Chapter - 13

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Jai sat there holding his head.
He lashed out at the love of his life. He didnt do it intentionally. It was due to the work tension and stress. Added to that Kishore not completing the work too.

I'm sorry bangaruu..i shouldn't have bursted at you like that..

He covered his face with his palm. He wiped a drop of tear that fell down his eyes.

I shouldn't have scolded you when all you did was to care for me.

He had rewinded her scared tone and felt really bad for making her go through that situation.

Jai took the phone immediately and called her.
She didnt take the call.

He sighed and called her again. No response.

He felt hungry. His stomach growled.

When he took the lunch box, the first thing he saw was a note over it. She keeps notes over his lunchbox some days. Reading it makes him feel better a lot.

"Complete whole food, husband. I know you are working extra these days. But everything will be fine. Me and babies believe you. Take care of your health. We love you dadda.
Your favourite chicken roast is inside. Eat full.

With love, your bangaruu..❤"

Jai held the note closer to his heart and kissed it.

"I'm sorry bangaruu.." he choked a sob. He felt a lump of pain in his throat.

"You are my angel. I love you and babies too so so much"

I'd make it up when im back. He thought in mind and relished his lunch. She had magic in her hands. He loved whatever she cooked for him with love.

" tasty..."

After finishing the lunch, he felt a lot better. It was really a stress relief.

He thought to message or call her again.

"I'll go and apologize myself"

Even though there were many works yet to finish, Jai got out from the office around 4.30 PM.

He bought the things she asked him to buy and stopped the car infront of a flower shop where he buys flowers for her sometimes.

He bought her favourite bouquet of sunflowers and white roses.

Getting in the car, he wrote a heartfelt letter.

Besides that, Jai bought her favourite strawberry ice cream and few chocolates.

He drove back home.

Vennela was laying down feeding rishu who had woken up five minutes ago while ammu was still sleeping in the crib.

She clutched her stomach while squeezing her eyes shut as the pain hit her every now and then.
She got her periods around noon, after 7 weeks post giving birth and it was really hard. She was bleeding more than normal and had to change pads every now and then.

With her free hand, she caressed baby's back, kind of soothing herself too.

His little sighs soothed her pain to some extent.
The little palm were wrapped around her thaali.

"Amma's swamy ranga..😘" she caressed his cheeks softly.

The baby unlatched after sometime and Vennela watched him curiously. He kicked his tiny arms and legs in the air after his tummy was full.

And the next thing he did, surprised her. Baby rolled and turned on his stomach. Vennela sat up and kept her arm around him protectively while she smiled wide eyed.

"My baby..did you just roll ?😍"

Rishu gave her the cutest toothless grin in the world. She took her son in her arms and kissed lots.

Their conversation were disturbed by the familiar sound of car horn.

She carried rishu in her arms after checking a sleeping ammu.

Vennela peeped through the curtains and found out that it was Jai. He was early.

She opened the door and went ahead to open the gate.

Jai parked the car and came out all smiles.

"Hi babies...😍☺"

Vennela ignored looking at him. He noticed that and smiled.

Seems like i've a long way ahead for forgiveness.

He took rishu from her arms who got excited seeing his nana.

"My baby is awake ..where is your sister ? Sleeping still ? Muah..😘😘"

Vennela took his bag, charts, the things she asked to buy and went inside without talking anything to her husband.

Jai sighed and got into the home and closed the door behind.

Plopping on the sofa with rishu , he started cuddling him.

Baby patted his face and beard. He took his tiny palm and kissed lots.

"Mamma is still angry with nana it seems. We should melt her no kanna. Nana went a bit far today. I should get her sorry, baby"

Rishu gave him a smile like an assurance to his father.

Vennela came back with tea and placed it on the table.

He saw that she was looking tired and gloomy.


She took the baby from his arms and sat on the other sofa.

"Have your tea"

Rishu was excited to jump into his father's arms but Vennela held him closer and patted his back, swaying her body lightly.

He washed his hands, face and had the tea.

She handed over excited rishu into his arms and took the tea cup to wash.

They had some baby-father moments when rishu started feeling sleepy and slept in his arms.
He went to the room and placed carefully in the crib besides the baby girl.

