Who Are You

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Shigaraki and Dabi immediately stood up, upon seeing me enter the room.

"Well!?!" Shigaraki asked, excitedly waiting for me to tell him what I saw in the teacher's lounge.

....that I never went to.

I was quiet for a moment, debating on what I should do.

I slowly looked from Dabi to Shigaraki, seeing their anticipated faces. My whole reason for being at the school tonight, was to sneak into that teacher's lounge. Not to hang out with Kirishima.

If they found out I never did my job, I would be in huge trouble.

"I....didn't see anything when I snuck into the teacher's lounge." I lied.

Shigaraki immediately let out an angry yell of frustration, before slamming his hand on the wall.

Dabi and I watched wordlessly, as that part of the wall decayed in a matter of seconds.

"I did my best." I reasoned, trying to keep the lie going.

"You know what!? No. I don't believe you!" Shigaraki yelled, waving his finger at me like a little kid.

Shit!? He didn't believe me! He knew I didn't really go to the teacher's lounge!? He saw through my lie.

I was about to speak up, when Shigaraki spoke again.

"I mean come on, Margo! You clearly didn't look hard enough, while you were in there!!" Shigaraki spat at me, scratching his neck anxiously.

I internally sighed in relief at his words.

Thank goodness, he still believes I went to the teacher's lounge. He just thinks I slacked off in there.

But, this gave me a perfect opportunity...

"You know what? Maybe you're right. I probably didn't look hard enough. I'll go back tomorrow—just to double check everything." I quickly said, tossing my UA school blazer on the table.

"Are you sure you're even competent enough to do that?" Shigaraki scoffed in a patronizing tone.

"Shigaraki. Lay off. She did her best." Dabi suddenly called out absentmindedly, scrolling through his phone.

Shigaraki whipped his head around at Dabi now.

"Why are you always defending her!? She barely does anything around here! I'm considering firing her actually!" Shigaraki exclaimed, waving his hands around dramatically.

"I defend her, because I'm basically the one who brought her here. I feel responsible for her." Dabi stated casually, stretching his arms over his head.

I furrowed my brows in annoyance at Dabi now.

"You think I'm a responsibility? That's no reason to keep me here. Maybe it's better if I leave—" I started saying, before Dabi quickly cut me off.

"No, Margo. I didn't mean it like that. Anyways Shigaraki, Margo never would have joined the league of villains had it not been for me. You should be happy. She's got a really good quirk." Dabi reassured.

"If she ever uses it." Shigaraki muttered irritatedly.

"I used it a few days ago. On one of the students." I counteracted, trying to save my ass a little.

Sure, I didn't mean to hurt Bakugou with my quirk, that day...but Shigaraki didn't need to know that part.

"Good. Keep using it. What's the agenda at UA tomorrow?" Shigaraki asked, a little more satisfied now, knowing that I finally used my quirk.

"We'll be at the USJ. I don't think All Might's going to be there. I haven't seen him at all." I sighed.

"Alright. We'll work something out. It's been a long day for all of us. Let's turn in for the night." Dabi said, wanting all of us to disperse while the mood was in a fragile state of calm.


"I'm so sorry I'm late, Mr. Aizawa!" I exclaimed, sloppily adjusting my gym shirt, as I ran towards the bus.

Luckily, the class was still gathered outside the bus as Mr. Aizawa continued taking attendance.

"If you're late one more time, I'm deducting 20% off your next exam. Understood?" Mr. Aizawa threatened, continuing to take attendance.

"Understood." I grumbled in annoyance.

"Wow. 20%. That's pretty harsh if you ask me." Kirishima said, coming up next to me.

I turned around to face him, noticing he was in his hero costume.

My eyes trailed over his shirtless, toned body...that was very much exposed.

"Wow. Nice costume!" I exclaimed, watching Kirishima's eyes light up at my words.

"You really think so? I-I know it's kind of revealing. But, most clothes will just rip once I activate my quirk, so I figured what's the point, right?" Kirishima chuckled, nervously running a hand through his hair.

"Well, you look good shirtless. So, it's definitely a costume that suits you." I blurted out, my eyes widening slightly at what I just said.

Well, I couldn't take it back now. It's already been said.

Kirishima's cheeks immediately began turning pink, as he shyly averted his gaze to the floor.

"Oh! Thanks, Margo!" Kirishima said awkwardly, his gaze slowly traveling back up to me.

He quickly cleared his throat, before changing the subject. "Uh—you know, I like your costume, too. In fact, I have one just like it." He teased, gesturing to my gym clothes.

"Well, I happen to think the UA gym uniform is a very creative choice for a costume!" laughed, smoothing out my shirt.

