Chapter 5: On Our Way

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"I had amnesia before I hit your vehicle."

The words repeatedly circle inside my head, a endless cycle of letters bouncing within my brain as it attempts to make sense of them.

I stare straight ahead, my right eye unconsciously twitching as my hands flex against the steering wheel.

Deep breath in. Slowly exhale.

Be calm. You are calm.

I plaster a smile across my lips, turning my head to look over at Casey. "Eh hem, Casey." The smile hardens.

"What the hell does that mean?!" I explode, banging my fist against the wheel as I blow another deep breath out.

"So you didn't have the slightest inkling that maybe, just maybe you should've mentioned this to me before I helped you and let you into my home?!"

Casey leans forward in his seat, clasping his hands over his ears and the back of his head as his back rises and falls quicker than my own. Eyes tightly shut.

"I'm sorry, really I am." Casey mutters just loud enough for me to hear, slightly rocking back and forth in his seat, each word sounding strained.

I can't help but suddenly feel a little concerned at his sudden change in behavior.

No Nora! Don't feel anything for this lying, conniving guy. Ignore your instincts!

"I didn't plan for any of this to happen." He breathes, his voice rough and raw. "I'm honestly just as confused as you are about this whole thing. I didn't know what to do."

It grows quiet, only the sound of both our breaths filling the confide space.

Alright Nora, control and cool. You are cool and controlled. You will not let fear and feelings twist your mind to the point you can't think.

Count to five. Bring yourself back down to earth.

I keep my eyes on the road, my mind on autopilot as it navigates the familiar streets. I press on the radio button, instantly feeling relief as my usual calming music starts up in the background.

Rolling my shoulders, I blow a piece of hair out from my eye, index finger ticking away on the wheel.

"So what then?" I feel Casey's eyes land on me in confusion, his head tilting up from its downward position.

I shrug. "What's the last thing you remember then if it's apparently not hitting me?" I carelessly toss my arm to the side. "Or can you not tell me for some reason?"

He stays silent for a moment, then he glances up through the front window shield, a breath of air seeming to get stuck in his throat.

"Waking up in a deserted room - underground, up....there."

I look towards where he's staring at, a look of bewilderment growing across my face.

The mountain I drive around practically every other day sits to the left, a forest of pine trees dotting each and every spot, snow covering it, dark and looming despite the morning light.

I slow down, quickly glancing over at him to show my skepticism. "Up there on Pine ridge reservation? Where it's been sealed off for years - as-in no trespassing?"

His head bobs in a slow nod, his throat moving in a thick swallow.

How'd he even know it was that specific mountain?

Well, that is the only obvious mountain within a hundred miles. Soooo.

"You're telling me you just randomly woke up - in a deserted room, there on top of Pine ridge reservation without a single memory?" I raise an eyebrow up, glancing back at the looming mountain.

He stays silent, letting me answer myself.

I deflate, leaning back in my seat. "I can't believe this is happening." I mumble to myself, running a hand down my face.

So what, he's some sort of live experiment like Wolverine or something crazy like that?

I glance over at the now ruined door handle next to him, a few other odd happenings flashing across my eyes.

Okay. For some reason it kinda makes sense in a weird, strange kinda way.

Peculiar suit guys with guns, amnesiac hottie that has a few abnormal quirks, running for our lives.

Yeah, I'm screwed.

"Alright, say I believe you." I huff a breath out. "It's not like all this hasn't already happened." I mutter to myself.

"If you - oddly enough, woke up in a abandoned room underground the Pine ridge reservation building that's up on the mountain, then what now?" I look over at him.

"What now if you don't remember anything at all?" I repeat. "How do you even know your name for Petes sake?"

He stares straight out the window, jaw tight.

"Casey Cyril."

My head swings back over at him, his hand now up at his throat. "Huh?"

"Casey Cyril, it's engraved on one of the tags I'm wearing." He lightly shrugs, dropping his hand. "And it just feels right to me." He elaborates.

I make a face. "Okay, Casey Cyril. So we know your 'supposed' name," he frowns. "but what are we supposed to do now?" I urge.

