two. julie and her hologram boy band

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chapter two!

julie and her hologram boy band!

ANDY WANTED TO TURN INVISIBLE AS CARRIE WAS PRACTICING WITH HER GROUP, wishing he was doing anything else.  The girl was very bossy when it came to her shows and he found it really annoying.  Change the color, I don't like the way the background looks, blah blah blah.  If he heard her complain one more time, he was going to lose it.

"Andy, focus.  We need this show to go well." the manager told him, causing the boy to roll his eyes.  As he pulled the switches, Carrie walked backstage.  "Could I have something with a little more pizzazz? I think I look really washed out with the lighting."

"This is a stage, not your personal ring light." Andy muttered under his breath, earning a look from Carrie. "What did you just say to me, emo boy?"

"I am not emo and I didn't say anything. I'm working on the lights right now."

"Well, try harder, okay?" Carrie stated with a fake smile as she brushed past him.

This was going to be a long day.

Lunch eventually came as Andy sat next to Paula in the cafeteria. "Hey, dude. So how was working with the ice princess?"

"I was very close to quitting so it didn't go well. Do you think I'm emo?" Paula stopped eating her sandwich, giving him a very confused look. "No. Why?"

"Carrie called me an emo boy. I'm not even sad or anything."

"She was probably just trying to get under your skin, dude. Plus, she calls people worse things."

"Unfortunately." Meanwhile, Julie and Flynn were eating lunch as well as Julie told Flynn what happened last night. "Let me get this straight, he was nice to you?"

"Yes, Flynn. Maybe he isn't as bad as people think he is." Paula looked at Andy in shock. "You were nice to her? Wow, that's surprising."

"It was a one time thing, Paula.  Plus, it's not like she remembers me."

"Hey." Julie stated, waving at him as a few kids stared at them.  The boy sent her a small wave, whispers filled the room.  "Since when did Julie know that weirdo?" one student asked, earning a few nods from their friends.  "She's a nice girl.  She shouldn't be hanging out with him.  He's really mean."

"Paula, I'll be right back." Andy stated as he walked out of the cafeteria.  Julie stood up, following him outside. 

"HEY, WAIT." The boy turned around, looking at her.  "I didn't know people would say those things."

"They say stuff about me all the time.  I've gotten used to it." he said with a shrug.  "You should probably not be around me.  As they said, I'm really mean and you're nice.  It'll just make things worse."  Julie gently grabbed his arm, stopping him.  "I want to be around you, I mean we're neighbors.  Plus, I don't know you that well and you don't know me that well so we could get to know each other better?"

"Is that a question or are you suggesting something?" Andy asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "I'm suggesting something.  I don't care what people think about you, they don't really know you anyways.  So what do you say?"  Julie gave him a sincere smile, causing the boy to sigh.  "Fine.  I'll tell you stuff about me and you'll do the same."

"Sounds great.  Do you feel better now?"

"I guess.  Those are just stupid rumors that people make.  I try not to think about them too much."  Julie looked at him, still smiling.  "You're staring at me again."

"I really need to stop doing that.  So see you later..."

"You really need to start remembering my name.  It's Andy."

"See you later, Andy."

"See you later, Julie."  Julie smiled, earning a look from Andy.  "What?"

"You remembered my name."

"Your name is not that hard to forget.  Yet you keep forgetting mine."  Julie rolled her eyes, "I'm sorry about that.  Maybe if I see you next time, I won't need reminding."  As the girl walked away from him, he quickly caught up with her.  "By the way, I'm staying over at your house for a few hours later.  My sister has a longer shift so she's coming home really late."

"Well, I hope you like the taste of my aunt's pasteles and arroz con pollo because that's what we're having for dinner at my house."

"That sounds really good."

"Just wait until you taste it.  It's so good!" As Julie rambled about her aunt's cooking, the boy couldn't help but nod.  As the two walked back into the cafeteria, Paula watched from afar.

She had a feeling they would have something special. She just didn't know when it would happen.