Kirishima chuckled with me now, as his eyes trailed down my gym uniform.

"Well. It definitely looks good on you. That's for sure." Kirishima stated, his demeanor appearing a bit more confident now.

I felt my face heating up at his words. I was used to Dabi giving me compliments...but for some reason, I felt more affected by Kirishima's kind words.

"Thanks..." I simply uttered out, not knowing what else to say.

Damn my awkward personality. Go away.

Kirishima chuckled softly, as he watched my face heat up from his words.

"Anytime." Kirishima smiled, as we began piling onto the bus.

I sat next to him on the bus, realizing someone was trying to squeeze next to me.

"Mind if I sit here?" The pink girl, known as Mina, smiled.

This was my opportunity to make some friends.

"Not at all!" I exclaimed too eagerly, scooting closer to Kirishima's body to give Mina some room on the seat.

My heart began beating faster now, as I felt Kirishima's shirtless...toned...warm...buff bicep against my—

"So you're Margo, right? I don't think we've formally met yet! I'm Mina Ashido!" The pink girl cheered, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah. I know I haven't been the most outgoing person, lately. I'm...kinda shy." I chuckled softly, shooting Mina an apologetic smile.

"It's alright! I understand how hard it can be, coming to a place where everyone already kinda knows each other. I just wanted you to have a familiar face you can talk to! Anyways, I know you and Kirishima are becoming better friends." Mina reassured, scooting impossibly closer to me....causing me to involuntarily scoot closer to Kirishima.

I was basically in his lap now. Luckily, he was too busy talking to a screaming Bakugou to notice.

I cleared my throat nervously, as I tried to focus on my conversation with Mina.

"Yeah! I really appreciate that. It's always good to have more friends, so I'm really grateful." I smiled, hearing Bakugou's screams getting louder.

"YOU SHITTY HAIRED BASTARD!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?!" He screamed, roughly shoving Kirishima to the side.

My direction, actually.

Suddenly, I felt Kirishima's elbow automatically slam into my boob from the force of Bakugou's shove.

"Ow..." I groaned out, as Kirishima quickly sat up straight again.

He quickly looked over at me, his eyes widening when he realized what he just did.

"A-A-Ah!! D-Did I hit your..." Kirishima started stuttering, before he began awkwardly gesturing to my chest.

"My boob? Yeah. It's alright." I smiled reassuringly, rubbing my boob in slight pain.

I heard Bakugou snickering now, as I realized what I was doing.

I quickly dropped my hand from my boob.

I looked over at Kirishima, who's face was fire engine red. He immediately redirected his gaze away from me, up to the roof of the bus.

"Uh. Sorry." He mumbled, looking back at me with a sheepish grin.

"Don't worry about it, Kirishima. And anyways, you're not the one who should be apologizing." I quickly counteracted, shooting Bakugou a light glare.

"HAH!! ME!? APOLOGIZE!!? I'M SURPRISED SHITTY HAIR WAS EVEN ABLE TO ELBOW ANYTHING OF YOURS, CONSIDERING HOW FLAT CHESTED YOU ARE!!" Bakugou screamed out for the whole bus to hear, slamming his hand on the chair in front of him.

I couldn't help but laugh, as I watched Kaminari involuntarily spit his water out at Mineta, cackling at Bakugou's words.

"Bakugou! Bro! That's not cool—" Kirishima started saying, before I cut him off.

"Keep talking like that, blondie, and I'll alter your senses to make you a giggling little school girl. Is that what you really want?" I retorted smugly, raising an eyebrow at Bakugou.

Bakugou's eyes widened in anger at my words.

"Hah! Wait! Can you really make Bakugou giggle!?" Mina laughed, cracking up now.

"I say, you should just do it, Margo!" Kirishima laughed.

"I'd love to see Kacchan giggle. He used to giggle all the time when we were kids!" Midoriya chimed in.

"S-SHUT THE HELL UP! ALL OF YOU!" Bakugou spat.

I laughed, turning to Kirishima now.

"So...why are you friends with him again?" I chuckled, drowning out Bakugou's threats to explode everyone on the bus.

"Hah. Well, there's more to Bakugou than people think. He's actually not a bad guy. He just looks like a villain. I see him for who he truly is, which is a genuinely good person." Kirishima shrugged, his eyes studying my face.

Bad. Villain. Sure, Bakugou may look like a villain...

But I'm actually a villain.

If Kirishima knew that...if he knew why I was really here...

He would hate me.

Because what I really am......is evil.

"Right." I simply whispered to him, not wanting to talk much anymore.

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