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Meredith smiled. She rested her coffee on the wooden side table next to her rocking chair. She felt the breeze flows through her hair and watched as her daughter chased her cousin around in the yard. Her blonde hair shaking about as her eight-year-old body ran away from the ten-year-old Manny.

"Mom, Manny is cheating" she yelled.

Meredith chuckled to herself, "You can't cheat in tag" she replied and shook her head.

"Yeah what aunty said" Manny laughed and ran after his cousin once more. Meredith laughed once more and looked down at her hands. She played with her wedding band, remembering her wedding day. Only a few years ago but it was fresh in her memory. The sand between her toes, her white mermaid lace dress, her blonde curls flowing down her back. And her groom, the man she had loved all her life, the man that saved her countless times, the one she falls in love with every single day. 

Luke exited the house and closed the front door lightly, he smiled at his daughter and then looked over to see his wife admiring them as well. Her blonde hair flailing in the wind, her hands rubbing together to keep warm, her fingers playing with the ring that bonded them together. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. She smiled and relaxed in his touch. His beard scratching the side of her face. "You need to shave" she joked and he laughed, placing a kiss on the side of her forehead before taking the seat next to her. 

'Come on, it makes me look like a sexy dad" he replied and she laughed taking his hand in hers. 

"Whatever you say" she smiled and sipped her coffee with her other hand.

"How is he?" she mumbled to him, after of the answer. She was referring to Calum, who currently laid in a guest bedroom upstairs, needles and wires strapped to him, keeping him alive. Him not being awake since Callie, Meredith and Luke's daughter, was born. Eight years ago, he drank every day, every night, until one night he drove home, he swerved into the other lane and crashed. It's a miracle that he is even alive.

He went into a coma, stayed in the hospital for a year until Luke asked them if they could bring him home in case of anything. Eight years his has been asleep. Janet didn't even know, after Julie and Michael's wedding she took off to Europe. She was engaged now and had baby number two on the way. Meredith couldn't bear to tell her about what happened, she had finally moved on from Calum, but then at the same time she deserved to know but Meredith couldn't bring herself to do it, she had tried but every time she called her, Janet told her about how happy she was, and Meredith couldn't ruin that for her. 

"The same, unconscious" Luke sighed and squeezed her hand tighter, he kissed her hand as well then continued to watch the kids on the lawn,

They were so happy and carefree, even if they had never met their uncle before, they were still curious to why he hadn't moved, and sad to see their parents cry all the time over him. Meredith almost envied their carefree spirit. "She should be here, she was his first love, Luke" she whispered.

Luke nodded, "I know, I know, baby, he'll wake up soon, it will be okay" he soothed. Meredith sighed, Luke told her that every day, and she had to force herself to believe it. 

"Have you heard from Michael and Julie?" Luke tried to change the subject.

Meredith shook her head, "Yeah they are coming home to get Manny next week, then they are going to find a house, they got tired of traveling and staying in hotels all the time, but you know Julie hates the suburbs" she laughed lightly. 

"Wonder how Michael pulled that one-off" he laughed with her. Meredith got up and sat on her husband's lap, playing with his hair and wrapping her arms around his neck. He smiled and held her by her waist. She relaxed into him and watched her daughter who was now on the swings and Manny pushed her laughing. 

"I love you. I have loved you since that day in math class when you were drawing cartoons in your notebook instead of listening to Ms, Walker about statistics. I have loved you ever since you dropped all the stuff in your book bag in the middle of the hall, spilling your coffee all over Stacey Hills shoes and apologizing for it as she called you names." 

Meredith laughed and looked up at him, "What was that?" 

"My proposal that you never let me finish"

"Really that's what you came up with ?" she joked. He shook his head no, "Not even halfway done" he smiled and picked her up bridal style and carried her towards the house.

Meredith laughed loudly, "Wait what about the kids?" she said.

"Ehh they'll be fine" he smirked and carried her upstairs. 

A half an hour later, Meredith exited her bedroom and wrapped her red robe around her body. She smiled when she saw Callie climb up the stairs and head to her bedroom, but Manny was nowhere to be found.

"Cal, where is your cousin?" Meredith called out to her daughter.

Callie stuck her head out her door, "He's with Aunt Julie and Uncle Michael, they are home" she replied with a bright smile and mostly like went to go change her clothes.

Meredith smiled to herself and made her way downstairs, she has missed her sister so much.

"Hey Mer" Julie smiled as she ran to her sister and hugged her. Her once long blonde hair was now cut into a Bob right above her shoulders. Michael was playing with Manny outside, throwing a football to him. Him now having red hair, and surprisingly is not bald, well not yet.

"I missed you little sis" Meredith smiled into her shoulder and hugged her closer. "How was Europe?" she asked once they pulled away. They took a seat at her breakfast counter.

"It was exhilarating, I love the culture, I wanted to move there, but this one convinced me to stay here. We are looking at houses tomorrow" Julie replied.

"You are so whipped" Meredith laughed while Julie rolled her eyes. "You hated living in our house in Sydney" and Julie joined her in laughing.

"I'm sorry I left, especially after what happened to Calum. I shouldn't have abandoned you" Julie said after their laughing calmed down.

Meredith smiled weakly, "It's okay. Trust me. Do you want to see him?"
Julie nodded and took her sister's hand and led her to the guest bedroom where Calum was.

Meredith opened the room, the bright light from the sun cascading them as they walked into the room. And there he was, in a gray-walled room, on white sheeting bed, with only one window his head giving the room light. His dark hair swept across his forehead, his shoulders moving up and down indicating that he was still here, his brain eyes covered by his eyelids, no one has seen them since the night he crashed. A few scraped along the side of his cheek, a cast around his leg and one of his arms. The monitor next to him beeping an ominous sound to show his heart was still working.

"He looks so peaceful. And I've never seen him calm in his life" Julie muttered, walking towards him as if she made too much noise he would awake. She placed her hand on his and it was icy cold, she squeezed it before reaching down and placing a kiss on his forehead, and if it was some fairytale and he would wake up, but a girl can dream.

"I'm so so sorry" she whispered, tears threatening to fall. She reached to pull away, but something stopped her, a hand.

"Hey Jules" his voice croaked.

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