"Agnes Alf." Casey looks out the side window, eyes searching.

I furrow my brows. So now he's just tossing out names? "What about a Ralf?" I make a strained face. "Who's that? I thought you couldn't remember anything." I almost cross my arms, mentally scolding myself for almost actually doing it.

Two hands on the wheel Nora.

"Beats me, all I know is his name was on a old piece of paper I glimpsed before I....left the building. It has a familiar, almost important....ring to it also." He places his elbow on the window, leaning his head against it.

"We need to find him."

Yeah, go with the gut feeling. Like that always works....Not. But hey, what else is there to loose?

"Oh what the heck. Fine." I begrudgingly agree, grinding my teeth together like it physically hurt me to say it.

"So where is this Agnes Alf, huh?" I question.

He keeps his head turned away. "New York."

Of course.

My eye ticks a few more times, hands tightening around the wheel once again. "Right, because it just couldn't be simple for once."

I glance around my Jeep, already knowing what needs to be done.

"But if we're going all incognito like in the movies, we're first going to need a new ride - as sad is it makes me." I sigh, patting my dashboard like a pet dog.

Time to go collect a old promise.

"And I know just where to get one."

*Time Skip*

"Rod, would I practically be begging you on my knees if I wasn't serious? I need your help."

We're now at the edge of town, currently in a old garage shop that's littered with more junk pieces than usable ones.


Rod stares at me from over the open car engine, face expressionless as he looks my face over.

Rod and I met last year in high school and he owes me a favor, a big one. Lets just say he was failing almost all his senior classes, and I volunteered to tutor him of my own free will.

Ended up he passed his last few exams - after long stressful studying hours, going on to tell me that whenever I need something, he'll comply without a fuss.

Turns out he's not budging as easily as I'd hoped.

His chocolate brown arms flex as he lifts them up to rub a rag over a engine piece, eyes moving down to his hands.

"Are you in some sort of trouble, Nora?' His eyes glance over to the small parking lot out front, landing on Casey who's currently leaning up against my parked Jeep, arms crossed over his chest, baseball cap head bent down.

He looks kinda like a gangster if I'm being honest.

I shake my head, blowing a breath out. "Believe me Rod, if I knew, I'd tell you. But I can't, and I'm asking you to trust me and not ask questions I can't answer." I ramble out, probably sounding desperate by now.

He looks back up at me, lips pursed as he thinks. "Fine." He slowly agrees. "Though I don't approve."

I smile, walking around the engine as I wrap him up in a quick hug. "Thank you." I whisper, stepping back.

He lets a low laugh out. "Don't thank me yet." He places the objects in his hands down, walking to a shelf in the corner.

"I was saving her for something else, but since you need her I guess that's more important." He opens a drawer, pulling something out.

"She's a little rough around the edges, transmission needed a little more work, but I think she'll work well enough." He dangles a pair of keys in front of my face.

I reach out to grab them, only for him to pull them back.

"First tell me you're going to be safe and that you're coming back from wherever you're going?" He raise an eyebrow up, concern deep in his dark almond eyes despite his tough and rugged looks.

Like a whole other big brother. Except he's nicer.

He glances back out at Casey, face going grave as he seems to suddenly think of something. "You're not like pregnant are you? Because if so, that's no reason-"

I cut him off, feeling my cheeks heat up as my brain registers his words. "Woah, woah, woah." I make the time out sign with my hands. "Just stop right there mister." I place my right hand on my forehead.

"First, to answer that questions; No, I'm not pregnant. And second, I'm planning on coming back. I better be." I correct.

A hint of relief fills his face, his hand moving back up,

I snatch the keys from him, a triumphant smile on my face as I give him another hug.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I look up in his face. "Though I don't know how long this will take to sort out. So if my family gets in contact with you, tell them I love them and I'll be home shortly." I feel a tear sting my eye, threatening to break free.

He obviously wants to question me further, but simply nods, a small smile twitching at the corner of his mouth.

"Besides, if anyone can figure a problem out, it's Nora Miler." He pats my shoulder with his large hand, his smile more comforting to me than he could ever guess.

