Chapter 2: Notebook

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The hitman was ready to kill. The first ever person he interacted with doesn't remember him. Reborn was currently home as he left school once the 2nd period of class started, he didn't have time to watch students suffer in Government class. Although it would have been pleasurable seeing them trying not to sleep as they will get into serious trouble... Seeing as the teacher was Hibari Kyoya's mother.

Reborn dug through Tsuna's closet to see if there's any proof that Tsuna did meet him before. It was just unconvincing that Tsuna doesn't remember him. He needs solid proof.

Tsuna was 5 before, and he mentioned that he never had friends, so the brunet must have wrote something or anything to record his achievement.

"Tch. Books. Clothes. Small boxes." Reborn muttered to himself as he kept digging through.

And finally he found a notebook at the very hard to spot space in the closet.

It looked old like it has never been used before, the notebook was brown and the papers looked like it was about to rip off.

Reborn opened the notebook and saw an almost never understandable hand writing.

October 13, 20XX

Mama and I are now in Japan... I'm very sad because I just met my very first friend at Italy!

It's like going to a new school where I have no friends and I have to start getting friends which is probably never going to happen... It is probably only going to happen once... I just hope he fulfills his promise..

The hitman inwardly smirked as he found it... He flipped the page and saw more.. it seems to be one year after the last draft.

October 15, 20XX

I'm getting a tutor today! Mama said that his name is Rico Miro and he is very nice to children!

I hope he is nice to me!

A tutor? Reborn narrowed his eyes, no one was going to tutor his student other than him. Nobody else or they'll never see the next day.

"Reborn-kun?" A voice said from the door and it appeared to be Nana. Reborn turned around and looked at Nana straight in the eyes.

"Who was the tutor that Tsuna had before?" Reborn asked and narrowed his eyes as he saw Nana flinch.

"W-well...." Nana looked nervous. It clearly told Reborn that something had happened involving that tutor. Nana sighed and went to sit on Tsuna's bed. "Reborn-kun... Promise me that after you hear the story... Promise me to never do the same thing. Please." It wasn't a question, it was a demand. Reborn nodded his head as Nana then started to tell the story.

"Well you see... We hired this new tutor that just loves to teach kids. Tsu-kun was very excited to meet his tutor... His name was Rico Miro.. he had a weird name but when he came into the house, he was cheerful, nice and kind looking. After a day of his tutoring... I noticed that Tsu-kun had bruises on his wrist and arms..... And legs...." Nana paused and looked down at the ground "I thought it was just something he got from playing since he always had accidents... But then... It was after 2 days that I found out everything..."


"MAMA!!" A cry of distress coming from upstairs rang through the house

Nana immediately ran upstairs and tried to open the door but it was locked. "Tsu-kun?! Are you alright?! Did anything happen?!" Nana pounded at the door as she tried to open it but it just won't. Crashes could be heard in the room. Cries and screams of pain was heard.

"Shut up you brat!" A hoarse voice shouted from inside and then a loud thud was then heard as everything went silent.

Nana ran downstairs and dialed the police.

"Namimori Police, what's your emer-"


"Please tell us your address quickly."

After saying the address, Nana went upstairs again and tried to open the door.

"Tsu-kun? Are you there? Tsu-kun? Tsu-kun?!" After hearing nothing, Nana got enough of it and backed up from the door...

Nana ran forward and broke the door down.

What she saw made her almost cry. Her son was on the floor with blood pooling around him. His head had blood flowing out. Clothes tattered and ripped and stained with blood. His arms had cuts and bruises and his eyes was open but dull.

Nana ran towards her son and knelt down to pick him up and place his head on her lap.

"Tsu-kun? Please wake up, please I can't- I can't-"

Nana stopped as she heard a faint voice coming from the brunette ""

"Don't worry Tsu-kun help is on the way, hang on, please!" Nana said and hugged her son as if he was going to disappear.

Sirens was now heard outside the house and police came in and saw the two. Medics came in and took care of Tsuna. Nana then went inside the ambulance with Tsuna as they drove to the hospital.

Flashback End

"After that... The tutor was caught by the police.. Tsu-kun was asleep for a week and all I could do was nothing... I found out that Tsu-kun had been abused and molested, he couldn't say anything to me because the tutor threatened to kill me if he says anything.. but he wasn't raped which was a good thing..." Nana then stood up and took a deep breath.

"Please Reborn-kun.... Don't cause Tsu-kun's trauma to flare up again..."

Reborn nodded as Nana left the room...

He had another mission...

And that was to kill a certain prisoner.

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