The First in a long time

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A 7 year old raven haired kid sat on a swing as no one seemed to be around and he was all alone. He never really minds that he was alone, he even thanks For for it. Although, sometimes the loneliness can just get into his mind, he longs for someone to at least come and say something to him. The raven doesn't say it out loud though, it would be a blow to the pride.

As if someone heard his distress, a tiny finger tapped on his shoulder "u-umm sir... Why are you lonely?" A shy and cute voice said from behind him.

Turning around, the raven sees a kid that has brown spiky hair, big doe like brown eyes, and was smaller than him.. he looked like a 5 year old.

The raven was only silent as he stared and analyzed the brunette that was standing there.

"S-sir?" The brunet tried to get a response from the raven and he did get a response.

A glare.

The brunet took a step back as he was now afraid, the kid in front of him was glaring at him darkly, asking him to go away.

But building up his courage, he stayed there.

"What do you want?" The raven growled at the brunet at which it received a flinch.

"W-well... Y-you looked lonely, so I d-decided that m-maybe we c-could p-play together... And m-my name is Tsunayoshi, b-but you can call me T-Tsuna!" The brunette stuttered and closed his eyes shut as he didn't want to see another glare from the raven.

Although right now, the raven was stunned and amazed as the brunet that was in front of him was brave enough to stay.

"And besides..... I don't have friends..." The brunet then stated with tears about to fall from his eyes..

The raven was once again stunned, this cute little boy had no friends? Ha! He must be joking.


At hearing those words, Tsuna beamed and looked at the raven with wonder.

"Thank you! U-umm what's your name sir?" Tsuna asked with those innocent eyes.

"..... Renato..." The raven was hesitant but gave the brunet his name.. it wouldn't be so bad now would it.

"Well, even though I already said my name, my name is Tsunayoshi, but you can call me Tsuna!" Tsuna cheerfully said and smiled widely at Renato.

For a long time, Renato felt warmness in his heart again.

They played for what feels like hours and it was mostly hide and seek but Renato always seems to find Tsuna.

It's not hard if you can see a mop of brown spiky hair sticking up from the bushes.

"It was fun Renato! But how do you always find me?" Tsuna then pouted as he brainstormed as to how in the world he was found for like 10 times in a row.

Renato then smiled at Tsuna and patted his head which Tsuna gladly nuzzled into.

"Tsu-kun~!" A sweet voice shouted from the entrance of the park.

Both kids turned around to see a lady with brown hair and brown doe like eyes... It must be the mother.

"Tsu-kun we have to go~ The plane might leave us!" She shouted and Tsuna hesitated if he should go or not, he found his first ever friend and now he was leaving...

Renato looked impassive outside but inside he was depressed and wanted to just grab the brunet and never let him go.

"Where are you going...?" Renato asked with a small hint of sadness, he didn't want Tsuna to go.

"Mama said that we were going to move to Japan and live there... At first I thought nothing about it but.. now that I met my first friend, I don't want to go.." Tsuna said with tears about to fall from his eyes.

Leave? He didn't want to.. he had something very important here in Italy, but he guessed that it was only temporary..

Without hesitation Renato then hugged Tsuna and whispered into his ear.

Tsuna looked at him with tears in his eyes. "Promise?"


And with that Tsuna then ran to his mother. With the promise Renato told him.

'Don't worry, we'll meet again. Wherever you are... I will find you. So don't worry'


Hey guys, Rule here.

This is the edited version of Wherever you are, so if you do like this version of it, please do comment if you want this to continue.

Sorry for the long wait and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

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