episode 16: comfort person

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"Hey, Chan..." 

Chan walked out of the elevator, stopping next to me, "How're you doin'?" 

"I'm doing good. Are you well?" 

"Better than ever," he grinned at me, and then paused, perhaps waiting for me to say something. I, on the other hand, was too dumbstruck to say anything, thanks to having been slapped in the face all of a sudden with the opportunity I'd been looking for. I wanted to thank him, and I wanted to do it now, but my lips could barely move. 

"Um, I'll get going then?" he stretched his lips into a straight line, and turned to walk away. 

That was when I heavily inhaled and called after him, "Chan!" 

He turned around, "Yeah?" 

"Have you got a minute?" I asked, thickly gulping. 

Chan walked toward me, "Sure. What happened? 

"I... Did you... You..." I had to gather my thoughts, but that was next to impossible when I was with him. 

"If you're wondering about the credits in the tracklist, then yes, I did it," his smile grew as he continued, "And yes, you deserve it." 

"But I didn't even do anything!" I lightly protested. 

"Come on," his shoulders drooped, "You did the most important thing you could've ever done to me." 

"What is that?" I questioned, eager to know what mattered to him so much. 

"You made me realize that it's okay to dare. And that it's okay to dare to go the extra mile." 

I clearly remembered that he had said the same thing on the day we were recording the backing vocals. And it had been a while but I still hadn't managed to understand what he meant by that. 

"I... don't necessarily understand what you mean by that." 

Chan looked around, and shook his head to the side, as if motioning me to come along with him. I wordlessly followed, knowing that I'd follow him to hell if that was what it took to be with him. We walked into an empty practice room next to Jinyoung's office, and Chan shut the door behind us. My heart rate accelerated automatically, wonderig what he could possibly have meant by that. 

"I'm trusting you with this, Kaira." 

That was enough to make my insides melt; Bang Chan was trusting me, out of all people in the world. 

"You can trust me." 

"Well..." Chan averted his eyes, blinking back tears, "You know Cho Minhee?" 

"Cho Minhee? Ah, one of the backup dancers in your tour?" I questioned, and he slowly nodded. 

"I broke up with her." 

Silence prevailed in the room for a few moments, and I had to take that amount of time to digest the fact that Chan had just broken up with someone. In all honesty, I didn't even know that he had been dating someone, but looking at him holding back his tears, I felt protective of him. I felt the direst urge to comfort him, to tell him that it was okay to feel heartbreak, and that he would be alright. 

"I... I chose myself, Kaira," he hung his head, his hands balled up into fists, which shook vehemently, "She wasn't... she didn't love me. I-I couldn't breathe around her anymore. And she... fuck," his voice broke as tears finally spilled out of his eyes, falling down onto the ground, "She treated me as I was the worst person in the world." 

I had no control over my impulses then. 

I immediately stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his trembling frame, feeling his heartbeat slowing down against my chest, "Hey, listen to me..." 

He sniffled, and I rubbed my hands up and down his back, "I'm so proud of you for choosing yourself, Chan. Not everyone is a good person, and knowing you, I can assure you that you're the best of what I can call a human. She just couldn't see how amazing you are; how pure your heart is."

He cried relentlessly on my shoulder, his arms finally wrapping around me and embracing me tightly. I spoke further, "You deserve someone who loves you more than that. Someone who sees the best and the worst of you, and still loves you for who you are. Someone who is ready to embrace you in every situation. And I know that you are meant to be loved unconditionally. You are that precious, Chan." 

We stood in a tight embrace for a few more minutes -- that could rather last an eternity, but with him being happy instead -- wordlessly, peacefully, comfortably. Chan then parted, wiping his tears off with the sleeves of his shirt, and said in a hoarse voice, 

"Thank you, Kaira. I wish I'd met you sooner." 

I wish I'd met you sooner, too, Chan. 

"I'll always be here, hm? You can confide in me; I promise that I'll always listen." 

A hopeful little smile broke out from the veil of frowns and tears on his face, and he spoke, "You feel like a comfort person." 

"So do you..." I said, a tad embarrassed to have automatically said that as a response, but I truly meant it. 

He chuckled, "I'm glad I met you, even now." 

I had never felt like my life had been more worthwhile. 

(a/n: we all need a person who would tell chan how wonderful he is. that's a need, not a want. 


thanks for reading! i love you!)

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