What Started It All Part One

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~Eleven Years Ago~

"Why the hell did you do that!? I told you not to use your quirk on me!!" My mom screamed out, throwing her box of tissues at my face.

I quickly blocked it with my hands, feeling completely mortified.

"I-I'm sorry!! You just seemed so sad!! I just wanted to make you happy!" My five year old self cried out, desperately running back over to my mom.

I felt my heart twinge when I saw her eyes widen in fear. Fear of me.

"No! Get away from me! Get away from me now!" My mom screamed out, holding her hand out to stop me.

I abruptly stopped running to her, clutching my stuffed bear to my chest.

"M-Mommy. I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I just wanted to help—"

"This again? I can hear you two yelling from the driveway. What have you done now, Margaret?" My father sighed, coming through the door now.

I looked at my dad, coming over to him.

"Dad! I—"

"—she's trying to control me again, Masaru. I'm getting tired of it." My mom spat, looking at me with disgust.

My dad groaned, tossing his briefcase carelessly on the table.

"Margaret, how many times have I told you to stop taking advantage of your quirk? What, you think you're strong or something?" My dad retorted, stalking over to the fridge now.

"No, dad! That's not it. I just don't have a good handle on it yet. I only got my quirk a few months ago, I still don't really know how it works—"

"I'll tell you exactly how it works. Being able to manipulate people the way you want to, being able to take away the freedom to feel their own emotions and senses. That's evil. That's a quirk fit for a villain, if you ask me." My mom scoffed, going over to my father now.

A villain's quirk.

My mother just told me I have an evil quirk.

I felt my lip quiver in hurt, as I averted my gaze to the ground now.

I've only had my quirk for a few months....and I already wish it was gone.

I feel so ashamed. I'm so ashamed of who I am, of what I gained.

I was so excited at first, when I got my quirk. Now I'd be so excited if it left me forever.

"I...won't use it anymore." I called out weakly, not being able to look at my parents.

My dad narrowed his eyes at me, walking over.

"How do I know you won't? You can manipulate me. Maybe you'll continue using your quirk the whole time, and just manipulate my senses to make me forget or something. You could do that, couldn't you?" My dad asked, tilting his head to the side curiously.

I clutched my stuffed bear tighter against my chest, running over to my dad for comfort.

He simply stood up, backing away from me.

He was afraid of me, too.

"No! I would never do something like that to you. I love you. I-I just don't know how my quirk fully works yet. I need help! I need help controlling it. Yeah! Then, everything will be okay. Then, we can start going to the park again, and color together in my coloring book. Just like we used to!" I exclaimed, talking myself into a positive attitude.

My mom and dad looked at me blankly, as I watched my words simply ricochet off their hearts.

"And who's supposed to help you control your quirk? Who do you think would do such a thing? I don't have the time, and neither does your mother." My dad groaned, throwing his hands up in frustration.

I averted my gaze to the ground again, my feelings completely hurt by his words.

"Well...I thought you could help me. It would be a way for us to spend time together." I said quietly, giving my parents a sheepish smile.

I saw my mom's eyes quickly flash with guilt at my words. Just for a millisecond.

She sighed softly, turning to my father, whispering quietly.

"Look, this is too hard for me. I feel bad, yes. Actually, I feel horrible. But, I just can't bring myself to be around her, let alone trust her. This girl's a monster. A ticking time bomb. She could kill us with her quirk at any second. What if she decides to become a villain? We're fucked then." My mom whispered, trying to talk quietly.

Unfortunately, I could still hear her loud and clear.

"Have you talked to your cousin, yet?" My mom asked.

My dad looked at me blankly, not answering just yet.

I felt my shoulder start slumping from his glare, feeling more ashamed of myself and my quirk.

"I did." My father simply said, before brushing past my mom and walking out of the room.

It was tense, somber silence as my mom and I stood in the kitchen, not speaking a word.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, watching her mood.

Her face was contorted into some sense of emotional pain, mixed with guilt, and resentment. Basically, just about every sorrowful emotion you could think of.

I was about to speak, before she abruptly walked out of the room, not even lifting her face to look at me.

I was left alone in the kitchen, as I plopped down on one of the kitchen stools.

I sniffled away my tears, getting out my favorite superhero coloring book, starting to color in the picture of All Might.

Maybe one day, I can be just like him.


"Get up, Margaret." My father called out, switching on the lights in my room.

I rolled over in my bed, lazily sitting up.

"Why?" I mumbled out tiredly, rubbing away the sleep from my eyes.

I looked outside, seeing it was still dark out.

Hmm, I wonder what time it is.

"We're going to the park. You and me. That's what you wanted, right?" My dad asked blankly, leaning against my door frame.

My eyes immediately lit up in excitement, as I threw the covers off my body.

"Really!? Oh wow!" I exclaimed, running over to my closet to get changed out of my pajamas.

I didn't care what time it was. My father actually wanted to spend time with me. That's all that mattered.