THE SHOWCASE WAS STARTING, LEAVING ANDY TO HANDLE EVERYTHING backstage. "Lights?" his manager asked. "Check."






"How many times am I going to say check? Everything is here." The manager rolled his eyes, "Good. I don't want you and Carrie fighting like this morning. Otherwise, she would make me kick you out."

"Fine, I'll try." As Carrie and her group walked on the stage, Andy turned up the volume, much to his dismay. While the performance was going on, he noticed Flynn and Julie in the crowd. Paula was there too, giving him a small wave.

After what seemed like forever, Carrie was finally done performing.  As the show came to an end, Julie walked onto the stage towards a keyboard.   She sat down, looking at Flynn who gave her a thumbs up.  "What is she doing?" Paula asked.  "You'll see."

Julie started to sing a song called Bright, causing the audience to stop moving.  The girl glanced at Andy, who shined the stage lights onto her.  Out of nowhere, three boys played instruments, making the crowd go wild.   "Your friend is amazing!" Paula stated.  "I know! I think she has a thing for your friend."

"So I'm not the only one who sees it."  As Julie sang the last note, the audience cheered.  There was just one question: who were the boys that played with her and where did they go?

"Uh... their holograms! I'd explain it but it would require a lot of work and effort so yeah." Julie stated as the crowd started to leave.  As the girl walked off the stage, Paula and Flynn came up to her.  "You were great, Julie."

"Your voice is pretty powerful."  Andy took things off the stage, packing up to leave.  As the boy came from backstage, he walked over to the girl.  "You sounded really good.  That was better than whatever Carrie was doing."

"Really? Thank you... Andy! Thank you, Andy."

"You finally remembered my name."

"Yeah, I did.  Anyways, we should start leaving if we want to make it to my house."

"Wait, Julie.  Could you guys give us a minute?" Flynn said, earning a nod from Paula and Andy. 


"For who?"

"Julie.  I mean, have you seen the way she looks at you?"

"She stared at me a few times already.  What does this have to do with her liking me?"

"My poor, poor Andy.  You'll know eventually.  Anyways, have fun with Julie!" As Paula walked away from him, Andy scoffed.  He didn't have a crush on Julie, Paula was just saying stuff! Julie looked pretty sad as she came out of the auditorium, changing her demeanor when she saw him.  "Hey, Andy.  We can go to my house now."

"Are you okay?"  Julie wore a tight smile, "I'm fine."

"What's actually wrong?"  Julie sighed, "Me and Flynn got into a fight.  She's mad at me for not telling her about the guys I was playing with earlier."

"Who are they anyways?"

"Their gh- from Sweden! They're pretty cool actually."

"Maybe Flynn will forgive you.  Just give her some time to think about it."

"I might.  When were you so good at giving advice?"

"I'm not.  Can we go now? I'm starting to get hungry."  Julie smiled, "Wow, someone's in a mood today."

"I'm always in a mood."

"Really? I never noticed."


"I was just joking, Andy.  I'm messing with you."  Julie stated with a laugh, causing the boy to scoff.  "I knew that."

"Did you really though?"  As they walked away from the school, Sunset Curve appeared.  "Hey, that's Julie." Reggie stated, pointing at the girl.  "Yeah, wait... that's the guy from yesterday." Luke said.  "Him and Julie seem to have something going on."

"You guys notice it too? She had this weird look in her eyes when she stared at him last night."  The boys pooled back to the garage, waiting to ask Julie some questions.

Andy entered the Molina's household, only to see a young boy walking up to him. "Who are you?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Julie smiled, "Carlos, this is Andy. Andy, this is my younger brother, Carlos."

"Is he your boyfriend? It's about time you started dating somebody." Julie stood there shocked while Andy cleared his throat. "No, Carlos. I'm not her boyfriend."

"Yeah and you're way too young to be interested in my love life. I'll be right back, Andy." Julie stated, heading upstairs. That left him alone with Carlos, causing the boy to look at him. "Do you know how to play baseball?"

"Kind of... why?"