Vennela folded the clothes meanwhile. Radha had went back afternoon.

He couldn't see his sweetheart all silent with him. That too her ignorance made him regret more thinking about the afternoon.

Jai freshened up and silently kept the bouquet along with the note attached to it on the sofa in the living room when she was busy with kitchen works.

He was pretending to check some mails while she was in the room.

After a while she went out and Jai followed her secretly. She started sweeping the floor and came to the living room.

Vennela was surprised and took the bouquet with a wide smile etched on her face. She turned around and saw no one.

That was when she noticed a letter with it. Vennela opened it and started reading..

"I'm sorry bangaruu. I shouldn't have shouted at you like that. Office works are driving me mad sometimes. I'm working on a prestigious project so the stress is also more. I know i shouldn't mix our personal and professional lives. You only cared for me and just before when you called i was in a bad mood. You are my life bangaruu. Please dont take it to your heart and I'm really sorry for making you sad and cry. I know you'd have done that. Punish me or hit me. I dont care. But all that i know is that i love you. You are my world. Please accept these flowers and give me a hug bangaruuu..."
With love, your bavu😘

She was moved to tears. Turning around, she saw Jai standing there with arms wide open. She went into his arms sobbing.

He hugged her tighter and kissed head.

"You scared me ...😖" she hit his chest gently.

"I'm sorry bangaruu.. i'm really☹"

He wiped her tears and without saying anything , smashed his lips on hers pouring out his love while Vennela reciprocated in the same passion. They kissed for almost 2 minutes.

Both panted after breaking the kiss.

"I love you so much❤"

"Me too bava."

She hugged him again, resting her head on his chest.

They stood like that for 5 minutes almost and he was the first to break the hug.

"What happened bangaram ? You look pale and gloomy today . I'm sorry again baby"

"Dont be sorry, bava. Its because i got my first period after delivery. Its lot of pain, bava. Bleeding a lot too. Thats why i asked you to bring pads"

"Oh no you should take rest then"
He took her in his arms and walked to the bedroom.

"Arey..its okay. I have to prepare for dinner"

"No. You should be taking rest first. I'll manage other things. And dont say anything further"

She pouted when he placed her gently over the bed.

"Wait a minute"

He came back with a bowl of strawberry ice cream and a bar of chocolate.

Vennela's eyes brightened seeing it. She smacked her lips together and took the bowl from him and started having the ice cream.

"Bava ..say aaa"


She fed him too in between.

"Thanks a lot, bava ...for everything☺"

"Dont thank"

"Can you please put those flowers you brought in the vase?"

He nodded smiling and did as she said. She watched it while keeping a hot water bag over her tummy.

Jai sat on the end of the bed and took her feet into his lap and started massaging gently.

"Bava..what's this.." she retreated her feet from his lap while he pulled it again.

"This is my wife's feet and I'll do whatever i wish to do. Get some sleep baby"

To be honest, she was enjoying the way his fingers worked on her feet relaxing her tired muscles. She thought to ask him about the office, but her eyelids drooped and soon she slept off.

Jai smiled seeing her asleep. He took the hot water bag and covered her with sheets. Sitting beside her, he worked few in his laptop.

Later Jai prepared their dinner. It was a simple tomato soup, hot and spicy, the way Vennela loved it. Because she loves to have it during periods which makes her feel better with those cramps. Jai also preferred to have the same.

It was prayer time and he went to the room to call Vennela. There he saw the most beautiful sight. She was already awake with their baby girl laying beside her kicking her arms and legs.

"Bava.." she tried to get up, but he gestured her to lay down.

He sat on the bed and took ammu.

"Nana's ammukutty😘😘 kutty vennela...when did you wake up ? Let's go pray to god ?"

"Bava.. I'll come just 2 minutes"

"Okay. Take your time"

She went to the washroom, changed her pad and came.

After checking rishu, they went for prayer, taking the baby monitor.

She took ammu from his arms, while Jai lighted the lamp and they prayed together. Vennela sang devotional songs in a melodious voice standing a little bit far while baby watched everything curiously.

Usually Vennela does this everyday, and when she gets her monthly Jai takes the responsibility. Whatever works he had, he never skipped praying with her for their family.