"And then, and then can you also push me on the swing set?! Remember, how you used to! You'd push me sooo high, that I felt like I was flying!" I laughed, twirling around the sidewalk, as my dad and I walked to the park.

The streets were completely empty and silent. No one was out right now, as it was very late.

That should have been my first clue.

My father hadn't spoken a word, since we left for the park. Instead, he had a miserable look on his face...acting like he was going to his funeral or something.

"There it is!" I exclaimed, seeing the swing set and slides coming into view.

I was about to start running over to the park, when I felt my father grab my arm.

"I have something to do.....before we go to the park." My dad mumbled softly, a slight crack being heard in his voice.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, seeing him lead me into a nearby alleyway.

"B-But..." I pouted out, taking one last look at the park, before the dark, muggy alleyway completely blocked my view.

I groaned softly, willingly following my father now.

"Well, when you're done doing your thing, then we can go to the park?" I asked nonchalantly, looking around the dark, beat up alleyway in confusion.

My dad was quiet for a moment, gripping my hand tighter.

"Y-Yeah, Margo. Then we can go to the park." He choked out quietly, hiding his face from me as we walked.

I looked up at him, trying to understand his mood.

"Dad, are you alright? Don't be sad..." I said softly, before a figure at the end of the alleyway caught my attention.

It was too dark to make out the face just yet. But even from here, they looked menacing.

"Uh, dad. There's someone at the end of the alleyway. C-Can we turn around?" I asked, getting a little nervous now.

My father didn't answer me, continuing to drag me towards the figure.

I clutched my stuffed bear tighter to my chest, starting to feel frightened.

I tugged on my dad's hand, trying to get his attention.

"Dad, I'm scared." I whispered out, walking closer to him for comfort.

My dad once again didn't answer, as we finally came face to face with this mysterious figure now.

The person came into the dim moonlit part of the alleyway, shooting his piercing gaze at my father.

It was a man. He looked pretty young. And I mean, he was wearing casual clothes. Just jeans, a hoodie, and a baseball cap. Maybe he was going to the park with us?

"Masaru, right?" The guy said, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"I asked for my cousin to come pick her up. Not some twelve year old boy, who doesn't know his head from his ass." My dad spat out, gripping my hand tighter.

"Hah. I'm fifteen, not twelve. And your cousin is a member of the eight precepts of death. You expect him to make time out of his busy schedule for something like this? Try again, pops." The kid retorted, looking to me now.

"Margo?" He simply asked, assessing me carefully.

I hid behind my father's leg now, becoming shy.

I heard my father sigh softly, as he let me do it.

"Look. This isn't what I asked for. I wanted my cousin. I-I think I'll just forget this—" my dad started saying, before the kid cut him off.

"No, no, no. Look, man. This will be your only opportunity. With, or without your cousin. You won't get another chance like this. And you won't get another pay like this." The kid said, pulling out a giant wad of cash from his pocket, and holding it up in front of my dad's face.

My dad was quiet, looking at the money in guilt.

"Hey. I don't judge, alright? Take the money. I don't care. You said it yourself, that girl is dangerous. She's better off with us, anyways. We'll put her to good use. We'll take care of her. It's time for you to move on, y'know? Go live your life or something." The kid stated, shrugging his shoulders casually.

What in the world was he talking about.

My dad was quiet for some time, blankly looking at the ground.

After what felt like an eternity, he let out a shaky sigh, and in the flash of an instant he dragged me out from behind his leg, shoving me at the boy.

I watched my dad quickly take the money, before turning and leaving without a word.

He didn't even look at me.

I quickly went to catch up with him, before I felt someone catch my arm.

"Woah there. Not so fast, little one." The boy said, dragging me down the opposite end of the alleyway now.

I began panicking, thrashing around to get out of the boy's hold.

"DAD!! DAD!! HELP ME!!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?" I shrieked out, watching my father's disappearing figure.

I felt the boy pick me up now, carrying me to try and restrain me better.

I closed my eyes, trying to use my quirk on him to save myself.

I couldn't. I still didn't know how to activate it very well. I've only had it for a few months.

I whimpered when I felt my stuffed bear slip from my hands, watching it hit the filthy, cold floor.

"W-Wait!!!" I called out, as tears fully clouded my eyes.

I began crying...feeling terrified and sad, as I watched my father finally turn the corner of the alleyway, disappearing out of my sight forever.

"Don't go." I sobbed out, as the boy tightened his grip on me.

"Forget about him now, little one. I would. I mean, this was his idea, after all. What a bastard, right? Giving away his kid to science, for a few bucks. That's some fucked up shit, if ya ask me. I'll be judging the hell out of him till the day I die." The kid chuckled dryly, giving me a slight pat on the back.

I continued crying silently, my eyes never leaving the alleyway, in hopes that my father would come back.

The boy and I didn't speak to each other for awhile. Both of us were lost in our own thoughts, mulling over our own demons.

After a few solemn minutes went by, the boy finally spoke to me again.

"By the way, you can call me Scientist A. Starting now, we'll be seeing a lot more of each other."

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