margo." Eijirou said after awhile.

I couldn't bring myself to answer him, as I continued blankly staring into the darkness, looking at nothing in particular.

"What happened to you.....you didn't deserve it. You didn't deserve any of it." He started off softly, resting his chin on top of my head.

I closed my eyes, just wanting to listen to his words, to hear his sweet voice.

That voice I loved so much.

Eijirou sighed shakily now, clearing his throat softly before he continued.

"You know, all this time....I've been thinking about protecting you. Taking you away from all of this pain and suffering I see so clearly on your face. I want to shield you from all of it, so you never have to feel any of it again..... but, I realize now....I'm too late." He mumbled quietly, holding me tighter against him.

I let out a broken, empty chuckle now...curling up closer to him. 

"Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not your job to protect me. I'm just venting to you, telling you things I should have told you a long time ago." I reassured blankly, just needing his comfort.

Eijirou was quiet for a moment, taking in my words.

"But, I want to protect you. I-I have too. Because, you see....I don't know what I would do if something ever happened to you. Knowing that you've suffered the way you have....i-it fucking kills me." He whispered out, sorrow coating his tone of voice.

I felt my lip quiver again, for about the fifth time tonight, making me realize how much Overhaul really broke me.




I'm not deserving of the good things.

I sniffled softly now, as I sat up in the bed, breaking away from Eijirou's hold.

He sat up too, looking at me in concern.

"Don't do that to yourself." I sighed out softly.

"Do what?" He asked in disbelief, already having an idea on what I was talking about.

"Don't concern yourself so much with my well being. Save it for someone who matters. Someone who's good—" I started saying, before Eijirou cut me off.

"You do matter! You matter to me!! You are good!" Eijirou called out frustratedly, shaking my shoulders lightly in emphasis.

"I just told you an hour ago that I don't give a shit about saving people anymore. I know what the future is, Eijirou! I know for a fact that I'm supposed to save people, and I don't care!!! All I care about is saving myself! That's not something a good person does! That's not something a hero does!" I called out, placing my head in my hands in disappointment with myself.

"You think it's a rare thing to get cold feet, when risking your life!? It's not selfish that you want to live, Margo! It's called being human! Like I told you before, you're not invincible. You're not immune to feelings, even if you want to be." Eijirou said desperately, trying to get me to understand.

I couldn't help but laugh dryly at his words, as I stood up from his bed now.

How can I be immune to feelings, when I'm in love with you, Eijirou.

I sighed in frustration now, leaning my forehead into the wall.

"Sometimes, I wish I was. Sometimes, I wish I was immune to it all." I said in tired amusement, thinking about a life where nothing would matter to me.

I heard Eijirou get up from the bed now, coming over to me.

"Well, I don't wish that. I don't wish that at all." He said softly.

I felt his hand lightly grab my arm, tugging me away from the wall.

I studied his face, my eyes trailing over every inch of his features.

"Life.....feelings.....experiences, good and bad....those are all things that make us human. Those are all things that can light a fire in our hearts, open our eyes to things we didn't see before. I know that's happened to me, ever since I met you." Eijirou started out, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I felt him grab my hands in his, as he continued.

"Margo, our fight a few days ago....I know what I was saying sounded stupid. It sounded irrational and hypocritical, and I never thought I'd be the one to say those things. I never thought I'd be the one to tell a hero to sit back and watch, while someone else takes care of it. But I did, and I would do it again." He stated matter of factly, as he pressed his forehead to mine.

I gently placed my hands on his bare chest, closing my eyes as I let him continue. 

"Because I realize now, that when it comes to you.....things are different. I mean, the way I-I feel about you.....you are my weakness. Damn it, you really are. I didn't realize that before, but I realize it now." Eijirou whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer.

I let out a shaky sigh at his words, placing my arms around his neck.

"You're my weakness, too." I uttered out, leaning my face close to his.

Eijirou closed his eyes now, barely brushing his lips against mine.

"I am?" He asked softly, sounding just a bit surprised.

I kept my eyes open, not being able to tear my gaze away from him.

"You are." I smiled softly, before continuing.

"You understand me....you know just what I like, and what I don't like. You make me feel so wanted, so beautiful. You're the greatest person I know, Eijirou. You're everything to me." I said quietly, feeling my heart beat faster in anticipation, as I heard my next words spill out of my mouth involuntarily.

"And I love you. So much."

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