Vennela prayed in mind for everyone's health, to ease Jai's stress and to bring all happiness for their little heaven.


Jai continued to work in laptop referring to some charts, babies were awake on the bed with Vennela. She was keeping them engaged with soft toys. It was around 8.30 PM. She went to the kitchen with babies and warmed up the tomato soup he prepared. Her mouth watered seeing it.


"Yes bangaruu ?" He looked up and chuckled lightly seeing her carrying both babies on either side of her hips. Never did he imagine that she would be such an amazing mother to their kids.
It was hard to manage one baby itself. They have two and she was doing it without any complaints, looking after their home and Jai too.
She was his angel. He regretted sometimes for making her go through these and whenever he said this, she held his hands and repeated the same thing " it's our family, our babies, our little heaven and i love doing this. I always wanted to be a mother even though i was unsure of myself. Right now I'm the happiest. Thank you and don't worry, bava"

" day dreaming ?? Haha..😂"

"Yes..I'm dreaming about you😚"

"So my husband isn't busy ?😆"

"Yeah.. busy dreaming you.. 😍"

"Cheesy much. You are not getting me today. Dont butter me. Spare me please for one week atleast..."

"Hello ? Dont corrupt my babies' mind. Who said about that ? Your mind is always occupied thinking that it seems 😉" He winked.

She rolled her eyes and asked him to come for dinner.

He shut down his laptop and went with her taking both babies in his arms.

While Vennela arranged food on the table, Jai entertained babies who gave all cute giggles in the world bringing a bright smile on his face.
Whatever tension or stress he had, babies and Vennela could bring a smile to his face.

They both had their dinner together chatting lightly about all good things. Intentionally she did not ask anything to him about his day at office.

"I loved the bouquet. And this tomato soup. Its perfect☺"

"I know... but where is my return gift ?😚"

She showed babies on the carpet.

"Haha...😂they are truly the most precious gifts indeed and you know the way with your words bangaram.."

"I'm living with you no bavu...have to be prepared😉" She winked.

He giggled and took the dishes to the kitchen.

"Be with babies. I'll do this"

He pushed her out of the kitchen when she tried to enter.

Jai went to his study room to complete the works as soon as he finished cleaning the dishes.

Vennela checked things in the fridge, whether gas stove was on, doors were closed etc.

She carried babies on her hips as they started yawning and got cranky.

"Yes yes amma knows..we are going to room babies"

While passing to their room, she saw Jai completely engrossed in writing something on paper looking at laptop.

After settling on the bed and adjusting babies, she started feeding them. Both of them made a go for it which made her chuckle. She caressed their tiny fingers and toes and kept on watching them. She adjusted the little hair on their heads.

Vennela had wiped their bodies in the evening and they were made to change into soft small onesies.
Their eyes were drooping slowly and after few minutes they were done. She unlatched them.
Patting and rocking each baby, she made sure to keep them gently on the crib and curtained with the mosquito veil.

Time was around 10 Pm.
Vennela arranged the bedsheets and pillows.
She walked to the study room and saw him still working. She thought not to disturb him and went to washroom and did her chores.

After brushing her long hair and keeping it in a bun, she saw the heartfelt note on the table that came along with the bouquet of flowers.
She kept it safely in a diary after reading it once again.

I love you bava... ❤

Sitting on the bed, she scrolled through her phone and saw the fun chatter in their family group.

Of course it was about babies. They were the apple of everyone's eyes.

Vennela replied back to some of those. She saw her friends' messages too.

Seeta : Vennu, are you free tomorrow ? I'm coming to see babies.

Vennela : Yes I'm free. You are always welcome.

Reena : Hey...Vennela...When are you coming to our home ?

Vennela : I'm sorry Reena. Right now I'm busy with babies.. you know right ?

Reena is their neighbour and Arjun is her husband. Reena has an interest in Jai and Arjun has an interest in Vennela. Both are crazy fellas after this married couple. Vennela dislike the presence of Arjun because his talks, mannerisms etc. make her uncomfortable. Jai also knows about it. But as Arjun hasn't crossed any line, Jai is all calm now. Meanwhile Jai is slightly aware of Reena's intentions, but as he is busy with office he cares less for all these trifles.
He has more to take care of his family.