"Can you play with me? Please?" Carlos asked, earning an eye roll from Andy. "Fine." With that, the younger boy grabbed his arm, leading him to the backyard. "Hi, Mr. Molina. Bye, Mr. Molina." Andy said to the older man, earning a wave from him.

Meanwhile, Julie was in her room with the boys. "What are you doing in my room?"

"This isn't the kitchen. We'll be leaving right now."

"Who was the guy you were with?" Luke asked, causing Julie to scoff. "He's a classmate of mine. Why?"

"It seems like our Julie has a little crush on him." Luke teased as the other two band mates nodded in agreement. "I do not."

"Oh, Andy. I keep looking at you because I have a big crush on you." Reggie said in a high pitched voice, causing Julie to throw a pillow at him. "Ha, you missed."

"Out!" The boys left the room with a laugh, leaving a very annoyed Julie alone.

TIME HAD PASSED AS ANDY SAT AT THE TABLE, ready to eat. The family of three held hands, causing Andy to furrow his brows. "We're about to pray." Julie whispered. Julie's hand touched his, noticing that they were very warm. As Ray said a prayer, Andy closed his eyes. "Your turn, Carlos."

"Thank you for Tia Victoria's cooking and Andy coming over. He's an awesome pitcher." Julie opened one of her eyes, smiling at Andy. "Would you like to say anything, Andy?"

"Um... thank you for the delicious food Julie told me about and the Molinas hospitality... Amen."

"Amen." As they ate their food, Ray wore a small smile. "So, Andy. Carlos tells me that you're dating Julie." The said boy coughed, quickly drinking water. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You're dating Julie."

"I'm not going out with her, Mr. Molina. Sorry for the confusion." Julie kicked Carlos under the table, causing the younger boy to glare at her.

After dinner, Carlos forced Julie and Andy to watch a movie with him. The boy had quickly fallen asleep, noticed by Andy. "I'll be right back." Julie stated, picking Carlos up. "Bye, Andy." the younger boy tiredly whispered. "Bye, Carlos."

Once Carlos was in his room, Julie and Andy started walking to his house. "I'm really sorry about my dad and my brother. Carlos shouldn't have said that stuff."

"It was a bit funny, actually. They really care about you."

"Yeah, they do. Did you like my aunt's food though?"

"It was amazing. I might need some leftovers to take home next time."

"You're welcome to come over anytime. I'll just remember to remind my dad next time." As Andy knocked on the door, it flung open, revealing Delia. "Hey, Andy. And you're Julie, right?"

"Yes, that's me. Hi, Andy's sister." she answered with a wave. "Thank you for letting him stay over for a few hours. He wasn't causing any trouble, was he?"

"Del!" Andy exclaimed, earning a laugh from his sister. "No, he wasn't. He's actually good at playing baseball, at least that's what I heard from my brother."

"Yeah, he used to play it when he was younger. But it was nice meeting you, Julie."

"And it was nice meeting you too..."


"It was nice meeting you too, Delia. But I should head home now, it's really late. See you tomorrow, Andy!"

"Bye, Julie." As the boy went inside, Delia gave him a small smile. "She's really nice."

"For the last time, Del, I'm not pursuing her."

"Hey, it could happen. Anyways, how was spending your time with the Molinas?"

"It was good... when I got there..." As Andy spoke, Delia noticed a small smile on his face. He didn't smile a lot but it seemed like Julie had an effect on him.

He just didn't know it yet.

Maya Speaks 💫:

CAUSE I'M A CREEP I'M A WEIRDOOOO (I haven't heard the original but I have heard it from the Book of Life and it SLAPS - also the Book of Life is so underrated I love it sm)

More Andy and Julie moments WOOOO 🥰 He thought she sounded good YAYYY

Julie was staring at him again omg 😭 like girly why do you keep doing that (guys I genuinely don't know why she keeps doing that, I literally didn't even plan out this book 💀)

The way the boys kept teasing her about Andy needs to be studied bc it's actually super funny 😭 like they know that she likes him but she's just oblivious 😭

But stay tuned for more updates!!

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