Chapter Twenty Nine

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The electronic music was pounding in their ears and they grinded on one another. Sweat covering their forehead as they moved to the pounding beat of the song. A wide smile was on Meredith's face as she held close to him. Luke smiled as well before he leaned in to kiss her. The influence and the proximity caused Meredith to kiss him back. Their breaths tasted of beer and mint, their tongues working together and their bodies melding together.

A buzzing in Meredith's pockets caused them to break apart.

"Hello? " Meredith said loudly initially the phone, then giggled afterward. She hadn't even read the caller ID and she had no idea who it was since the barring music was covering their voice.

She walked and found the women's bathroom and said something again into the phone.

"Mer, where are you? " Calum sniffled.

"Hey, babyyyyyy brooo. I'm so hungry" she hiccups.

"Are you drunk?" he asked.

" Maybeeeee" she slurred.

Calum sighed, "Mer tell me where you are. It's Mom, something's happened. Just please tell me where you are" Calum begged her, sadness evident in his tone.

Hearing that caused Meredith to almost instantly sober up, her heart dropping and tears looking as if they were about to fall. "A bar name Jerry's grill. I don't know where it is though,"

"It's okay, I'll google it. I'm coming for you and Luke" he said before hanging up, not even bother to explain what the hell was going on.

Meredith stood there confused, wondering what had happened to her mother. She felt guilty because she hadn't talked to her on so long, even after everything that's happened, she was still her mother.

She ran to find Luke, which was hard since it was dark and her feet were killing her from dancing. She took off her heels and continued to search for Luke.

She finally found him drunk dancing on the floor by himself. He was swinging his hands like crazy and laughing.

She had just remembered the kiss they had just shared. She wondered what it meant and if he still had feelings for her like she did. Of course, he did, that letter says so. But that was a long time when he sent that, a lot can change in a year.

She suddenly felt guilty for kissing him while she was still with Richard, she knew she had feelings for him, but not like she does for Luke. She knew she had to end it soon, and not go behind his back because even if he was a dick, he still deserves better than that.

"Luke, Luke, Luke. We need to go" she shook his arm and he turned around and smiled at her. He placed his hands on either side of her face and examined her.

"You're so beautiful" he mumbled in her ear which caused her to smile but then she remembered that she came to get him. She couldn't get trapped in dancing with him again.

"Luke it's my mom. Something has happened to her. We need to go, please" she begged.

Luke's eyes widened and he nodded when he saw the look of despair on her face.

She wrapped her arms around him and helped him out of the bar. Meredith shivered once they reached outside. She paved Luke on a nearby bench and rubbed her arms together to create warmth.

Luke noticed her shivering and got up and placed his jacket on her shoulders. He held onto her by the collars of the jacket and looked into her sparkling eyes.

"Thank you" she whispered as she stared into his electric blue eyes and she reached up to stroked his face.

"She's going to be okay, " Luke said as he pressed his forehand against hers.

"And when this is over, we have to talk" he continued.

Meredith nodded, "I know"

A few hours later and Calum finally pulled up in front of the bar. He rolled down his window and looked to see Meredith sleeping on Luke's lap, who was barely awake himself.

"Luke" Calum called and he looked up, and a small smile on his face.

"Hey Cal Pal" he mumbled.

Calum got out of his car and walked over to them. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around Meredith and picked her up in his arms. He opened the back door of his car and placed her on the back seat.

"Come on," Calum said as he wrapped an arm around Luke and helped him into the passenger seat.

Calum pulled off and drove down the dark road, the only light being the ones from his headlights. The midnight sky above them covers the once colorful fields and the open road.

"What's wrong with her? " Luke asked quietly as light music played on the radio, filling the silence of the van.

"I don't know," Calum said weakly, his voice sounded as if he wound break any second.

"If anything were to happen to her, I don't know what I would do. The last words I said to her were so hateful and if she were to just go and I didn't get the chance to apologize-" Calum stored himself before he broke down. His voice was evident of hurt and guilt.

Luke just stood quiet and watched the fields fly by outside his window.

Calum sighed and turned the radio up, not wanting to think about it anymore as he drove.

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