Arrival at Camp Half-Blood

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original characters are no in the book*

Chapter 4: Arrival at Camp Half-Blood

The ride in Mari's SUV felt like it lasted an eternity. Adrien was still grappling with the revelation that he was a demigod and that monsters were real. His thoughts swirled in a chaotic mess as he stared out the window, watching the scenery change from familiar suburban streets to dense forests and rolling hills.

Mari drove in tense silence, her hands gripping the steering wheel with determination. Adrien glanced at her occasionally, trying to gauge if she was as calm as she appeared. Her dark hair was pulled back in a practical ponytail, and her eyes, though focused on the road, occasionally flicked toward him with a look of concern.

"How long until we get there?" Adrien asked, trying to break the silence.

Mari's gaze remained on the road. "Not long. We're almost there. Camp Half-Blood is hidden from mortal eyes, so it's not on any map. It's protected by magic."

Adrien frowned. "So, how does it stay hidden? And why didn't you just tell me all this back at the coffee shop?"

Mari's expression softened slightly. "It's complicated. The camp is surrounded by enchantments that prevent mortals from seeing it or finding it by accident. As for why I didn't tell you earlier—well, I didn't have the chance. Things were moving too fast."

Adrien nodded slowly, though he still felt overwhelmed. His mind raced with questions, but he decided to wait until they arrived. He couldn't shake the feeling that everything he thought he knew about the world was crumbling around him, and he wasn't sure how to handle it all.

The SUV rounded a final bend, and Adrien saw a large, wrought-iron gate up ahead. The gate was ornate, with intricate designs of mythical creatures and symbols etched into the metal. It seemed out of place in the middle of the forest.

Mari slowed the vehicle and rolled down her window, leaning out slightly to speak into a small intercom system next to the gate. "It's Mari. I've got a new arrival here."

The gate creaked open, revealing a wide, tree-lined driveway that led to a sprawling estate. Adrien's eyes widened as they drove through the entrance. The camp was nothing like he had imagined. It was a vibrant, bustling place with a mix of modern and ancient elements. Cabins with Greek-style columns and banners lined the central area, and demigods trained with swords and bows in the open fields.

As Mari parked the SUV, Adrien's head spun with the sheer scale of what he was seeing. A mix of young people with various weaponry, some practicing archery, others sparring with swords. The camp had a sense of organized chaos that was both exhilarating and intimidating.

Mari turned to Adrien with a reassuring smile. "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. Let's get you settled in."

Adrien followed Mari out of the vehicle, feeling a mix of anxiety and curiosity. As they walked toward the main area, a tall, athletic girl with striking blue eyes and an authoritative presence approached them. She had short, wavy hair and wore a blue Camp Half-Blood t-shirt that marked her as a leader.

"Hey, Mari. Who's this?" the girl asked, her gaze shifting to Adrien.

"This is Adrien," Mari introduced. "He's a new arrival. We need to get him to the Big House to meet Chiron and the others."

The girl gave Adrien a nod of acknowledgment. "I'm Thalia Grace, head counselor of the Hunters of Artemis. I'll show you to the Big House. Follow me."

Adrien nodded, trying to keep up with the rapid pace. Thalia led them through the camp, pointing out various locations along the way. The place was a blend of ancient Greece and modern conveniences. He saw a large pavilion that served as the dining hall, cabins named after Greek gods, and a campfire pit where campers gathered in the evenings.

As they approached the Big House, Adrien's eyes were drawn to its imposing structure. It was a large, Victorian-style mansion with a wraparound porch and a sprawling lawn. It looked like something out of an old fantasy novel.

Thalia led them up the stairs and into the foyer, where they were greeted by an older man with a stern, yet kind face. He was tall and had an air of authority about him. Beside him stood a centaur with a calm, dignified demeanor.

"Chiron, this is Adrien," Thalia said. "Mari brought him in."

Chiron, the centaur, stepped forward with a warm smile. "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, Adrien. I'm Chiron, the camp's activities director and trainer. It's good to meet you."

Adrien shook Chiron's hand, still feeling a bit dazed. "Thanks. I... I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this."

Chiron nodded understandingly. "It's a lot to take in. We'll give you some time to adjust. For now, let's get you settled and introduce you to the camp."

Mari and Thalia guided Adrien through the Big House, showing him where he would be staying and explaining some of the camp's rules and routines. The inside of the Big House was surprisingly cozy, with comfortable furniture and a sense of homeliness that Adrien hadn't expected.

As they walked, Adrien noticed a group of campers gathered around a large map of the camp, discussing something with intense concentration. They glanced up as Adrien passed, their curiosity evident.

"Don't worry about them," Thalia said with a chuckle. "They're just figuring out their training schedules. Everyone's always busy around here."

After a brief tour, Mari left Adrien with Chiron and Thalia. "I need to check on a few things," she said. "I'll catch up with you later."

Chiron led Adrien to a room with a simple but comfortable setup. "This will be your cabin for now. It's a temporary arrangement until we determine your permanent cabin assignment based on your godly parent."

Adrien nodded, taking in the space. It had a bed, a small desk, and a window with a view of the camp. It wasn't much, but it was better than he had expected.

Chiron looked at him with a reassuring smile. "We'll have a few discussions in the morning about your training and orientation. For tonight, try to get some rest."

Adrien thanked Chiron and settled into his new room. As he lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, he couldn't help but reflect on the whirlwind of events that had brought him here. His whole world had turned upside down, and he was now part of a world he had never imagined existed.

The sound of distant laughter and the crackling of the campfire outside provided a strange comfort. Adrien closed his eyes, trying to find some peace amidst the chaos. Tomorrow would bring new challenges and revelations, but for tonight, he allowed himself a moment of respite, embracing the uncertain future that lay ahead.

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