I. Purpose

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Chapter One

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God had designed everything for a purpose. He handcrafted it, and chose it's fate; good or bad or perfectly inbetween. He curated it's design, like a potter and his clay piece, spending hours upon time chiseling the perfect features.

With humans, when they're young they assume they know their purpose. They're bold, and adamant. But in the end it's their arrogance that causes them to fall, and start again. And try again, and again.

        Until they eventually find their purpose.

But that usually took forever, they could never find anything on their own.

        Except they seek help from others, speeding up the rate of finding their discovery.

No arrogance to blind them, no pride preventing their path. Just the light of hope, leading to their pot of gold.

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Johnny Lawrence was very capable of leading a strong life. Had he not been a teenage boy, he would very much be able to live on his own.

He was a good fighter, too agile that if you put him next to a cat, you could not tell the difference. He had passion, so much you could paint the skies and the heavens above with this never ending paint.

He knew what he wanted. He knew how to get it.

Johnny was well loved, and well liked. He wasn't dared challenged, because he himself was the challenge.

He was well known as Cobra Kai's best fighter: fast, agile, passionate. His opponents feared him, and his karate skills helped boost his popularity.

His position was never dared to be threatened, and he remained top of the world.

He knew he had definitely found his purpose.

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Jersey was the place that won the title of home, right up until everything had to be packed up in Lucille Larusso's 1969 Chevrolet Chevelle Concours Wagon as a result of her getting a new job in Los Angeles.

Both her twin sons were reluctant by the decision, as a result of having to restart their whole life again, start to finish. She was determined they would grow to like the new setting, and that they'd even begin to wonder why they hated the place to begin with.

Romeo was more resistant than Daniel, for he despised change. He had a hard time dealing with the tragic loss of his father, even though he was only eight years of age, but still he felt the raw feeling in his throat the second he saw anything that reminded him of him.

He leant his head head against the window, only to remove it it off the second his mother's car was once again, struggling to function. Both him and his brother, Daniel were far too familiar with the drill, and got out of their seats in sync to push the car.

The rest of the car ride was just as depressing as the swelling feeling consuming young Romeo's heart. Lucille had pulled up to a grey, prison like institution which the Larusso were apparently supposed to call home from forth on.

He slumped as he carried his luggages out of the car boot, mindlessly listening to Daniel complain to their mother, taking note the pool didn't even have any water in it. All he cared about was finding some sort of reassurance his new chapter would be a solace of his previous happiness.

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Mario Santiago was practicing some of his karate tricks, his best friend Benjamin providing some support, the heat of the afternoon sun pushing their efforts way beyond. Mario knew he had the potential to be the best of the best, if it wasn't for the damned Johnny Lawrence and his friends.

It was as if Sensei Kreese was having sexual relations with their mothers, because how on earth could he value Tommy, who couldn't land on his feet and Jimmy, who didn't even know his left from his right, over Mario and Ben who had the coordination of a cheetah.

It was well and truly unfair.

Mario gathered it was because he was a different skin colour to most of the boys in the class, and Ben was the subject to poor treatment solely because he was of lower status than the others.

"Kreese is going to be the cause of my death," he huffed as he ranted, glancing over at Ben who was completely sucked into his book, "Ben!"

The boy looked up at his friend, a startled expression being replaced with a sheepish smile, "sorry, sorry, you were saying?"

The Santiago boy simply shook his head, "nevermind, it's pointless, hey you wanna go to that party on the beach later?"

Benjamin sighed, "depends, my mom might want me to look after my sisters again."

"Come on, you can ditch them for one night, live a little! You shouldn't have to be the unpaid babysitter!"

This got his decision. Ben stood straight, "alright, I'll go"

Mario smirked, "Now you need to work on that kicks, you make Dutch look like Rocky."

"Don't ever compare me to that loser."

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The light shown through the window, from her slightly sun kissed skin to her chestnut hair. She stared with her soft, doe eyes, filled with envy as she watched her brothers and his friends do whatever they did whilst she had to watch.

Juliet was always hidden in the shadows of her 'charismatic' and 'charming' older brother, who really made a great deal to flaunt his pride at any given point.

It was very clear what their roles in society were: Johnny was the arrogant, flamboyant jock, whilst Juliet had to sit around like looking like an angel she appeared to be.

It was well and truly unfair.

Johnny got everything Juliet had ever desired, yet he took advantage of it and never ever appreciated his opportunities. Juliet would kick a ball at school, only to face the laughter from her brother because, that wasn't what a dainty princess like her was supposed to be doing.

How anyone dealt with him was a wonder.

She was watched in envy as the group of boys all play fought, using the latest techniques they had learnt from Cobra Kai. She scoffed at some of them, knowing in her heart that if she had the choice she could full well leave them embarrassed.

She admired karate, and longed to take lessons for herself, yet Johnny had teased her out of her hobby and her stepfather laughed in her face when she asked if she could take lessons alongside Johnny.

She didn't dare speak against them though, for she'd rather be obedient and unhappy than having to deal with her stupid brother and stepfather.

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a / n

this was very brief lmao this was only to suffice as an introduction to the characters cs i've been busy recently that i haven't rewatched the karate kid 😭😭

yh juliet is my bby i love her sm 🫀

updates gonna vary bc i have exams 😔😔

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