nine. night at the orpheum

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chapter nine!

night at the orpheum!

JULIE WAS CURRENTLY IN HER GARAGE, WAITING FOR THE BOYS to get back.  Andy entered the room, "Hey, Molina.  I got your text.  What's up?"

"I'm waiting for the band to come back.  We're trying to get a gig tonight."  Andy smiled, "I'm sure you guys are going to get it."

"Are you just saying that because you're my boyfriend or do you actually mean it?"

"I mean it, sunshine. You and your band is amazing and you guys deserve the recognition."

"Aw, that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me." Julie stated, holding his hand. "I've said nice things to you before."

"Really? You have?"

"I've called you pretty, I've cheered you on, I've stood up for you. Do you want me to go on?"

"No. I think I got it, grumpy." The boys eventually returned, seen by Julie but not Andy. "Oh my gosh! What took you guys so long? Did Willie do it? Did you talk to them? Did they watch? Did they like us? Are we playing? Someone answer! Why's no one talking?" she rambled, causing Andy to gently squeeze her hand. "Molina, breathe. Breathe."

"You two are holding hands? That's new." Reggie stated. Long story short, Julie's phone rang as the girl cheered. Clearing her throat, she answered it. "Oh! Um... hello?"

"Hi, this is Tasha from the Orpheum in Hollywood. Is this Julie of Julie and the Phantoms?"

"Yes, it is."

"Hi. Are you available to open for us tonight?"

"Yeah, totally."


"Thank you so much." Julie ended the call, wearing a wide grin.  "We're doing it!"  Julie jumped up and down, causing Andy to pick her up and spin her around.  "See? I knew you guys would get it."

"Yeah, you did.  I'm guessing it comes with the whole boyfriend package?"

"It does.  Also hugs, kisses, and having great hair is a plus."  Julie rolled her eyes, kissing his cheek.  "You do have great hair, Ramirez.  But I just want to talk to the band for a few minutes."

"Sounds good.  So see you at the Orpheum?"

"See you at the Orpheum."  As Andy left the garage, he wore a smile.  He was happy that Julie was his girlfriend.  She was really sweet, pretty, an amazing singer, and ignored the rumors about him.  At first, he thought that she'd be scared to ever talk to the boy.  But she was just curious, wanting to know about him.  He didn't think she'd have such an impact on him until she entered his life.

NIGHT FELL AS JULIE WAS IN HER DRESSING ROOM, waiting for the show to start.  "Hey, Julie, I've got your roadies."

"Come in." The man opened the door, allowing Andy, Paula, and Flynn inside. "Holograms are good to go, boss."

"Plus, the stage lights are brighter than ever." Paula added. "Best roadies ever."

"I'll be back in a few minutes to walk you to the stage."

"Thanks, Rob." Once he left the room, Flynn and Paula showed Julie their VIP passes. "You see this backstage pass? I had sushi with Brandon Urie!"

"And I got to eat filet mignon with Ariana Grande! Ariana Grande!"

"Good for you, guys. I threw up in the car on the way over here."

"Vomit and car rides don't mix well. But you look good, Molina."

"Thanks, grumpy."

"Yeah, you look amazing, Jules."

"I need my jacket to be as bedazzled as yours. It's so pretty!" Flynn looked around the room, "The guys are here, right?"

"I haven't seen them."

"If they bail on you again, I have some words I'd like to say to them. And they aren't going to be pretty."

"You're joking, right?"

"Oh, no. He's being serious, Julie. I've never seen a fifth grader say so many words to a person before." Hours later, it was time for Julie to perform. "Something's wrong. The boys were getting those jolts pretty bad when I was leaving. And they wouldn't stand me up again. They must've run out of time." Paula gave her a side hug, "I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry, Jules."


"They didn't cross over. They're gone. And I didn't even get to say goodbye." she said through sobs. The girl ran out of the room, causing the three friends to be worried. "Where is she going? Andy, go check on her for me." The boy ran in her direction, walking out into the alleyway. "Julie? Julie?" Andy noticed her standing, shouting at the sky. She turned around, tears in her eyes.

"Come here." Julie gave him a hug as she sobbed into his shoulder. "I just thought they'd have a bit more time left. I thought my mom sent them to me as a sign. Maybe I was wrong."

"Molina, you aren't wrong about that. That band made you alive again and I think you should show that on that stage. Even though they're gone, I don't think they'd want you to not perform." Julie wore a small smile, "I guess you're right. Sorry for staining your shirt."

"It's okay. I have a spare one that I can wear." The two eventually broke the hug, noticing a woman with a bouquet of dahlias. She handed one to her, making the girl smile.  Andy and Julie went back inside, going backstage.  "Signs." Julie walked onstage, causing Paula, Andy, and Flynn to cheer.

"Hi. I'm Julie. Um... Tonight, I'd like to dedicate this song to my mom, who's been there with me every time I've played. And thank her for... not giving up on me. I'd also like to dedicate tonight's performance to... three special friends... who have changed my life completely, who have brought music back to me. It was their dream to play here, and... this is for them. This song is for anyone who's lost their way. Step into your greatness. Don't give up. Stand tall. Thank you."  As Julie started to sing, she glanced at him, smiling.  Andy waved at her, causing Paula and Flynn to roll their eyes.  "You two are so cute, it's sickening."

"Yeah, plus, where's our thank you? We predicted you two would get together." Flynn stated.  "Fine.  Thank you."

"You're welcome."  Suddenly, Alex appeared on stage, playing the drums.  Reggie followed suit, playing his guitar.  Luke, however, was struggling to get onstage.  After multiple attempts, he finally managed to appear.  Julie and Luke sang together, making the crowd go wild.  Their performance eventually came to a close as the audience cheered.  The boys disappeared as Julie waved and blew kisses to the crowd.

The Molinas and the Ramirez siblings returned home, dancing with excitement.  As Delia, Carlos, and Ray went inside, Julie and Andy stood in front of the garage.  "I'll be right back, Ramirez.  I just..."

"You just want to say goodbye to the band.  I know, sunshine.  I'll wait out here for you."  Julie smiled, opening the doors.  A few minutes later, she jogged over to him.  "Andy, there's something you need to see."  Grabbing his hand, she leads him inside.  His eyes widened as Reggie, Alex, and Luke waved to him.  "These are your band mates? How can I see them?"

"I don't know.  We did a group hug and now they're free from an evil ghost's curse."

"Well, it's nice to meet you guys.  Also, if you guys bail on her again at a show, I'll-"

"We know, we know.  I heard you talking to Julie the other day." Reggie stated, causing the other two bandmates to facepalm themselves.  "You had one job, Reggie.  One job." Alex complained.

"What? At least he knows."  Julie laughed, pulling him away from the boys.  "I don't think I'm gonna get used to them."

"Trust me, I feel the same way."  As they headed inside for dinner, Andy couldn't help but smile.  He and Julie were finally together and nothing was going to change that.  For he would always be the moon to her sun.

Maya Speaks 💫:

They're so adorable 😭 the way Andy cares about her so much is so sweet like the way he went from being super grumpy to being super soft around her needs to be studied

Reggie knowing that Andy would curse him and the band out if they ever ditched Julie is so older sibling core 😭

It's canon that Reggie, Alex, and Luke would be TIRED of seeing them together every damn day 💀 Luke would definitely be like "get a room PLEASE"

But the story isn't over yet! One more chapter to go!

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