I take a step back, preparing to leave. Though I don't want to.

"And hey, if anyone asks about me - besides my family, don't tell them anything." I instruct, dead serious.

He gives me a playful salute. "Yes, ma'am." He takes a step back before his face lights up.

"Oh, and I wouldn't recommend getting pulled over." He states. "Those tags aren't exactly legit." He hints, winking.

I roll my eyes, turning around. "Right, like I'd expect anything else from you." I throw over my shoulder, tucking my cold hands in my pockets.

"Ouch girl, that hurts my heart." I hear the laughter in his voice, a tinge of sadness hitting my heart.

If only this was a normal day.

I laugh. "See ya, Rod. Thanks again." I wave back at him, stepping onto the snow covered ground.

"She's out back, and good luck with.....whatever you're doing!" He yells up at me, resuming his work.

Ah, that's a real friend for you. One that won't question you when you need their help.

I pass Casey who's still in the same position, merely glancing up at me as I head for the trunk of my Jeep.

My poor Jeep. My Jeep that Rod is now going to discard for me.

I feel like crying. Again.

"Who was that?" Casey questions, and I can't help but hint a small amount of jealousy from those three simple words.


I shrug, shouldering my guitar before grabbing the backpack of measly supplies. "A old friend I knew in high school." I clarify, shutting the trunk as I head towards the back of the small, rundown shop.

  He grows quiet - big surprise, following behind me.

I stop once I reach my destination, waisting no time to pull the old and warn tarp off the covered vehicle.

Hopefully I'm getting the right one. This place is full of them.

My eyes widen in wonder as they land on the shiny, dark blue 1967 Ford Mustang. A black racing line down the side.

I know a few things about cars. Remember, mechanical dad here?

I run my hand over the smooth coat of paint that's over the hood, a unconscious smile growing across my lips.

So maybe this won't be as bad as I thought. Though I'll still miss my Jeep.

Breaking myself out of my trance I hadn't even realized I'd gone into, I pop open the drivers side door - one of the two, pressing the trunk button to pop the trunk.

Placing my guitar in the trunk and shutting it, I then take my place behind the wheel, tossing the backpack back in what little space there is back there.

Alright, time to go-

I cut my thoughts off as I notice Casey isn't inside the car yet, instead he's simply standing next to it like he's lost on planet mars.

Leaning over, I open his door. "What are you waiting for? Supper?" I irritably yell out to him, jerking myself back in my seat.

"Get in!" I run both my hands down my face, recounting to five.

Casey slowly turns around so he's facing the passenger side door, cautiously sitting himself down in the seat.

Tense as all get out.

I frown at him before rolling my eyes at myself.

I don't care a freaking pickle about him. Lets just go.

He shuts his door, moving to buckle his own seatbelt after I do mine.

Ah, so someone is learning.

Placing the key in the engine, I'm instantly relieved when the powerful engine starts up. Meaning this is the correct vehicle.

I switch it to the right gear, turning it towards the driveway out of here. Rod waving bye in the rear view mirror as we disappear.


VOTE! My friends! (I'll update quicker with the more Votes I get. It motivates me.) COMMENT! (Don't be shy!)

Hey peeps, sorry for the late update. I got my wisdom teeth out three days ago, so I'm still recuperating. It wasn't that bad, but I couldn't concentrate enough to write these last three days. The worst day was really the day I had it done, and the day after. I'm on my way to a full recovery!

Though not being able to eat is really a downer.


1.) What are your thoughts on this person's name Casey found/feels is important?

2.) Do you think Casey should've told Nora that he had amnesia before she/he hit the vehicle?

3.) What do you think is going to transpire during this trip to New York? 😏

All this is leading up to something big, I've just got to get it there first!

P.S. Just a little shameless self advertising!

I've got three other books here on Wattpad, (or anywhere really.) On of which is a Action book with superheroes, and two that are Alex Rider FanFics!

1.) Unmasking MidKnight.

2.) After The End.

3.) The Underdog.

I'd appreciate any new readers! Always happy to see some! 😊


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