Reena messaged within seconds.

Reena : C'mon girl, you have been saying excuses since long. Bring Jai too no. He won't deny.

Vennela frowned seeing it. She knew very well that she was inviting because she wanted to see Jai.

Vennela : Actually bava is the most busy. He doesn't have time for anything now.

Reena : Ohho ? That means he doesnt have time for you too ? I know all men are same. Once their needs are done, they will detach slowly from family life and will be completely involved in works saying excuses.

She felt really disgusted with her tone. Vennela felt anger rising in her.

Vennela : Not all men are like whom you think. And we know how to sort out things. You dont have to bother. Good night.

She switched the data off. Vennela felt atleast that was needed. She wanted to tell more. But she felt it was unnecessary talking to women like her. She didn't want any negative energy in her family.

She looked at the time and it was 11 pm already.

Vennela went to his study room and saw that Jai already dozed off on his study table. Laptop was on. She felt sad seeing him like that.

"Bava..." she patted his shoulder.

"Umm...." he blinked his eyes open and gave a yawn.

"Bangaruuu..." he smiled tiredly.

"Time is already 11 bava. Its enough. Come let's sleep"

"Just a few more minutes bangaram. I'll just finish this sketch"

"But just before you were dozing"

She cupped his cheeks.

"I know you are working a lot these days. But you have to take care of your health too. That is our first priority. Dont be too hard on yourself, bava.
You can do the rest in morning"

He smiled at her and made her sit on his lap.

She kept her head on his chest feeling peace while he pulled her closer.

"I know baby. Its a matter of 3..4 days. After that, I'll be at relief, hopefully"

"Hmm.. you need energy for that. Dont compromise on food or sleep"

He kissed her head and hummed.

"Babies ?"

"Slept already"

"I'm not getting time nowadays to be with you or babies. I'm regretting it a lot"

"Don't have to. You are giving us time in between these works. You are helping in whatever way you can. We are so proud of you and I'm here to support you. That's why we are meant for each other right. You and our babies are my everything, bava❤"

Their faces inched closed and lips were wrapped in a feverish kiss.

"That's really a stress relief😉"

She blushed and hit his chest playfully.

He carried her to the bedroom and placed gently on the bed.
After using washroom, he came out.

A sharp pain spread through his forehead.

"Aahhh..😖" he rubbed his temples soothing himself.

"What happened da ?" She went near him.

( In this situation, "da" is used in malayalam as a sweet endearment kind of for friends or more generally for dear ones irrespective of gender)

"Headache it seems..."

"Lay down on the bed"

Vennela bought a pain relief balm and started spreading it on his forehead. He groaned slightly when sharp pain came sometimes in between.

Jai shifted his head towards Vennela's lap, while she continued massaging his forehead. He started feeling better soon while his eyes were closed.

"Bangaruuu.." his voice came out as a whisper..

"Hmm ? Bava ?"

"About today afternoon..Kishore had not completed the plan i asked him to submit yesterday. He was too careless when we were all working so hard. I had bursted out at him just before you called. I'm sorry"

"Its okay bava. I understand your tensions. Everything will be alright no. Think everything positively. God will guide us. And I know that you will do everything very well. And even if its a fail, im with you always through your thick and thin.
Just share your every problems with me. Im here to listen. And dont worry too much😘"

She kissed his cheek.

Jai opened his eyes which were already welled up.

"You understand me a lot, bangaruu.. "

"That's why I'm your wife right ? ☺"

"You are like my amma❤"

He held her palms and kissed. That made her smile wide.

She laid down in a more comfortable position after switching off the lights save the dim light she kept on for babies. Jai kept his head on her bosom.

Vennela smiled and caressed his head while continuing to give a light massage on his forehead.

"Feeling better, bava ?"

"Hmmm..." he hugged her more. Vennela understood that he was feeling better.

"I'll make everything up for all these days baby... "

"You are already doing everything. Sleep now. Have sweet dreams😘"

"Hmmm.." he felt tired to reply as his eyes were drooping.

"Good night bangaram"

"Good night bava😇"


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